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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Not too sure Miles had feelings about Leah (or was willing to admit it) when Elijah first started confiding to him. Miles was right he has let Leah down not just once but twice!! How could Leah be sure that nothing else will happen and he'll do it again. Miles and Leah aren't even a proper couple yet as Miles told Elijah they are going to see how it works out. They have been honest with him and you're right Catherine it was wrong of Elijah to confront Miles at school. Liked Roo's advice to Leah about not smiling so much otherwise she'll give the game away. :wink: As an aside how come Elijah has managed to get Jonelle's job at the Homeless Shelter, he's only been there five minutes!! :huh:

Romero had apologised several times to Indi, so now I suppose the ball is in her court as to whether she takes him back. Her face when he told her about Sid's warning was funny, wouldn't want to be in his shoes, she is an adult so can make her own decisions. Her comparing Romero to her dad when she was talking to Roo (and that must have come as a surprise to Roo) was a tad unfair. True he slept with Ruby, once, but when he got off with that other girl (forget her name sorry) they weren't together.

Didn't take long for the parents to kick off did it? The assignment was to only plan a terrorist attack, not actually carry one out! Gina is in a tricky position and may have given it her approval had she been approached first. Liam did tell a couple of porkies about Miles and Gina knowing about it then saying Bianca was OK about it. Not very wise at all getting high just because he had been thwarted, thought Gina let him off pretty lightly just sending him home.

Looks like it will be kicking off in all directions next week with the River Boys and Angelo. :o

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Episode counts this week:Roo was in all five, Colleen didn't appear at all, so that's the three top billed cast members missing.

RedRanger, I've been following your posts for a while now. Could you explain your weekly episode counts? Is there a significance in Roo and Alf appearing in more episdodes than other characters?

Well...that kind of is the significance.It all started way back in the day when I pointed out Alf appeared in more episodes than anyone else and started keeping a weekly tally of how many he was actually in.As a rule, regulars only appear in two or three episodes a week so their increased count is somewhat above the norm.

Thanks for clearing that up. I'd notice that myself actually, but didn't realise that was the quota.

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I agree with Slade that it's frustrating to see Liam regress back to the person he was two years ago.I mean, I get that addicts can relapse at any time but it doesn't mean it makes for interesting television.Bianca is sticking by him longer than you might expect her to, which is nice to see, but I don't think it can be solved by just throwing one set of pills down the sink.

As for the rest of it...well.I'm glad Morag and Angelo persuaded Nicole to go and see Marilyn and Sid and it's good that she's "allowed" to see George again, although I think it's telling that Sid was the one who agreed and Marilyn was the one who only went along with it because she had no choice.I think it's telling that, for the first time, Nicole hinted that she might want to look after George herself at some point in the future.Whether it goes on for weeks, months or years, I think it's never been more apparent that this is only a temporary situation.As for Nicole and Angelo...hmm.I'd have preferred it if they hadn't immediately slept together a la the Buckton girls, even if they have been growing closer this last while.It feels, from the cliffhanger and the promos, like they wanted to show them nice and happy before taking a sledgehammer to the burgeoning romance, but I think that could have been accomplished with a first kiss and an acknowledgement they have feelings for each other rather than them going the whole way.But they did seem happy, which is nice to see since nothing else in their lives seems to be going well.

Never has Angelo grabbing Nicole and George and getting out of town seemed like a better idea but sadly it seems, even without his badge and his gun, he's still got that tendency to investigate things on his own, which...doesn't usually go well.Fair play to him, he had the sense to call Charlie and try to call the station once he found out what was going on.Unfortunately, Charlie, who really should have been doing a proper investigation herself rather than asking a couple of questions and then forgetting about it, is too busy in bed with the guy who's probably behind it all to respond.It seems more and more obvious that he was only getting Heath to keep the drugs out of the surf club rather than not being involved at all and it seems likely he went round to see Charlie(or rather see to her)as a distraction.As for Heath...Miles dropping the charges has never seemed a worse idea, he'd probably be safely locked up now if he hadn't.

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Ooh, Angelo and Nicole :wub: (fans self with magazine)

Doesn't look good for Angelo in reference to the Braxtons tho, he must be mental to follow Heath. I thought Heath was going to headbut him in the restaurant :lol:

This situation with baby George is weird. Just thought I'd state the obvious :lol: I kind of agree with Marilyn, it is a bad idea for Nicole to see him if he isn't being brought up by her. If they wanted to adopt a baby, they should adopt a baby and there should be a clean break for everyone's sake. That sounds harsh but poor old George isn't going to know who his mum is with Maz and Nicole both there.

Oh, Liam, grow up :rolleyes:

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I have been waiting for this episode for a while :wub: I didn't think they had to actually sleep together to prove how much they like each other but they seem happy though so I can accept it. Angelo has to ruin it though by going after the Braxtons :( What an idiot, what does he have to prove? Things dont look very good for him at all and its such a shame :(

I dont like the Liam storyline so I have decided not to comment anymore on it. :(

Am glad though that Nicole and Sid agreed and that Marilyn went along with it :)

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I agree that, although I think she was wrong to make this arrangement in the first place, Marilyn has actually made some good points recently.I commented a while back that Marilyn seemed to view Nicole as a surrogate but it seems the reverse of that is that Nicole seems to view Marilyn and Sid as foster parents.The frustrating thing about this storyline is that, while I can accept Nicole and Marilyn thinking it was a good idea, I've never quite bought the fact that apparently wiser heads like Sid, Morag, Roo, Angelo and absentee guardian Miles would let it get this far.I'd have expected Nicole to realise the support she had from Miles, Alf and the others, and now Roo and Angelo, meant that looking after the baby herself was a much better option than the child ending up with two mothers.

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I agree that, although I think she was wrong to make this arrangement in the first place, Marilyn has actually made some good points recently.I commented a while back that Marilyn seemed to view Nicole as a surrogate but it seems the reverse of that is that Nicole seems to view Marilyn and Sid as foster parents.The frustrating thing about this storyline is that, while I can accept Nicole and Marilyn thinking it was a good idea, I've never quite bought the fact that apparently wiser heads like Sid, Morag, Roo, Angelo and absentee guardian Miles would let it get this far.I'd have expected Nicole to realise the support she had from Miles, Alf and the others, and now Roo and Angelo, meant that looking after the baby herself was a much better option than the child ending up with two mothers.

I agree with the Miles bit, I am suprised that he hasn't been involved yet.

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I did feel a bit sorry for Marilyn as she knows letting Nicole near George is a recipe for disaster but I still feel that George belongs with Nicole. I agree that the idea of Marilyn wanting the baby in itself wasn’t bad but she should have gone to someone she didn’t know and was never likely to see again.

I really hope that Heath gets what’s coming to him (and Brax too assuming he’s involved). I have a feeling Charlie’s going to regret ever getting involved with Brax.

I’m surprised how tolerant Bianca’s been of Liam thus far. She really must love him.

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Brax is going to land himself in trouble at this rate. It does not look good for him at all. He is blatanly lying to Charlie and it looks like Angelo is a goner... :( I really hate the fact that Brax is acting like he is above the law, at least with Heath, what you see is what you get but Brax is a manipulator and he makes my blood run cold. I hope he gets his comeuppance soon because his behaviour is going to get tiresome rather quickly. :angry:

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