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Heath was so smug when Charlie arrested him and during his interview I found it quite annoying. Charlie has seriously compromised her position. TBH she shouldn’t even be on the case. Brax has already lied (and spent most of that episode lying) on his statement so if his relationship with Charlie emerges she could be in serious trouble. In all honesty though considering what she’s done in the past, having relationship with a known felon pales in comparison. Has it been established whether Brax has a criminal record? (I’m presuming Heath does). Charlie should be asking herself if this is really worth it. She and Brax have nothing in common, they’re from different worlds and it’s plain for all to see that the relationship is purely physical, well as far as Charlie’s concerned anyway. One thing that really bothered me was the complete lack of remorse Heath displayed and the way Brax asked calmly if Angelo was dead. Not that Brax was worried someone had been killed but so they could decide what the next move would be in terms of covering anything up. I really hope Angelo’s OK but either way no way should those three be allowed to get away with this.

I laughed when Elijah saw Leah and Miles making out and then sat down by the peer sulking afterwards. Sods law but you could just see it coming. I’m glad he and Miles appeared to have sorted it out though.

Not sure I could agree with Roo’s rebuttal to Nicole about who would want to kill someone in Summer Bay. Let’s face it Summer Bay can be an extremely dangerous place, murderers, rapists, stalkers, kidnappers not to mention the odd natural disaster.

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Is Angelo dead?It's not looking good, the only thing in his favour is the ambiguity.Given that the promo suggests he's not going to be found anytime soon, I think his only chance is if he's lying unidentified in a hospital somewhere.It looked like Brodie was only burying his things, the last shot seemed to suggest he'd been dumped in the water but...I'm holding out hope.

So, Brax is, obviously now, involved in this up to his neck.I gave him the benefit of the doubt at first but it seems like everything he's done and the whole "I'm just an ordinary decent guy underneath" thing was just a facade.It's telling he was still keeping the act up with Charlie at the station.Thinking about it, even if Angelo is found alive and well enough to testify, he was already out of it when Brax turned up, so while Heath and the others would probably be for it he could well get away with it.I think there's a real chance here to build Brax up as some sort of secret baddie, who the audience know is dirty but the characters are just suspicious of at best and let him inveigle his way into their lives before the truth finally comes out.Maybe a bit like Penn only done right.My biggest fear, knowing the vagaries of Summer Bay justice, is that in a year he'll still be running the restaurant and dating Charlie and all this will be forgotten about.Charlie is well and truly compromised and should never have gone near Brax.(I don't think he does have a record but that just means he's never been caught, the police have obviously had an eye on him for a while.)Once more, she came across as ineffective and Georgie came across as the better officer:Charlie actually needed her to point out Brax was probably involved, after she'd effectively tipped him off herself by asking him if he'd seen Angelo.

I guess it's good that the tension between Miles and Elijah seems to be abating.It still feels very odd seeing Miles and Leah acting like a couple but I guess if they stay together I'll get used to it.Nice that Irene's return got a mention instead of her just being there.

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Charlie is well and truly compromised and should never have gone near Brax.(I don't think he does have a record but that just means he's never been caught, the police have obviously had an eye on him for a while.)Once more, she came across as ineffective and Georgie came across as the better officer:Charlie actually needed her to point out Brax was probably involved, after she'd effectively tipped him off herself by asking him if he'd seen Angelo.

I'm surprised that Charlie hasn't strangled Georgie by now; she's so annoyingly good at her job and will almost certainly play a part in exposing Charlie's dirty secret.

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Charlie was Brax's alibi for part of the time, but what about after he left her following the call from Heath? This 'supplier' he went to see, when the police check that (which Georgie will make sure of) and find he wasn't there what then? Has he forgotten Nicole who was standing in for Angelo (how long was she there) she will if questioned be able to tell the police when she last saw Angelo and when Brax turned up. Heath has every reason to be smug because unless the police are able to match any dirt, grass (no pun intended), from his tyre tracks to the ground directly at the site there is no proof he was there. BTW how could a big crop of drugs like that in a National Park (the first time we have heard of it) be kept secret? :unsure: I don't think he (Brax) has a record, but that's only because he hasn't been caught doing anything illegal. It would still compromise Charlie because of Heath who does.

Don't right off Angelo just yet, he's been through worse.

To be fair Slade Roo has been out of the bay for a long time and a lot more murders, kidnappings etc have happened since her time, back then it was a quite place where nothing violent like that went on.

I'm glad Roo and Angelo persuaded Nic to go and see Marilyn and Sid to get it all sorted out,(lovely of him to offer to go with her for moral support) it would have been a lot worse to just let it drag on and have Nic afraid to leave the house in case she bumped into them by accident. I do think Marilyn was unfair to accuse Nic of keep changing her mind. She didn't take into account how difficult it was for Nic to be in the same house as her new born baby. If I'm not wrong wasn't the agreement that Marilyn and Sid have guardianship of the baby for something like seven years then they could adopt him to get round the fact they weren't going through official channels?

How lovely that Nic and Angelo have become a couple. :wub: On a (boring) practical note it can't be six weeks since Ben/George was born and isn't medical advice not to have sex for six weeks until after you have given birth? Loked it when she dragged him off into the shower. :D:wink:

Irene kind of crept back unseen and why did Miles ask if she had a good time, wasn't she looking after Gypsy following Will's imprisonment, hardly a holiday.

Loved the scene of Miles and Leah mucking about, then looking guilty when they saw Elijah. Good that he and Miles have made up (sort of).

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On a (boring) practical note it can't be six weeks since Ben/George was born and isn't medical advice not to have sex for six weeks until after you have given birth?

Yes, you're right, you're not. At least Angelo knows she's given birth. I suppose its the 'soap opera compression of time' syndrome has made it more than 6 weeks. But anyway, the birth and the tight clothing Nic wore afterwards weren't realistic anyway, so who are we to point out practicalities to the writers? :lol::wink: Maybe these young Australian girls bounce back from giving birth quicker :lol:

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How lovely was Dex tonight. :wub: I wanted to give him big hug when he told April about Xavier asking if he (Dex) thought there was a chance she would go out with him again. Perhaps after dating Xav a couple of times she will realise it is Dex she wants to be with. Going back to the beginning of the episode I thought it was for real then it was revealed he was daydreaming about asking April out, shame. It's funny how no-one believes the old 'I have a friend' routine when Dex says it.

Well done Nic remembering what Heath said to her was the same on that note and for digging out it out and Charlie was actually acting like a cop tonight, by getting Heath to write down the names to be able to compare the writing and getting the warrants so quickly. Angelo wasn't just her ex he's her friend so they have all made a mistake by vanishing him. Brax is far too clever to have any evidence laying around at Angelo's or his own place, but this will make him doubly careful. The only thing in Brax's favour is he has kept Casey out if it. Very wise of Charlie to warn Ruby to be careful around the Braxtons.

On a lighter note, how funny was Leah and Miles' date. :D Meal out is scuppered by the cops, he bashes her head as he carries her to the bedroom then Ruby catches him in Leah's dressing gown. :blush: She's not going to be able to look at him in class in quiet the same way after that. :lol:

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Aw I loved Xavier today, as much as I want April to get back with Xavier, it looks inevitable for Dex & April to get together. I dont want that but it looks almost certain.

:lol: Ruby caught out Miles :lol:

I liked Charlie today, she made it clear that her feelings were not going to come in the way of justice. Hats off to her for that :)

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Aw Dex, you sweet lovely friend :D I like Xavier/April tho, they look good together. Were they actually getting together or was Dex imagining it?

Heath you muppet. You too Charlie re: Brax :rolleyes:

Miles/Leah- finally a girl is caught with her boyfriend in the seemingly uninhabited Buckton/Patterson household :lol:

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On a lighter note, how funny was Leah and Miles' date. :D Meal out is scuppered by the cops, he bashes her head as he carries her to the bedroom then Ruby catches him in Leah's dressing gown. :blush: She's not going to be able to look at him in class in quiet the same way after that. :lol:

Loved the moment when Ruby saw Miles in Leah's gown and almost called him "Mr Copeland" then changed it to "Miles".

Leah and Miles didn't have much luck all round. Charlie and Brax have been making out in her house for weeks without getting caught, the first time she and Miles do it, Miles gets caught by Ruby!

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I thought Charlie was a lot more professional in today’s episode. I really liked the way she took at leaf out of Robertson’s book to deduce that Heath was the one who threatened Angelo. It was also very astute of Nicole to even look for the note in the first place. I’m pretty certain Casey is innocent in all of this for two reasons. Firstly I don’t think Brax would want to drag his younger brother into a life of crime - Heath is a lost cause so he doesn’t matter - but Casey has a shot at a future if he can get his HSC. Secondly given his age I’m not sure Brax could trust him to keep quiet about it anyway, especially considering he has a girlfriend. I didn’t like the fact that Ruby wasn’t that bothered Angelo was missing and was too busy snuggling up to Casey. I’m glad Angelo still means something to Charlie as was indicated in her conversation with Brax when she went to see him. Still finding it annoying for some reason how calm Brax is about the whole thing even when his house and Angelo’s restaurant were being searched he didn’t really bat an eyelid. I did think he was slightly worried when Charlie threatened him at the end. I still think the damage is done regarding her liaison with Brax but would like to think regardless of whether he career was in jeopardy she would do her damndest to ensure she takes Brax down.

Leah and Miles really made me laugh with some of their antics. I especially liked the scene where he carried her and she hit her head. I also liked it when he went to the kitchen in Leah’s robe and unexpectedly bumped into Ruby. I actually don’t mind Leah and Miles together so it will be interesting to see what happens.

So Dex actually was subtly trying to do something about his feelings for April. I loved his “I have this friend...June” line – Classic. I also liked the way Miles immediately knew who he was referring too. When Xavier was speaking to April and subsequently told Dexter he wanted to get back with her I buried and shook my head. I thought to myself they’re not going to do a April/Xavier/Dexter love triangle are they? I would rather Xavier moved on and pursue other girls eventually. I’m glad April admitted that she dumped him because she was messed up and their kiss was nice. I was quite an April/Xavier fan before and had the kiss happened before Xavier met Miranda I would have been over the moon. I’m still not over Xavier and Miranda yet and sort of went off April but she was a lot more like the April of old today so hopefully they will be back to my favourite couple in the show soon enough. I have to say Dexter really went up in my estimation in that episode. He was really into April but sacrificed his own happiness so that she could be happy – A true friend!

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