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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Well, Nicole used her smarts, even Charlie used her smarts, not that it seems to have got them anywhere.(Nicole's look of disgust on opening the dustbin was a nice touch.)I keep trying to decide whether Angelo's alive or dead and it doesn't seem to make sense from any angle.If he is dead, the River Boys obviously don't want anyone to know or they'd have left the body in the car when they torched it.Whatever the case, the truth's probably going to come out sooner or later so why hide it when they're clearly planning to stick around?I don't think Casey has anything to go with this, wanting him to better himself is probably the only thing Brax is sincere about, but he really needs to lose the River Boy attitude and stop seeing the police as the enemy.Charlie's advice to Ruby was pretty good:She knows trying to keep her away from Casey won't work so she just advises her to be careful.

Leah and Miles still feels very awkward.It's obviously meant to feel awkward but I'm not sure what that means.Given what a total disaster their first date was and how rubbish they were at acting like a couple, I was half expecting them to decide it wasn't working and they were better off as friends but then they went ahead and started consummating anyway.

And, oh my god, Xapril reunion!I was hoping it would happen but I didn't expect it to happen that quickly.I do feel a bit sorry for Dex, although I really disliked the way he pushed Xavier out of the house before April could get there and put him off telling her how he felt.But he redeemed himself by telling April what Xavier had said once he realised it was what she wanted.His hypothetical chat with Miles ("June"!)was great, I wish we saw more of that side of Miles.And it was brilliant how Imaginary April basically talked just like Dexter, using words like "idiosyncratic".But the moment Xavier and April were on screen together it reminded me of how much I've missed their scenes;they work well together, they bring out the best in each other and her going back to him now she's her old self again feels right, given that neither of them really wanted to break up in the first place.I really hope it's permanent and they're not going to have her break his heart again and go off with Dex.I'm hoping that this will result in Dexter finding someone who's right for him.

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Well, Nicole used her smarts, even Charlie used her smarts, not that it seems to have got them anywhere.(Nicole's look of disgust on opening the dustbin was a nice touch.)I keep trying to decide whether Angelo's alive or dead and it doesn't seem to make sense from any angle.If he is dead, the River Boys obviously don't want anyone to know or they'd have left the body in the car when they torched it.Whatever the case, the truth's probably going to come out sooner or later so why hide it when they're clearly planning to stick around?

Maybe they're keeping Angelo as a hostage in case things go wrong. That way, Brax can say: "Yeah, you've got all this evidence on me about the dope, but you'll never see your mate again if you follow up on it."

If they off Angelo, they won't be able to use his being alive as a bargaining position.

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I think Angelo is still alive otherwise surely they would have left him in the car when they torched it? I don't see how they can get out of the situation without going on the lamb ASAP. Re Charley - seems like she always pays for her pleasures :(

So April is back with Xavier, I guess she likes to be the interlectually superior one in a relationship! Felt sorry for Dex, maybe he should look up pet shop girl again!

I hope Leah and Miles get over their sickly stage soon, I don't think my stomach can take the schmaltz. But I'm glad she's with Miles and not Elijah, I could see it coming weeks ago - and said it!

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And, oh my god, Xapril reunion!I was hoping it would happen but I didn't expect it to happen that quickly.I do feel a bit sorry for Dex, although I really disliked the way he pushed Xavier out of the house before April could get there and put him off telling her how he felt.But he redeemed himself by telling April what Xavier had said once he realised it was what she wanted.His hypothetical chat with Miles ("June"!)was great, I wish we saw more of that side of Miles.And it was brilliant how Imaginary April basically talked just like Dexter, using words like "idiosyncratic".But the moment Xavier and April were on screen together it reminded me of how much I've missed their scenes;they work well together, they bring out the best in each other and her going back to him now she's her old self again feels right, given that neither of them really wanted to break up in the first place.I really hope it's permanent and they're not going to have her break his heart again and go off with Dex.I'm hoping that this will result in Dexter finding someone who's right for him.

My views exactly, Red Ranger. Couldn't have put it better. A great pair and some hope for Dex?

Trying to find something to disagree with you about to get a discussion going, but no luck lately!

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Well, Nicole used her smarts, even Charlie used her smarts, not that it seems to have got them anywhere.(Nicole's look of disgust on opening the dustbin was a nice touch.)I keep trying to decide whether Angelo's alive or dead and it doesn't seem to make sense from any angle.If he is dead, the River Boys obviously don't want anyone to know or they'd have left the body in the car when they torched it.Whatever the case, the truth's probably going to come out sooner or later so why hide it when they're clearly planning to stick around?

Maybe they're keeping Angelo as a hostage in case things go wrong. That way, Brax can say: "Yeah, you've got all this evidence on me about the dope, but you'll never see your mate again if you follow up on it."

If they off Angelo, they won't be able to use his being alive as a bargaining position.

Possibly but even in that case, it's hard to see them having any real option other than running for the hills.Otherwise, their only options would be keeping Angelo as a hostage permanently or ending up on a kidnapping charge.The only reason I can think of for them wanting people to think Angelo's alive when he isn't is if Brax is trying to pin everything on him, as he tried to do with Charlie, but that's obviously not going to wash.

Anyway...today's ep.Still loving Xapril Mark II, I found myself smiling just because they were on screen together.And still worried about the way Dexter's hanging around, I hope this is about Dexter needing someone(and hey, Adrian would be ideal)rather than him and April.(Actually...I know I was dead against the idea a few months ago but given that Ruby has grown up a bit this year I wouldn't really mind them getting together now, if she and Casey break up over this whole Angelo thing.)Xavier and April did do a pretty poor job of including Dex though, next time we see them they're playing Scrabble in the Diner(?!Weren't they meant to be going back to her place?), flirting, pashing and completely ignoring him.Nice to see a bit of interaction between Romeo and Dexter, though I'm not sure Romeo gave him particularly good advice.As for Romeo and Indi...It's pretty inevitable they're gonna get back together and to be honest I can't even muster the energy to be annoyed, I'm just a bit bored by it.

Well, Liam's rapidly approaching rock bottom.Although I dislike Gina a lot of the time, she is loyal to her staff whilst still following procedures, although she sensibly bailed when it became clear he was beyond help.Turning up for the meeting on drugs really did finish him and it's getting to the point where he really is going to have nothing.

As for Sid and Marilyn...Hmm.At first I thought Sid was just making excuses when he said he didn't want to get married again but after their last scene I'm thinking maybe it is as simple as that.Not sure why Marilyn suddenly brought it up, except because Colleen did, maybe combination of being afraid of losing Sid and being afraid of losing George?

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Well, kick me off this thread, cos I.... forgot to watch Home and Away yesterday :o:blink: I'll have to return when I've corrected myself and done penance...

Well go and sit on the naughty step Catherine and hang your head in shame!!

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Romeo did tell Dex to tell April how he felt (well spotted Romeo), but he chickened out when April got the wrong end of the stick. It was a bit off of Xav and April to make out like that in front of Dex even if he didn't feel the way he did about her. Shame Romeo didn't take his own advice and tell Indie how he feels when it's obvious to us (the viewers) they still fancy each other like crazy.

Gina has been a wonderful support to Liam, but he had to go and blow it BIG TIME!! It looked so strange to see him in a suit, shirt and tie, reminded me a bit of Miles. I get he was nervous, but all the drugs did was to make him hyper and talk a lot of nonsense. It started off OK then just went downhill. You saw from the look Gina gave him during the interview she knew what he'd done. So much for his promise to Bianca to stop, how many were actually fooled by that? Did the Education guy just think he was drunk or that he had been taking drugs? At least Bianca didn't go off on one, though you wouldn't have blamed if she did, so what now for Liam now he can't teach anymore, anywhere!!? He could still do his private lessons, I suppose, but that wouldn't bring much in.

Actually Colleen raised a good question :o what surname will George have as neither of them are his natural parents? I know it's not a Christening/Baptism so I don't know how much it really matters. That raises another question wouldn't he have had to have his birth registered so wouldn't Nic and Penn have been entered as parents or am I wrong? Colleen is rather iold fashioned in the way she thinks so that is probably why she suggested Marilyn and Sid should marry. He shouldn't have laughed at Marilyn suggesting it, that was bound to hurt her feelings. Maz has been married twice yet would have been willing to risk it again. As for Sid not wanting to marry again, whose fault was it his marriage failed? Definitely something building between him and Roo, it is always her advice he asks for, she did agree it was very wrong to laugh at Maz for suggesting marriage.

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Well, kick me off this thread, cos I.... forgot to watch Home and Away yesterday :o:blink: I'll have to return when I've corrected myself and done penance...

Well go and sit on the naughty step Catherine and hang your head in shame!!

Yes, ma'am. Oh well, at least I had a very good excuse :(

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