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Oh Dex, you poor unloved boy :(

Loved Colleen talking about the naming ceremony, she really went straight to the point. But sadly, now she's got Marilyn thinking of marrying Sid, who is looking more and more hen pecked... Marilyn is going much too fast for him....Chambers-Walker or Walker-Chambers indeed!

Now, was Romeo being nice to Dex to show Indi what a kind sensitive bloke he was? Or was he being genuinely nice.... Hm... He should have a word with Xavier about the situation if he really cared. And why has Dex never said to him: 'how dare you hurt my sister?'

Roo is becoming Sid's confidante and adviser. Good!

Liam seems to be on a course of self destruction, where's he going to go from here? I feel sorry for him a little but as I've said before, a person with a history of drug addiction is extremely unlikely to be employed as a teacher...

Uh oh, trouble in 'paradise' with Ruby/Casey. Hm, not sure about Miles's romantic advice, I'd be embarrassed like Ruby was. So, Casey blows a fuse and storms off as per usual :rolleyes:

Awkward with Ruby and Indi at the diner, but great for drama! Good old Irene telling them off. Really nice to see Ruby apologising to Indi, brought a tear to my eye TBH. I think Ruby really learnt something from the Romeo saga i.e. she can't just throw herself at any bloke without serious consequences.

Oh dear, Romeo on a booze cruise with a load of middle aged drunken women! He's lucky to escape with his life!

Ooh, Keith and Colleen :wub: Mature love, nice to see its not just teenagers.

And talking of things like that, was there a slash moment between Elijah and Sid? :blink: What a larf.

Argh!!! A grave!!!

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Uh oh, trouble in 'paradise' with Ruby/Casey. Hm, not sure about Miles's romantic advice, I'd be embarrassed like Ruby was. So, Casey blows a fuse and storms off as per usual :rolleyes:

Ooh, Keith and Colleen :wub: Mature love, nice to see its not just teenagers.

Miles should have stuck with what he said and got given in to Casey because he was desperate. That's twice that Mikes has mucked up teenagers love lifes with his poor advice. Why do lads come to him? Is he a great father figure? I don't think so!

Roo would be much more helpful, I think. She ought to advertise her services at the school. Would Gina allow that?

As for Colleen and Keith, I don't know what "wub" means, but my reaction was "yuk" and cringe. It was not nice to see.

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I felt sorry for Casey today. He was just trying to be a nice boyfriend but I do get what Ruby was trying to do but the way she did it it was unfair IMO.

I think that Keith and Colleen were cringeworthy but that's just me.

I am glad that Ruby apologised to Indi. She has clearly grown up over it.

Romigo was still annoying but am past caring now

And thats is me done

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Episode counts this week:Gina was only in one.

Does Romeo actually know that Dexter likes April?I thought he just thought Dexter was feeling left out, like April and Xavier did.I did wonder if he was only being nice to him to impress Indi.Like Zetti, I can't be bothered to be annoyed at those two, if she wants to take him back that's her stupid fault.I didn't mind them in that episode but that's mainly because they were just friends which is probably what they should stick to.Romeo's experience with a bunch of drunken bitter divorcees didn't really interest me.

Loved Ruby and Indigo together:Ruby's expression when she realised they were working together was priceless.Their bickering and Irene treating them like a couple of five-year-olds was hilarious and I'm glad Ruby finally apologised and they've moved past things.Can't really blame Ruby for her attitude towards Casey:His family has just done some pretty awful stuff, even if Ruby doesn't know that for sure, although she should have accepted his flowers and put them in water like Indi did.

Colleen was great, with the way she insulted Irene("It's a wonder you're still single")and Leah("I've long ago accepted my floozy status")without even noticing.Her scenes with Morag, playing the long-suffering older sibling again, was great.But that ending, with the very shallow grave...Is it Angelo? I'm not sure but I can't think who else it would be.I suddenly remembered how dodgy Keith seemed when he first appeared and wondered if he led Colleen to that spot on purpose.Surely not..?

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Gina has been a wonderful support to Liam, but he had to go and blow it BIG TIME!! It looked so strange to see him in a suit, shirt and tie, reminded me a bit of Miles. I get he was nervous, but all the drugs did was to make him hyper and talk a lot of nonsense. It started off OK then just went downhill. You saw from the look Gina gave him during the interview she knew what he'd done. So much for his promise to Bianca to stop, how many were actually fooled by that? Did the Education guy just think he was drunk or that he had been taking drugs? At least Bianca didn't go off on one, though you wouldn't have blamed if she did, so what now for Liam now he can't teach anymore, anywhere!!? He could still do his private lessons, I suppose, but that wouldn't bring much in.

I absolutely love Gina's 'shocked' look, we've seen it a few times before and she has it perfected. :lol:

I don't trust Keith at all, I find him totally creepy/seedy and cringe every time he's on screen.

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Well I must say I'm fed up with it only being teenagers and 20 somethings being 'allowed' to be affectionate and passionate. Older people DO fall in love and have sex, you know! Sorry but it happens! If Keith and Colleen aren't genuine, so be it, but they are waving the flag for older love. I am mostly happy for Colleen, she is obviously swept up in a romantic dream, about time after that last bloke let her down. And also John and Gina rushing off to bed all the time. Good for them all, why not :D

There, that was my mini rant, so there! :P

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Not sure if it was a resolution but at least it felt like some sort of aftermath Romeo/Ruby/Indy thing rather than just leaving it. I didn’t even realise that they hadn’t interacted with each other in weeks until Ruby was getting ready to work in the Diner and Indy was there. I found the bickering quite funny although Irene was right in that work was not the right place for it. I didn’t like the fact Indy was the one who had to make the first move even though she was completely innocent with regards to Romeo and Ruby (although it does make her go up in my estimation). Even though I accept Ruby’s apology was genuine no way would that have happened if Indy hadn’t apologised first. Indy’s a nice girl but she would be advised to take her time before becoming friends with Ruby again. I said a while back that Ruby is an extremely selfish person and although she hasn’t been too bad as of late I’ve seen very little evidence to suggest otherwise. Does Indy really want to be friends with someone who would quite happily sleep with her boyfriend then brag about it afterwards? Although I do accept she’s now sorry about it.

Things aren’t looking too bad for Romeo regarding Indy. Not only does she want to get back with him but she’s also trying to help him out with his business. I loved Morag’s reaction him telling her he would be hosting a “Divorce party”. It could affect Romeo's livelihood when his failure to control the party comes out but I don’t think the actual women will be too annoyed with him. The one he dived in and saved might actually be pleased a dashing young lad came to her rescue. Assuming Indy and Ruby do become friends it will be awkward being around Romeo.

I think Casey genuinely believes his brothers are innocent in all of this but he is simply deluding himself. At least Ruby said that Angelo was like a dad to her so that’s something.

I genuinely don’t understand why anybody would want to go out with Coleen. When I think back to her time throughout the show all I can really remember is constant gossiping, sticking her nose into other people’s business and snide, tactless and nasty little remarks.

Found Sid’s drunken behaviour with Marilyn really funny.

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It could affect Romeo's livelihood when his failure to control the party comes out but I don’t think the actual women will be too annoyed with him. The one he dived in and saved might actually be pleased a dashing young lad came to her rescue.

That's exactly what I thought, they'd have been quite happy whatever he did, and the partydidn't exactly get completely out of control. He'd have to do something like kill them not to get a good reference from them.

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It could affect Romeo's livelihood when his failure to control the party comes out but I don’t think the actual women will be too annoyed with him. The one he dived in and saved might actually be pleased a dashing young lad came to her rescue.

That's exactly what I thought, they'd have been quite happy whatever he did, and the partydidn't exactly get completely out of control. He'd have to do something like kill them not to get a good reference from them.

Hear. hear, I think they will give him a good reference. It wasn't down to him that woman got thrown in the water, that was one of her drunken mates. He was very brave taking them out in the first place without any back up. What an innocent thinking there wouldn't be any trouble. Both Morag and Indi did try and warn him. He was lucky they didn't turn on him and well you know. :wink: Nice to see Indi and Romeo getting on so well.

I think Romeo sussed Dex's feelings for April and yes Indi is an adult and is quite able to make her own choice as regards Romeo, though I understand Sid looking out for her.

Irene treated Indi and Ruby just the right way, like they they were children squabbling, doing the all the washing being the equivalent of the naughty step. :P At least they did get it sorted, although as Indi said their friendship will never be what it used to be.

Loved Sid and Elijah's banter, he (Elijah) is much better as a singleton. I liked the sharing of the bill line. :D They obviously had a good time judging by the state of Sid when he got home, wonder what Elijah was like?

I think Miles gave Casey good advice actually, especially the 'it's who boyfriend you are, not who your brothers are'. So it came to pass it was family loyalties that have caused a rift between them without anyone else interfering. Ruby hasn't intended hurting Casey by taking Charlie's advice (there's a first) by avoiding him and he is bound to defend his brothers although he knows what their history is like and must wonder if they are involved in drugs.

Loving Keith and Colleen, though like others I still have reservations about him. That kiss was certainly out of the blue but so sweet :wub: . Haven't seen Colleen so happy for ages, let's hope we are wrong about him and she doesn't get hurt. So typical of Colleen to invite herself and Keith on Miles' and Leah's picnic. Leah and Miles trying to keep straight faces was funny. Did Keith steer Colleen along that path deliberately and I didn't know her eyesight was that good, wasn't the grave off the path? I don't think it is who we think it is either. Once again The National Park which we have never heard of before gets a mention as one of the place to go for picnics. :unsure:

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Even though I accept Ruby’s apology was genuine no way would that have happened if Indy hadn’t apologised first. Indy’s a nice girl but she would be advised to take her time before becoming friends with Ruby again.

Thats the other thing I was going to say Slade. I found out a while ago that the best way to get someone to apologise to you is to apologise to them. If they don't apologise, you still feel good about yourself and come out looking the better person. And in the Indy/Ruby case, all Indy was apologising for was saying something about how Ruby treated Casey, but Ruby ended up apologising for the whole 'I slept with your boyfriend behind your back then told you'. So Indi wins!

Psychology with Miranda, haha :P

You and I are on the same wavelength H&ALover. I was worried for Romeo's safety too. As usual he underestimates his own attractiveness, he obviously didn't see the women simpering and fluttering when he was introduced. I bet he will get a glowing review and loads more bookings from groups of ladies :lol:

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