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Is Angelo dead?...I think his only chance is if he's lying unidentified in a hospital somewhere.

Ladies and gentlemen...excuse me while I look a bit smug.

While I'm glad the grave wasn't Angelo, it was a bit of an anti-climax that(a)it wasn't even a grave and(b)it wasn't anything to do with the River Boys.But fair play to the writers, they had the sense to reveal what really happened to Angelo in the same episode before everyone got cross.Brax's morals and motivation seem murkier than ever:What does he want to happen to Angelo?(For all his lying-by-omission "I hope he's all right", if Angelo does come round that's Heath and a few other people in hot water...)Is he annoyed Brodie took Angelo to hospital or just that he got photoed doing it?I really liked Casey standing up to him and refusing to take any flannel but he ruined it slightly by hiding that money of Heath's.(Drugs profit?)Brax being frustrated by John's stance was fun too.I'm just worried that we're meant to take Brax's flannel seriously and think it's all right for him and Heath to be breaking the law if "they're doing it for the famleee".

Although I'm glad she did, I'm surprised it was left to Ruby to tell Nicole that they might have found Angelo's body.Elijah's appearance, and the reference to the baby naming ceremony, felt a bit out of place.Guess Keith didn't lead Colleen to the non-body but suddenly we get another reason to be suspicious of him:Is his association with Heath as innocent as he claims?I can see Brax helping out at the shelter, he's got that front to keep up, but Heath?Hmm, maybe, if Brax told him to.Single, double or triple bluff?

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Oh, I just loved that episode. It was dramatic but not full of cops and robbers running round chasing each other.

The shady dealings of the Braxtons grow shadier. The way Heath made Casey take that package, they've obviously done that many times before. Brax just gets slimier and slimier. I liked the way he said to Charlie that most people go home, have a shower and get changed after they have sex :lol: I think he was trying not to laugh!

Yes, it was odd that Ruby told Nicole about the grave but I suppose Charlie was busy.

I'm not sure about why Keith and Heath were shaking hands, hm...

Good old John telling Brax he was more or less being forced to move on, teehee.

I did think again how alike Brax and Casey look during their rare conversation, but Heath looks different to them, hm....

I feel almost certain now that Brax is Casey's father, the way he treats him is so different to Heath

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Brax is a very good liar. He and Casey however are very good brothers but I agree with Miranda

on the fact that Brax could be his father. It just looks more and more likely to me.

however on the other hand I like the way Brax is trying to protect Casey. He really does IMO care about him. It was also good to get a mention of their mother as well. Heath just makes it worse for himself doesn't he.

I am so glad that the grave was not Angelo but then I never thought it was Angelo. Seems like it would have been a cop out to do that especially when they have spent a while building up Nic/Angelo's relationship. It was good to know that he is alive even if he is in a coma.

Keith :unsure: I am not sure why he was shaking hands with Heath hmmmm he will be one to watch. Inhope he doesn't hurt Colleen though.

As a whole though it was a good episode.

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Wow.They surely can't make Brax a "good guy" after all this, I'll be very annoyed if they cop out.He's totally ruthless with his betrayal of Brodie, even if he did seem to justify it in his own mind with Brodie pocketing some of the crop.I was actually willing Brodie to shoot him,The River Boys are seeming less like a bunch of rowdy louts and more like a criminal organisation where Brax's word is law.Even Heath seemed unhappy with his actions despite going along with them, surely he can't have more morals than Brax?And despite all this, Charlie kisses him?Surely she must know he's involved. She might not be able to prove it but she must know.The Summer Bay police suck, are those guns just for show given for easily Brodie got away from him?Georgie's look at Charlie practically shouted "Of all the police officers in all the world, we had to have you..."

Wow, Angelo has a mum!Guess we already knew that but we met her!It astonishes me how much everyone is willing to go along with Marilyn's fantasy, even Marilyn acknowledged that people see her as the villainess.Sid looked more uncomfortable with the situation than ever, he clearly didn't want to be there.I'm pretty disgusted with everyone's behaviour:Nicole was sat there, obviously in pieces, and no-one seemed to care about her other than Sid.Miles, you should be ashamed of yourself.Stop messing around with Leah and deal with your responsibilities.

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Brax is such a jerk! He basically sold Brodie out to save his own back and even Heath was ashamed which had to say a lot about Brax's decision. I am still annoyed about the fact that he is still lying. I agree with Red though surely he can't be made out to be a good guy after that? He talks about looking our for his own but his actions contradict it. I am not sure if I will like Brax anymore. The show has spent so long making Brax up to be some sort of family guy who looks out for Casey but am not convinced at all to be honest.

Angelo's mum is so sweet. I like her already. Why did they not bring her on earlier might have been better for his character. I felt for Nicole. I again agree with Red. Why does everyone seem oblivious to Nicole apart from Sid. She was obviously struggling and I font think the situation with Angelo helps either. I sense that Roo and Sid might be more than friends...

Not much else to say apart from I am not liking the sound of tomorrow's episode...

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Oh, as I said before, the Braxtons are getting in further and further. It can't end well. Felt sorry for Brodie, he's not in a good position with the Braxton brothers against him. I was glad he turned the gun at them in a way. Brilliant scene between those three, but... :( And when Heath just walked away from Brax...

Lovely to see Angelo's mama and find out he'd told her all about Nicole :wub: (but not that George has gone to Marilyn and Sid). I bet she will get on really well with his family, they will embrace her. His mum seems so nice. I suppose he must take after his dad in looks.

Oh Dex at the naming ceremony :lol: That ceremony was so over the top, exactly as I imagined! I'm all for alternative ceremonies but this one was a bit mad. Got the feeling Indi is uncomfortable with the situation (like everyone else). That poor baby being joggled around by Marilyn, what was wrong with her? I'm surprised he wasn't sick.

"What do River Boys do when they become men?" Good one Charlie. But if she wants to break up with Brax, she's not getting very far. I didn't realise how ruthless he was til now.

Roo and Sid :wub: "to be honest I don't know how I ended up in the middle of all that hocus pocus". Never spoken a truer word Sid. I am wondering if Marilyn has cast a spell on him, she always gets her own way.

I think this series is getting better and better, not that I'm biased....

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Roo and Sid :wub: "to be honest I don't know how I ended up in the middle of all that hocus pocus". Never spoken a truer word Sid. I am wondering if Marilyn has cast a spell on him, she always gets her own way.

Sid's failure to be honest with either Marilyn or himself is really starting to annoy me. I really wish he would come out and say: "I don't want this. Raising Penn Graham's child isn't what I signed up for. If you want to go on with this insanity, you're on your own!"

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Just to catch up on the last couple of days. So Brodie was meant to dump Angelo at a hospital in the city, but not to get caught on camera!! What was the reason for them giving Brodie a gun was he meant to use it when he and the drug dealers were 'surprised' by the cops? Now he is going to be their sacrificial lamb but his wife and children will be looked after. He can't have taken that much from the harvest, unless they thought if he could nick a little bit he could take more. Heath did indeed looked disgusted with Brax as seen by his face when he walked off. Are the police really going to believe he alone was running the drug farm!!!??

Not sure why Georgie was suspicious of Charlie, Brodie really did get away without her help. Bit foolish of Charlie to phone Brax right there and then though.

Brax's little plan to take over Angelo's backfired when John explained to him 'two partners, two signatures'. Well done John. :D He's going to be praying Angelo makes a full recovery so he can get his signature, unless he forges it, but he wouldn't do something like that would he? :wink: Charlie let herself down after doing so well after the last couple of episodes, by snogging Brax again. :angry:

Even if Charlie was busy shouldn't Georgie or another cop told Nicole about the grave rather than leave it to a civilian, even if it was Ruby? Glad her and Casey have made up, though all is not resolved with him and his family. I actually believe Brax does care for him and wants him to be the one who makes something of himself (legally).

Keith, erm, it was telling he had an 'errand to run' just after it was discovered the 'body' was asbestos, then we next see him at the Surf Club shaking hands with Heath. :unsure: I may be being cynical but I can't see Brax helping the Homeless Shelter on the quiet. Did he make up that excuse of the spur of the moment? I can't remember did Heath handing Casey that money become before or after he met Keith?

Colleen actually called Angelo by his name!!

I know this sounds awful but I was surprised by how young Angelo's mum was, don't know why but I expected her to be older, she must have had him when she was very young. Shame we didn't see his dad. She seems very nice though, wonder why Angelo didn't tell her about Ben/George. Unless it's like Roo said he didn't think it was any of her business...yet, also I suppose it's not something you can explain over the phone.

The naming ceremony, well, it does go with Marilyn's beliefs, which haven't been mentioned a lot lately. It was a lovely ceremony, but I agree Catherine, poor little mite being bounced up and down like that. Nic was so brave attending, it must have been hell for her, especially hearing Marilyn's speech about how much George means to her and Sid. It did appear he was the only one to notice how upset she was.

To be fair English, the baby is as much Nicole's as Penn's.

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To be honest, I don't think anyone in Summer Bay cares that Penn is George's father, it hasn't been mentioned since Indi and Dex found out about the adoption.(Seriously, what difference does it make? It might as well be someone they don't know who's the father, it's not like he's around anymore.)I think Georgie's response to Charlie letting Brodie escape was more "You're a bit useless, aren't you?" than thinking she did it deliberately.

Anyway...Today's ep.And Liam.Irene's advice may have had some truth in it but it's a bit simplistic. She might be an expert on addiction but she's not as much of an expert as she sometimes thinks: How is abandoning Liam going to help?Although, on the other hand, it is hard to see what anyone can do.I'm surprised his housemates have put up with it for so long but I guess they've got other things on their minds.His playing the guitar whenever Gina was walking was rather funny however.And there does seem to be a bit of coherency amid the haze.Don't know whether to be worried about April opting out of Xavier's family dinner or not...

I can kind of sympathise with Sid, he is in a difficult position.It feels like he's well and truly fallen out of love with Marilyn but he realises that this is bigger than the two of them.That little bit of Indi and Dex playing with George was kinda cute and seeing it made him realise that all of them are going to get hurt when/if this implodes.Roo's bluntness when he tried to laugh it off was probably what he needed to hear.

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