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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I think the H&A writers these days are doing an excellent job taking the characters to their logical conclusions e.g. Ruby throwing herself at any available man eventually led to her hurting and losing her best friends. Romeo being apathetic led to him losing his girlfriend and friend. Liam being an addictive personality has led to him losing everything. That's what the writers are doing well ATM.

Today's episode:

I felt really sorry for Liam today because he's losing everything. I know he's bringing it on himself but he is a sad chap. He's gone back to how we first saw him at the clinic with Belle.

Sid and Marilyn are on the way out. It was so sad when Indi and Dex talked about how mum and dad were already over when Sid got to that stage. They are going to be hurt.... At least George is too young to know yet. Its all the same old thing. Sid and Marilyn rushed into a serious relationship when initially it was just a bit of fun. Rushing into parenthood and all the serious stuff too quickly never works.

I wondered why Ruby was hanging around with April, Dex and Xavier at the cliffs. Isn't she umbilically tied to Casey these days?

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Marilyn is annoying me so much. Can't she think of anything or anybody but herself and the baby? Sid is not helping chickening out of every opportunity to tell her how he really feels. The longer he leaves it, the worse it will get for everyone.

Hope Angelo recovers soon, Nicole gets the baby back and they bring it up together.

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I wonder if Brodie meant his wife or his mum by 'his old lady'? Just a thought.

I took that to mean his mother, due to his age. If he was more say Alf's age then 'old lady' could be a wife, but I thought he was talking about his mother. Not that it matters really, I'm sure she'll be looked after.

I'm actually enjoying the Liam storyline a lot more than I thought I would when I read about it in the spoilers. I thought it would be a bit of a boring rehash of his previous addiction storyline, but it seems suitably different. It seems to convey the troubles of an addiction in that you can be torn between really feeling for someone and wanting to help them.. and wanting to slap them silly for being so absolutely stupid. Agree though that Irene's advice wasn't necessarily the best for Liam in his situation - everyone is different and there may be a better way in this case.

I can feel the Relationship Reaper sneaking up on Sid & Marilyn.. I liked them at first but it's clear it's only a matter of time before it all goes (even more) wrong.

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To be honest, I don't think anyone in Summer Bay cares that Penn is George's father, it hasn't been mentioned since Indi and Dex found out about the adoption.(Seriously, what difference does it make? It might as well be someone they don't know who's the father, it's not like he's around anymore.)

The fact that it's Penn Graham's child wasn't the point I was making. My point is that Sid's behaviour indicates that he doesn't want to raise any more children (no matter who the biological father is) and that having kids wasn't on the agenda when he and Marilyn got together.

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I wonder if Brodie meant his wife or his mum by 'his old lady'? Just a thought.

I took that to mean his mother, due to his age. If he was more say Alf's age then 'old lady' could be a wife, but I thought he was talking about his mother. Not that it matters really, I'm sure she'll be looked after.

I thought I heard children mentioned as well? :unsure: Just because he is young(ish) doesn't mean he can't be married or just living with someone.

Irene was right in one respect it does have to be Liam who gets help for himself, you can't make that decision for any addict whatever the addiction. Once they admit they need help they are on the first step to recovery. Now he hasn't got Bianca to prop him up and has disillusioned the kids who once liked and respected him. This as Irene said may be the kick up the bum he needs, but as you say alreetlike everyone is different. As for Angelo and Roo putting up with it it has only been the last couple of days he has been this bad. Everyone fussing over him is in a way condoning what he is doing. The scene of him standing on top of the cliff was so sad.

I loved the scene with Dex, Indi and Ben/George with Dex pretending not to like the baby. Sid catching them talking must have given him pause for thought as to whether to break up the family. Indi and Dex knew the signs from before and must hope they are wrong this time. I don't think Sid and Marilyn rushed into moving in together, it took him long enough to actually ask her. But the adopting of Nic's baby was foisted upon him. You could practically cut the sexual tension between Sid and Roo, I think he would make a move if Roo gave him the green light. She is in a tricky position though as Marilyn keeps asking her for advice as to how to keep her and Sid's relationship as good as it was.

If Sid and Marilyn do break up would Marilyn be able to cope with Ben/George on her own? I thought part of the reason Nic agreed was because of Marilyn being part of a couple and would have Sid to help raise him.

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I assumed Brodie meant his mother by 'old lady' but I may not have heard the bit about children, probably cos my TV reception is so bad sometimes. So it could be either, it will be revealed I expect.

"Old lady" can be used to describe a wife/partner/spouse. Ever heard the Jimi Hendrix song "Hey Joe"?

"I'm going down to shoot my old lady...

You know,I caught her messing around with another man."

Sounds more like his missus than his dear old mum.

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How is abandoning Liam going to help?
My sentiments exactly! I was very surprised when Irene spoke about doing that.

I really feel strongly about the current situation that Liam's in and how everybody and particularly Bianca is reacting to it.

Although, on the other hand, it is hard to see what anyone can do.
Yeah ofcourse but isn't there a saying: There's nothing that's hard that's not worth working for. Or something like that? They just have to help him and show him some support. He can't do it by himself can he? I was really surprised to hear Bianca say that actually. I mean he bought some more drugs after he washed the previous lot down the sink on Bianca's say so didn't he? I mean what about that says to Bianca "Oh Liam'll be alright by himself". Also he didn't wanna know about rehab facilities did he? Again what about that makes Bianca think "Oh he'll sort himself out". Not a whole lot of "getting that" going on for me about this whole situation re: People, esp. Bianca doing something positive to help Liam.

I keep thinking of this example with Elliot and Olivia from the TV show "Law and Order: SVU" if any of you know that. They're police partners on the show. Anyway there was this one time shortly after Elliot's wife had left him and taken their children with her who Elliot really loves and adores, when Elliot went off really badly at a suspect's wife. Now Olivia followed him outside afterwards and did she then just yell right back at him like she could've done. And then the viewers would've all just cringed and gone 'Oh no this isn't helping anybody'? No she was firm in telling him to pull himself together but she was also supportive of him and there for him when he needed her to be. Bianca hasn't been like that for Liam has she? And especially when they were on that cliff. :o I was like (aloud): "Bianca gently! You are on the top of a cliff remember". *shakes head* Now if that'd been Elliot and Olivia in their situation he would've just jumped off I reckon. You just can't say that sort of thing to someone who's really vulnerable can you? *angry*

I'm actually not surprised that Gina found him like that when she was walking home although at least he was playing his guitar again! *rolleyes* Was good that she helped him home though! Gina gets points for that! She's about the only person that's got any in this whole situation. :) But he doesn't have anything else now does he except for the pills and his guitar? Bianca's just dumped him oh so ungracefully so what else is he gonna do? I can't believe she's just left him. :angry:

The song by The Fray "How To Save A Life" springs to mind about this whole saga but at least the guy in that actually really tried to help his friend and be there for his friend. That's a whole lot more than can be said for Bianca right now. She's the one person that's supposed to want to support Liam and be there for him for crying out loud. How can she just turn her back on him? I really thought Bianca was gonna pull through for Liam really I did. With hindsight I don't really know why now though. *sigh*

On a happier note I really liked the scene with Dex, Indi and George yesterday too when Dexter was cooing over his new baby brother! Aw! :wub:

Angiepants'™ Mum seems really nice! She sounds a lot different to his Dad though! Remember that? On the phone last year - Mr. Italiano. LOL!! Anyway yeah nice to see her and being there for Nicole too! See, see, she's being there for Nicole and she doesn't even know her. Take heed Bianca!

No I'm really not a fan of the whole Broadie being the "sacrificial lamb" thing either. Really disgusted by that. I really hate Brax for that. And Charlie's being sooooooooo bloomin' naive. Come on woman open your eyes.

Anyway I'm done just needed to vent a little bit. :)

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I wonder if Brodie meant his wife or his mum by 'his old lady'? Just a thought.

I took that to mean his mother, due to his age. If he was more say Alf's age then 'old lady' could be a wife, but I thought he was talking about his mother. Not that it matters really, I'm sure she'll be looked after.

I thought I heard children mentioned as well? :unsure: Just because he is young(ish) doesn't mean he can't be married or just living with someone.

I don't remember hearing about children.. but anyway what I meant is "old lady" isn't really a term I'd imagine a bloke his age use for his wife. "The missus" or "her indoors" maybe. Anyway, if it didn't matter in my previous post it certainly doesn't now I'm still banging on about it. :lol:

Miles and Leah are grossing me out a bit lately, I have to say, when they're all over each other.

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