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It doesn’t really make much sense Romeo passing the STD onto Emily as the only other person he’s slept with before her was Ruby. If he did get it from Ruby we would probably have to start looking at other people such as Xavier and Freya but again none of them ever experienced any symptoms and it's been far too long anyway. I didn’t really like the way Sid was with Romeo whilst they were having lunch but his behaviour was understandable. I wonder how he’s going to try and get Romeo to break the news to Indy (assuming Romeo’s worked out he has an STD) without breaking patient confidentiality.

I’m glad Angelo’s OK and actually hope he goes through with his plan to take Brax and Heath down and I hope he succeeds.

I was expecting Brodie to be handcuffed when he was in hospital.

I thought it was quite amusing Heath trying to pursue Bianca. I actually thought she quite liked the attention.

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I actually found Angelo incredibly annoying in that episode.Lying to Charlie about not remembering what happened seems like an act of monumental stupidity, especially if he's going to carry on investigating on his own despite the fact it's landed him in intensive care.At the end of the day, it's her job, not his, even if she hasn't been particular good at it.Keeping quiet and letting the Braxtons and the other River Boys wander around free effectively put Nicole in danger here, not to mention you've got Charlie and now Bianca spending time with a couple of dangerous criminals.And just as Angelo's brain kicks in and he goes "Hmm, maybe this is a stupid thing to do after all", Nicole grabs the Idiot Ball off him and abruptly decides he should keep quiet!I am glad Brodie's got one over on Brax though and I kind of hope he escapes, he doesn't deserve to carry the can for the Braxtons since he's clearly way down the food chain and doesn't seem as bad as them.Heath was surprisingly affable when he spoke to Bianca the second time, maybe he's been taking lessons from Brax.

I agree with the above comments that Romeo's probably caught whatever Emily's got off her.The only person he slept with before her was Ruby and the only people she slept with prior to him were Geoff and Xavier.Guess he's paying the price of promiscuity:Beginning of the year he was a virgin, six months later he's slept with three different girls.Seems he's making up for lost time even more than Ruby is.Indi's back to annoying me five minutes after getting back together with Romeo, although Sid's not doing himself any favours by acting like a stereotypical overprotective dad.You can see where he's coming from though, Emily told him that Romeo infected her which means there's a good chance he's infected Indi.I actually found Dexter's eccentricity a notch too high in that episode, his "Replace the adult male's brains with computers" speech felt like the sort of thing they gave him when he first came back before they found a balance.

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Where was I oh, yes, Romeo and his infection. Let's hope it's not too long before he gets it checked out. Strange how we are all in agreement about it being Emily who passed it to Romeo, for all that he cheated on Indi he wasn't putting it about that much so we don't blame him. Emily must have had symptoms that prompted her to go to the hospital in the first place. I think you're right Miranda if it was chlamydia Emily wouldn't have any symptoms until it was too late, though Sid did mention the fact about it affecting her fertility if she had left it too long. Was she 'seeing' someone who her dad wouldn't approve of and that is why she's blamed Romeo?

Actually Emily pays Romeo a visit tonight anyway, so he is not going to be able to avoid it any longer.

It did start me thinking where does the infection come from in the first place? Is it something a person is carrying without them knowing and it is only when they have sex that triggers it and passes it on?

What is this sudden interest Heath has with Bianca, I don't recall him taking any notice of her before Liam went walk-about? Is she seriously interested or just as she said flattered that one of the bad boys is flirting with her?

Is it just me or can anyone really see Brax let Brodie get away now he knows Brax's secret? I have a horrible feeling Brodie is going to have an accident, and a fatal one at that. It may not be Brax that does the deed, he's much too clever for that, how about when he is the boat that is taking him away? Brax was discreet when Charlie called on him when Brodie was hiding, but not obviously not discreet enough, the kissing noises probably gave it away. :wink: Brodie wasn't as dumb as maybe we have thought he was. So if he goes on the 'run' what about his 'old lady' he was so worried about last week, will the RB's still look after her?

Amazing coincidence Brodie was taken to the same hospital where Angelo was recovering and he had come round in time to do his 'put the gun down' routine. :rolleyes: Well done Nic, fighting back like that!! Agree Slade he should have been handcuffed, true he was writhing about in pain. but usually unless they are unconscious or at deaths door don't the prison guards still handcuff them, despite the doctors complaining about it? Did wonder why a guard (assuming that was a guard and not a cop) would take orders from a civilian?

The only true thing Angelo told Charlie was that he didn't know who hit him as he was snuck on from behind so as far as he knows could have been anyone. If (or should I say when) it gets out he doesn't remember anything wouldn't Brax and co want to make sure it stays that way?

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I knew there was another person that Ruby slept with but I forgot it was Geoff. So I guess we can add Claudia, Lachie, Nicole and Elliot to the list. Seriously though Romeo didn’t even argue the fact when Emily said she caught Chlamydia off him. There are two possibilities that spring to mind. Romeo was so taken aback by what Emily said his head wasn’t in the right place to think about arguing whether he passed the virus onto her (so she still could have passed the virus onto him and been lying about it). If he didn’t get it off Ruby then he slept with someone else in between her and Emily. There is also the possibility that he lied to Indy about being a virgin but he would have picked up the symptoms a lot sooner.

I wasn’t really sure about Sid. Hasn’t he already broken patient confidentiality by telling Marilyn. And given the nature of the virus he seems to be taking quite a risk. If he was that worried about Indy not finding out maybe he could have convinced Emily to tell Indy. He can kill two birds with one stone then. Indy could have found out without Sid breaking his code of ethics and it also would have put a dampener on Indy’s relationship with Romeo.

Oh dear. I was hoping Charlie only saw Brax as a fling but it looks as though she’s really fallen for him. Why I am I not surprised? This is going to ruin her career if she doesn’t watch it.

Although I didn’t want Keith to get in trouble with the police I’m glad he was busted for the simple reason that hopefully Coleen will finish with him and we won't be subjected to anymore scenes with them.

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Re: Brodie's 'old lady' situation. If I was him I don't know I'd want the RB's 'looking after' her, especially if she is his wife....! I think he will have an unfortunate accident, sadly. If only he could have made some insurance policy to drop Brax in it if he had such an accident.

Re: Romeo's infection. Firstly, get that boy to a doctor! Secondly, I agree its more likely that Emily gave it to him, due to his virginal state. However (I'm putting the icky bit in spoilers, I don't want to upset Brian :P, it isn't a spoiler)

if you think about the physical side of things, its more likely that a man would give an infection to a woman for obvious reasons

. Glad he apologised to Emily at last. I think he thought she was pregnant though, his face before she told him! :lol: I still think all this is to fit in with some chlamydia campaign, as they had one in England a while ago, these campaigns come and go, so to speak!

Re: Brax. He is just a compulsive liar/ psychopath, I reckon. I realise his life has made him like that, but honestly! Can't Charlie control herself and keep away from him? He's not that gorgeous ffs.

Re: Colleen. Poor woman! She thought Keith was her dream man now look at her. She deserves better.

Re: Sid and Maz. Go Maz! You tell him about the Indi situation. I can't imagine why Sid is faffing about when Indi's health is at risk. Hopefully Maz will tell her.

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I think that Brax is definitely a compulsive liar. I was wondering last week if it’s reached the pathological stage like Penn but I think every time Brax has lied there’s been an ulterior motive. Penn lied because he could and to deliberately make life difficult for people. I’m not sure about the sociopath stage either. The guy’s a criminal, and quite a good one judging by the fact that the police haven’t mentioned a criminal record even though they suspect he’s been involved in highly illegal activities for some time but I cast my mind back to when he helped Elijah, when he beat Brodie up because he played a practical joke on Colleen and although it is convenient for him to go out with Charlie I do think he actually cares about her. However I really want to see him get what's coming to him.

I’m glad the writers brought Emily back as I actually felt quite sorry for her the way Romeo treated her. In terms of Karma I was thinking which person should have been responsible for him catching the STD. Emily for the way Romeo used her and was spiteful to her afterwards or Ruby for Romeo cheating on Indy.

I found it hard to disagree with what Marilyn said although Sid is in a very difficult position.

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Well.Brax dropping Keith in it raises some interesting questions.I can see three possibilities here: Taken at face value, he could be telling the truth about using the marijuana for medicinal purposes and just be one of the Braxtons' customers.Another possibility is that, as Charlie sort of seemed to suspect, he was storing the marijuana at his farm(although it did seem like he was paying Heath last week).The other option is that he's the mastermind behind it all, which might let Brax and Heath off the hook.(Brax did say last episode "How did we get in this deep?", which could mean the drug trafficking is something new to them or just that everything seems to have gone wrong lately.)I've heard speculation that Brax has got rid of Brodie in a rather permanent fashion and I can see how people might interpret it like that but I'm going to take it at face value and assume he got away. Good luck to him, frankly.Charlie's attitude towards Brax seems to be "I think you're a criminal but I'm going to carry on sleeping with you anyway."Guess she took his advice about acting like two different people in and out of work to heart.

I actually found Marilyn's attitude towards Sid very annoying:First she has a go at him for not giving Romeo a chance, then she has a go at him for giving Romeo a chance, for giving him an opportunity to tell Indi himself rather than going behind his back.Sid's right about patient confidentiality although he shouldn't have told Marilyn.Fair play to Emily for telling Romeo promptly, it wasn't until I thought about the time scale that I realised she only got her results that morning.I posted a lengthy speech about who's slept with who in the spoiler section but if Geoff did get it off Nicole and pass it on to Ruby, then assuming everyone infects everyone they sleep with, that's Aden, Angelo, Liam, Trey and Bianca all needing to go see a doctor.And Belle and Penn if they weren't dead.(Oh-and that girl Aden had that one night stand with and all those girls Penn was sleeping with. And Casey, of course.)Given that Romeo now knows and knows Sid knows, his best bet is to come clean to Sid and Indi straightaway.

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Oh Charlie what are you doing - please end it with Brax now! He's a blatant liar, you're a smart girl - you are beyond compromised! He's not even a convincing liar and why did she tell him about the road blocks out of town - serious lack of judgement there.

Depsite all this, I am still hoping that RedRanger is right and that Keith is the mastermind behind the drug op'eration and has some kind of hold over Brax that will excuse his despicable actions - my hopes are getting more distant by the episode though..... :( Will just need to see what the writers come up with...

What a position for Sid to be in, desperate to protect his daughter but professionally bound not to say anything as Emily is his patient.

He kept harping on about his "ethical obligation" but then told Marilyn all the details anyway - he might as well have told Indi. Think the whole point about this storyline is to show just how easily STI's are spread - half the teens in the town now need tested after 2 people show symptoms - glad they are tackling this issue!

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I'm kind of with you Red re. Keith, he could have been paying Heath for the plants he had in his posssession which were to ease his arthritis pain, but how did he know the RB's had them? Not something you would tell everyone is it? Shame that Colleen has taken the attitude she has,though it's not a thing you would tell someone on a first date. I can understand her reasoning in a way after all she went through with Les, maybe she will have a change of heart down the line. How fortunate he was just giving her a massage and they weren't up to anything else when Charlie and co burst in!!! :blush:

I was getting the feeling from what he wasn't saying to Brodie that Brax was falling for Charlie and is worried what will happen. Is Charlie now playing Brax which she accused him of and he accused her of?

Sid was wrong by telling Marilyn, but she did keep pushing him. If Indi is having safe sex with Romeo and by that I mean he wore a condom and it's not just that she is on the pill she is relatively safe, but he should still tell her. I did notice Emily said to Romeo 'I think I got it from you' which is different from what she told Sid. By that it implies he hasn't been the only boy she slept with. The same thing passed through my mind, Miranda, that Romeo thought Emily was going to say she was pregnant!! If we follow your line of reasoning Red about it being Geoff passing it onto Ruby after he slept with Nicole it does make it a lot more complicated. But wouldn't it have been picked up on Nic's blood tests when she was pricked by that needle and it certainly didn't affect her fertility.

More tomorrow.

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Haha! We were right about their lack of money then- they didn't even show the blooming festival, just cancelled it and focused on Gina and wotsername going off camping.

Why are Ruby and Casey having 'where is this going?' conversations? Has Ruby not had a relationship long enough before to ask this? Can't remember. Casey was certainly very evasive but he is male, they often do that. Hence why its not a good idea to ask them things like that :lol:

Poor old Bianca, she is heartbroken. I think Liam is doing the right thing going to re hab and he certainly felt shut out by her. I think she might like Heath cos he is physically really similar to Vittorio :rolleyes:

I agree H&ALover, Romeo should definitely tell Indi about his condition. As before, how can she trust him if he doesn't tell her the truth? Why does she trust him anyway? :huh:

I read just now in spoilers

Next week, Casey takes revenge on Romeo. What for this time? Is it because Romeo's passed chlamydia to Ruby and therefore to Casey? That doesn't make sense. Romeo would then have had it before he slept with Ruby, so how would he have got it? I'm confused.

Felt sorry for Colleen, she did have a bad time with Les and I think she's really an insecure person hence why she is such a nosy busybody. I would LOVE Keith to be the mastermind behind the River Boys, that would be brilliant, but I fear his cultivating was only for his 'joints' :lol: I don't think they would dare show Keith and Colleen in bed in H&A, its shown too early in the day.

Again, I liiked Roo's 'mother/adviser to all the Bay' role.

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