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Another thought I had about blood tests is that Ruby was hospitalised shortly after she and Romeo slept together because her blood sugar was out of whack.If she gave it to him, she must have had it for quite a while, so wouldn't it have shown up then?

Yep, no music festival after about two months of build-up.The budget's so bad they can't even afford an off screen music festival.Vanessa seemed like even more of a teenager than the teenagers (even Xavier and April look scared)and now she and Gina have gone all Thelma and Louise.John deciding to head out and rescue them seemed a bit odd and Xavier should probably have stayed out of it.John asking Roo to help him with a development is interesting, hoping it won't turn out to be as dodgy as they usually are.

Good that Liam's gone off to rehab to get himself sorted.I can understand April wanting to help but she should really have steered clear and let Liam and Bianca sort it out themselves;Xavier's right, they are grown ups.

I found Ruby suddenly giving Casey the "Can you see a future for us?" interrogation very strange as well:What was she expecting him to do, propose marriage?At least he did eventually come up with a sensible answer.

Nice to see Roo back in the caravan park house, although her walking straight in felt a bit odd.Morag did seem to be eyeing that pile of things Miles was flicking...Miles' comment to Colleen was appallingly inappropriate, especially since they'd just been talking about how embarrassed she was. Seriously, Irene might say he's an idiot but he didn't used to be.What's happened?

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Oh Charlie what are you doing - please end it with Brax now! He's a blatant liar, you're a smart girl - you are beyond compromised! He's not even a convincing liar and why did she tell him about the road blocks out of town - serious lack of judgement there.
Hear hear!! My thoughts exactly! Yeah she knows he's lying but she's choosing to ignore that and still carry on their relationship anyway. My reaction: OPEN YOUR EYES CHARLIE!!!

Why are Ruby and Casey having 'where is this going?' conversations? Has Ruby not had a relationship long enough before to ask this?
:lol: Of course not Miranda this is Ruby we're talking about. She is after all the poster girl for "sl... girls" right? I'm proud to say that I officially don't give a stuff about anything that comes out of her mouth anymore!! It took me a little while to get to this stage but I'm finally here! Yay!! I did go through a stage like this with Angelo when I first started watching full time and he was being all "I just killed Jack so what?". It makes hatred more fun this way!!

Poor old Bianca, she is heartbroken. I think Liam is doing the right thing going to re hab and he certainly felt shut out by her.
Yeah I totally think Liam's done the right thing! Especially due to/because of the feeling left out by Bianca part. And it is kinda sad yes. But there's still something I don't get: It was when Bianca said to April: "Yet he's still not here". I'm sorry you're mad because why exactly? I thought you wanted him to get better. Well that's what he's doing. Unless Bianca doesn't know that. And why would she not know that exactly? If she just took 2 seconds to think about it I'm sure she could figure out where he is. Not location obviously but that's not important now is it? I mean let's look at the facts: So we had Liam who was ill and all addicted to drugs. Bianca was saying to him: "I can't be there for you. I can't have you in my life right now. Come back to me when you're all sorted". Liam goes away. So Liam's not here anymore and Bianca doesn't have even the slightest idea where he could be? Er because?? ... um... um... I'm out!

I feel for Bianca that the man she loves isn't around at the moment and I still ship her relationship with Liam and everything! :wub: I've forgiven him for all that because an addiction just takes hold of you plus I respect him now for trying to get well again. But Liam hasn't dumped Bianca like she seems to think has he? That's basically what she was saying to Roo wasn't it? That she feels abandoned and it's really hard for her atm. etc. Well guess what Bianca? Liam's not exactly taking a walk in the park right now either. :angry: So Bianca's upset that she doesn't know where Liam is. Well it's not about her is it. I think Liam didn't write it in the note and he told Roo not to tell anyone and especially not Bianca because getting rid of the drug habit is hard enough as it is. He doesn't need B going to the rehab facility as well to ask him what the status of their relationship is right now. Liam's gotta sort out one problem at a time at the moment and kicking his drug habit is the most important thing for right now. That's why he put "I'll always love you" - because he was saying to Bianca "I'll come back to you!". :) Bianca's just gotta be patient atm. and focus on herself and her job and her family etc. because Liam's focussing on himself atm. Yeah he's focussing on trying to get himself better so he can go back to the love of his life and be all sorted out and live a good life with her!

Two quick last points I want to make about this then I'll leave it there: April - I understand that she wants to be there for her sister. That's good! But

she should really have steered clear and let Liam and Bianca sort it out themselves
- you took the words right out of my mouth there Red!

Also it still doesn't bode well for Liam and Bianca's future does it? Coz I mean if she's gonna react like this when he relapses (that is if it should happen again in the future which it could do. Hopefully not but never say never) it's not gonna get any more productive on any future occasions is it? Just something I've got in the back of my mind.

Yep, no music festival after about two months of build-up.
Oh I don't mind coz all the stuff in today's eppy about getting there was fun and I really enjoyed it (except for the Ruby parts that is but what can you do?)! Loved how Xavier and John got stuck going to rescue Gina and Vanessa too! Funny stuff!!

Why does she trust him anyway?
Same reason I do I guess because he's Romeo and he's great and that thing with Ruby was just a one off and now he's really really sorry for it which is important! I'm sure he'll tell Indi in time but he's gotta process it himself first hasn't he.

I was really impressed by Elijah yesterday actually! For the first time like... ever! But I thought he handled the situation with Romeo well. That was good!

I liked Miles and Roo's little game of pool too! That was fun!! I'm really loving Miles atm!!! And Roo too!! But anyway about Miles:

Miles' comment to Colleen was appallingly inappropriate
Yeah it was. But that's just Miles. He wasn't saying it to be insensitive or anything. He just didn't think before he opened his big mouth. He thought it was funny. He wasn't around when Leah and Irene were talking about Colleen was he? Or was he talking about Colleen with Roo? Anyway explianation done.

he's an idiot but he didn't used to be.What's happened?
But that's the way I love Miles the best! Nothing's happened. He is an idiot but he's a funny idiot!! And he's warm, genuine, lovely and decent too!! I love Miles!!

I loved how Leah told Miles off as well!! That was classic!! :lol:

Again, I liiked Roo's 'mother/adviser to all the Bay' role.
Yeah I like Mama Roo! Love Roo!! It was an interesting little conversation she had with John as well. Curious...

My final point: I enjoyed when Morag was talking about Alf's trip: "laughingly called a fishing trip". Hehe!!

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I posted a lengthy speech about who's slept with who in the spoiler section but if Geoff did get it off Nicole and pass it on to Ruby, then assuming everyone infects everyone they sleep with, that's Aden, Angelo, Liam, Trey and Bianca all needing to go see a doctor.And Belle and Penn if they weren't dead.(Oh-and that girl Aden had that one night stand with and all those girls Penn was sleeping with. And Casey, of course.)

Well it’s a pity I’m never going to see that speech as I very rarely go into the spoiler section. I don’t really understand why people want to know what’s going to happen all the time before watching the actual episode. Isn’t the element of surprise appealing occasionally? Someone else to consider was the bird Liam brought back to make Bianca jealous when she was engaged to Vittorio.

Before the start of the episode the announcer said “Colleen like you’ve never seen her before and may never want to again” and I thought to myself oh no, not another scene like yesterday with Colleen but thankfully we were spared. If Colleen doesn’t want to get back with Keith he should think himself fortunate as he’s had a lucky escape.

I was very disappointed they didn’t show the music festival as I was really looking forward to seeing Gina unwind with Vanessa and the subsequent interaction with some of the younger characters who joined them. I’m glad April seems more like her old self now - A lot more likeable.

Once again really enjoyed the interaction between Xavier and John.

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I'll join those who didn't really get Ruby's "where is this going?" type question to Casey. I wondered if I'd had a weird moment and blanked something that had happened previously between them to prompt it, or maybe they'd cut a scene, as it seemed a little out of nowhere. At least it doesn't seem to be just me.

I too was pretty disappointed that they didn't bother with the music festival after all the build up. Surely they could've fashioned something that looked a little like an outdoor party with music playing in the background, but then again they didn't bother for Xavier's birthday.

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Someone else to consider was the bird Liam brought back to make Bianca jealous when she was engaged to Vittorio.

Ah, Nina!How did I forget about her?You're quite right.

He wasn't around when Leah and Irene were talking about Colleen was he? Or was he talking about Colleen with Roo?

When Roo came to the caravan park, she was looking for Colleen and I think it was Morag that said something about her being embarrassed by what happened with Keith.So yeah, Miles should have known better.

Not too sure about the interpretation of Liam's letter.To me "I'll always love you" sounds like a goodbye message, more "I'll never forget you" than "I'm coming back for you."

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I'll join those who didn't really get Ruby's "where is this going?" type question to Casey. I wondered if I'd had a weird moment and blanked something that had happened previously between them to prompt it, or maybe they'd cut a scene, as it seemed a little out of nowhere. At least it doesn't seem to be just me.

I think your idea that they cut a scene is a good one :D It seemed very odd otherwise. Is this the beginning of the end for them I wonder?

I also wondered if the reason Casey and Ruby are together is that they are very alike. Ruby's default behaviour is: see a boy she likes, chase him til he can't resist, then after a while, get bored and move onto the next one. And what did Casey do? He saw Ruby, chased her til she couldn't resist, and it seems now after a while he's getting bored... He was definitely giving her the 'don't hassle me woman, you're rushing me' speech.

Maybe Ruby will get a dose of her own medicine: a boy getting tired of her before she gets tired of him :o I suppose Geoff did that, but Geoff wasn't the pursuer in that relationship. Whereas Casey pursued Ruby.

Hm, not sure that's a reason to trust Romeo, ChangeloShipper :P. I suppose he's the type to work things out internally, isn't he, not make a song and dance about it.

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Actually not a lot seemed to happen last night, are they all saving themselves for a big plot that is coming up?

For once perhaps Ruby isn't assuming the current bloke in her life isn't 'The One' and actually asking him (Casey) how he feels about their relationship and does he feel it could be long term. Family problems aside (he is a Braxton, her sister is a cop) it could work.

Going back to Keith and the drugs, if they were his and/or he is a drugs baron why would he be paying Heath for them?

Seems Colleen decides to hear Keith's explanation about the drugs. As long as he isn't hiding anything else I think she should give him another chance.

She is obviously upset at not being with him.

So after all that build up (for what seemed like months) the concert gets cancelled at the last moment!!!! Even if we didn't see it, you could have the characters coming back and saying how good it was. How fortunate, Vanessa, Gina, April, Xavier, Ruby and Casey just happened to be tuned to the right radio station.:rolleyes: What about the people who weren't? Gina and Vanessa have gone camping, John (because he is worried about them being flooded out) and Xavier have gone looking for them and get stuck. Don't we just all know what is going to happen next!!! :wink:

Pretty obvious that was where Liam went, perhaps he didn't want Bianca to know until he had gone through the treatment and could come back to her clean (if he was that is) without feeling he couldn't let her down by not making it. Just a theory. Not sure if April getting involved is a good idea, he's going to worry about her letting on to Bianca which is pressure he doesn't need.

Thing is Changelo & Miranda Romeo can't wait that long to tell Indi, her health could be at risk, the longer he leaves it the more danger that she could hear it from someone else, even overhear Sid and Marilyn arguing about it so he must tell her asap how difficult it's going to be. I'm guessing he will also need to tell Ruby who though she was his first he wasn't hers.

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Thing is Changelo & Miranda Romeo can't wait that long to tell Indi, her health could be at risk, the longer he leaves it the more danger that she could hear it from someone else, even overhear Sid and Marilyn arguing about it so he must tell her asap how difficult it's going to be. I'm guessing he will also need to tell Ruby who though she was his first he wasn't hers.

I agree with you, I just didn't want to criticise or praise Romeo. I'm not sure whether I like him or not these days :rolleyes:

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Forgot to mention the other night when Heath was chatting up Bianca he remarked she had noticed him the Singles night at Angelo's. I remembered she said to Leah I think it was 'How come all the bad guys are so hot!' :wink: He must have heard her.

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Not sure if a deleted scene would explain Ruby's odd chat, it felt a bit like they needed her and Casey to talk about something and just made it up or maybe it's for a forthcoming storyline.I think Romeo does need to tell Indi straightaway, if only because Sid knows.If there's going to be trust in the relationship, he needs to be honest with her, not keep major stuff like this secret.He can hold off telling Ruby until after he's been tested, if it's negative it isn't an issue.

Don't you just love that opening shot of Xavier pushing the range rover, which must have everyone going "He's going to fall in the mud!"?The mudfight between him and John was inevitable and I love how Xavier saw the funny side of it(while John kept taking things seriously), it shows how much he's grown.Nice that Gina and Vanessa both accepted there's nothing wrong with how the other runs their life.That stuff John and Gina were quoffing near the end looked pretty lethal.("It's green.")Either that or it's shampoo.

April's interference was a bit dubious but on the whole she probably did the right thing.Loved that awkward silence before she gave Bianca Liam's address.Liam and Bianca's chat probably helped both of them although I'm not sure it gave Bianca any sense of closure, I think she's still just as uncertain as to whether she should be waiting for Liam to come back or moving on.Irene continued to be annoyingly unsympathetic in the first half of the episode, although she softened once she found out Liam was doing the right thing.After the Xapril drought we've been through recently, I'm back to celebrating every time they're on screen together, it's nice how supportive they are of each other.

Well, I'm glad Colleen listened to Keith, even if she wasn't willing to back down.Whether Keith's a drug baron or not, I find it hard to believe there's no connection between him talking to Heath and him having a load of marijuana in his house.

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