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He wasn't around when Leah and Irene were talking about Colleen was he? Or was he talking about Colleen with Roo?

When Roo came to the caravan park, she was looking for Colleen and I think it was Morag that said something about her being embarrassed by what happened with Keith.So yeah, Miles should have known better.

Oh yeah that's right isn't it. Well yeah but he's just Miles you know. It was just a complete spur of the moment thing in Miles' quirky way. He just thought it was funny. He totally didn't mean anything by it. Yes at the time I had a similar reaction to Leah but it really was nothing. I'm tempted to say that Colleen shouldn't have taken it so personally. I feel for her of course. I'm not hard hearted. But it was just Miles you know.

Not too sure about the interpretation of Liam's letter.To me "I'll always love you" sounds like a goodbye message, more "I'll never forget you" than "I'm coming back for you."
OK maybe it's just because I saw him leave and OK now you put it like that I guess I could see how she might've thought it was a goodbye. But I still think it was wrong that Bianca didn't have enough faith in Liam to think, 'Oh he's not around anymore. Hopefully he's seen the light and he's gone to rehab somewhere'. I think that last sentence is all I'm gonna say about what happened re: this SL yesterday because I've been thinking toomuch about this recently and I don't want to get into it all again.

Hm, not sure that's a reason to trust Romeo, ChangeloShipper :P
OK maybe not just because of that but I meant that Romeo's a great guy and before that incident he was always very trustworthy and decent and lovely!! But he was really sincere in his apology to Indi you know and he really really does love her so that's not a bad thing is it? :wub: I did have a bad period with him immediately after he did that with Ruby of course. It's just morals and stuff isn't it. I don't want to get into it all again OK but now I've forgiven him because he's sincere and really trying his best to make it upto Indi and never hurt her again. And I for one am really happy to give him the chance to do so! :)

Thing is Changelo & Miranda Romeo can't wait that long to tell Indi
Oh I'm sure he won't but he only just found out don't forget and besides it's a TV show so he can't be in it just telling Indi the next day if the script wasn't written that way can he? Also Emily told him at night. You wanted him to get on the phone to Indi straight away? Maybe it will all blow up in his face re: Indi finding out because this is "Home and Away". But I'm not gonna judge him before he's had the chance to tell her. I don't think Romeo'll make the same mistake twice with Indi by not telling her again about something that's really important to their relationship. Plus this news has the added effect that it could be detrimental to Indi's long term health and I don't think Romeo'd mess with that. I think Romeo'll tell Indi as soon as he's allowed to - like within the script.

Just coz a good guy makes a mistake it doesn't mean he's a bad guy does it? If he's truly sorry then we forgive and move on don't we? That's what Indi's done with Romeo and that's why I've forgiven him too. Well as much as you ever can forgive a character from a TV show right.

I thought John and Gina's scene at home yesterday was quite sweet! When he said: "I miss you when you're not around". I actually awed at that! :wub: Genuinely too! I'm not John's biggest fan but for the moment he's actually OK and dare I say pretty likeable even! And I mean that! :)

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How sad that two relationships have ended due to drugs (or have seemed to). I'm glad that Colleen listened to Keith's explanation and appeared to understand. I'm sure she thinks she's done the right thing, but seeing her crying :cryingsmiley: later makes me want to think she should give him another chance. She admitted she loved him and as proved by Indi and Romeo everyone deserves a second chance.

Moving onto Bianca and Liam, although both were reluctant to make contact with each other I'm glad they did. April's back to being the wise one and Bianca would have always wondered 'what if' if she hadn't gone to see Liam. She was relieved when April told her he was in rehab. He said exactly what I mentioned the other day, he has to get clean for himself no-one else. At least she now knows where he is and is getting himself sorted. One thing this time round he isn't as far down the path to destruction as he was when we first saw him, rather like Irene when she fell off the wagon. I'd like to see them back together in the future, hope Bianca's mum doesn't find out so she can say 'I told you so'. Though Axel isn't known as a singer here in the UK he has played the role of Liam very well so well done to him.

Loved the scenes between John and Xav, just what we needed a bit of light relief. So obvious it was going to end in a mud fight and then of course Gina and Vanessa had to rescue them!!! :lol: So Gina and Vanessa weren't even in the Park at that time, they returned later. I think they were drinking Xav's absinthe.

So is this Laura Roo has had a card from and is I presume the one who keeps ringing her someone from her past she wants to avoid for some reason?

As we've seen from the trailer Marilyn tells Indi why Sid has been acting the way he has, why couldn't she just say you will have to speak to Romeo!!! That's going to help their rebudding romance a lot!

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Oh, this episode should be called 'Marilyn has the sex talk with her step children' :lol:

Marilyn and Sid are on the downward spiral, dear oh dear. But she was right to tell Indi, IMO. Sid is obsessed with putting down Romeo. He's only an 18 year old kid ffs.

I liked Angelo's talk with Nic about George, he forced her to decide.

I also liked all the STI conversations between people. Getting it all out in the open.

Who is the actress playing Laura? She looks familiar. I think why Roo was avoiding her calls is a mystery to be solved...

Next week looks a bit exciting, but didn't like Bianca's hair, she looked like Medusa :lol:

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Due to crappy reception this evening I couldn't make out what half of them were saying!!!!! :angry: Did Romeo's tests come back clear? Indi was very grown up (much more than Sid btw) by listening to him instead of throwing a hissy fit. How could Sid expect Romeo to be examined by him, his girl friend's father when it was obvious to both why he was there?

Lovely talk (what I could hear) between Dex and Marilyn, kind of made up for her revealing the truth to Indi. Although Sid was wrong to tell her in the first place she compounded the error by passing it on. I suppose Sid remembers what being a 18 year old boy was like (and an adult in his case).

Nic was bound to be concerned about the rows, fair enough all couples with children have them, but I suppose she feels as George isn't 'theirs' they should make more of an effort and the fact that Indi reckons the relationship is in trouble doesn't help, she has been there.

Know what you mean Red about Laura, I immediately thought Josie/Angie? :unsure: Could they have had more than a working relationship or was that just my imagination?

You know the old saying new bloke, new hairstyle!!

Did that guy at the door really say 'I'm Penn Graham's dad'?

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I think they were drinking Xav's absinthe.

I thought that must be the case, can't imagine Xav would be overly pleased but maybe he's more generous than I would be towards my parents. :lol:

Few eps to catch up on, so more comments.. soonish.

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Due to crappy reception this evening I couldn't make out what half of them were saying!!!!! :angry:

Know what you mean Red about Laura, I immediately thought Josie/Angie? :unsure: Could they have had more than a working relationship or was that just my imagination?

I know how you feel about the reception, I get that all the time <_<

Hello, its Miranda commenting about Laura, not Red :P I know Red and I write stories together but we aren't the same person :P

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I notice ol' Elijah makes him self at home at Miles's house taking a juice from the fridge :-)

One other thing I didn't get is that Indie got her test results before Romeo despite him being tested first...he definately needs to change his practise!

@H&Alover You need to get cable it's not as bad for reception although it often clips the sound off those feckless Brighthouse girls...no bad thing ;-)

Due to crappy reception this evening I couldn't make out what half of them were saying!!!!! :angry:

Know what you mean Red about Laura, I immediately thought Josie/Angie? :unsure: Could they have had more than a working relationship or was that just my imagination?

I know how you feel about the reception, I get that all the time <_<

Hello, its Miranda commenting about Laura, not Red :P I know Red and I write stories together but we aren't the same person :P

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Did that guy at the door really say 'I'm Penn Graham's dad'?

Think he said "Penn Graham was my Grandson" - so he must be Penn's Grandfather, though why he's turning up now after all this time is very intriguing! Thought we'd heard the last of Penn.

Loved the last couple of episodes. Some really nice interactions between characters, particularly family members like John and Xavier (so funny), April and Bianca and Marilyn and Dexter. I really liked Marilyn in today's episode, she's been hard to like for a while now, but she had such lovely chats with Dex and Indi (she definitely did the right thing by telling her as she wasn't under any kind of obligation not to) and I liked the way she spoke about her love for baby George.

Nicole needs to decide as soon as possible what she wants to do, leaving it any longer is just too cruel. I'm thinking that guy Angus (??) she was seeing for a while was right when he said this whole situation would end badly :(

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Roo's episode count this week:Four.Miles was also in four and technically so was Irene, although if you blinked on Monday, and maybe if you didn't, you'd have missed her(she was briefly visible in the background at the Diner).Ruby and Casey were only in one.

I'm getting quite annoyed with the portrayal of Sid.Not the way he's acting but the way the viewer is apparently supposed to perceive it."What's wrong with Romeo?"asks Miles early on, apparently in complete seriousness and expecting the audience to nod in agreement.Because every father likes their daughter to have a boyfriend who lies to her, cheats on her, sleeps around, refuses to take responsibility for his actions and generally acts like a rubbish friend and boyfriend.Romeo lies to Indi and places her health at risk without the professional ethics that Sid is bound by, yet Indi forgives him straightaway and then blows her top at Sid in an annoying and immature manner.Even though it was over the top and he went too far by banning Romeo from the house, I was cheering at Sid's response because he's exactly right:Every time he gives Romeo a chance he messes it up.Not that Sid's perfect and his application of his professional ethics is a bit murky:He'll tell Marilyn and drop hints to Indigo but won't make any more than a token effort to persuade Romeo to get tested even when he comes to the surgery(and given how quickly Miles and Elijah persuaded him, it wouldn't have taken much).Marilyn was right to tell Indigo, she didn't really have any choice after Sid did everything but tell her.(By the way, I think Indigo indicated that Romeo had got his test results back and they were positive;she says she doesn't have it, Sid says "But Romeo does?" and there's an awkward silence.)Since Romeo and Ruby also practised safe sex, she's probably in the clear too.

Nice chat between Nicole and Indi.Hard to get worked up by Nicole having yet more doubts about giving up George, although at least she's progressed from "I want my baby but he's better off with Marilyn and Sid" to "I want my baby and why's he better off with Marilyn and Sid again?"

Roo's reaction to Laura is, as The Forum Member Once Again Known As Miranda said, quite interesting.Thinking back to all the hints about Roo being in financial trouble when she first came back, and the way it was brushed aside with a "I sorted all that out" after her trip away, I wonder if it's going to be picked up on.

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I think Sid is just generally frustrated with the situation and is taking it out on Romeo. Sid is frustrated cos he knows its going wrong with Marilyn and he is liking Roo more and more. He is frustrated cos he hadn't thought he'd be a father of a baby again and its not what he really, truly wants. Add stroppy Indi and Dex to the mixture and Sid is generally a frustrated man, while Romeo is the scapegoat and obvious target.

While you mention Miranda, I must say, I know I'm biased, but what was the point of the character Miranda? All she did was come along and make Xavier out to be an idiot, then go away again. I know he can be an idiot but he's not a bad person and has a good heart, so what was the point of her? :unsure:

Best wishes,

The Forum Member Once Again Known As Miranda :lol:

ATTENTION, SLADE! Just found out that the actress who plays Laura in HAA, played Angela Mulroney in Out of the Blue, the series we loved. She was the mother of Kirsten (played by Samara Weaving/ Indi) and the wife of the character played by the same actor who played Derrick in HAA (the one who had a fight with Hugo, who was also in OOTB). A small world.

Hope you see this Slade :)

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