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I don't really buy this "Sid's having a bad time and he's taking it out on Romeo" argument.Possibly it's making him react more strongly than he would otherwise but Romeo is everything that Sid says he is and Indi's just too blind to see it.He was a complete coward over the whole STI thing, lying to Indi about it even though she was at risk, taking an age to get tested and then running off when things got difficult.Emily came out of it better than him, she told him what was going on as soon as she got her results which can't have been easy for her.

Another thing that I forgot to mention that struck me as weird:Marilyn doesn't know Dexter's a virgin? Is she the only person in town who doesn't?Has it not occurred to her that he's not had a single date in the nine months or so she's been living with him?

Not sure about the point of Miranda:Possibly to give Xavier something to do while he and April were apart and maybe help him grow up a little and help Gina realise she can't keep meddling in his life. Guess we'll have to see how he is from now on.

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The whole portrayal of one character and how that character is supposed to be perceived I feel is very often subjective and can sometimes be dependent on how likeable the character actually is. I don’t feel as though the writers are deliberately trying to portray Sid in a bad light. I think they are trying to show a father who is struggling in his relationship with his partner, having doubts about raising somebody else’s kid whilst trying to do the best for his own children and working long hours. Eventually that’s going to take its toll. It does appear at the moment as though Sid really dislikes Romeo (which I think is a bit over the top) but as I said before his attitude towards him feels more like a projection of his past behaviour, add to that what I mentioned previously then I think it’s plausible that he acts this way given the amount of pressure he’s under at the moment. To reiterate what the The Poster Formally Known as Miranda – who was then known as Catherine – and is now The Forum Member Once Again Known As Miranda (...mouthful) - mentioned about Romeo above, although the actor is a lot older he’s only supposed to be 18 and how many of us in his situation might of acted similarly. I certainly admit I would have done. OK so he cheated on his girlfriend and although he tried to cover his backside, it’s clear now that he is genuinely sorry about what he did. Again with Emily I hated the way he treated her but there does appear to be genuine regret and remorse. It has annoyed me the way Romeo’s wasted time regarding the STI but I don’t blame him for bailing out with Sid. Again if I was in his position I definitely would have done the same thing, given Sid’s hostility towards him as of late. And the way Sid came across when he saw Romeo at the hospital was as though he was more focused about exposing him than he was concerned about treating Romeo as a patient. Although they haven’t really given any specifics Sid has always been portrayed as a womaniser so back to the point I made earlier in that Romeo is only 18 whereas Sid is pushing 40 and he’s only started to settle down since he came to Summer Bay, so maybe he doesn’t think it’s possible for someone that age to change with regards to the cheating. I think Sid should adopt the line OK so he’s cheated on my daughter but he says he’s sorry, Indy’s forgiven him so he’s entitled to one last chance. If he cheats on her again, that’s it!

Something that occurred to me about Emily was when Nicole and Indy were talking they mentioned that it could take several months for the symptoms to develop. If that’s the case with Emily then I suppose it’s possible she could have caught it off someone else a while back then coincidentally after she slept with Romeo the symptoms started to appear so she would naturally infer he was the one who passed it onto her.

I think Miranda had potential as a character but the writers decided not to utilise it. I was definitely biased regarding her but I loved her and Xavier (when they were getting along) and really enjoyed her interaction with John and Gina, not to mention that she was smokin. Thinking about it overall she was good for Xavier. She helped him realise how childish he can be i.e. when he was continually lying. And I felt she gave him a confidence boost i.e. the fact that she was older than him/out of his league and went out with him in the first place and when he won the race at the carnival. He wouldn’t have even been training in the first place if it wasn’t for her and the amount of effort he put in paid off in that respect. I actually think there have been quite a few characters that I've liked who they have gotten rid of quite quickly who could have added more to the show - May and Joey immediately spring to mind.

Thanks for that TFMOAKAM. Shame I can’t even remember what Kyle and Kristen’s mum looked like from OOTB but this stuff with Roo and Laura could be interesting...

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Thanks for that TFMOAKAM. Shame I can’t even remember what Kyle and Kristen’s mum looked like from OOTB but this stuff with Roo and Laura could be interesting...

Slade, she looked like Laura from Home and Away, coincidentally :P

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Hmm.I don't think it's quite as simple as Sid not being able to forgive Romeo for cheating on his daughter, although that does play a big part of it.At the beginning of the week, it did seem like he was willing to give Romeo a chance when he had him round for dinner but then he heard Emily's story and that, and Romeo's behaviour afterwards, pretty much confirmed his earlier impression of him.It placed Sid in a difficult position, since he knew Indi's health was at risk but was bound not to say anything, whereas Romeo could, and should, have said something yet lied to Indi again(despite being aware that Sid probably knew), which seems to be a common feature of his character: However often he puts on that sad face about how he treated Ruby and Emily, I think if Ruby hadn't blurted out the truth to Indi, Romeo would have been quite happy to go on lying to her indefinitely.I agree Sid hasn't handled it well, he should have been more professional when Romeo came to see him and he should know that constantly losing his temper won't get him anywhere, but I do understand his concerns.

I did wonder at one point if maybe someone else Emily slept with tested positive and that's why she went and got herself checked out.She did seem sincere when she told Romeo she thought she caught it off him though but it might be easier to put the blame on someone her father already knows about.

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Regarding the Sid situation & I have only just finished watching it properly, so I might not be thinking clearly at the moment but I think he has handled it all wrong, it just doesn't look good, he basically told Marilyn about it without mentioning names but I think Marilyn was out of line for trying to force Sid to tell Indi. He is as he kept saying 'ethically bound' not to tell anyone so he was right not to say anything to Indi but then he should have been nicer to Romeo so that he would get himself tested and then Indi could have got tested. That is about as simple as it is for me.

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Many apologises Miranda. :blush: You're right EmmyKate, he did in fact say Grandad as revealed in TV mags, wonder if he's his paternal or maternal granddad and how he tracked down where he was? Is this going to have repercussions for Nic and her possible future plans? Could be a lot of unanswered questions about Penn may be (well) answered.

Didn't think of that Red as regards Marilyn not realising Dex was a virgin, she still gave him good advice though. After all Romeo was still a virgin at 18 so he has nothing to feel ashamed about.

I feel Sid is torn between wanting to make up for all the time he wasn't there a lot of the time for his kids when they were growing up and being a bit over protective and wanting them to lead their own lives. He is trying to be like all dads whose boyfriend has cheated on his daughter, it's just as a doctor and having been told by a patient said boyfriend gave her a STI makes it doubly worse. He was willing to give Romeo another go until he found out that bit of news. Perhaps as others have said on here, it's part to do with his past history and his feelings for Roo and feeling guilty for not wanting to hurt Marilyn and in all likelihood splitting the family again. So if Indi is clear and Romeo isn't/still waiting for his results they can still practice safe sex which is what they were doing already, as long, as I said before, it meant he was wearing a condom.

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Accepted H&ALover :P

I would be more worried about Ruby/Casey and their backseat activities tbh. Don't know why Charlie hasn't been more worried. I can't believe they were prepared for that, so they would be more at risk from all sorts of things <_<

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I really enjoyed that episode.It annoyed me a bit that Romeo didn't manage to tell Ruby what was going on and Indi had to do it instead.Not sure of the timescale but I'm guessing this was the day after he got his test done, so at least it hadn't been too long and he'd made an effort.Casey was way out of line punching Romeo, he hadn't really done anything wrong, at least not recently.I was glad Ruby was angry with him about it and apologised to Romeo and also that she was upfront with Indi about Romeo wanting to meet her, even though she already knew.Confirmation that Ruby took two boys' virginity in about two weeks!(Casey's upset he wasn't her first.Or second.Or third.)Ruby annoyed me when she refused to get tested so I'm glad she's come round.And Romeo and Ruby: Their first decent screen time together in months and I'm screaming "Why aren't these two dating?!" Seriously, they couldn't have more chemistry and they basically admit they like each other so...come on?

I'm rather liking Laura and it does seem like she and Roo have a good friendship, despite their reluctance to work together.It did seem like half her scenes were removed:First Laura and Roo chat about Elijah even though we've never seen her meet him, then Leah and Miles chat about Laura even though we've never seen her meet her.(Nice to see Miles being a bit paternal with Ruby, by the way. Now what about Nicole..?)And Sid and Roo:Marilyn aside, I've never been against them being together but I've never seen much chemistry.But that episode, especially when they met up on the beach and he couldn't quite admit he'd miss her if she left, was so cute and I find myself hoping things work out for them.

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Oh, that Laura's a player, isn't she? She was chatting up Romeo, wasn't she :rolleyes: I think she's more extreme than Roo, oh dear, she's trouble. I thought she was talking about Romeo on the beach but it seems she met Elijah offscreen did she? Or is my reception playing up again? :angry:

However, nice to see that actress again looking well. She died of cancer in Out of the Blue so that was a sad storyline.

So Romeo gets out of the difficult conversation with Ruby and good old Indi steps up, then Casey punches him. Instant karma! I didn't realise quite how short Casey's fuse is, he seems to be getting worse at overreacting to everything, although he made up for it later by being sensible. It is nice to see some kind of other consequences to Ruby/Romeo than emotional ones though.

And at last, a scene of Romeo and Ruby apologising to each other, that was nice, I hoped they were going to do that. And Romeo saying he felt safe with her (so does he not feel safe with Indi then?). TBH I think it was better he had his first time with Ruby, all that pressure Indi would have put on him with the perfect meal, the perfect evening, the perfect dress etc. He'd have freaked out. And he was sensible to talk to Casey about her too, without them fighting for once.

I think the same as Red, Romeo and Ruby should be dating. Obvious why they have chemistry but also I think Rebecca is the girl who gets Luke to act properly, the others don't.

Ooh, Sid would be upset if Roo left... and gazing into her eyes :wub:

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Hi folks, I'm back from holiday again. Had to put in my 15 digit password again to be able to post!

Just caught up on last week's episodes and all your posts. By the way Miranda/Catherine/Miranda, does "ffs" mean what i think it means, or it is just my dirty mind?

Good to see that the soap is generating so much interest amongst you all and there are divergent views on who should have done what. There are quite a few good storeylines going on simultaneously, with some characters interacting with different ones : Xavier with April & John, Bianca with Liam and Heath, Miles with Leah & Elijah, Charlie with Brax & the cops, Sid with Roo, Marilyn and kids, etc, etc.

Good to see the clamydia storeyline discussed so openly, although I thought that Indi came out with it a bit quick to Ruby. Really felt sorry for Sid - whatever he did or said was wrong in someone's eyes! Why doesn't he just throw Marilyn out!!!!

Other interesting fact is that H&A seems more interesting to me than Neighbours right now, yet Neighbours always appears in the top 10 Channel 5 programmes for viewer numbers (each week's Sunday Times) and H&A never appears. Who are all these avid Neighbours viewers? and their posts aren't nearly as interesting as all yours. Keep them coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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