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Glad it wasn't just me Miranda and Red wondering about Laura meeting Elijah. It obviously did happen off screen, perhaps he was at the house when she arrived and left before Roo got there. :unsure: As to when she meet Leah anybody's guess. maybe Leah's antenna is twitching as regards Laura possibly being trouble. I have afeeling she could be more of a mans woman than a womans woman, if you know what I mean.

It did seem from what I could gather Roo and Laura had a good business relationship until Tim came on the scene.

Romeo was doing it again, putting off telling Ruby about the clamydia, though I would imagine it would have been a difficult conversation. It would have seemed he was accusing her of giving it to him seeing as he was a virgin. Liked the way Ruby explained to Indi why she was avoiding his calls because she thought he was going behind Indi's back. Good that she did tell her though, I agree Casey shouldn't have gone and thumped Romeo, but he had just heard his girlfriend may have a STI!! Understandably Ruby had a go, but I'm glad they made up later and he persuaded her to take the test. So he was a virgin too, more guys seem to be than the girls. That was a very adult discussion between Romeo and Casey at the surf club

I liked that chat between Ruby and Romeo, I guess he meant he felt safe with her because she was a friend, though you're right Miranda the night Indi was planning would have freaked him out, with Ruby it just happened.

If those sparks between Roo and Sid get any more fiery they're going to set each other alight, though I don't see Roo doing anything behind Marilyn's back.

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Thanks for that TFMOAKAM. Shame I can’t even remember what Kyle and Kristen’s mum looked like from OOTB but this stuff with Roo and Laura could be interesting...

Slade, she looked like Laura from Home and Away, coincidentally :P

Allow me to paraphrase:

Shame I didn't recognise Laura as Kyle and Kristen's mum from OOTB until I came to this thread but the stuff with her and Roo could be interesting.

Anyway having watched Laura in today's episode I do remember her now. I quite liked her, more than I like Roo and really look forward to seeing more of her.

Doesn't Indy have any common sense? She could have just made up a story or said she would speak to Romeo when Ruby said he was trying to get in touch with her. She really should have let him be the one to break the news to her. In saying that I suppose at least Ruby told her about it so maybe she wants to rebuild their friendship. I really liked Romeo today. I thought he handled Casey decking him really well. I was actually willing Romeo to knock the stuffing out of Casey. And I don't think Romeo had it coming because all the evidence still seems to indicate that he was more likely to have got it off Ruby than the other way round. I also really liked the way Romeo tried to look out for Ruby - I actually thought there was something there for a split second too, perhaps they possibly even had a moment (I think I mentioned this before a while back but they were actually dating in real life - not sure if they still are). I wonder how Ruby would have reacted if Romeo had tried it on with her.

I didn't even realise Ruby was Casey's first. All she needs to do is bag Dexter then that's a hatrick of firsts.

I'm really liking the friendship with Miles and Elijah now that the stuff with Leah is behind them.

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Not sure I either like or dislike Laura, they always seem to make new female cast members so full on, maybe when she's settled in we'll see her true character.

I'm still wondering where the STD came from :ph34r: if it's Ruby who did she get it from...? I thought Indie showed good judgement in telling Ruby rather than being evasive and stuff. I sincerely hope Romeo and Ruby didn't have a moment, that's what caused all the trouble in the first place!

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Allow me to paraphrase:

Shame I didn't recognise Laura as Kyle and Kristen's mum from OOTB until I came to this thread but the stuff with her and Roo could be interesting.

Anyway having watched Laura in today's episode I do remember her now. I quite liked her, more than I like Roo and really look forward to seeing more of her.

Hm, Slade, trying to be too suave, I think. :P

(I think I mentioned this before a while back but they were actually dating in real life - not sure if they still are). I wonder how Ruby would have reacted if Romeo had tried it on with her.

I didn't even realise Ruby was Casey's first. All she needs to do is bag Dexter then that's a hatrick of firsts.

I think they are still together in real life. Hopefully, Ruby would have punched him if he did, but I have a feeling she would have actually just said 'take me!'

:lol: Ruby and Dex! She's becoming the one they all turn to, so maybe... Cos superstud Xavier was already an experienced chap before Ruby, wasn't he?

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Ooh were sparks flying with Sid & Roo?? I love these two already. Although I dont want Sid to cheat in Marilyn because no one deserves that but I do want him to be with Roo as soon as possible :wub:

Romeo and Ruby. Civil for once. I am not sure they should be together on the show but I can't deny they gave chemistry but then Luke & Rebecca are dating in real life so that is probably where that originates from :lol:

Laura. I kind of haven't made my mind up about her yet

Love Casey though. He seems to be interesting now... Am gonna be watching out for him.

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So Ruby and Casey are both clear (that was quick) so it does bring it back to Emily! Liked Ruby's quip about it being the only test she's glad she didn't pass. Quite an adult conversation between Ruby and Charlie with no shouting, did like Ruby's little dig about secrets, cos we all know where Charlie really was. :wink: At least Charlie did show concern and said she would have been there if she hadn't been otherwise engaged. :whistling:

Well done Morag, very subtle that little speech she gave at Charlie's 'surprise' party. There was Charlie thinking she was being so discreet but Morag picked up on the little signs between her and Brax. How come no-one has commented on Charlie's necklace, you would have thought someone would have wondered where she got it.:unsure:

How about that CCTV footage Angelo was watching, what is he going to do with that little spot of information!!!

Ah, Miles was all jealous when he saw Leah being chatted up., it's probably Leah being all happy and glowing that's attracting the attention. Loved the pool game between Heath and Bianca, I just had the feeling she would thrash him, silly boy thinking just because she's a woman she would be rubbish at it. Pity they got interrupted I would have liked to see that game of strip pool. :D I'm guessing Brax needed Heath (who is turning out to be quite nice) to sort out that guy (RB) who was flashing his money around.

Poor Dex it is so obvious (well to us and Summer) that he really wants to be with April. Summer took it well, not quite as dumb as she came across. Xav and April did have the best intentions and it was funny to see them both encouraging Dex and Summer to go out on a pre date as April called it. April would not be too pleased to hear about Xav saying 'just nod and smile' if a girl goes on about stuff you don't know about. What did happen to McGyver btw?

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Damn TV reception! I completely missed that Casey and Ruby were both clear, thanks for telling me H&ALover :D

Colleen was funny in that episode, especially when she was staring at Casey's chin to see if he had a beard, stubble or clean shaven :lol:

I liked this episode, I always like a party. Clever old Morag stopping Charlie confessing about Brax... Where are they going those two? I suppose we are meant to think 'the love of Charlie will save Brax from the dark side'.

Loved the scene between April/ Xavier/ Dex/ Summer. With Dex going on about Marcel Marceaux and El Nino, and only April knowing what he was on about :lol: Although I still like April/Xavier, I also like the way the writers are classifying the boys into 'types'. Xavier is the not so bright jock who gets all the girls (he's had more girlfriends than Dex, Romeo and Casey put together!). Dex is the intelligent geek. Romeo is the ?enigmatic but insecure surfer?. Not sure what Casey is yet: the bad boy who wants to turn good? Hm. Anyway, good writing! They're taking the boys to their logical conclusions after obviously watching the series for a while.

Loved Xavier saying half the time he doesn't know what April's talking about. And did he really suggest Dex joins he and April in the bedroom? :o And of course Xavier giving Dex the motivational speech for once instead of the other way round.

Two things about Heath:

Firstly: what did he do with that bloke Brax told him to take outside? Beat him up? Kill him? :o

Secondly: I think I'm more worried about him than Bianca in that relationship. She will eat him for breakfast. She said something rude to him and he did actually flinch...

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OK so I can understand how Morag knew Charlie and Brax were seeing each other but I don’t get how she could have possibly figured out that Charlie was going to announce to everyone that she and Brax were an item. It will be interesting to see how Morag advises her now that she knows.

Charlie is actually getting quite serious with Brax now. She seemed so happy in her scenes with him today. We know both her and Ruby tend to develop strong feelings reasonably quickly but I’m wondering how long it will be before Charlie actually uses the L word. Me thinks this isn’t going to end well. So she wants to be a detective. As Brax said I prefer her in the uniform, or off as she was earlier on in the episode.

All the women at the party - Charlie, Bianca, Leah, Ruby looked hot but I have to say Watson didn’t look half bad either.

I do feel sorry for Dex the way he’s pining over April and I know what it’s like to be in that position but I did feel sorry for Summer as well even though Dex wasn’t deliberately trying not to talk to her. You do wonder the fact that the writers haven’t dropped this allowing him to move on and the way April kept laughing at his antics whether anything could actually happen thereby putting a dampener on April and Xavier’s relationship.

As much as I like Liam part of me wants Heath to get somewhere with Bianca just because I think it will be interesting. What is it with these attractive girls and the Braxton’s? I’m mean Charlie I understand because when it comes to blokes she doesn’t usually think with her head, Ruby too but Bianca seems sensible although she probably is really feeling the effects of Liam’s absence.

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I have to admit I found the scenes of Charlie having sex with Brax genuinely nauseating, which I don't think is a reaction I've ever had with a Home and Away couple before, certainly not one between two regulars that seems to be presented as a normal relationship.I've been annoyed by them or frustrated by them but seeing Charlie cavorting with a man that we know, and she pretty much knows, is a ruthless criminal just felt completely wrong.I don't understand why she's doing this, it's like she has a different personality every episode, one minute she knows he's up to no good and was involved in one of her friends ending up in intensive care and is vowing to take him down, next she's flaunting herself in her underwear in front of him.And she thinks announcing they're sleeping together in public is a good idea?She's deluding herself if she thinks her father would be happy, he'd be ashamed of her right now.I don't see how Morag could possibly deduce that Charlie was seeing Brax just because they looked at each other, it just screamed Plot Device.If Charlie wants to be a detective, she should start by finding the criminal in her bed.

Really liked Ruby in that episode and, as expected, her test results were clear.Guess we'll never find out where Emily got it from.I loved the way she kept her cool with Charlie and won out in their argument, instead of losing her temper like she would have done not so long ago.Guess we're back to her being the mature one, although mainly because Charlie's acting like she's about sixteen.And Georgina Watson, out of uniform.Is Leah completely stupid to not realise she was joking?

I am very worried about Xavier and April after that scene in the Diner where April and Dexter were laughing away at private jokes while Xavier looked confused.It felt like a sledgehammer subtle way of saying "They've got more in common."Which is ridiculous because, if you overlook Dexter hanging around like a black shadow, Xavier and April seem perfectly happy together.Dexter needs to get over it:I thought Summer was perfect for him but he'd rather moon over a girl who's dating one of his friends.That said, Xavier and April's continued insistence on inviting him to spend time with him and then sitting there making out is a bit impolite.I am curious to know exactly what Xavier was going to say he and April haven't invited Dexter to join them in.(Is Dexter right about being the only virgin in their year?)

I think someone on the show is as confused about which River Boy is which as I am:Brax referred to the guy in the restaurant as Pee Wee and I think it was the same actor that played Pee Wee before (he was one of the guys that kidnapped Dex), but the end credits didn't list him and said Leo(the guy who was chatting with Xavier and Heath about cars way back when)was in it instead...

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