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I don't see how Morag could possibly deduce that Charlie was seeing Brax just because they looked at each other, it just screamed Plot Device.

If that's all it takes I think maybe Morag should be the one sitting the detectives exam. I was rolling my eyes at that stage, it was rather unbelievable.

Oh and if it was my party and someone wanted to butt in with a speech before mine I'd probably tell them where to go. :lol:

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I liked this episode, I always like a party. Clever old Morag stopping Charlie confessing about Brax... Where are they going those two? I suppose we are meant to think 'the love of Charlie will save Brax from the dark side'.

Call me a hopeless romantic, but I'd quite like to think that. :blush: I know, I know - he's a criminal. But I think he's genuinely falling in love with her - you could tell from the look on his face when she walked into the party all dressed up.

I think I must be starting to show my age on this board because my views on the relationships in the show seem to be different from the majority these days! I love Brax and Charlie and Romeo and Indi, and hate the idea of Roo and Sid! Mind you I'm not keen on Roo as a character anyway, and I've only warmed to Sid since he's been with Marilyn. Granted she's been a nightmare with all the baby stuff, but I thought she brought out the best in him before that. I hope he doesn't cheat on her, as if he can't stay faithful in a relationship there won't be much scope for his character in the long run.

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OK so I can understand how Morag knew Charlie and Brax were seeing each other but I don’t get how she could have possibly figured out that Charlie was going to announce to everyone that she and Brax were an item. It will be interesting to see how Morag advises her now that she knows.

All the women at the party - Charlie, Bianca, Leah, Ruby looked hot but I have to say Watson didn’t look half bad either.

As much as I like Liam part of me wants Heath to get somewhere with Bianca just because I think it will be interesting. What is it with these attractive girls and the Braxton’s? I’m mean Charlie I understand because when it comes to blokes she doesn’t usually think with her head, Ruby too but Bianca seems sensible although she probably is really feeling the effects of Liam’s absence.

Morag is pretty shrewd and not a lot gets passed her.

Agree they all looked stunning especially Georgie.

If Heath and Bianca do get together I see it more of a rebound thing on her part, where he would be more 'serious'.

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I think someone on the show is as confused about which River Boy is which as I am:Brax referred to the guy in the restaurant as Pee Wee and I think it was the same actor that played Pee Wee before (he was one of the guys that kidnapped Dex), but the end credits didn't list him and said Leo(the guy who was chatting with Xavier and Heath about cars way back when)was in it instead...

I wasn't sure any names were mentioned at all!? :unsure: All we saw was Brax whispering to Heath, then Heath took the guy outside. So frustrating when they do that. :angry:

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it's like she has a different personality every episode, one minute she knows he's up to no good and was involved in one of her friends ending up in intensive care and is vowing to take him down, next she's flaunting herself in her underwear in front of him

Excellent comment! I was just thinking the same: has she got multiple personality disorder or soemthing? She seems to be ablet to separate Charlie the Police Officer from Charlie, Brax's girlfriend. Weird.

Have to disagree with you about Xavier and April (ducks and hides behind sand dune). I think they have outgrown each other. Xavier seems like he's more into women now e.g. That Woman, and April still seems very young and school girly.

I am curious to know exactly what Xavier was going to say he and April haven't invited Dexter to join them in

I said above that it sounded like Xave was talking about inviting Dex into bed with them, oo er missus! Especially as April said 'ew gross.' It was a very odd comment indeed from Xave.

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One thing that did strike me in yesterday's episode and I forgot to mention was that Xavier was obviously checking Summer out on their double date, so I did wonder if they're planning to switch partners...But otherwise, I do think Xapril seem really happy and affectionate together and have a lot of natural chemistry so I'm not sure why Dexter's been thrust into their midst.

Anyway...Today's ep.Got very mixed feelings about Angelo.I'm kind of glad he got one up on Brax and that punch was very satisfying.And I loved his showdown with Charlie over the way she's behaving.But...seriously, that's it?!As Nicole says, he's basically let Brax win.Sure, it's a costly victory but he's not only got away with it, there's nothing to stop him carrying on.Excuses about legal admissibility aside, Angelo should give that tape to Charlie so she knows exactly what she's dealing with and also give it to Watson and Charlie's superiors so they know exactly what they're dealing with, rather than just using it as leverage to get himself, Nicole and George a new life and basically leaving the rest of the Bay to rot.Wasn't entirely happy about him involving Nicole in his undercover investigation either, even if her position did seem fairly safe.Charlie is almost impossible to respect at the moment, as Angelo said she seems to be happy to go on sleeping with Brax until she gets firm proof, despite him already being a suspect.Her claim that she wouldn't go near him if she suspected he was involved is an obvious lie and her whining about the career that she's risking for a bit of cheap sex is massively hypocritical.Even if she does stick to her decision to stay away from Brax, the damage is already done.

Not sure about Brax's reaction, or rather non-reaction, to Heath suggesting they "get rid of" Angelo, presumably fatally:He didn't exactly seem horrified by the idea.Charlie suddenly mentioning she thinks Morag and Leah know about them felt a bit strange and again suggests we've missed half an episode, possibly explaining Morag's intuitive leap last episode.I know Leah went on that date with Brax where he kept talking about Charlie but what other sign has there been that she suspects something?

Liked the little scene with Irene, Bianca and Roo at the Diner, with Irene taking on the motherly role and actually talking a lot of sense.Her opinion of the Braxtons is pretty much what mine was a few weeks ago before Brax showed his true colours and it's true that she's given them a chance and it's clear that Heath's no angel.

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Brax, what can I say, I just cant believe he gets away with such things ( <_< ) I am so glad that Angelo punched him. I was practically cheering him on to punch him again. I know logically he just give the tape to the police but I want him, Nicole and George to get a better life away from the Bay. I know that the tape would get Brax into a lot of trouble and he deserves to go to prison but this time around I want Angelo to get the money and run the hell away from the Bay and finally start again afresh. Nicole is clearly considering his request to get away with George, I just wonder what Marilyn will have to say about that...hmm...the plot thickens..

The rest of the episode was pretty indifferent for me. I did like Heath & Bianca's little chat on the beach, I really want to see more of them soon. :lol:

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Excellent episode again! I thought Angelo seemed very heroic, brave and possibly stupid blackmailing Brax, but he SEEMS to have got one over on him. So sweet that he wants Nic and George to run away with him and make a new start :wub: I think Angelo and Nicole both have that romantic side that their other partners didn't bring out (except Geoff with Nic perhaps?).

Angelo also talked complete sense to Charlie. When he said 'and you're only just realising this?' (that sleeping with Brax could ruin your career), it was perfect. Charlie seems to have amnesia. She really hadn't thought that before? I liked him punching Brax (lucky to knock him down though, Brax is twice the width of Ange!)

I also loved Nic 'distracting' Brax by turning on the charm. Brax couldn't really resist could he :lol:

Heath and Bianca, hm. As I thought, he is completely obvious, all his comments made me laugh. And when he watched Bianca shimmying down to the sea, I laughed out loud, his tongue nearly hit the sand! I did like her swimsuit though, very ladylike. Anyway, I think despite Roo and Irene's worries, Bianca can handle Heath easily, she will chew him up and spit him out. However, I thought Heath was just a brute, he does actually seem to have a brain and was very suspicious of Brax... He's also probably a psychopath like his brother :blink:

As for Charlie...! At least she's ended it with Brax for the time being, but really! She is the most unlikely police officer :blink:

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Excuses about legal admissibility aside, Angelo should give that tape to Charlie so she knows exactly what she's dealing with and also give it to Watson and Charlie's superiors so they know exactly what they're dealing with

True, but to be honest the tape wasn't really that incriminating - I can understand why Brax would choose to pay Angelo off rather than risk Charlie or the police seeing it, but even if they did it wouldn't get him into that much trouble in the grand scheme of things. It would only be an assault charge, and Heath would come off the worst as he was the one who actually did the beating. Angelo probably thought it wasn't worth it.

Her claim that she wouldn't go near him if she suspected he was involved is an obvious lie and her whining about the career that she's risking for a bit of cheap sex is massively hypocritical.

I don't think it's 'cheap sex' at this stage though - she obviously loves him. If things had got this complicated at the start she probably would have called the relationship off, but she's too emotionally involved now.

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Would there be an issue with the CCTV admissibility? There would be no need for a warrant if the owner (Angelo) handed it over.

Also completely ridiculous that Charlie 1. Didn't know there was a camera there because 2. She should have checked it last week when trying to prove that Brax helped Brodie escape!

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