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It really was a great punch today wasn't it - quite realistic with a satisfying noise! Totally deserved too, for many reasons! I loved Angelo's confrontation scenes with both Charlie and Brax. Miranda is right, what he said to Charlie was totally spot on and pretty much summed up the situation - no wonder it was a wake up call for her.

I liked the way Angelo got one over on Brax too, it kind of seemed like he came up with the idea to blackmail him there and then, but it seemed to work - so good luck to him, Nicole and (hopefully) George. I can't help thinking he's taking a bit of a risk though, for himself (last time he messed with the River Boys he was put into a coma) and also for Charlie. By not telling her about the cctv he's basically letting her carry on in the belief that Brax isn't dangerous, not much of a friend if you ask me.

So true about the camera Alison, pretty much sums up Summer Bay policing at the moment!

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I disagree.Angelo made a big point the other week about how the Braxtons were dangerous and needed to be put in jail but now he apparently only cares about the fact that he and Nicole come out on top and is perfectly happy to let them carry on wrecking lives, including those of people who are supposed to be friends.It's an incredibly selfish and irresponsible move, this is twice now that he's withheld information from the police for reasons that are spurious at best.Charlie does seem to have blinkers on about Brax, as Angelo saw when he visited her and she insisted he was innocent.In fact, part of the reason that Brax agreed to pay up seemed to be that Angelo threatened to show the recording to Charlie, so she'd know what a low life he was even if she couldn't charge him.

In the eyes of the law, I suspect Brax would be just as guilty as Heath given that he ordered the beating.We're not talking about giving someone a bloody nose here, we're talking grievious bodily harm.The situation might not have been this messy to start with but Charlie acknowledged it was a mess as soon as they first slept together, what with Heath having a record, so she really is risking her career for sex.I suppose she thinks she loves him or more accurately she loves the person she wants him to be, if she found out what he was really like I'd hope she'd want nothing to do with him.

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OK so I can understand how Morag knew Charlie and Brax were seeing each other but I don’t get how she could have possibly figured out that Charlie was going to announce to everyone that she and Brax were an item.

Morag is pretty shrewd and not a lot gets passed her.

Perhaps but it doesn’t explain how she was able to deduce that Charlie was going to announce to everyone that she and Brax were an item. They were talking, they were flirting but from Morag’s vantage point no way could she have heard them and even if she could it’s a bar and so the music would have defended out any background noise. There was nothing from the way they were acting that could have possibly allowed her to infer what Charlie was going to say I feel.

I actually really liked Angelo in that episode although I agree that he shouldn’t have really involved Nicole I also agree with the comment that it was really good to see him get one up on Brax however being honest it does leave me in two minds. Whilst it’s great Brax was blackmailed again, I really don’t want to see him get away with his criminal activities for much longer (It seems apart from the police very few people think that badly of him i.e. Irene even saying that he was OK). So I’m kind of hoping Angelo does get the money, Brax is still taken down somehow and Charlie doesn’t have to have a career change.

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OK so I can understand how Morag knew Charlie and Brax were seeing each other but I don’t get how she could have possibly figured out that Charlie was going to announce to everyone that she and Brax were an item.

Morag is pretty shrewd and not a lot gets passed her.

Perhaps but it doesn’t explain how she was able to deduce that Charlie was going to announce to everyone that she and Brax were an item. They were talking, they were flirting but from Morag’s vantage point no way could she have heard them and even if she could it’s a bar and so the music would have defended out any background noise. There was nothing from the way they were acting that could have possibly allowed her to infer what Charlie was going to say I feel.

Morag may not have known 100% that Charlie was seeing Brax, but it was certainly apparent that Charlie was being too familiar with him. There was definitely enough evidence for Morag to go out on a limb.

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In the eyes of the law, I suspect Brax would be just as guilty as Heath given that he ordered the beating.We're not talking about giving someone a bloody nose here, we're talking grievious bodily harm.The situation might not have been this messy to start with but Charlie acknowledged it was a mess as soon as they first slept together, what with Heath having a record, so she really is risking her career for sex.I suppose she thinks she loves him or more accurately she loves the person she wants him to be, if she found out what he was really like I'd hope she'd want nothing to do with him.

People aren't black and white though - that's why she's fallen for him (as opposed to just using him for sex), because she can see the good in him. I definitely disagree with the comments on here that he's a psychopath - I think he has the capacity to do bad things (and does them, on a regular basis!), but he clearly has a lot of good in him as well. He's not out and out evil, or he wouldn't help people out like he does or have these genuine feelings for Charlie.

With regard to the GBH - yes, it's a serious offence and would get both Heath and Brax in serious trouble, but in the context of their criminal activities on the whole it's really just a drop in the ocean. Angelo probably should have given the tape to the police (or at least shown Charlie off the record), but it wouldn't have been enough to get the boys sent down for any considerable length of time.

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Hi Clare Louise :)

When I said Brax and Heath are psychopaths, I don't mean killers as is popularly thought. I mean they are psychopathic personalities that is: they are charming in order get their own way, but underneath only interested in getting what they want, never mind everyone else's feelings and needs. I don't think they are killers, at least they wouldn't go round killing people for the sake of it, I hope.

I did actually feel sorry for Brax when Charlie dumped him. I have a feeeling he's had to be 'the man of the house' since he was a pre teen and he might just lose it now, fed up with the responsibility :(

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Maybe Morag was jumping the gun by assuming what Charlie was going to say, but she wasn't wrong was she.

I was wondering why Angelo and Nic weren't at Charlie's do, I know he was her ex, but he is also her friend, but he explained it last night.

Yes great punch, Brax wasn't expecting that. :D Angelo certainly found out more than he was looking for on the cctv didn't he, he was just looking for evidence that Brax, Heath and co were into really bad stuff, like where did they get the money from to finance the drugs farm for one thing. All he did get was Brax and Charlie having a snog, then Brax asking Heath had if he sorted Pee Wee out, which as been mentioned although a crime isn't enough to get them put away for a long time. I think he secretly put the cctv in just to catch out Brax and nothing to do with security so i think that it why it would be inadmissible. If Brax had known about it he certainly wouldn't have said what he said to Heath or been so cosy with Charlie. Very wisely Angelo didn't tell Brax how he knew about him and Charlie. Did I hear him tell Nic he is going to have two copies made, one for the cops and one for Charlie, is the one for the cops going to be edited?

So where do Brax and Heath stash their money then?

That look on Charlie's face when she opened the door to Angelo!!!! :o Angelo does know what he is talking about as regards getting himself into tricky situations, though sex never played a part in it. Although she told Brax they are over (she's suddenly seen the light :rolleyes: ) her heart wasn't in it and methinks she could be talked into going back to him.

I think Bianca is just having fun flirting with Heath, who is looking more and more attractive (or is that just me)? She may have had a whinge about Irene mothering her, but I think she liked it really. Btw what had she done to her hair at Charlie's do, it didn't look right and didn't suit her at all.

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Wow that was a tense episode!! Penn's granddad seemed a nice man. I can understand Morag's initial antagonism, but it wasn't his fault Penn turned out the way he did. Quite a jump to assume he may want custody, maybe that's the lawyer in her. As an aside so Will hasn't been tried yet

does Gypsy came back to the bay for the trial?

That was a brave decision of Nic to go after him and tell him about when he thought he saw George's double and tell him the truth. He was right when he said he and Nic belong together.

I know Marilyn has been a right pain and obsessive over George, but I felt so sorry for her when Nic and Angelo turned up, she knew right away what they were going to say. She does love George and even Sid going by his expression (and what we see coming up tomorrow) looks like he wants to keep George.

The growing feelings between Roo and Sid therefore couldn't have come at a worse time. Those little chats loaded with double meanings :wink: (to me at least) and he did look a bit put out when Laura mentioned the big smoke.

Laura didn't waste much time did she landing a date with Elijah, hope she doesn't muck him about and it just stays lighthearted, he doesn't need anything too heavy right now. I can see how she could be really full on, so perhaps a good idea Roo and Sid dealt with the hospital board. Like the idea of the Bachelors and Spinsters night. :lol: Not sure why Gina was a bit sniffy about it anyone would think Laura had suggested a Tarts and Vicars night!! :o

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Well, the continuity nut in me is wondering why Penn's grandfather was called Mr.Graham when Penn Graham was supposed to be an alias(or at the very least not the name he had as a child).Otherwise, I rather liked Douglas and it's ironic that he was the one who eventually convinced Nicole that George belonged with her.The sheer ridiculousness of Nicole giving her baby to Marilyn is underlined by the fact that she gives two different explanations for doing so in this episode, both of which differ from the explanations she's given before.I suspect we were meant to feel sorry for Marilyn at the end but, sorry, I didn't, she brought this on herself and everyone else knew this day would always come.Even she did deep down.Judging by the promo, we're going to get another episode of her whining and moaning and playing the victim.

I love Roo and Laura's friendship:They spark off each other really well and seem to communicate largely in insults but it's obvious they like each other deep down.Laura and Elijah is quite interesting and it's nice to see him getting some light-hearted stuff.

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