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EmyKate: Charlie has to know that Brax is dangerous. She cannot be that dim. Angelo is protecting himself and his future and he is right IMO to do that.

Unfortunately, at the moment, i think Charlie does seem to be acting a bit dim. I means she knows he's a bit dangerous that's probably part of the attraction (and i totally understand that! :wink: ) but I like to think that if she knew he was dangerous enough to hurt someone or order someone to be hurt - she'd seriously think again.

On the other hand, I can see why Angelo wants to get away, he's got Nicole/George now, so has to put them first, but I agree with Red Ranger & others, that he should have shown Charlie the tape, even without disclosing anything to the police just to make sure he'd done everything he could to make sure she knew what she was really dealing with.

Oh poor Marilyn, it really was a tense confrontation today H&A Lover! I felt so sorry for her, she knew exactly what was coming. Sid may have been expecting it in some way given he was quite reluctant about the set up to begin with, but Marilyn looked crushed :( It's totally the right thing to be happening though - how odd it was Penn's grandfather that made Nicole see the light!

Have to say though, I don't have a clue what the whole fundraising thing is about! Why was Sid at the meeting? Think I've missed something crucial somewhere.

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Remember folks, Nicole is not a lawyer using cold hard logic, she is a woman using emotions about her baby. So she is very likely to give different explanations about why she gave up George, she probably isn't even sure why she did it. She's been through enormous changes since she found she was pregnant, its unlikely a person who hasn't been pregnant will be able to imagine what that is like- the effects of hormones, realising the enormous responsibility etc. She is a totally different person to that girl Nicole a year ago.

That episode was so moving, I felt so sorry for Marilyn, she is heartbroken. How could this storyline not have ended up with some hearts being broken? It couldn't. If/when George goes off with Nicole and Angelo, the hearts of Marilyn, Sid, Dex and Indi will be broken. If he stays with the Walkers, Nicole and Angelo's hearts will be broken. Its so sad I am in tears thinking about it.

Excellent writers these days, applause for them.

Happier themes: lovely for Elijah to suddenly have a bright, positive woman chasing him. The meeting about the 'B & S' party, which sounds ridiculous to my English ears, was great, I can imagine the 'B & S' party will be fun! :rolleyes:

I think the attraction between Sid and Roo is that they are equal. Sid sees Roo as 'the fixer', she always knows what to do. Whereas Maz, bless her, is always needing help and assistance and parenting. Not sure why Roo likes Sid, he is quite suave I suppose.

Also forgot to say a few days ago that I thought it was very sweet and grown up of Romeo and Casey to be so worried that their girlfriends catching chlamydia could prevent them having babies one day, that they rushed off to get tested.

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I dont know if I should but I feel really sorry for Marilyn. For a moment but then I really was against the whole idea of Marilyn taking George. Kind of happy that Mr Graham told Nicole that she and the baby belonged together because it is so true. I was so happy to see the whole scene with Nicole holding the baby. So adorable :wub: & I love the partnership between Nic & Ange. Really believable.

Aww Sid & Roo. Writers please get them together but make sure Sid & Marilyn are broken up first. We dont need any more cheating stories in HAA right now or even ever.

A B&S party :rolleyes: not going to say anything else about that.

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Although I felt a bit sorry for Marilyn I couldn’t stop laughing at Sid’s face when Nicole and Angelo broke the news. He knew as soon as Angelo and Nicole walked in what they were going to say and he really didn’t look very happy. I’m probably stating the obvious saying that but I always got the impression that he didn’t want to bring up George and was only doing it for the sake of his relationship with Marilyn. So if anything he should be pleased about it because if Nicole does take George there’s nothing stopping him from pursuing the person I feel who he really wants to be with. And that would be Roo...

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Well, the continuity nut in me is wondering why Penn's grandfather was called Mr.Graham when Penn Graham was supposed to be an alias(or at the very least not the name he had as a child).

I'm sure I'm right in thinking that Graham was Penn's surname, it was just the name Penn Alf didn't recognise. Although saying that Douglas called him Penn? :unsure:

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^Well, as I remember, Alf said he didn't recognise Penn's name as he was calling himself something else then, Penn's mother's surname was O'Hare and she called him Penn(in flashback)when he was a boy.I'm not even going to attempt to piece all that together:Penn was a nickname and his mother was using her maiden name?

Roo's episode count this week:Four.Irene was also in four, Gina was only in one.

Maybe my heart's made of stone but I really don't feel sorry for Marilyn.Her constant whining about Nicole being an unfit mother and her being the one looking after George got on my nerves.Sid still pandering to her even when everything's predictably imploded didn't help and I think he's beginning to realise that he should never have dragged his family into this.It felt like Marilyn showed her true colours with her muck raking and her final transformation into an actual baby snatcher(or maybe that was when she casually took him out of a distraught Nicole's arms at the hospital?).That said, my mixed feelings towards Angelo are getting more mixed by the moment:I wasn't happy about his illegal deal with Brax and now he's basically dragging Nicole and George into hiding and cutting them off from their family and friends and support network.Not exactly the ideal solution and Nicole would be better off staying in Summer Bay with George rather than risking everything on a relationship that's only a few weeks old.

Elsewhere, not sure what to make of April and Dex.Despite what the spoilers claimed, I didn't see anything more than friendship between them and, if it wasn't for the heavy emphasis given to Dexter having feelings for her earlier in the week, I'd probably have enjoyed their scenes.I thought April probably should have given Xavier's offer more consideration, it seemed to be more about him wanting to spend time with her than anything else and I'd hope she'd see that, and there was an awkwardness about their chat that I really didn't like.

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I felt sorry for Marilyn yesterday but today she reverted back to the whining person I am so used to seeing over the past few weeks over George! George is not your baby! I get you want a baby but you stop a baby from being with its real mother who loves and can offer the baby some love as well stability (not saying that Marilyn can but a mother's love is different IMO).

Angelo & Nicole have only been together for a while but I really want them to get a happy ending with George because personally I believe that they deserve it and I am a sucker for them two :wub:

Sid was quite annoying today, all he seems to do is care about what Marilyn feels but I get the feeling that he cant deal with anymore and wants Nicole to have the baby so that he can get some peace from the whole situation.

April. I am slowly going off her now, I really hate the fact that it is soo bloody clear that Dex/April are going to end up together and leave Xavier heartbroken, at one point I used to hate Xavier but he has changed so much from when he first came into the show and his friendship/bromance with Romeo is so epic on the show especially today with the 'business strategies' :lol:

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Is Romeo growing a D'Artagnan type beard? :blink: His chin was definitely shadowed when he was talking to Xavier on the beach. Yes, I liked their bromance today, especially as they were obviously genuinely laughing and not acting :D

I thought Angelo was going 'into hiding' with his family, that would be a much better solution. I agree that he shouldn't be cutting Nicole off from her support network now she has a tiny baby like that. But I know Luke J is being written out of the series, he didn't choose to leave. Maybe the writers want us to think Angelo is ruthless as our last impression of him...

Didn't like Sid trying to get Roo to 'talk to Nicole'. He sounded devious and scheming, I'm glad Roo called him on it and told him he rarely told the truth. Wouldn't call him 'sweet and generous' though! And she told Marilyn where to get off too.

Glad Irene didn't support Marilyn and take sides too.

Liked April going to check if Dex was okay and his comments about gold :lol:

I think you are bit hard hearted Red, but you're entitled to your opinion :D I felt sorry for Marilyn and Nicole, they are both in a difficult situation, and Marilyn isn't exactly the most grown up and sensible person. She was desperate to keep George, she was clutching at straws. Sid is like a father figure to her, always helping her and sorting her out while he and Roo are more adult equals.

Again thinking April and Xavier are growing apart :huh:

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When I said Brax and Heath are psychopaths, I don't mean killers as is popularly thought. I mean they are psychopathic personalities that is: they are charming in order get their own way, but underneath only interested in getting what they want, never mind everyone else's feelings and needs. I don't think they are killers, at least they wouldn't go round killing people for the sake of it, I hope.

I did actually feel sorry for Brax when Charlie dumped him. I have a feeeling he's had to be 'the man of the house' since he was a pre teen and he might just lose it now, fed up with the responsibility :(

Hi Miranda.:) I know you didn't mean he was a killer, but a psychopath is someone who doesn't have a conscience and therefore feels at ease committing terrible crimes, which I don't think is true of Brax. He clearly feels bad about some of the things he does, particularly lying to Charlie. I agree with you about his upbringing - he's obviously had to look after his brothers (his mother doesn't seem to be up to much, so he probably looked after her too) and it must have put a massive strain on him. Clearly that's no excuse, but it goes some way to explaining his behaviour and also supports the theory that he isn't all bad.

Felt so sorry for Marilyn today.:( I understand that Nicole should have George, but she's been incredibly unfair changing her mind all the time. And Angelo annoyed me.

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Felt so sorry for Marilyn today.:( I understand that Nicole should have George, but she's been incredibly unfair changing her mind all the time. And Angelo annoyed me.

And how many times did she change her mind? She has had her doubts but she never told anyone... so how is she being unfair?

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