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Felt so sorry for Marilyn today.:( I understand that Nicole should have George, but she's been incredibly unfair changing her mind all the time. And Angelo annoyed me.

And how many times did she change her mind? She has had her doubts but she never told anyone... so how is she being unfair?

Yes, very true. She has never said to Marilyn that she wants her baby back. Sid could see it coming and should have prepared Marilyn better. He has pandered to her too much and not been the caring partner he should be. Roo got it right about him.

Agree with you RR about Sid and Marilyn being too self-centered. Don't think you're being stone-hearted.

Don't agree with you Miranda about Marilyn finding herself in a difficult situation, She should never have gone there in the first place, or, if she did, she should have gone for custody immediately.

Don't want to see Xavier and April split up, but I'm surprised that he hasn't tried to take their relationship to the next level, now that they are back again.

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Don't want to see Xavier and April split up, but I'm surprised that he hasn't tried to take their relationship to the next level, now that they are back again.

As alluded to on Monday, the implication seems to be that Xavier and April are sleeping together but they haven't bothered to give us any details or make a plot point out of it.The show has an annoying tendency to be vague about that sort of thing:There was a small amount of debate over whether Ruby and Casey had slept together since that time in the car until Tuesday's episode seemed to go "Oh, yeah, they have."

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Hi Miranda.:) I know you didn't mean he was a killer, but a psychopath is someone who doesn't have a conscience and therefore feels at ease committing terrible crimes, which I don't think is true of Brax. He clearly feels bad about some of the things he does, particularly lying to Charlie. I agree with you about his upbringing - he's obviously had to look after his brothers (his mother doesn't seem to be up to much, so he probably looked after her too) and it must have put a massive strain on him. Clearly that's no excuse, but it goes some way to explaining his behaviour and also supports the theory that he isn't all bad.

Yes, I agree with what you say, but I read this:


They seem to be redefining what a psychopath is :huh: Its one of those words that has got a bad name.

Brian, I think Marilyn is in a difficult situation. She thought she had a baby son, now she is about to lose him. She's overcome with the need to have a baby, that's what difficult. Mothers/ babies, its never logical and simple, its instinct. She (because she's Marilyn) didn't see what the consequences could be...

I wonder what sort of boyfriend would suit Maz and be better for her than Sid. He's been nice to her but he's too much of a father figure, they are unequal partners :huh:

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Hi Miranda.:) I know you didn't mean he was a killer, but a psychopath is someone who doesn't have a conscience and therefore feels at ease committing terrible crimes, which I don't think is true of Brax. He clearly feels bad about some of the things he does, particularly lying to Charlie. I agree with you about his upbringing - he's obviously had to look after his brothers (his mother doesn't seem to be up to much, so he probably looked after her too) and it must have put a massive strain on him. Clearly that's no excuse, but it goes some way to explaining his behaviour and also supports the theory that he isn't all bad.

Yes, I agree with what you say, but I read this:


They seem to be redefining what a psychopath is :huh: Its one of those words that has got a bad name.

Brian, I think Marilyn is in a difficult situation. She thought she had a baby son, now she is about to lose him. She's overcome with the need to have a baby, that's what difficult. Mothers/ babies, its never logical and simple, its instinct. She (because she's Marilyn) didn't see what the consequences could be...

I wonder what sort of boyfriend would suit Maz and be better for her than Sid. He's been nice to her but he's too much of a father figure, they are unequal partners :huh:

From what I've seen: Elijah!!! They would match.

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I said this before but I don’t think Brax is psychotic even in the sense that the previous posters were referring to but he does exhibit traits that I’ve mentioned before and it shared by various past characters in that I generally find him to be an extremely selfish and manipulative individual. If it wasn’t for the fact that he helped Elijah a while back and beat Brody up for the practical joke he played on Coleen I probably would say he’s bordering on sociopathic. Either way I really, really want to see him caught some time soon. And if he is he deserves EVERYTHING he gets.

I found the conversation Morag had with Marilyn interesting in that she said in her opinion virtually every judge with award custody of George to Nicole and one of the things she mentioned was because she was educated. I wonder if she’s referring to the HSC or was she actually talking about uni. I don’t recall Nicole mentioning uni as of late so I’m not sure if she’s finished, dropped out or is planning to drop out if she decides to leave the bay with Angelo.

I did feel sorry for Marilyn on Thursday but I agree with those who found her incredibly annoying in yesterday’s episode. She was clearly bordering on desperation with regards to keeping George.

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I found the conversation Morag had with Marilyn interesting in that she said in her opinion virtually every judge with award custody of George to Nicole and one of the things she mentioned was because she was educated. I wonder if she’s referring to the HSC or was she actually talking about uni. I don’t recall Nicole mentioning uni as of late so I’m not sure if she’s finished, dropped out or is planning to drop out if she decides to leave the bay with Angelo.

I wondered about Nicole's education as well. I was just thinking about that the other day as it happens and when Morag mentioned it I hoped something else might be said but it wasn't. She's not mentioned Uni for a while as far as I can recall and I can't imagine her HSC counts a great deal (although obviously having it is better than not). Nevermind though. Hope that particular loose end is tied up in terms of what she's planning to do going forward.

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I agree that Brax doesn't seem to be a psychopath in any meaningful sense of the word.Like Slade said, he does seem to be bordering on being a sociopath, by which I mean someone with a different concept of ethics and morality, but on the whole his sanity seems to be present and correct, he's basically just a criminal.Not so sure about him having that much of a conscience though;he shows affection and loyalty towards the people he cares about but doesn't seem to feel much remorse when people are hurt as a result of his actions.

I think Nicole did mention to Angelo that she was still at uni a while back but that might have been before she gave birth.I guess I assumed she was still attending but I agree that it's something they needed to consider before running for the hills.

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Agree that Marilyn was annoying in Friday's episode, but I think her behaviour can be excused by her total despair. She wasn't thinking rationally - she was a Mother who had just learned she was to lose her son (that's how she sees George) and no woman would react calmly to that news.

I think Marilyn has been let down by Sid. He loves her and knows what an emotional person she is and should have tried to protect her from getting in too deep to this terrible arrangement. I know he wasn't keen to go ahead at the start, but had he tried to get Marilyn (and Nicole) to see it as a temporary situation, Nicole wanting him back wouldn't have been such a shock. Nicole is really lucky that she has the option to get George back, had he been adopted officially there would have been no changing her mind so easily - she owes Marilyn a huge debt of gratitude, which I hope we get to see.

Think Marilyn and Elijah would be a good pairing - she needs someone sensible and reliable but also someone who is understanding and tolerant.

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I think Morag's reply to Marilyn about Nic being educated, having money and being in a relatiosnhip was in response to Marilyn's claim that Nic was a bad mother, though having money and being educated doesn't necessarily make a for being a good mother (look at Nic's mum)! Nic hasn't had a chance to be a mother yet anyway. Marilyn also brought up Angelo's past behaviour and the fact they were living with drug addict (Liam). For all we know Nic is still at uni, we just don't see her there, she would be able to transfer where ever her and Angelo decide to go to finish her course. Nic's changes of mind had never been voiced to Marilyn, usually it was to Roo or Angelo, though I suppose Marilyn may have picked up on something. You were right though EmyKate, if it had down through the official route Nic wouldn't have a leg to stand on, but as it is none it is legal, another point Morag mentioned to Marilyn. As Morag said it would be her and Sid that would be in trouble if that came out. I feel sorry for Dex and Indi they both have come to love George and are both probably worried what this will do to Sid and Marilyn's relationship.

Although Marilyn and Nic both said they had thought it all out beforehand, I don't think either of them counted on Nic falling in love with George when she had him and wanting to keep him.

Sid was being very unfair asking Roo to get involved as was Marilyn when she asked Irene to get Nic to change her mind. It went through my mind Morag and Roo must have thinking about the decisions they made when they had their respective children adopted after Marilyn left the house.

I don't know what Marilyn was thinking of by trying to leave the country with George. I don't know how it works in Australia, but here a baby has to have his own passport, even if that's not the case there, wouldn't he have to be on the mothers or fathers passport? As we have seen from the trailer she doesn't succeed so it's going to be a pretty dramatic week.

Funny I thought of Marilyn and Elijah as a couple as well. I think he is going down a different route for the time being. :wink:

Brax does seem to be a complex character, ruthless when it come to the RB's and their business and anyone who crosses them and yet caring when it comes to his family (Casey in particular) and Charlie if he isn't conning her. I don't see him as a sociopath though, they can't relate emotionally to anyone or anything.

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