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I think Roo was incredibly good in today's episode, it was nice to see her doing something worthwhile. I know I should feel sorry for Marilyn but I don't, she had not know that what she was doing was incredibly wrong, I think the fact that she ran from the police had to prove that as well. No good was ever going to come from her actually kidnapping George.

I dont like the way that Laura and Elijiah were in todays episode, I am back to not liking her anymore, I hope that she isn't a permanent fixture otherwise I will end up forwarding through her scenes.

Nic/Angelo. They are gone. I am still processing that. I will miss them :( but they can live on in my mind and my fanfics, so all hope is not lost. I really do hope that one day they come back, even if its just for a few episodes.

Sid. I am glad that he didnt comfort Marilyn, she didnt really think the whole thing through did she? It affects everyone not just her but she doesnt seem able to grasp that fact for some reason.

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Sid. I am glad that he didnt comfort Marilyn, she didnt really think the whole thing through did she? It affects everyone not just her but she doesnt seem able to grasp that fact for some reason.

Certainly, Marilyn's decision to go AWOL with George raises some serious questions about the long-term stability of her relationship with Sid. IMO abandoning someone like that is as much of a betrayal as having an affair. Indeed, Marilyn's decision to raise George without even consulting Sid is a betrayal of his trust.

Sid should ditch Marilyn ASAP and start seeing Roo with nothing but a clear conscience.

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I found that episode incredibly frustrating.It tried to make everyone sympathetic and came pretty close to making nobody sympathetic.It annoys me that people view Nicole, a vulnerable teenage girl who was offered no support by her friends and family as she was bullied and manipulated by a selfish woman who didn't care who she hurt in her quest for a baby, as the villain of the piece.Just as I imagine it annoys them that I view Marilyn as the villain of the piece.There are no consequences for Marilyn's actions:She doesn't even get told off for kidnapping a baby, except by Sid, who is made to look the bad guy because Marilyn acts like the victim and plays the "I lost a son" card, as if that gives her the right to take Nicole's.(Although I'm tempted to speculate that, even with no charges laid, the incident will still be on record, which would probably would damage Marilyn's chances of being allowed to adopt in future.)Nicole isn't allowed to show any anger towards her or any worry or fear that her son might not be returned to her:Her reunion with George was so devoid of emotion that he might as well have just been brought home by the babysitter.(Frankly, it's hard not to get bad memories of the way no-one was allowed to care about Aden kidnapping Rachel because they were scared of making him seem unsympathetic.Didn't work for me then either.)If Marilyn and Sid break up, it's hard to see why she'd stay in Summer Bay or why anyone would want her to.

Nicole and Angelo's departure:I'm glad they didn't go down the route of having Sid and Indi resent Nicole for taking George back, which I was worried they would, and gave Nicole and Indi a proper goodbye.And kudos to them for giving Angelo a goodbye with Charlie in the previous episode.But come on:"Look after Romeo, he's like a brother to me"/"Saying goodbye to everyone at the house was bad enough, I can't say goodbye to the town."So...Nicole says goodbye to Miles and Romeo, who've been like family to her off screen, and doesn't say goodbye to Ruby, her best friend of two years, at all?I was practically throwing things at the screen at that point.She didn't need a big party but she did need to talk to people.Instead, Nicole gets an emotional farewell scene...with Colleen.Colleen.A character I can't remember her having a proper conversation with in three years.It smacked of just using whoever happened to be in the episode(not that there was even a reason for Colleen to be in the episode)and if Miles spends the rest of the week standing around in the background in two episodes that didn't need him in them I will not be pleased.But having said all that, I like Nicole and Angelo and I'm glad they got a happy ending.Rushed or not, convincing or not, I hope they're happy.

Elijah and Laura:While I found Laura's sudden insecurities a bit forced, I actually really like these two as a couple and I find myself hoping that she sticks around for a while so they can develop it.

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I’ve generally had mixed feelings about this entire situation. I always thought the moment Nicole agreed to give Marilyn her baby the whole thing was a disaster waiting to happen. I’ve said this before but Marilyn really should have gone to someone she didn’t know and was never likely to see again. Even though Marilyn seemed happy it was inevitable what was going to happen especially the more and more time Nicole spent with George or didn’t spend with him if you get my drift. I don’t blame Nicole for changing her mind as she’s young and it must have been extremely difficult and perhaps her hormones were all over the place. I’ve found Marilyn incredibly annoying since she returned but even more so during this storyline. I hated the way she was going to skip the country with George without telling anyone HOWEVER I have to say I felt really sorry for her in today’s (or I should say yesterday’s) episode. I really didn’t like Sid’s attitude towards her and given her state of mind felt he should have adopted the approach what’s done is done and perhaps been a bit more supportive although I do take his point that she was extremely lucky Nicole didn’t report her and that definately should have been pointed out. My main issue with Sid was that he never wanted a baby and should have really put his foot down. Considering that he’s gone off Marilyn as well you could argue if they’d broken up back then it would have been better but he seemed to weak willed to say anything.

It’s been a long road for Nicole and I think she’s done a lot of growing up from the spoilt materialistic girl who rocked up at Roman’s. I’m going to miss Angelo as well as I quite liked him even more so after he shot Jack ironically. I thought their departure was a bit of an anti-climax but at least it was a positive departure. When I first accidentally discovered he was leaving I was worried that he was going to be killed off so I’m glad I was wrong.

I’m so glad Elijah is finally moving on from Leah and I feel he is a lot more likeable now than during the stuff with Grace. As I said yesterday I actually quite like him and Laura together.

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very interesting to read all the posts, so I'll just add mine. I have no sympathy for Marilyn - completely selfish, wanting what she wants regardless of the effects on other people. If she wanted to have a "son" that badly, she could always adopt and maybe Sid would have gone along with her. Sid was pathetic all along, with his stupid resigned facial expression and was right to condemn Marilyn. Nicole had every right to take her son back when she wanted to - however she did it would have been painful.

A good storeyline, but it had gone on long enough.

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The reason I feel sorry for Marilyn is that she is quite obviously mentally ill and quite obviously her mental age is well below her chronological age. Bearing in mind the whole 'I'm going to die because a psychic told me' fiasco too. I think she should be taken to a counsellor/ psychiatrist asap.

I agree that seeing Indi break down in the diner was very moving too. I wish Colleen could have found it in her heart to comfort her instead of whinging.

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Nicole and Angelo's departure:I'm glad they didn't go down the route of having Sid and Indi resent Nicole for taking George back, which I was worried they would, and gave Nicole and Indi a proper goodbye.And kudos to them for giving Angelo a goodbye with Charlie in the previous episode.But come on:"Look after Romeo, he's like a brother to me"/"Saying goodbye to everyone at the house was bad enough, I can't say goodbye to the town."So...Nicole says goodbye to Miles and Romeo, who've been like family to her off screen, and doesn't say goodbye to Ruby, her best friend of two years, at all?I was practically throwing things at the screen at that point.She didn't need a big party but she did need to talk to people.Instead, Nicole gets an emotional farewell scene...with Colleen.Colleen.A character I can't remember her having a proper conversation with in three years.It smacked of just using whoever happened to be in the episode(not that there was even a reason for Colleen to be in the episode)and if Miles spends the rest of the week standing around in the background in two episodes that didn't need him in them I will not be pleased.But having said all that, I like Nicole and Angelo and I'm glad they got a happy ending.Rushed or not, convincing or not, I hope they're happy.

Totally agree with you, Red. I've been feeling for a while that there wouldn't be a proper farewell scene between Miles and Nicole and I am not happy to have been proved right. It would only have taken a short scene for him to say a proper goodbye and for her, hopefully, to thank him for taking her in but since they have hardly had a scene together since he got back from Africa I didn't think it would happen.

Still, I do think Nicole and Angelo make a good couple.

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The reason I feel sorry for Marilyn is that she is quite obviously mentally ill and quite obviously her mental age is well below her chronological age. Bearing in mind the whole 'I'm going to die because a psychic told me' fiasco too. I think she should be taken to a counsellor/ psychiatrist asap.

I don't think Marilyn is "mentally ill" in any meaningful sense.Or at least if she is, she has been for at least 22 years.So she's childish and superstitious, that doesn't excuse her actions.I doubt this will end with counsellors or psychiatrists, just with the show insisting that Marilyn's cute and cuddly and we should all love her no matter how selfish she is.It's a shame that, as with Miles last year, Roo gets hatred for refusing to roll over and let Marilyn do whatever she wants.Sid deserves a lot better than this walking disaster area.

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