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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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If she wanted to have a "son" that badly, she could always adopt and maybe Sid would have gone along with her.

I think there was a reason why they didn't think adoption would be possible - something to do with their age maybe? I seem to remember them discussing it when they were first wanting to have a child together. Marilyn also looked into adopting from abroad but there was too much red tape and it would have taken them years.

The reason I feel sorry for Marilyn is that she is quite obviously mentally ill and quite obviously her mental age is well below her chronological age. Bearing in mind the whole 'I'm going to die because a psychic told me' fiasco too. I think she should be taken to a counsellor/ psychiatrist asap.

I think she needs counselling to get over losing George, but I disagree that she's mentally ill and particularly that there was something wrong with her before all this. Believing in psychics does not make you crazy - in fact the police have even used psychics in the past to help solve cases. Marilyn's naivety and sometimes childlike nature is just part of her personality - she's immature, definitely, but she's not ill. The reason she became so attached to George is simply that, like many women, she doesn't have a child of her own and has strong maternal instincts that she's unable to channel. The fact that her own son died must also have played a part in it, and counselling would probably benefit her in that sense too.

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I'm back, so part two.

Enjoyed Elijah and Laura flirting away like mad and nice to see she isn't perfect after all. Do we suppose from what she told Elijah that Roo is the one who usually does the pitch? Very quick meeting considering their plane was delayed by half an hour in the first place and they still got back in time for a drink. How far is it from Sydney to Melbourne anyway? I gather from her remark to Elijah re. it being his turn to face up to his fears she didn't realise he wasn't a Catholic minister, hence the kiss. I still don't see them as a long term couple though, perhaps she is just what he needs a little light romantic interlude.

What was all that with the texts between Roo and Sid, unless I was sitting right up against the screen I can't read them, any idea anyone? Hope Roo doesn't go back on her promise to Marilyn about not going after her man. She was questioning what she was doing. Sid, if he is, should finish with Marilyn first then get together with Roo but not right away, then he wouldn't be cheating on her.

Marilyn certainly isn't mentally ill, maybe she never had the proper counselling after losing Byron, can't remember if that was ever talked about at the time. She fled to England after her break up with Donald so she may have had counselling there/here. She obviously looked on George as a second chance to be a mum and while it seemed like a very good idea at the time, the fact that Nic was going to be still living in the same town was never going to work, especially as Nic was expressing milk for him.

You're right claire_louise, it was mentioned between Marilyn and Sid about the fact they would be considered too old to adopt through the usual channels, plus adopting from abroad.She even had tests to see if she could conceive but was told she couldn't because of her previous medical problems. I think she would have resolved herself to not having children until Nic told her she was pregnant, then they went away for the abortion and Nic changed her mind. Whether Marilyn had the idea as soon as Nic told her, we'll never know, but I can't see her being that calculating, more likely to have been a light bulb moment.

Did seem odd that Angelo and Nic's goodbyes to Miles, Romeo and Morag were all off screen, budget restrictions? They managed quick goodbyes to a select few when Tony, Rachel and Harry left just as quickly. Now Angelo has left I suppose the tenancy has been transferred to Roo, when was all that sorted?

:offtopic: We actually got a glimpse (blinked and you missed it) of the door to the rest of the living accommodation. I'm guessing the reason we don't see it anymore and it's never used is down to budget costs again. :unsure:

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I still stand by my point of view. Marilyn's had awful things to cope with in her life, its enough to make anyone want to live in a fantasy world and escape reality like that, but Marilyn is emotionally unable to cope with real life. All the pressure of nearly dying, new step family, relationship going wrong, having the longed for baby (with all the sleepless nights, exhaustion etc) then losing him meant she just flipped into an episode. In a while she may look back at when she took George and think 'God, what was I doing?'

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I still stand by my point of view. Marilyn's had awful things to cope with in her life, its enough to make anyone want to live in a fantasy world and escape reality like that, but Marilyn is emotionally unable to cope with real life. All the pressure of nearly dying, new step family, relationship going wrong, having the longed for baby (with all the sleepless nights, exhaustion etc) then losing him meant she just flipped into an episode. In a while she may look back at when she took George and think 'God, what was I doing?'

I think we're actually saying the same thing - she's had a lot to cope with, so she ended up behaving irrationally with George. That doesn't mean there was anything wrong with her to begin with. Back in the day (before she lost Byron) she was just the same naive, immature character with a tendency to daydream etc, but she wasn't mentally unbalanced, and on the whole I don't think she is now either. I think this is just a temporary loss of sanity due to an extremely stressful situation and possibly some unresolved grief from losing her child. I do hope they mention her getting some kind of counselling though. I'd also like to see her break up with Sid and move back in with Miles, where she can be around people who care about her.

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I still stand by my point of view. Marilyn's had awful things

I do hope they mention her getting some kind of counselling though. I'd also like to see her break up with Sid and move back in with Miles, where she can be around people who care about her.

Move back in with Miles? Are you crazy? What could Miles do for that psycopath? And who are the people around Miles that would care for her? I would think that everyone would want her to go away and get some serious help. The last useful thing that Sid could do for her would be to arrange that.

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Sid sure knows how to kick a dog when it’s down. At the moment he seems to have very little sympathy for Marilyn but I feel this is mainly built up frustration over the fact that he never wanted George and that he doesn’t want to be with Marilyn anymore and wishes he was with someone else. Had one of his patients been in this situation I bet he would have been telling them to go easy on their partner. I actually liked Dexter trying to make Marilyn feel better and when he told Sid the whole thing wasn’t all about him. Good one Dex.

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My opinion of Marilyn is somewhere in between "Aww, poor Marilyn" and "Die, witch, die".Whilst I don't sympathise with her, I do recognise she's been hurt by all this and will need time to recover.So from that point of view, I did find Sid dragging her out to a restaurant somewhat insensitive.Her having a go at Roo didn't annoy me as much as I thought it would but it was still out of line:Ever since Roo's come back she's had people turning their noses up at her even though I don't think she's done a single thing wrong.(Well, okay, giving the people smuggling money to Hugo.But she's hardly alone in that and ironically it's the only thing she hasn't been called on.)I was cheering again when Sid rightly pointed out that she created this situation, the rest of them went along with it to make her happy and now they're all suffering as a result.

April snapping at Xavier for teasing Dexter in a perfectly friendly and inoffensive manner annoyed me, so I was glad Dexter snapped at her back.It feels like they're trying to normalise Dexter at the moment with his moping over April, it brings back bad memories of the generic material they gave Annie towards the end of her time on the show, and it will be a real shame if they turn him into just another teen.We've seen Dexter mope over girls before and it's not like this.(Although given that it's sometimes worse, *crush on Marilyn*cough*, maybe we should count our blessings.)For that reason I was annoyed at him snapping at Sid, who was actually being pretty kind and fatherly:I don't think he was saying the situation with George isn't about Sid, he was saying that his reasons for being down aren't about the situation with George and Sid(ie they're about April).

Isn't John Palmer just do goddamn loveable?I was laughing at his desperate attempts to chat to Gina about her supposed menopause("Gina, have I mishandled this?")and the discovery that he'd cooked a special dinner...for Gina and Colleen.Soap 101:When husband and wife fall out, all spare rooms in the house promptly vanish and he has to sleep on the couch.I am wondering if Gina's actually pregnant, which would be a twist and a half.It would explain the mood swings and her insistence she knows it's not the menopause...

I'm still enjoying Elijah and Laura and hope she's not insulted by his understandable but slightly frustrating need to distance himself from her.Roo grimacing at them was a bit odd:Didn't she know what would happen?Bianca and Heath passed me by a bit but the scene of him trying desperately to hold a conversation until she practically jumps him did actually amuse me.

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Whatever it is, I think Marilyn is a sad, lonely figure who hasn't had the life she maybe should have had. She should have been a trophy wife who could stay at home having babies while her macho businessman husband went out to work. I feel sorry for her, she's tried to make the life she wanted but ended up making more of a mess of it :(

Definitely sparks between Dex and April when they were washing up yesterday. Classic line of Xavier's 'why do intelligent people always self defecate themselves?' :lol: I thought David had got his tongue in a twist but it was actually intentional,cos Dex corrected him :lol:

I thought John was a right idiot, in a kindly way. He meant well but can't he leave Gina alone to tell him in her own time what is wrong? Colleen is hardly the right person to invite round, Irene would have been better. I don't really know why people are talking about menopause in such hushed tones anyway, its just something that happens. Most women I know bless the day they got throught it and had a better life without periods etc.

So was Bianca taking Heath home to her/ Irene's house? I can't imagine Irene or April being happy with that, I bet they won't like bumping into Heath in the morning, unless he sneaks out the window or something :rolleyes:

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Bit strong that Brian calling Marilyn a psycopath!!!! She has always been an emotional type of woman, but certainly not a danger to herself or others. She just feels things a lot more than others, she always has, it's who Marilyn is and why we've always loved her, though she has driven us nuts at times. You could be right Miranda she would have been a great mum.

Dex was more sympathetic than Sid was, she did apologise for all the trouble and she did remember his trials and wished him luck. I think Sid was trying to do the right thing by getting Marilyn out of the house, but perhaps Angelo's (is it still called that?) wasn't such a good idea. Can't really understand her attack on Sid and Roo about him talking about them, isn't that what she had been doing? Unless on some level she suspects what we all know that they fancy each other and if he was free he would be with Roo.

Trust Colleen to spot Elijah and Laura having that early morning snog. :blush: Though she wasn't alone as Roo and Sid had seen them too, the look that passed between them was priceless, as in 'what the....?, are we seeing this?' I thought as he isn't a practicing minister at the moment it wouldn't matter if he was seeing someone, or was it just the fact he was having a snog in public? He had the same problem when he was with Leah, didn't he? I suppose the bishop will be back now to um advise him.

Loved the scenes between John and Gina. Bless him he did try his best. Colleen's radar was firing on all cylinders and I suppose they were all whispering as it was in a public space. Loved Colleen's advice 'handle with care' and the knowing nod. :lol: Irene would have been the better person, but he could have got an earful if she hasn't actually gone through it. The same thought passed through my mind Red, that certainly would be a twist, could you imagine Xav's face if it turns out to be true!!! :blink: He has enough trouble knowing they have a sex life!!!

Interesting exchanges between Xav, April and Dex, I can sense a definite change in April's affections. As we saw from the promo Irene challenges her about Dex tutoring this Kate girl. There were sparks between Dex and April, then the obligatory awkward silence. Perhaps Xav did slip up, but they kept it in as Dex corrected him later? :unsure:

Heath and Bianca - erm, what is she trying to prove, that she is over Liam, doesn't care if he comes back or not? Certainly took the wind out of Heath's sails when she planted that kisser on him!!!! Could you really see her going back to Heath's, though she did live at Liam's tent so is used to roughing it. Not sure if his remark about if she had been his teacher he would have paid more attention in class was creepy or not.

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