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What was all that with the texts between Roo and Sid, unless I was sitting right up against the screen I can't read them, any idea anyone?

Sorry, should have answered this before.I have trouble with them too but I managed to pick up those two:Sid said "Thanks for today" and Roo said "No worries."

Anyway, today's ep.Quite a bit going on.The River Boys' schemes seem to be getting more and more elaborate and Brax seems to be feeling the pinch of having to look after the restaurant with only Heath for help.Brax slapping Heath about annoyed me greatly, I really wanted Heath to hit him back. It's actually reached the point where I find myself liking Heath more.I'm worried that Brax's redeeming features, notably his determination to keep Casey out of things, are going to be used as actual redeeming features.He really needs to be brought to justice at some point.Charlie decides to study for her detective's exam by sleeping with her criminal boyfriend.That's a fail then.Pee Wee seems to be back on his feet with no visible injuries remarkably soon after Heath put him in hospital. (He was the tall dark-haired guy with them at the restaurant.)I'd have expected a few bruises at least.

I'm finding the way they've suddenly changed Xavier and April's relationship to suit the plot extremely annoying.Xavier's always been supportive before, so his ignoring her worries about Bianca felt out of character.Last week April was cheerily making out with Xavier in front of Dexter, now she's suddenly not interested in "celebrating" with him.Yet again, we see Dexter paired with a perfectly fine alternate love interest, he and Kate spark off each other well, but the writers seem determined to push him towards April instead.I was glad that Irene pointed out to April that she's got a boyfriend, shame these girls never listen to her.The only time I liked April in that episode was her chat with Bianca at the start.Loved all the lines about the teens having been in the same class as Kate for six years and not having noticed her.(Much like us.)Although, nitpick alert:None of them have actually been at Summer Bay High for six years.Ruby's been there the longest and she's only been in town three years.

I did like all the stuff with Leah, Charlie, Ruby, VJ and Casey at the house, there was some nice light writing to it.I noticed some comments elsewhere that Ruby calls Charlie "Mum" at the restaurant so I went back and watched the scene and...I think they're right!Can't believe I missed that.

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So, Bianca did go to Heath's house, I can't imagine that, although Brax obviously knew about it. What did he mean about Bianca being more trouble than Heath's other girlfriends? :unsure: Heath just gets pushed around all the time- by Brax, Bianca. Probably why he pushes Casey around. I bet I'm right: whatever bullying Casey has suffered from Heath, it was because Heath suffered bullying from Brax when he was little. Wonder what he'll do about Bianca dumping him, I've got a bad feeling about that....

I still think Romeo would have more boat bookings than he has. Those women who had the divorce party would surely have given him a good report. Or maybe Australian middle aged women don't like hunky young men accompanying them :lol:

I think they should make more of Dex/ Kate, they actually looked good together. I think Dex/Charles has been growing, he's taller than Xavier now and looks quite dashing these days :wink:

Nice that Brax admitted Angelo knew how to run the restaurant better :lol: Angelo was generally nicer to people and more interested in them whereas Brax is only interested in money, or whatever, I don't know anymore.

Casey/Ruby. I think she's finding out how much of a handful he is now, he's showing his true colours. They aren't having a fairytale relationship like she hoped.

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Thanks for that Red.

So not only did Bianca stay at Heath's, :wink: Irene didn't let on to April Bianca stayed out all night. Though why that should be I'm not sure Bianca is an adult! April was quiet kind to Bianca, although he did say she wasn't going to sympathise that much as it was self inflicted, as did Irene. Bianca in turn though was dismissive of April later in the day and April had to remind her she had her trials that day.

The way I read it Irene has maybe sussed April has feelings for Dex that she shouldn't have considering she is Xav's girlfriend, following Ruby's text. Did I hear Xav suggest to April they celebrate at home because John and Gina were out and she turned him down? I remember way back they reunited Lucas and Mattie after a break up and they discovered things had changed between them.

It is frustrating when they suddenly introduce a character who has supposedly been at Summer Bay High for years and who hasn't even had a line to say in all that time!!! Kate came on pretty strong to Dex, who didn't know whether to be amused or embarrassed. I don't know if it was the lighting but when she was at Dex's house, her hair looked blonder from the back than it did from the front (or was that just me)? Loved his Rambo look. :lol: The look on her face when he suggested she could pay him in another way from money and she said she wasn't like that!! It turned out he just wanted her to pretend she was his date, hence his remark to her about smiling. :wink: I suppose it was worth it to see the look on Ruby's face and yes she did call Charlie mum. Not something she does often so it is a surprise when she does, because you're not listening for it.

So another RB, (the blond chunky one) whatever his name is!!! Had a feeling Heath was being economical with the truth with Casey, whatever else Brax may be into the one thing he has been consistent about is keeping Casey out of it all. I can understand Brax smacking Heath, he must know Brax doesn't want Casey involved in their 'business' and yet he did it anyway. But I can see a rebellion coming, Heath can't be the only one is getting fed up with Brax and his attitude. Romeo did have the good sense to turn it down, (though if course as we saw that changes) I think he had half decided before his chat with Miles. Though just how were they disposing of the drugs in this 'fishing trip', planning to meet a contact out at sea? Casey probably didn't want to drag Ruby into it considering who her mum is, old cliche I know, but the less she knows the safer she is.

I spotted that Miranda about Brax's remark that Angelo knew how to run a restaurant, not as easy as he first thought, so he is fallible after all.

Bianca could have been a tad more tactful when she ditched Heath, her 'it was a mistake' was a definite no-no. She wouldn't have liked it if someone had said it to her!! Wonder if he will decide to make her pay for that?

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I don't know if it was the lighting but when she was at Dex's house, her hair looked blonder from the back than it did from the front (or was that just me)?

Oh you are funny :P

Well, Casey, what are you doing? He's off on his yo yo ing moods again. I didn't realise he wasn't doing well at school, I thought he was ok now they have diagnosed dyslexia. But he has a lot to catch up on I suppose.

Interesting and a bit sad he didn't seem to know what Ruby meant by 'colouring' and 'kindergarten'. I suppose he hasn't had those experiences :(

I seem to remember someone saying they didn't think the River Boys treated girls badly, well there were indications that they do with the curly blond one harassing Indi today. Whoever he is. River Boys drift in and out, we learn their name, then they get beaten up by Heath/ disappear in some other way.

So looks like Morag is on her way out again :(

Romeo, hm, what's going to happen when he takes the River Boys out on the boat? I bet it'll be a night excursion. I can see why he took the money but Casey didn't look happy about his decision. But who knows what Casey thinks half the time.

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Roo's episode count this week:Four.Miles' episode count consists of one scene chatting to Romeo on Thursday(which was nice to see but could easily have been given to Irene or someone)and a fairly large part on Friday.Enough to justify not having him say goodbye to Nicole?Not really.

Still, we had a pretty good amount of Miles in that episode:I loved his chat with Ruby about semantics, everything he said to his class and the way he managed to be stern but funny with Casey. Casey was the most bad boylike we've seen him since he first came in, although perhaps not that bad:He got his black eye defending Indi after all.Not sure if this thing of him being dragged into the River Boy life is going anywhere or not.I thought he was doing fairly well at school too.Ruby seems to be doing a better job of recognising and dealing with his faults than Charlie is with Brax ironically enough.

I'm a bit disappointed we haven't had any follow up to John and Gina's storyline and hope we get something next week.John was pretty irascible in that episode, although we've seen worse.Kind of in two minds about Romeo's performance:You'd think he'd have learned something from what happened with Xavier and VJ but he couldn't really have just stood there while Casey and Indi were in trouble, perhaps his only real problem was spending a bit too long chatting to Indi afterwards instead of getting back to his job.(Incidentally, the blonde curly-haired guy is called Rob and he was actually the guy with Heath who Xavier squared up to.Guess that's his function.Don't think he had curly hair at the time though, I just thought of him as the fat guy.)Must be my Protestant work ethic but I screamed in horror when Roo suggested Romeo get a loan instead of a job.(What bank would give a loan to a high school dropout with no savings, collateral or regular income anyway?)Either way, his decision to throw in his lot with the River Boys is probably going to come back and bite him. By the way, what happened to Sid banning him from the Walker house?He was there at the end of last week and Indi suggested going back there this episode.Guess Sid's got other things on his mind now.

Not sure where Morag and Roo were supposed to be near the end:Presumably Roo's place although it's hard to tell.Rather liked Roo's disappointment about Morag's plans:Morag might not be her doting aunt anymore but Roo obviously still cares about her.

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Still, we had a pretty good amount of Miles in that episode:I loved his chat with Ruby about semantics, everything he said to his class and the way he managed to be stern but funny with Casey. Casey was the most bad boylike we've seen him since he first came in, although perhaps not that bad:He got his black eye defending Indi after all.Not sure if this thing of him being dragged into the River Boy life is going anywhere or not.I thought he was doing fairly well at school too.Ruby seems to be doing a better job of recognising and dealing with his faults than Charlie is with Brax ironically enough.

I think Casey's comment to Ruby about wanting to "be someone" is key to understanding his problem. While he's doing well at school, he still has a long way to go before people see him as the full package instead of an academic wannabe. At the moment, Casey feels inadequate and the only way he can get recognition and approval is through being a River Boy.

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Still, we had a pretty good amount of Miles in that episode:I loved his chat with Ruby about semantics, everything he said to his class and the way he managed to be stern but funny with Casey. Casey was the most bad boylike we've seen him since he first came in, although perhaps not that bad:He got his black eye defending Indi after all.Not sure if this thing of him being dragged into the River Boy life is going anywhere or not.I thought he was doing fairly well at school too.Ruby seems to be doing a better job of recognising and dealing with his faults than Charlie is with Brax ironically enough.

I think Casey's comment to Ruby about wanting to "be someone" is key to understanding his problem. While he's doing well at school, he still has a long way to go before people see him as the full package instead of an academic wannabe. At the moment, Casey feels inadequate and the only way he can get recognition and approval is through being a River Boy.

You could have hit on something there English, it's going to take a while for some people to see him as just Casey an individual and not a River Boy. I thought that as well Miranda, it seemed he was doing better, he's got a good brain, just the reading and writing he had trouble with.

Would he really 'be someone' in the RB gang. In a way he may feel more comfortable as a RB, but wouldn't he need to prove himself to them as well despite the fact he is Heath's and Brax's brother? He did stand up to those two, (I read the blond chunky one is called Gordo) defending Indi. There is another one with longer, shaggy hair, would that be Rob? Wonder how that will go down with Brax, one on one OK, but two on one?

Couldn't really blame John suspending Romeo, it would be his neck on the line if anything bad had happened. Things do seem to be going down hill for Romeo, first bookings are dropping off for the tours, surfing lessons seem to have gone quiet as well. It's all very well for Roo to tell him to get flyers done, but they cost money which he hasn't got! Thumbs up to Roo for trying to fix the engine, but of course it had to be Morag on board when it went putt, putt, cough, cough and stopped. Now in desperation he is going to take the RB's 'fishing'. Oh dear.

Didn't Romeo say in Indi when he was sitting at the diner, something about going home and getting an earful from Morag or going to her place and getting one from her dad?

I was puzzled as well Red, about where Roo and Morag were, it certainly didn't look like the caravan park and I don't remember seeing that work surface at Roo's before. Morag acted her usual brash self (but we're not fooled anymore :wink: ) when Roo said she would miss her. It can't be that long till Alf comes back can it?

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He did stand up to those two, (I read the blond chunky one is called Gordo) defending Indi. There is another one with longer, shaggy hair, would that be Rob?

There's a Gordo mentioned in the spoilers for the coming week but I don't think we've seen him yet. The silent guy who joined in the fight with Casey, who I think was the one with long shaggy hair, was referred to as Danny.

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Every episode Charlie's in I lose a bit more respect for her.With this woman enforcing law and order, it's no wonder criminals are running riot.I've no idea what she was trying to achieve by chatting to Brax about Heath's fishing trip, whether it was a hamfisted attempt to elicit information or just small talk.Wonder what happened to the city gang who were supposed to be meeting the River Boys, did Charlie scare them off?Even at the end, when Charlie clearly realises or at least suspects that Brax helped Heath stay out of it, she's still convinced that Heath's the mastermind behind it all and Brax is just helping him out.Love really is blind.As well as deaf, dumb and incredibly stupid.

Just to really confuse the issue of "Which River Boy is which", the guy referred to here as Gordo seems to be the guy who was paired with Pee Wee earlier in the year when they kidnapped Dex. Except then he was called Rick.

Well, not entirely happy about Romeo's lack of punishment here.Fair enough, he was probably guilty of nothing more than stupidity but I wasn't happy about Roo talking Morag out of firing him.(I take it you're not too happy about her suddenly being his mentor, Slade?)Again, while Sid's response is perhaps a bit of an overreaction, he's presented with another fairly good reason for not liking Romeo. Seems the writers didn't forget about Sid banning Romeo from the house, Indi did.

Not too happy about Marilyn continuing to get the sympathy vote either.Miles really should have put his foot down a lot earlier and he still won't do it.He rightly points out that Marilyn being allowed near the baby she kidnapped is a bad idea, then he apologises for it.Wuss.Guess he did the right thing by putting the ball in Nicole's court and I'm glad that, even if he's probably telling the truth about not having her address, he at least knows how to contact her.Wasn't expected to see Nicole again which is a bit confusing:Has she left or not?If they've just brought her back for yet another scene with Marilyn, instead of her having a proper chat with Miles, then that's just a waste in my book.

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