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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Right, I'm really confused now between the River Boys. Pee Wee is the one with eyes too close together that Heath put in hospital. Gordo is one of the ones who kidnapped Dex. Danny is the one with long hair. Rob is the one with curly blond hair who hassled Indi.

Secondly, some of them seem rather too old to be hanging around in a gang, especially one called the River BOYS. They mostly look old enough to be men, I can't believe they haven't moved off into individual families with wives, kids etc now. But I'm probably being naive :blink:

Gosh, Morag reminds me so much of my own aunt, she looks like her, sounds like her, acts like her :lol: I must be Roo!

Indi is very trusting, isn't she? But I suppose of all the boys, Romeo is the least likely to be involved in drugs. But then again, he was the least likely to be involved in casual sex, but he did, so as she didn't know exactly what went on, she was very open minded to believe him.

Felt sorry for dippy Marilyn again, she is a sad case really. I liked Miles being so nice to her but has he forgotten his own child that he lost? He said something like 'I can't imagine what its like to lose a baby', he's got a very short memory!

It was nice to see Nicole again one last time, which I presume it was :blink:

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At times I seriously don’t understand Charlie. The fact that when Indy told her about Romeo taking Heath out on his boat and she didn’t even THINK Brax could be involved left me completely bemused. Again when she was flirting with him on the beach, once more there was the puppy dog eyes. Even at the end of the episode when she was warning him about Heath she was acting at worst as if he knew but turned a blind eye. It is tunnel vision beyond absolute belief.

I’m annoyed that yet again, yet again both Heath and Brax appeared to have gotten away with it. Although I’m glad Angelo got one up on Brax, part of me now wishes he reported Charlie simply to nullify the mole she has effectively become.

I’ve stuck up for Marilyn because I felt sorry for her but seriously what good could possibly come from seeing Nicole unless it’s actually to apologise and not an excuse to see George.

I did actually feel quite sorry for Romeo and could understand where he was coming from but when he took the money he was asking for trouble. I’m not surprised Sid thought the worst of him. He just seems to act completely irrational when it comes to Romeo. As I said on another thread it’s a pathological dislike but I’m tempted to use the word hatred now. Indy’s not going to finish with him so he should just deal with it and get over himself.

I thought Morag was really harsh with Romeo but her actions were understandable if I’m being honest. :o Wow Roo to the rescue once more saving Romeo’s job (Never saw that one coming). Is there no end to this woman’s talents? I guess we can add mentor to the ever growing list.

P.S. Red Ranger I hate being predictable but I have to admit you really, really made me laugh. It’s almost like an artform with you sometimes. Was that deliberate or accidental?

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I was confused in today's episode, how can Charlie think that Romeo was involved? I mean come on! He is not that clever (sorry Romeo fans but he is a douche) enough to pull off a drugs bust. His senses should have been heightened the moment Heath didn't turn up and so that means Brax and Heath effectively get away with it <_<

I liked Roo today though, she isn't doing anything bad by helping Romeo so I am glad that she helped him.

Not much else to say really apart from how dumb is Charlie?!

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P.S. Red Ranger I hate being predictable but I have to admit you really, really made me laugh. It’s almost like an artform with you sometimes. Was that deliberate or accidental?

Um...well, that depends which bit made you laugh.Some of it was sarcasm or deadpan humour but not all of it...

I was confused in today's episode, how can Charlie think that Romeo was involved? I mean come on! He is not that clever (sorry Romeo fans but he is a douche) enough to pull off a drugs bust.

I think it was a case of him being there so Charlie had to arrest him.She did seem to ring Morag herself to help him out and she let him go pretty quickly.(What was puzzling was the way the police started cuffing everyone in sight without issuing cautions or telling them what they were meant to have done wrong...)

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Okay, seriously, what are they trying to do to Dexter?You've got Kate, who he admits has got a lot of good qualities.They get on well, she clearly likes him a bit, he clearly likes her a bit.What's the problem?He'd rather have Xavier's girlfriend.Get over it, Dex, for pete's sake!I really hope Dex and Kate get together and he forgets about April because I'm really not liking him that much at the moment.As Kate says, if his friends find out what he's doing they won't be his friends anymore.

Well, I wasn't expecting to see Angelo again either.Shame him and Nicole being in that episode was so completely and utterly pointless.For a second, I thought we might have a tense confrontation between Nicole and Marilyn, an acknowledgement that they both handled the situation badly and did the wrong thing.And then they hugged and I literally shouted at the set.Absolutely nothing was resolved, they just chat about nothing for a bit, then Marilyn leaves.Oh, she got to say goodbye.Even though she spent about five minutes saying goodbye to George before he left.As I said last week, they tried to make everyone sympathetic and came close to making no-one sympathetic;it's as if they're saying Nicole taking George off Marilyn was a good thing and Marilyn taking George off Nicole was a good thing and refusing to admit to the contradiction.It's nice to get a glimpse of how Nicole and Angelo are getting along, although if they're meant to be hiding from Brax you'd expect them to have gone a bit further than that, but if that's their last appearance it was even weaker than their last exit.And Sid gets made to look the bad guy because he's not willing to fall in line with everyone else and think Romeo and Marilyn are lovely, no matter how much they mess up.

I am rather liking Elijah and Laura and, despite it being referred to as indencisive, I rather liked his suggestion they get to know each other properly before jumping back in again.I did find the bit of Roo jabbering away while Sid, Elijah and Laura all stare into space rather amusing too.The joke about everyone interrupting Miles wasn't funny the first time and became progressively less funny as the episode went along though.Is it me or do all the characters on this show have a fetish for sitting on chairs the wrong way round?I think both Elijah and Sid did it when they came to see him.

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Laura and Elijah, I honestly can’t seem to get to grips with these two but I did like the conversation between Roo and Laura. They seem like two peas in a pod & I love it. I hope that we see more of them two together. Miles…well been a while since he actually spoke to Elijah, I don’t think we have seen much of him on screen this year, for some strange reason, I really want to see more of him. It makes me think that maybe they are saving him for some big storyline…but maybe that is just my mind working overtime.

Dex! Please don’t do this writers! I don’t want to hate Dex or April but I am heading down that path, he shouldn’t be going after April. Keep him with Kate, they are cute together (sort of) but anything to avoid breaking Xavier’s heart! Please!

Sid! <_< I am so annoyed with him right now, I am not a Romeo fan but he was really really harsh! There was no need for that at all. I mean I get he doesn’t like him but banning him from the house was a bit over the top & then the way he spoke to Marilyn! I can’t see how these two can stay together. I am incredibly glad that Roo told him off, Sid really needs to stop putting Romeo down otherwise he will drive Indi away…

Eee… I am going to be a fan girl now…before reverting back to my normal self :P Nicole & the ring! :wub: I loved seeing her in that episode & I know that I shouldn’t but it was really cute seeing her with George & I did love her keeping the name for the baby, it shows how much she respected Marilyn even though that was the last thing she deserve but I thought it was a nice touch, and very sweet as well. My heart melted at that scene, so adorable. I am so glad to hear a little bit about what they were planning although I am not sure the decision to fall off the radar was necessarily a good idea but I am sure it will all work out for them.

& one more thing, Brax works at the shelter? Or helps out? Did I hear that right? I am still in shock about that, and I am very surprised that Elijah was defending him but maybe I am being harsh about Elijah in the sense that he is a reverend and it is his job to see the good in people but Brax? How can you see anything good in Brax, he is (& sorry to sound like a broken record) a good liar and he has to be the ringleader, you don’t get all that money without having a big and I mean a big involvement, I really hope he gets his comeuppance soon or at least gets a comeuppance, H&A can tend to cop out with these things something, I just hope that doesn’t happen this time & that is my last comment to say, I am officially out of breath but Brax annoys me <_< & that is pretty much my analysis of the episode.

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Right, I'm really confused now between the River Boys. Pee Wee is the one with eyes too close together that Heath put in hospital. Gordo is one of the ones who kidnapped Dex. Danny is the one with long hair. Rob is the one with curly blond hair who hassled Indi.

Secondly, some of them seem rather too old to be hanging around in a gang, especially one called the River BOYS. They mostly look old enough to be men, I can't believe they haven't moved off into individual families with wives, kids etc now. But I'm probably being naive :blink:

It would certainly help if we knew their names, instead of them referring to Gordo, Rob etc. and us having to guess which is which. Perhaps they should be called River Old Boys!! :P:wink::D

Well we all know know how Romeo feels about drugs and wouldn't be involved if he had an inkling that is what they were up to. He did suggest cancelling the trip when he was told Heath wouldn't be coming, but Pee Wee said to go ahead. Charlie and co didn't have a choice but to arrest Romeo along with the other two when they caught them, but it could have looked bad for as there was no paperwork and nothing to tie Heath to it seeing as Casey made the initial move.

I'm guessing Brax must have decided to call the city gang and warned them off. Wonder if Charlie mentioned 'ever so causally' that Romeo was taking the guys out 'fishing' to see what Brax would do, he did pull Heath out of going, once again sacrificing lesser members of the gang. Is she playing him and letting him think he has her where he wants her?

It may have seemed a bad idea for Marilyn to go and see Nicole, you're right Red, it was in Nic's court if she decided to contact Marilyn. Miles just gave her that option. In the end it worked out fine, they both got to say a proper good bye and Marilyn was able to pass on tips about George and Marilyn had another farewell with George, but a more relaxed one. Btw, those birds in the background were bloody noisy!!

Breaking off now more tomorrow.

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Elijah, what are you playing at? Not phoning Laura for a week. He really does not understand women, does he, despite his new Mr Smooth dynamic image... He's doing that thing again wehre he rushes into something and then hmms and hahs about it. But it seems this time he has actually made a decision, maybe...

And why doesn't Kate just go out with Dex properly, the silly girl. Can't she see how nice he is? and vice versa. Why doesn't he just give up on April.

So great to see Nicole, Angelo and George again. I suppose maybe it is better that Marilyn keeps in touch, its not a normal relationship they all have, is it? AND, was that an engagement ring on Nicole's finger? :D

Sid and Maz are definitely over, they can't even talk anymore :huh:

I thought it was nice to see Miles actually doing some work, most teachers are far too busy to spend hours sorting out friends problems like he does.

I think Keith mentioned that Brax and Heath help out at the shelter sometimes.


Gosh, how many people have posted since I started writing this post? :lol:

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Eee… I am going to be a fan girl now…before reverting back to my normal self :P Nicole & the ring! :wub:

There was a ring?! :o I totally missed that. Bit of a rush if they are engaged, but it's a nice way to end their story. I wish they'd put Nicole and Angelo together sooner instead of having her involved with Angus - it would have been nice to see more of them together and it would have made it more plausible that their relationship had become so serious.

& one more thing, Brax works at the shelter? Or helps out? Did I hear that right? I am still in shock about that, and I am very surprised that Elijah was defending him but maybe I am being harsh about Elijah in the sense that he is a reverend and it is his job to see the good in people but Brax? How can you see anything good in Brax

I don't know why because I know all the bad things he's done/is doing, but I am one of those people who can see the good in Brax. It has been mentioned before that he helps at the homeless shelter and we've seen his good side in various ways - helping out the young mother who Colleen found living in her car, helping Elijah when he was drunk and grieving over Tabo and Grace (probably a big reason why Elijah likes him), striving to make a better life for Casey etc. I hope they push this side of him and have some sort of redemption for his character. I'm not sure how long the River Boys are sticking around for but if it's on a long-term basis I can't see how they'll be able to continue with all their illegal activities without ending up in prison?

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