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There was a ring?! :o I totally missed that. Bit of a rush if they are engaged, but it's a nice way to end their story. I wish they'd put Nicole and Angelo together sooner instead of having her involved with Angus - it would have been nice to see more of them together and it would have made it more plausible that their relationship had become so serious.

I agree, I do think that there was a bit of a leap and it was rushed but nevertheless they are together, & Nicole has her head screwed on, I can't see her agreeing to be engaged if she wasn't 100% sure that Angelo was the one for her especially since she is a mother as well before anything else. On top of that Angelo dotes on them both so I personally think even though it is too rushed, it has worked out for the best.

I don't know why because I know all the bad things he's done/is doing, but I am one of those people who can see the good in Brax. It has been mentioned before that he helps at the homeless shelter and we've seen his good side in various ways - helping out the young mother who Colleen found living in her car, helping Elijah when he was drunk and grieving over Tabo and Grace (probably a big reason why Elijah likes him), striving to make a better life for Casey etc. I hope they push this side of him and have some sort of redemption for his character. I'm not sure how long the River Boys are sticking around for but if it's on a long-term basis I can't see how they'll be able to continue with all their illegal activities without ending up in prison?

Maybe. In my eyes, Brax is a good liar, a very good liar and very manipulative but I do believe that he wants genuinely a good life for Casey and I hope that we see more of his brotherness with Casey because that is a part of him that I can be happy about but if the writers cop out & don't put Brax in prison for at least a while then I wont be happy because you cannot get away with all those crimes like that, it will not be true to reality especially since he is dating Charlie & she is a cop, if she gets proof, I hope she doesn't try and hide it for Brax or if she cant do it, give it to Watson or another police officer so that Brax can pay his dues.

& I will stop ranting (this isn't a dig at you but it is something that I have wanted to say this for a while now)

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I don't think Brax told the city gang to stay away, his justification for leaving Pee Wee and Gordo out there was that they needed the money so he was hoping the deal could go ahead, but he wanted Heath out of the way if it went wrong.If he knew the drop wasn't going to happen, he'd have called them back or told them to go somewhere else.Maybe Area Command arrested the city gang independently of the local police?

Personally, I think the ring was a mistake, I find it very hard to believe Nicole and Angelo are engaged and they just forgot to mention it.(It didn't even look like an engagement ring, it was a silver band.Possibly it was some sort of commitment ring, which would be more plausible?)Did we actually see it on Tuesday?I'm gonna have to go back and look.I think we might only have seen it in that close-up of Nicole's hand when we saw George on Monday, which could have been a hand double.

EDIT: Oh no, she is definitely wearing it on Tuesday, you can see it when she picks up George.I'm gonna go with my commitment ring theory then.

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Part two.

To finish off about Marilyn, Nic, Angelo and George. Marilyn was a lot more at ease when she got home. I think she has now come to terms with it all. Sensible of Nic to kind of tell Marilyn about why they had left the bay and that it wasn't just down to the baby. I liked that she kept the name George as well, could always have Ben as a middle name. I thought I spotted a ring!!! :wub: Perhaps Nic asked Angelo to hang around until she worked out how things were going. Sid wasn't being very trusting in Marilyn thinking she would snatch George or do something equally silly. In fact Marilyn seemed the more composed and sensible out of the both of them. Would have driven me mad the number of times he rang her, no wonder she ignored him.

He is also as you say, Zetti, certainly going the right way to pushing Indi away. Fair enough he can ban him from the house, he pays the bills, but not from Indi seeing him. The way he is carrying on he will lose Roo before they even get together!

Elijah is in a difficult position, he would like to be more than friends with Laura, but with the whole bay looking on, he has to at leas appear to be discreet. That chat between Roo and Laura, not sure who was trying to convince who the most about not needing guys. I liked his asking Miles to help him out with Laura.

Miranda' right claire_louise, Keith did mention Brax helped out at the shelter. It was when Colleen spotted Heath giving him money at the surf club.

Dex, Dex he really is gorgeous (and that from a lady of a (cough, cough) certain age). Kate is no fool and quickly cottoned on why they were hanging out at the surf club. Not because of just anyone seeing them, but a certain someone seeing them. :wink: She would love to be with Dex, but only when he has got a certain someone out of his system. I liked his writing the pro and cons list for dating Kate. The last one, pros: 'she's (Kate) is bright, funny, lovely' cons: 'she's not April'. :(

In many ways Kate is very much like April, both are bright girls, funny and both seem to click with Dex.

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Agree with all the general love for Kate that is going around on this thread - just wish Dex could feel it too! She seems perfect for him, just like April, but unattached!

I thought all my tears for Marilyn and George were over with - but their scene yesterday was a big surprise and really welcome! I loved it, and it resolved a lot for me. I was glad Marilyn and Nicole could reconcile and that there was an acknowledgement of what Marilyn (kidnapping aside!) had done for both george and Nicole. Loved that Nicole kept his name.

I think what they are trying to do with all these hints about Brax's character is to confuse us and keep us guessing - is he really a good guy or a bad guy? As Zetti says it's clear he is a criminal and should go to jail for his actions, but there is a side to him that generates some sympathy, which I hope we get to see more of as his character develops.

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Been waiting for a surfing episode for ages, I really like these sort of episodes where there's some action going off :) All I can say is that Kate must have big feet to surf! I think she's actually falling for Dex but realises he's hung up on OCD April so isn't going to pursue it. I thought it was typical how it Xavier that's ended up injured, if it's going to happen it will be to him! I was surprised no one offered him CPR when they dragged him onto the beach.

Elijah is his own worse enemy, looks like the only job open to him now is the bait shop if it's still running.

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One thing that I've been wondering is did Charlie actually interview Casey about his involvement in chartering the boat?Or does she only investigate Braxtons that aren't sleeping with her or her daughter?Something else that struck me today is Romeo did speak to Heath, when he returned the down payment to him and Brax at the restaurant.Does that not count?

The opening scene of Brax giving Casey a "Do as I say, not as I do" speech was as laughable as when Charlie does it to Ruby.Maybe they are suited to each other.His claim he doesn't want that life is instantly undermined by the whole "I'll just go on committing crimes for a few more years, then I'll stop" thing.(By the way, it's hardly surprising Elijah thinks highly of him:He hasn't seen what we've seen and he was nice to him that time he got drunk.)

I'm finding April and Dexter more and more annoying by the episode.April was a complete cow towards Kate in what seemed like jealousy.And Dexter's constant sniffing around her is starting to feel more than a little pathetic.It does seem increasingly likely Kate genuinely likes him, she wouldn't have kissed him like that otherwise.Ruby's assessment of April and Dex's chances as a couple again seem prtty accurate.Xavier's accident was a big headscratcher:I'm not sure what's meant to have happened to him and the fact that no-one did anything but stand around shouting his name doesn't say much for their competence.(Then again, Romeo did the same when VJ had his accident...)Never mind CPR, no-one ever bothers to check vital signs which is basic stuff.

Bit of a thumbs down for Roo for staying quiet so long:Did she really think telling Ruby a horror story and dragging a promise out of her would cut it?(Shame Ruby broke the promise after trying to keep it for a bit.)Never mind Charlie, I doubt Gina would be happy Xavier was out there.

Colleen was particularly nasty here and a mild electric shock and brief telling off from Leah doesn't really seem like payback enough.Not sure why the church suddenly don't want Elijah back when they seemed pretty keen to rekindle his faith before, or is he being melodramatic and it's simply a case of them not having any posts available at the moment?

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Can't remember which of the girls said it, but one of them mentioned Xav and Kate would make a good pairing as they both like surfing, she's smart like April so would balance Xav's sometimes dimness. Kate is nice and doesn't seem to mind being 'used' as a pretend girlfriend. loved the deal about how many lessons Dex owes her to go along with it. April was definitely jealous about Kate, it was written all over her face when Dex put his arm around Kate and the way she was trying to put her off him before he turned up. Good that Dex was able to tell April the truth (or part of it anyway) why he was with Kate. Would have told her the whole of it if Xav hadn't got into trouble. You're right Psychic it is always Xav anything happens to. I wondered about the CPR as well, you would have thought as most of them are surfers they would have know how to do it.

So does that talk Elijah had with Bishop Pitt really mean he can't work at the centre anymore, why? He wasn't working there in his capacity as a minister anyway.

I know Roo broke her promise to Ruby about where they were going by telling Charlie, but just as well in the circumstances. Brax wasn't concerned but he is an adult and probably would be able to cope with the conditions better. Showed his caring side again in that chat he had with Casey about keeping him out of the ROB's business and that he wanted better for him. Could he have meant it when he said he was only going to be with them for a few years more? If he did step down as leader, who would take over, surely not Heath, he's a bit too hot headed.

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So a teen filled episode, I love Kate & Dexter together, seriously writers, you have two teens who couldn’t be more better fitted IMO and you are making me hate Dexter because he is lusting after April. I have to admit, their little chat when they were cleaning the pots was sort of cute but I prefer April with Xavier…please keep them together! Dex is trying too hard to impress April if he just got to know Kate, then he would see that they are two people who do have a connection, however farfetched it may seem, they work so well together? Is that just me or can others see how well they work together? & I do not like how he literally is pushing himself onto April. I am not sure if I am being too harsh, maybe they will grow on me but if they do the cheating avenue, then I will not be a happy bunny. <_<

Brax! I think Charlie was right to overreact; I was surprised that he didn’t take it that seriously but I am beginning to warm to him. He really does seem to have Casey’s best interests at heart however I want to see him pay for his crimes; he can’t get away with it, only if he gets his dues paid then I will be satisfied.

Uhoh, Xavier...how did it happen? I wasn’t really watching at that point. All I heard was someone screaming (Ruby?) and then I saw it. It was strange but I did like the little moment with Ruby/Casey on the beach, I am so actually liking these two together, I hope it stays like this, because it was pretty adorable ^_^

& I am done analysing the episode…

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Kate, listen. 'Go out with Dex, go out with Dex. Lure him away from April.'

Dex, go out with Kate, you silly boy! You two look good together, you have things in common, there is a spark between you e.g. when making a bargain about how many lessons he would give her!

I loved all the 'significant looks' between Dex/Kate, Dex/April, April/Kate, Ruby/everyone. Even Casey and Xavier were picking up the strange atmosphere.

I also loved that Kate knew April was 'The One' and was trying to make her jealous: 'there's plenty of other things we could be doing apart from surfing.' And snogging Dex in front of her, yay! And Dex trying to break that stick on his leg and failing :lol: :lol:

I'm definitely on the Dex/Kate love train, I don't want April/Dex anymore. April saying Kate was like Dex's version of Xavier, dear oh dear...

I agree with H&ALover that these days, Dex is definitely the best looking of the boys and seems to be the tallest too. I bet Sid looked exactly like that when young. The thing about boys that age is they all change all the time: one has a 'good' phase while the others are not looking so good, then they all swap over. I don't think girls do that as much and anyway they have makeup to cover it all up.

Poor old Xave getting injured AGAIN. How many times is this going to happen to him? He nearly died when April was messing about with those chemicals and here he is again at death's door. Perhaps he is the Six Million Dollar Man after all and keeps being rebuilt. Re: CPR. I think with Romeo and VJ, they just didn't want to have to act doing mouth to mouth with a young child like that. With Xavier, yes, someone should have done it. There was definitely someone's hand on his neck checking his pulse, don't know whose hand it was though.

Ooh, Leah, you tell Colleen! 'I'm pretty sure they are talking about gospels not gossip.'

Poor Elijah being struck off by the Bishop, or whatever they call it. Why did that happen?

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the ring

EDIT: Oh no, she is definitely wearing it on Tuesday, you can see it when she picks up George.I'm gonna go with my commitment ring theory then.

It was silver yes but not just a band, it had a stone or something sticking up on it.

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