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Kate, listen. 'Go out with Dex, go out with Dex. Lure him away from April.'

Dex, go out with Kate, you silly boy! You two look good together, you have things in common, there is a spark between you e.g. when making a bargain about how many lessons he would give her!

I loved all the 'significant looks' between Dex/Kate, Dex/April, April/Kate, Ruby/everyone. Even Casey and Xavier were picking up the strange atmosphere.

I also loved that Kate knew April was 'The One' and was trying to make her jealous: 'there's plenty of other things we could be doing apart from surfing.' And snogging Dex in front of her, yay! And Dex trying to break that stick on his leg and failing :lol: :lol:

I'm definitely on the Dex/Kate love train, I don't want April/Dex anymore. April saying Kate was like Dex's version of Xavier, dear oh dear...

Agree with you, don't want to see Xavier upset again, if he loses April.

But Dex was spot on when he referrd to Kate as "drop dead gorgeous". Isn't she just, especially when she hangs out of that red bikini top. Lovelyist female figure of them all there - long may she be around surfing. She may even get Dex joining her!

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Kate, listen. 'Go out with Dex, go out with Dex. Lure him away from April.'

Dex, go out with Kate, you silly boy! You two look good together, you have things in common, there is a spark between you e.g. when making a bargain about how many lessons he would give her!

I loved all the 'significant looks' between Dex/Kate, Dex/April, April/Kate, Ruby/everyone. Even Casey and Xavier were picking up the strange atmosphere.

I also loved that Kate knew April was 'The One' and was trying to make her jealous: 'there's plenty of other things we could be doing apart from surfing.' And snogging Dex in front of her, yay! And Dex trying to break that stick on his leg and failing :lol: :lol:

I'm definitely on the Dex/Kate love train, I don't want April/Dex anymore. April saying Kate was like Dex's version of Xavier, dear oh dear...

Agree with you, don't want to see Xavier upset again, if he loses April.

But Dex was spot on when he referrd to Kate as "drop dead gorgeous". Isn't she just, especially when she hangs out of that red bikini top. Lovelyist female figure of them all there - long may she be around surfing. She may even get Dex joining her!

Well, I think with Indie, April and Kate all appearing in swim suits recently it's getting pretty distracting! I wonder if Xavier and April's relationship will last, we'll have wait and see...I'm hoping it's Dex just wanting what he can't havem, careful what you wish for Dexter!

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Oh you lads getting distracted by the girls in their bikinis :lol: Why not indeed? I was wondering if Kate's boobs are real, they are huge compared to the rest of her. I don't mean that nastily, I just didn't think really thin girls have big boobs, do they?

I don't understand how the bishop can just say they have no job for Elijah? Aren't all churches short of ministers / priests?

No, I didn't understand that either. Its not like Elijah has done something terrible, like molesting choir boys. He just had a crisis of faith and aren't Christians supposed to be accepting of people's problems.

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Xavier's accident was a big headscratcher:I'm not sure what's meant to have happened to him and the fact that no-one did anything but stand around shouting his name doesn't say much for their competence.(Then again, Romeo did the same when VJ had his accident...)Never mind CPR, no-one ever bothers to check vital signs which is basic stuff.

This infuriates me every time. I'm not expecting your average teenager to be an expert on lifesaving techniques but do they not even learn basic first aid at school? I'd be mortified if one of my friends had just been pulled out of the water unconscious and no one knew what to do.

Incidentally, I watched lifeguards drag someone from the water the other day (he was ok) and it's a LOT more difficult than they make it look on TV. It took ages!

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Xavier's accident was a big headscratcher:I'm not sure what's meant to have happened to him and the fact that no-one did anything but stand around shouting his name doesn't say much for their competence.(Then again, Romeo did the same when VJ had his accident...)Never mind CPR, no-one ever bothers to check vital signs which is basic stuff.

This infuriates me every time. I'm not expecting your average teenager to be an expert on lifesaving techniques but do they not even learn basic first aid at school? I'd be mortified if one of my friends had just been pulled out of the water unconscious and no one knew what to do.

Incidentally, I watched lifeguards drag someone from the water the other day (he was ok) and it's a LOT more difficult than they make it look on TV. It took ages!

We are all assuming the kids would know basic first aid, which living in a coastal town you would think would be a done deal. But if they don't, then administering CPR when you are not sure what you are doing can be a dangerous thing and do more harm than good. As we have seen from the trailer, they do have the good sense not to move Xav in case of any spinal injury.

That's the thing with boys in soaps, Miranda, they suddenly shoot up overnight, just waiting for VJ to be towering over Leah. :D Girls of course tend to grow in a different direction. :wink:

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Oh you lads getting distracted by the girls in their bikinis :lol: Why not indeed? I was wondering if Kate's boobs are real, they are huge compared to the rest of her. I don't mean that nastily, I just didn't think really thin girls have big boobs, do they?

I don't understand how the bishop can just say they have no job for Elijah? Aren't all churches short of ministers / priests?

No, I didn't understand that either. Its not like Elijah has done something terrible, like molesting choir boys. He just had a crisis of faith and aren't Christians supposed to be accepting of people's problems.

:lol:, I was thinking the same, they must have appeared very recently that's all I can say...anyway, she's a bit young for surgery.

I think with Elijah's sacking it's a culmination of things, like marrying an African woman for dubious reasons which the church wouldn't agree with, the molestation accusation (which turned out to be false) and his turbulent love life.

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yes, Alreetlike, I noticed Casey fell over a few times dragging Xavier out, he must be a deadweight.

H&ALover, boys seem to shoot up in real life too. I remember the boys at school between year 10 and 11 suddenly all growing over the summer holidays and towering over us girls :lol:

Psychic Wombat, yes you've got a point about Kate's boobs and Elijah's misconduct :P

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Even more confusion about the River Boys:In yesterday's episode Dexter reiterated the guy that kidnapped him was called Rick, even though the same actor was playing a character called Gordo on Monday.(According to the cast list, I haven't gone back and compared clips).So...They're twins?His name's Rick Gordon and Gordo's a nickname?Pass.Given that, as with late last year, long-standing semi-regular doctor Derek Young was credited as Joel, someone obviously isn't keeping track.

Well, take back some of my comments about yesterday and good for Ruby, taking charge and doing a good job of resuscitating Xav.My opinion of her went up in that episode, I like the way she felt bad about breaking her promise and not stopping everyone and I felt Charlie's lecture was unnecessary, although again they both handled it fairly well.I did find the comments about spinal injuries laughable though, they'd probably have paralysed him by dragging him out of the sea like that if he had one, not to mention the way Ruby had to pull him around to clear his lungs.

And oh my god, cute Xapril moments!I didn't think we'd see any, there seems to have been a concerted attempt to drain the spark from their relationship this past week or two, but it was still there, in the scenes at the beach and the hospital, despite her ducking out on him.And even Dexter impressed me a bit with the way he told her she was part of Xavier's family.That last scene showed they work really well as friends but then Dexter overstepped the mark and April's reaction worries me:I think she likes both of them, maybe, much as it hurts me to admit it, likes Dex more or at least wonders about going there but doesn't want to face up to it.Shame that seems to be it for Kate too, Dexter could probably take lessons from her about withdrawing with dignity.

Colleen getting struck down by the hand of God, with Irene and Morag's reactions to her unusually quiet behaviour, amused me somewhat.Elijah's claim that God doesn't do retribution seems a rather odd comment for a minister, or even a Christian, to make:It's certainly not what it says in the Bible. He needs to read the Acts of the Apostles again.

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So at last one of them used CPR on Xav, good move on Dex's part that they didn't move him. Had a feeling Rubes wouldn't get a signal and Charlie arrived right on schedule, what are the odds on that? April seemed rather uncomfortable at the hospital with Dex there, didn't you think? Dex saying he and Kate had broken up because she wasn't the one and looking straight at April as he said it was a charged moment.Did like Casey's line about Xav's thick skull probably saving him from any serious damage. April and Dex's conversation in the Diner later proved that April does have feelings for Dex as she knew what he was going to say and stopped him.

Charlie was a bit unfair in blaming Ruby for not stopping the boys going in, as if they would have taken any notice with all that testosterone flying about!!

I think that's the longest Colleen has been that quite for a long, long time, it even had Morag worried. Elijah turning up really had her spooked. Is this going to be a new Colleen we are going to see and how long will it last?

Why are they having to close the centre, couldn't they draft in another minister?

Shame that Gina won't be able to go to Hawaii, but John was very understanding and the fact he has decided not to go shows how much he has changed. I had to wonder about Gina's remark about when does she stop worrying about her kids 'when they're, 40, 50?', she still worries about Hugo and he's how old?

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