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Not an expert but isn't that Old Testament Jewish God who does retribution? I thought New Testament Christian God was all about forgiveness and love.

Very sweet John staying with Gina and saying they could worry about Xavier together. 'Will I still be worrying about him when he's 40 or 50?' The eternal cry of a parent, the answer should be yes.

Good for Ruby to do CPR, I suppose she was the obvious candidate, being a surfer, and Casey and Dex wouldn't I expect.

I thought Charlie's telling off of Ruby was just right: not too heavy, laying down the law, but she made it obvvious how hurt she would have been if it had been Ruby in a hospital bed.

Poor old Kate, is that the last we'll see of her? Or was Xavier's comment about her being hot an indication of him liking her?

I can't see Colleen's 'conversion' being long lasting.... :huh:

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So at last one of them used CPR on Xav, good move on Dex's part that they didn't move him. Had a feeling Rubes wouldn't get a signal and Charlie arrived right on schedule, what are the odds on that?

Presumably it's why none of the others knew much about first aid - in Summer Bay police conveniently arrive at just the right time so it's never necessary! Well done Ruby. I quite liked her in that episode, which is rare, but I hope it continues.

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My opinion of Ruby has been improving & I liked her in that episode. Dex was right not to move Xavier as he could have had a spinal injury. At first I was sort of liking Dex but when he basically threw himself at April. My opinion changed. I still like him but am losing respect for him now :( so I hope the writers fix that!

Responsible parenting for Charlie has to be a first. Again am liking Ruby. :)

& that is enough for today. Will go into more detail about tonight's five ep.

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Good for Ruby to do CPR, I suppose she was the obvious candidate, being a surfer, and Casey and Dex wouldn't I expect.

Kate is a surfer as is Casey, and in his case it shouldn't matter that Xav is a guy!!! I get your point Red about causing spinal damage by dragging Xav out of the sea, but they had no choice, same as if someone was trapped in a burning car, you'd have to weigh any risk of damage to save their life. I noticed that as well Red about Rick being mentioned as the guy who kidnapped Dex, perhaps your second thought was right and he is Rick a.k.a. Gordo.

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Yes it shouldn't matter that Casey would have to give CPR to another man, but HAA is so paranoid about that sort of thing I bet they wouldn't dare.... yawn.... All the hoo-ha when Geoff resuscitated Aden that time :rolleyes: But thinking about it, Casey had just dragged Xav out of the sea so he was out of breath, so probably wouldn't be able to anyway. Ruby stepped in, sensibly.

Re: Rick/Gordo. Perhaps all the River Boys have two or more identities to prevent the police working out who is who. Eureka! We've cracked it! :P

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Why when Marilyn was actually talking sense did Sid not listen to her??? She got it spot on when she said he would lose Indi if he kept on nagging her about Romeo. I know he's her dad and he doesn't want to see her get hurt again, but she is an adult and all he can do is be there for her if anything does happen between them. By putting him down all the time he is in danger of alienating her and if they do break up she will be less inclined to turn to him. Having said all that I do think he was right when he said she should have let him know where she was spending the night. Miles was equally annoyed that Romeo didn't run it past him as well, it puts him an awkward position being Sid's friend. Where did Romeo say Morag was btw? Sid is just going to love the fact she will be staying at the caravan park (or not as it turns out), liked the way Marilyn managed to get Indi to answer her phone but then she hung up when Marilyn said Sid wanted to speak to her. :D

Roo said more or less the same thing. I'm sure it wasn't just me that thought Sid wasn't talking about Romeo and Indi to Roo when he was talking about falling in love, getting drawn in by the romance of it then not being able to walk away when things went wrong.

The tourism company is paying for Roo and Romeo's ticket to Hawaii, but who is paying for Indi's, didn't think Romeo was that flush? It seems it is quite a posh hotel they will be staying at as well. Roo won't be too happy either. Didn't show too much happening (apart from a lot of surfing), but where the heck did that marriage proposal come from? And what's with that guy offering Indi a job???

Well Heath finally seems to have got the message, but he certainly wasn't a happy bunny, methinks this won't be the last Bianca is going to hear from him.

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Not an expert but isn't that Old Testament Jewish God who does retribution? I thought New Testament Christian God was all about forgiveness and love.

At the risk of starting a theological debate, the New Testament does indicate that those who continue to sin won't have an easy time of it in the afterlife.And it's hard not to be reminded of Ananias and his wife struck dead for lying to God and St.Peter about giving all their money to the poor or the future St.Paul being temporarily blinded to convince him to stop persecuting Christians.

Roo's episode count this week:Four.Angelo, Gina and Bianca were all in one each.

I am pretty sick of Sid being portrayed in the wrong because he thinks Romeo's a loser and Indi shouldn't have got back with him.Mainly because I think Romeo's a loser and Indi shouldn't have got back with him.Roo, whose word seems to be law at times, making a cloying speech about Romeo being one of the good guys really did make me want to throw something at her, especially since what Sid was complaining about(Indi staying out all night without telling anyone where she was)wasn't that unreasonable.Indi doesn't seem to show much respect for her father, with her blatantly disregarding his wishes, and Marilyn's lack of support was annoying.(But then she's been waving the flag for Romeo and Indi all along.)Guess Miles didn't have much choice but to let Indi stay, hope she did do as he asked and let Sid know.Whilst Sid did seem to be talking about Marilyn when he was chatting about staying in a relationship that doesn't work because it's easier, I think he'd be unhappy about Romeo either way, he wasn't that keen on the idea of him sleeping with Indi last year when things were going well.Indi's constant whining about how much she loves him and how great he is is starting to grate.

Hard to really care about the Bianca/Heath stuff.Nice to see Irene getting a bit to do even if she did perhaps overstep the mark slightly with her questions.

H&Alover, Romeo rang the airline at the end to change his ticket.

He trades it in for cheaper ones for him and Indi.

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Sid's really great at giving lessons on 'how to push your daughter away and into the arms/ bed of the boyfriend you don't like.' :rolleyes:

Haha, Roo taking Romeo to Hawaii with her just to annoy Sid! I'm glad she's not letting her feelings for Sid make her do everything he wants! And John thinking Romeo was her toyboy :lol:

And, Roo said what I've been thinking all along. Sid is unhappy with his life, so he's taking it out on Romeo <_< Marilyn was far more sensible with her advice.

Heath couldn't bring himself to tell Bianca he's been supplying Liam with drugs, could he? I think he felt a bit snubbed by her pushing him away.

Re: theological debate, isn't it the Old Testament though which goes on about 'an eye for an eye' etc. and so far more bloodthirsty than the New Testament?

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I think Sid is right to be unhappy with Romeo and Indi's relationship - I wouldn't be happy if my daughter got back with someone who had cheated on her - but he just needs to be smarter about it. He really is pushing them together more and more and making their relationship more intense and fast moving than if he had just backed off! Indi thinks she can only rely on Romeo for support, so has now isolated herself completely from her family - Marilyn was definitely talking sense.

It's very unprofessional of Romeo to invite Indi on a business trip without asking Roo - so I hope she calls him on it.

Heath did look snubbed and even a bit upset by Bianca's knockback - I think he may have had the beginning of some genuine feelings for her. But obviously he doesn't have the emotional capacity or brains to deal with this kind of rejection so I doubt that this will be the end of Bianca's troubles with him. Like lIrene getting involved in this storyline too - it's easy to forget they live together sometimes.

Can't add anything to the new/old testament debate - totally clueless - sorry :lol:

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Re: theological debate, isn't it the Old Testament though which goes on about 'an eye for an eye' etc. and so far more bloodthirsty than the New Testament?

Well, yes, it is but that's not the same as God not handing out retribution, as Elijah claimed.Perhaps the message is that people don't need to go around gouging out eyes anymore because that's God's job."Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord, I will repay."

I agree with EmyKate's comment about Sid:He is right to be unhappy about Indi dating Romeo but he's going the wrong way about it.(I cringed at Indi's speech about nothing being Romeo's fault: What, he was forced at gunpoint to sleep with two other girls and do a deal with some dodgy characters for a fast buck?)He does need to back off and stop pushing her towards Romeo, even if it means gritting his teeth a bit.It doesn't help that the two women giving him advice, Marilyn and Roo, just keep insisting that Romeo's lovely and Sid should be happy her daughter's throwing her life away on a high school dropout who keeps letting her down.(In fact, I think I observed at the time that Sid was the only person who actually seemed to care about Romeo cheating on Indi:Everyone else seemed to either refuse to take sides or blame Ruby.)

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