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Re: theological debate, isn't it the Old Testament though which goes on about 'an eye for an eye' etc. and so far more bloodthirsty than the New Testament?

Well, yes, it is but that's not the same as God not handing out retribution, as Elijah claimed.Perhaps the message is that people don't need to go around gouging out eyes anymore because that's God's job."Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord, I will repay."

I still think that's extreme, most Christians I know don't think God does vengeance. Bad people just don't go to heaven. God's more likely to forgive people who repent. What I mean is, isn't Christianity sold on the whole 'God is love' thing, not the 'vengeance is mine? I thought the whole vengeance thing was pre Christian, that was the point: Christianity came along and persuaded people to worship God as a loving being, not worship him because they were scared of him.

Haha, you just knew I'd start an argument with you, didn't you Red :P :P Er, I mean a theological discussion.

I'm not on the 'Romeo's lovely' bandwagon, I never have been tbh. At first I did blame Ruby for what happened but she was genuinely hurt by it and the repercussions, so I mellowed a bit towards her, especially as she seems to have grown up since.

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Re: theological debate, isn't it the Old Testament though which goes on about 'an eye for an eye' etc. and so far more bloodthirsty than the New Testament?

Well, yes, it is but that's not the same as God not handing out retribution, as Elijah claimed.Perhaps the message is that people don't need to go around gouging out eyes anymore because that's God's job."Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord, I will repay."

I still think that's extreme, most Christians I know don't think God does vengeance. Bad people just don't go to heaven. God's more likely to forgive people who repent. What I mean is, isn't Christianity sold on the whole 'God is love' thing, not the 'vengeance is mine? I thought the whole vengeance thing was pre Christian, that was the point: Christianity came along and persuaded people to worship God as a loving being, not worship him because they were scared of him.

Haha, you just knew I'd start an argument with you, didn't you Red :P :P Er, I mean a theological discussion.

Oh boy, I really shouldn't have started this.The "vengeance is mine" bit comes from the New Testament, it's from St.Paul's letter to the Romans.It sounds a bit scary taken out of context but what it actually means is that people shouldn't go around seeking vengeance, it's up to God to decide whether someone is punished or not.("Vengeance is mine", ie it's not yours.)In the circumstances, giving Colleen a bit of a shock(literally and metaphorically)to try and convince her to stop being nasty about people doesn't seem entirely out of line with the "God is love" bit.

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Re: theological debate, isn't it the Old Testament though which goes on about 'an eye for an eye' etc. and so far more bloodthirsty than the New Testament?

Well, yes, it is but that's not the same as God not handing out retribution, as Elijah claimed.Perhaps the message is that people don't need to go around gouging out eyes anymore because that's God's job."Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord, I will repay."

I still think that's extreme, most Christians I know don't think God does vengeance. Bad people just don't go to heaven. God's more likely to forgive people who repent. What I mean is, isn't Christianity sold on the whole 'God is love' thing, not the 'vengeance is mine? I thought the whole vengeance thing was pre Christian, that was the point: Christianity came along and persuaded people to worship God as a loving being, not worship him because they were scared of him.

Haha, you just knew I'd start an argument with you, didn't you Red :P :P Er, I mean a theological discussion.

Oh boy, I really shouldn't have started this.The "vengeance is mine" bit comes from the New Testament, it's from St.Paul's letter to the Romans.It sounds a bit scary taken out of context but what it actually means is that people shouldn't go around seeking vengeance, it's up to God to decide whether someone is punished or not.("Vengeance is mine", ie it's not yours.)In the circumstances, giving Colleen a bit of a shock(literally and metaphorically)to try and convince her to stop being nasty about people doesn't seem entirely out of line with the "God is love" bit.

yes, you shoukd have started it, RR. Good to have a serious discussion once in a while.

I agree with Catherine/Miranda, God forgives those who repent, which is one of the central messages of the Gospels. There is no Gospel reference to vengeance that I can recall and it would be entirely out of keeping with Christ's message. I have reservations about a lot of what St Paul wrote, which to my mind is not always in keeping with the Gospels. I certainly wouldn't want to base a discussion on one reference.

They said that what Colleen experienced was a mild electric shock and, to a person of her temperament, could be taken as a sign from God. She has probably been listening to too many "hell and damn fire" sermons, although I wouldn't have thought that was Elijah's line. I regarded it as rather amusing coming from Colleen.

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Sid! Ergh! I dont like the way he is going about this whole Romeo hating thing, he is entitled to his view, I have no problem with that but he seems determined to cause trouble and push Indi away which is not a good thing. <_< He needs to approach it differently and not be hot headed about it because that cause nothing but trouble and drama.

Heath. I am scared he might go too far and I don't want that :(

Cant really add much more..

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Re: theological debate, isn't it the Old Testament though which goes on about 'an eye for an eye' etc. and so far more bloodthirsty than the New Testament?

Well, yes, it is but that's not the same as God not handing out retribution, as Elijah claimed.Perhaps the message is that people don't need to go around gouging out eyes anymore because that's God's job."Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord, I will repay."

I still think that's extreme, most Christians I know don't think God does vengeance. Bad people just don't go to heaven. God's more likely to forgive people who repent. What I mean is, isn't Christianity sold on the whole 'God is love' thing, not the 'vengeance is mine? I thought the whole vengeance thing was pre Christian, that was the point: Christianity came along and persuaded people to worship God as a loving being, not worship him because they were scared of him.

Haha, you just knew I'd start an argument with you, didn't you Red :P :P Er, I mean a theological discussion.

Oh boy, I really shouldn't have started this.The "vengeance is mine" bit comes from the New Testament, it's from St.Paul's letter to the Romans.It sounds a bit scary taken out of context but what it actually means is that people shouldn't go around seeking vengeance, it's up to God to decide whether someone is punished or not.("Vengeance is mine", ie it's not yours.)In the circumstances, giving Colleen a bit of a shock(literally and metaphorically)to try and convince her to stop being nasty about people doesn't seem entirely out of line with the "God is love" bit.

yes, you shoukd have started it, RR. Good to have a serious discussion once in a while.

I agree with Catherine/Miranda, God forgives those who repent, which is one of the central messages of the Gospels. There is no Gospel reference to vengeance that I can recall and it would be entirely out of keeping with Christ's message. I have reservations about a lot of what St Paul wrote, which to my mind is not always in keeping with the Gospels. I certainly wouldn't want to base a discussion on one reference.

They said that what Colleen experienced was a mild electric shock and, to a person of her temperament, could be taken as a sign from God. She has probably been listening to too many "hell and damn fire" sermons, although I wouldn't have thought that was Elijah's line. I regarded it as rather amusing coming from Colleen.

Well, yeah, Christ was all "turn the other cheek", "love thy neighbour", "love your enemies because even evildoers love their friends".But don't forget the Parable of the Weeds from Matthew's Gospel: "The Son of Man will send out his angels to gather up all those who cause people to sin and throw them into the fiery furnace."

I seem to remember Colleen's Catholic, which is why she's never quite got used to the idea of a minister with a girlfriend.Maybe Elijah's opposite number is a bit more fire and brimstone.

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I think Sid is right to be unhappy with Romeo and Indi's relationship - I wouldn't be happy if my daughter got back with someone who had cheated on her - but he just needs to be smarter about it.

Do you mean like when his wife kept taking,forgiving him when he had his affairs!!!! I think that is a lot to do with his reaction to Romeo's one mistake and Indi has herself pointed it out to him that just because he was a serial cheater doesn't mean Romeo is or will be.

Colleen can be a bit on the religious side when it suits, though how that works with her being a bit of a gossip sometimes and getting it wrong a lot of the time I'm not sure. You're right Red, it did take her a while to get her head around the fact as Elijah is an Anglican minister he can have a girlfriend, get married. I thought I'd seen her at Elijah's church, so is she catholic? She did divorce Les.

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Must say, I like Romeo's hair at the moment, his best hair ever :D

I'm glad Sid talked to Miles, he needs a friend. And he admitted he thought of leaving Marilyn and is still thinking it... Miles is a really good friend, Marilyn was right. I'm surprised they made friends actually after the Nicole affair but that was a long time ago. Marilyn obviously knew something was up cos she pressed Sid about what he meant when drunk... Not a good idea to ask people what them mean when they are drunk.

Lovely surfing scenes, although the beach noise was annoying. Roo is right, it was unprofessional of Romeo to take Indi along on a business trip, but she seems to be impressing Marti... He sounds a bit like Charlie from Charlie's Angels: 'come work for me' :lol:

Made me laugh what Roo said: who wouldn't want to work in a paradise? Cos Australia and Summer Bay are just so grim and awful aren't they? :rolleyes:

Gosh, Marilyn is clever, or delusional. Seducing Sid, who obviously wasn't happy about it <_<

Argh! Indi said yes to Romeo! I know just what will happen. She will get caught up with him and their relationship and push her own promising career to the background. She is obviously the talented one, if she takes the opportunity with Marty and moves to Hawaii, Romeo should follow her, not her following him to Summer Bay :angry:

I say it to all the young girls: make sure you start a good career BEFORE you get married and settle down, otherwise you end up with no career, looking after children and dependendent on your husband. Girls, listen!!!

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^^ Hear hear Miranda! very sensible advice!

Can't believe they are going to get married. Can understand them getting caught up in the Hawaii moment and coming home engaged or something, but to actually get married the next day - crazy!

More surprised that Indi would agree to it - like Miranda says - she is the smart one. Romeo is obviously desparate not to lose her again. He can't believe his luck that she got back with him and wants to make sure he seals the deal before she changes her mind!

I think Sid is right to be unhappy with Romeo and Indi's relationship - I wouldn't be happy if my daughter got back with someone who had cheated on her - but he just needs to be smarter about it.

Do you mean like when his wife kept taking,forgiving him when he had his affairs!!!! I think that is a lot to do with his reaction to Romeo's one mistake and Indi has herself pointed it out to him that just because he was a serial cheater doesn't mean Romeo is or will be.

I know what you mean about Sid's double standards with Romeo. He definitley didn't practice what he preached, but I think that's why he has even more right to be unhappy - he knows the damage that cheating can do to a relationship and even if Romeo never cheats again (which I don't think he will) he is worried about their future together.

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I say it to all the young girls: make sure you start a good career BEFORE you get married and settle down, otherwise you end up with no career, looking after children and dependendent on your husband. Girls, listen!!!

Sorry, slightly off topic but I think you & my mother sound the same. She says that all the time :lol:

Sid & Marilyn. I cannot see this working out very well to be honest. I can tell that Sid isn't really into the relationship that much anymore, he seems to be lacking in his enthuiasm...

Hawaii, a gorgeous place. I so would love to go there one day. :wub:

Romeo! What a douche. You can't get married, you are barely back together!

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