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I'm usually just a lurker here! Maybe I just wasn't paying attention in that episode, but I thought that Romeo was broke (hence the reason he had to do the Braxton job last week) and Indie is a student (not usually the wealthiest of people) so who paid for that wedding?

I know that's a minor point compared to all the other rediculous things like teenagers getting maried on a whim etc. but these minor points tend to really irritate me! :lol:

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I thought that Romeo was broke (hence the reason he had to do the Braxton job last week) and Indie is a student (not usually the wealthiest of people) so who paid for that wedding?

I thought that too! Indi was telling Roo: 'the bride gets a new dress so you must too', I could just see all the shop assistants putting the prices up when they saw those two approaching! :lol:

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What can I say?

The music was annoying, that sound is still in my brain, I can't get it out and that isn't a good thing. Sid wasn't a fan one minute and the next he was? WTF! FFS! Make your mind up!

How did Romeo afford the wedding? and what happened to being there only for work? Did the trade convention just go to the back of their priority list? <_<

I didnt like the episode at all, such a waste of gorgeous scenery!

I am not going to rant anymore but ergh, how dumb is Indi? You are not ready for marriage! <_< <_< <_<

& I am going to stop now.

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It was quite a bizarre episode. There were loads of weird comments from Romeo including how "he loved Indi the moment he saw her" Did he? I thought he was still hung up on Annie when she arrived in town? Then he basically admitted to Roo that he only asked Indi to marry him so that he didn't lose her again and I hated the way he dragged her away when Roo told them Sid was on his way. I think I kind of dislike Romeo now. At least Indi kind of took a moment to think about the reality of the situation and Sid was right how are they going to support themselves with next to no income?

The ceremony, however, did look beautiful and I was kind of touched by Sid's last minute concession to go along with the wedding, realising there was nothing more he could do to stop it.

I wondered if the Hawaii Tourist Board paid them to go there, do a big storyline just to make hawaii look good? It all just seemed too random to me.

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What's the time difference between NSW and Hawaii by the way..?Probably no more than 3-5 hours, come to think of it.

Actually Hawaii is about 20 hours behind. They are on different sides of the dateline

That's only really important if the date is important. Certainly easier to work out 4 hours ahead than 20 hours back.

Did seem very easy for Sid to travel there at such short notice though.

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I don't want to say I hated that episode but the whole thing is utterly ridiculous.Romeo and Indi shouldn't even have got back together and suddenly they get married on a whim?The whole thing was absurdly childish and I really hope that Sid's right and they get a dose of reality when they get home rather than getting an easy ride like young married couples with no jobs usually do on Home and Away.As with the previous episode, Roo seemed to do a sudden shift from "Are you crazy?" to "Awww, it's so romantic."Indi really is a sucker:Roo makes some good points but all it takes to cast her doubts aside is Romeo reeling off some perfunctory and fairly impersonal lines.I couldn't help recalling Annie, who refused to throw away her future on Romeo, and wondering if he'd be trying the same lines on her if she'd agreed to stay in Australia with him.He did come across as a jerk with the way he walked away from Roo after she behaved like the responsible adult that he and Indi aren't and rightly told Indi's father what she's doing.Having said that, I do agree with Sid that it's partly her fault for taking the village idiot to Hawaii with her.Wonder how John'll feel about bankrolling an elopment or Roo taking time out to go shopping for wedding dresses when she's meant to be working?Also disagree that it's Sid's fault for pushing Indi towards Romeo, she's so infatuated with him she'd probably have gone to Hawaii and married him even if Sid was fine with the relationship.And why was the ceremony being conducted by what appeared to be a Buddhist monk?

Plus side, Sid was nicely characterised.He rightly thought the wedding was a bad idea and tried to talk Indi out of it but when he realised he couldn't win the battle he decided to grit his teeth and go along with it rather than alienate her further.I wish he'd been a bit less faux enthusiastic about it though and said "Well, you won't convince me this is a good idea but you're my daughter and I'll always support you so I won't stand in your way."Shame he then went and kissed Roo.The cynic in me wonders if that was put in to make him seem like the bad guy and a hypocrite and ignore the fact he spoke more sense than anyone else in the episode.After her desperation in the previous episode, I think Marilyn probably does realise Sid's feelings have changed but whether she has or she hasn't, they haven't broken up and Sid shouldn't have done it.I'm glad though that Roo pushed him away and refused to be the other woman.And good on the writers for actually taking the time distance into account and having it middle of the night in Summer Bay while it's early morning in Hawaii.

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Guess they had to show Hawaii in all it's glory, probably part of the deal for H&A going there. And yes what is wrong with Summer Bay all of a sudden!! That was a ukulele Miranda, pratically Hawaii's national instrument. What turned me off was that bloody woman singing over Ind and Romeo's vows, whose brilliant idea was that!!! :angry::rolleyes: I think that guy who conducted the ceremony must have been the local priest or the equivalent of. I did love Indi's dress though and that black and white number she wore earlier.

It did seem a total turn around on Sid's part, he was so determined to stop it and then right at the last moment agreed, slightly reluctantly. Guess he realised that making further objections wouldn't stop it going ahead and at least now if things go wrong she can come home. How he could say he would blame Roo for letting it go ahead I'm unsure about about, aren't they both 18 so are adults? She did try her best, but short of kidnapping Indi what else was she supposed to do? He certainly managed to get a flight there pretty quickly (and as was mentioned earlier it was a 10 hour flight). As far as I can remember Red it was the convention that was paying for the tickets and hotel.

As the wedding is now out of the way they can concentrate on what they went there for. Marty may be an OK guy, but I couldn't take my eyes of his teeth, surely they can't be his original, they were far too white, you needed to wear sunglasses to look at them!!! It certainly showed when they first all met that Romeo doesn't have much of a business brain, whereas Indi does, perhaps she will be the one to promote his business'

I think Marilyn has a very good idea of what Sid was trying to say, hence the seduction scene the next night. She may be ditzy, but she's not stupid. Not sure if Sid was being callous or caring when he asked Miles if she could move back to the Caravan Park after he dumped her. As for that kiss he planted on Roo, after all the things he has said about Romeo, pot, kettle, black!!!! Although she responded for about a minute, she did pull away and quite rightly told him she wasn't going to be the other woman, thus keeping her word to Marilyn she wouldn't get involved with her man. Hope when Sid does finish with Maz, he allows sometime to pass before he gets together with Roo.

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Having said that, I do agree with Sid that it's partly her fault for taking the village idiot to Hawaii with her.

Oh you made me laugh out loud with that!

What turned me off was that bloody woman singing over Ind and Romeo's vows, whose brilliant idea was that!!!

Oh H&ALover, I so agree. I thought at first that it was Indi singing and they were going to turn it into a musical. Now THAT would have been fun. With all the Hawaiian music all the time, they might as well have. I can actually imagine it as a Bollywood musical, I'd have loved that :D

Well, other series have special music episodes, why doesn't H&A? Like Marigoldly's fanfic with everyone singing. I hope you are reading this writers.

Gosh, that Marty chap is sharp to realise the Sid/Roo connection and give her advice. I hope he's in more episodes, he seems wise and gets straight to the point. Some good bit parts being written lately.

So, Heath is spreading rumours about him and Bianca, even though they are true. My friend thinks it was Heath who spread the news about Ruby and Casey in the back seat of the car, so looks like he's a bit of a gossip. Quite funny Bianca wailing about sleeping with him to Charlie, who is in the same position with Brax :lol: Then RoboCharlie took over and picked on Heath.

I did not like Heath going into Bianca's house and threatening her, that was not good at all.

Oh, Dex why did you have to go and kiss April? :blink: Glad she told him what for. Xavier is so sweet, but it looks like he'll be hurt :( I liked Dex's chats with Marilyn tho. They have a good relationship now.

In fact the double meanings in all the chats between people: April/Bianca talking about Dex/Liam. Charlie/Bianca talking about Brax/Heath. Dex/Marilyn talking about April/Sid. All these parallel meanings flying about. Well done writers :D

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Which bit do you mean Brian?

Sorry, I didn't make myself clear - the last bit, actually.

I thought that the whole Hawaii story was marvellous - lovely setting, beautiful people, romantic wedding. Why are so many of you moaning about it? Of course all that probably would not have happened in that way in real life, but HELLO this is a soap we're watching!!!!!! Part of the enjoyment (in my mind anyway) is the escapism it and other soaps provide and we can sit back and contemplate "I wonder if that could ever happen to me" and we know it won't. Why analyse every detail and take the fun out of it all?

Lovely bedroom scenes with Romeo and Indi, by the way.

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I thought quite a few of the characters in that episode came across quite badly. OK so Sid accepted that Romeo and Indy are now husband and wife, even admitted to paying for their hotel room but until he’s spoken to Marilyn he really should just keep away from Roo. She wasn’t much better chasing after him near the end of the episode.

Part of me could see where Dexter was coming from and could sympathise with him to a certain degree (as I’ve been in a similar situation to him in the past) but firstly the way he just grabbed April and kissed her first without even trying to charm her first and the fact that he did it behind Xavier’s back when Xavier was supposed to be one of his mates was not cool. Funny how he mentioned to April later on in the episode that if she told Dexter they wouldn’t be mates anymore. You could argue he should have thought about that before he kissed her.

April was one of the worst people for me in that episode. She really annoyed me when she got all sanctimonious with Bianca about cheating on Liam when she found out about Heath only to go and kiss Dexter towards the end. It just seemed hypocritical although April hasn’t slept with Dexter. I think it’s been obvious that April has liked Dexter for a little while and if Xavier does find out he will only end up getting hurt again which is a shame as I feel he deserves better.

I have to admit until that episode I actually didn’t think Liam and Bianca were still officially together. I just assumed when he left they had finished so I didn’t actually think Bianca had cheated on Liam by sleeping with Heath. At worse they’re on a break. I didn’t really blame her for going off like that especially Heath and his bit on the side were trying to bait her.

Although Charlie had every reason to be firm with Heath and there’s no doubt that she’s looking for any excuse to take him down (whilst completely ignoring Brax) I did feel as though she was doing that for Bianca’s benefit.

I have to say the way Heath broke into her home at the end of the episode to try and intimidate her proves what a tosser he is and I just hope he gets what’s coming to him sooner rather than later.

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