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I agree April was a complete cow in that episode.I hated her self-righteous speech to Bianca for cheating on a guy that she isn't actually dating, Liam told her when he left to not wait for him and move on.At least she apologised for it but then she went and cheated herself.I really didn't like Dexter either, with the way he came on to April when Xavier's supposed to be his friend and then started moaning that Xavier would hate him if he found out.(If April hadn't kissed him back, I might have agreed there was no point telling Xav, although on the other hand he was honest with her when Ruby kissed him so in a sense she owes him to be honest back.)Didn't help that Marilyn just handed out pat homilies instead of giving him proper advice:Nicole, what were you thinking, she's one of the worst "good" mother figures we've seen.I'm finding myself seriously hating Dexter and April for doing this to Xav who was pretty much the only person to come out of that episode in a positive light, except maybe Irene, and ends up having his girlfriend and his friend stab him in the back.Frankly, I think it's more a case of April being bored and wanting different than liking Dexter more than Xavier and the way she went from wanting to make things work with Xav to making out with someone else in the space of about two lines felt like quite a turnaround.

I sympathise with Bianca up to a point and was cheering her on when she got into a row with Heath's latest conquest.Unless it was part of her ongoing campaign to pin Brax's crimes on him, Charlie once again abuses her position to get revenge for someone.Unfortunately for her, Heath isn't a scared teenager like Jackson was and it just makes him angry.Charlie was so smug in that scene I was actually cheering on Heath, although less so when he started intimidating Bianca over something that wasn't really her fault.

I just let the Romeo/Indi stuff wash over me frankly, although Romeo did at least show a smidgeon responsibility by remembering he's there to work, not have constant sex with his new bride.Poor Sid, having to pay for a wedding and honeymoon suite he didn't even want.Not sure why Roo ran after him in the end, gonna give her the benefit of the doubt and assume she was going to admit she liked him but he had to finish with Maz before anything happened.

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Dexter. Oh bloody hell writers. You are making me a sad person. I don’t want Dexter to be the cheater but I think for me personally April was the one that annoyed me the most. She knows she is in a relationship and yet while at first she was telling Dex to back off, the next thing I know, she is letting him start a relationship with her! You have a bloody boyfriend. Someone who actually loves and cares about you in comparison to Dexter who has ‘feelings’ for you. She went over there knowing she has feelings for Dex and still in a relationship with Xavier? How is that sensible? I feel like a broken record but I cannot see a happy ending and I really do hope that Xavier moves on from April because he doesn’t deserve to be hurt like this when he is to me a genuinely nice person who is in love with April. I thought I would really hate Dexter but he didn’t bother me that much, but ergh <_< April! I cannot stand how santicimous she was in todays episode.

Marilyn gave Dexter some advice, well she didn’t know it was April and the advice wasn’t that bad either but it was not exactly helping Dex though and IMO it made the whole situation worse, if that was even possible.

Bianca, arguing with Heath with the girl there was not her finest moment was it? I mean have some dignity woman; you didn’t need to do that. However Charlie annoyed me more, stupid woman, such a hypocrite, you can’t dish out advice about bad boys when you are completely and utterly compromised! I think Heath is bordering on becoming dangerous with Bianca, and I hope he doesn’t because as a character, I do really like him but if he does become overly creepy, then I will not like that at all. At the moment, he is heading that way so I really do hope that he doesn’t.

I didn’t watch the Romeo/Indi bits because I didn’t want the episode to be ruined but April did that for me instead <_<

& that is my rant over.

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Er, ok, Wednesdays episode was a dream sequence....right? and today Romeo will step out of the shower Bobby Ewing style.

Indie, what are you doing, what's that old adage, first you sink into his arms then you find your arms in his sink lol. They're both waaaay too young to get married, I don't know what planet these Australian soaps are on sometimes.

April, what a total hypocrit for berating Bianca about cheating on Liam then playing tonsil hockey with Dex! There's only Roo that continues (just) to be a beacon of common sense. I really like the way she's being acted, hope she resists Sid a while longer.

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Er, ok, Wednesdays episode was a dream sequence....right? and today Romeo will step out of the shower Bobby Ewing style.

Indie, what are you doing, what's that old adage, first you sink into his arms then you find your arms in his sink lol.

Oh hahahahahahah! To both your comments there Wombat. I'd LOVE it if Romeo had been dreaming :lol:

The other thing I forgot to comment on about the wedding is that when they kissed afterwards, there were definitely tongues involved :o ugh ergh argh... Not something I expected. I wonder if Rebecca was glaring at them from nearby :lol:

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I know I'm going to be in the minority here, but I liked the fact Dex finally made a decision and kissed April. She can't have been that upset about as she didn't pull away! Dex had broken his silence and told April how he felt so the ball was now in her court as to what she did about it. He couldn't have faffed about for ever, wondering 'what if'.It's obvious (and yes I have said this before) she feels the same way, but was hoping if Dex didn't say anything it would all go away. Now he has she can't deny it anymore. It was only a kiss (it certainly wasn't planned on her part). She didn't sleep with him al a Bianca and Heath so not quite in the same league. What I found very telling was when Xav called round later and went to kiss her on his way out she moved her head so his kiss landed on her cheek. I'm sure she was full of good intentions when she went to see Dex later about telling Xav about the kiss and he seemed resigned to losing both their friendships, until she kissed him twice!! I'm sure they are not intending to carry on behind Xav's back, both are decent people and as we saw from the trailer she was going to tell him, but bottles it, so hopefully nothing will happen until then. Maz did give Dex good advice, but as you say Zetti, she didn't know it was April he was talking about.

Perhaps part of April's anger at Bianca was a guilty conscience, though as mentioned above not quite the same thing, maybe why she apologised later on. Bianca had been openly flirting with Heath and then seduced him. She is supposed to be the adult so should be in more control, but this is Bianca who hasn't always had a wise head on her shoulders, that has been April's job. Bianca did try and get Heath on his own to talk about his gossiping about them, but no he insisted his latest (younger) squeeze stayed. Was that to try and make her jealous? Why though did Charlie have to stick her oar in, it was none her business. :angry: All it's done is made it a lot worse for Bianca, as we saw. Heath didn't knock Bianca over the head and have his wicked way with her, she knew exactly what she was doing although she was drunk, but not that drunk and missing Liam. I said on here at the time the way she put him down after was unnecessary, calling what had happened a mistake, she could have phrased that a lot better, she is supposed to be an English teacher. Of course she will have to tell Liam when (if) he comes back, someone else will make sure he hears about it.

Glad Romeo seems to have found his sensible head and is thinking about his and Indi's future. I guess Sid said his goodbyes to them off screen. You could have cut that atmosphere between Roo and Sid with a knife, Marty may have picked up on the feelings between them, but he didn't know the obstacle is a human who has feelings. What exactly would have Roo said to Sid if she had caught up with him, she's already told him she doesn't want to be his bit on the side, until he finishes with Marilyn.

:offtopic: Well a bit.

There's mention in one of the T.V mags that next Tuesday "Tegan is upset when Brax rejects her advances". That couldn't be the Tegan us old time H&Awayers remember could it?

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I found April and Dexter even more unlikeable in that episode, every time they were making out behind Xavier's back I wanted to slap both of them."This isn't right" says April after being all over a guy who's not her boyfriend.Well, why are you doing it then?"I don't fancy being labelled the other man" says Dexter, when that's exactly what he is.It's ridiculous to say he couldn't have kept quiet about his feelings, he should have accepted that April isn't single and kept his hands off her, not stabbed Xavier in the back the way he has.The way he tried to kiss her in the school corridor was weird, has he got no understanding of what he's done or just no guilt?Are we really meant to sympathise with this disgraceful pair?

Glad Bianca called Charlie on the way she hassled Heath and made things worse.Although he came on a bit heavy to start with, I'm left thinking that, while Heath may be a jerk at best, he did genuinely like Bianca and was disappointed she only saw him as a bit of fun.He certainly seems to show a soft side with her that he doesn't show with anyone else.Not sure if Brax put Bianca in danger to keep Heath out of trouble or not, I don't think Heath would have hurt her but Brax didn't seem to know that.The locals really should start calling the proper police instead of the gangster's moll that's supposed to be their sergeant:If Angelo had called the station first, the River Boys would all be behind bars now and here Bianca fails to get the help she wants.I thought Charlie couldn't degrade herself any further when she was prancing around in front of him in her underwear but she's not even bothering with the underwear now.And we see Cheryl Braxton for the first time in about four months!Glad Charlie did her job and didn't let her off the ticket but it's got to the point where lines like "I'm not above the law and neither are you" just make me laugh.Now that we know more about him Brax does feel quite sinister at times:The bit where he was ordering Heath and Casey about in the same way left me wondering if he'd knock Casey around if he didn't do as he's told.

Nice to see Miles taking an interest in Casey and his "Ruby, go away" was one of those classic Miles lines we don't see enough of.Although Casey was being aggressive towards Ruby and I can see why Xavier stepped in, he did throw the first punch and it felt a bit unfair that Casey got all the blame just because Xavier came off worse.It's hard not to suspect Gina of being a bit biased.

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Yes, that was bizarre how Dex tried to kiss April at school. I suppose it just shows that he lacks social skills. But I think these two are being spoiled in our opinion now. If Xavier was some boorish, boring jock, it would be more understandable but he isn't, he's cuddly old Xavier.

Heath did show a nice side with Bianca. I felt a bit sorry for him actually, and also with his mum and Brax pushing him about like that. He seems to be the general dogsbody at the Braxtons. I think what he needs is attention, tbh, he never gets any and maybe Bianca showing him attention made him happy. I kind of hope they can be friends now. If she just wanted sex, she would have been better picking some other River boy really.

I loved the way Gina said 'something about these Braxtons really gets to me' or whatever. Bianca, Charlie and Ruby all know the feeling!

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Agree with you there Red, about Bianca having a go at Charlie for interfering and making things worse. Irene would have been perfectly within her rights though to have Heath charged for breaking and entering. Then he had Brax on his case which didn't help matters. It seemed at the end though they had reached an understanding with her 'apology' when she admitted he had been just a distraction and she did use him. Maybe it was a good thing then that Brax did delete her message to Charlie and go round there himself, because that really would have caused more trouble than it was worth. Now though of course Charlie knows what he must have done, that will be an interesting conversation between them!

Has Cheryl had an personality transplant? I got the impression when we first saw her (albeit briefly) she was a rather quiet person, run down by all the troubles she has. But last night she seemed quite feisty and more than capable of causing trouble herself. It made me wonder if the fact that she immediately phoned Brax (who then called Charlie) when she was pulled over means she knows about them? Did kind of make Charlie look a bit foolish when she was so sure it was Heath, too obsessed in getting something (anything) on him? Btw shouldn't Charlie have done Cheryl for not wearing a seat belt as well? She certainly let Heath have it with both barrels when she got home, he looked at one moment he was going to hit her but she stared him down. I can understand Brax's anger towards Heath for keep bringing unwanted attention on them when he is trying to conduct his 'dodgy' businesses in private. That could explain his anger at Casey deciding to drop out because of his poor trial results. Ruby did annoy me though the way she kept going on at him. Xavier was asking for it and he did throw the first punch although he did miss. One point, when he went home didn't Brax say to Casey there was only a week to go before school finished so to go back and hang in on there, yet when Gina suspended him I'm sure she said he was being suspended for two weeks. :unsure:

Didn't Ruby and Geoff go through the same dilemma when she was going out with Xav? Maybe April doesn't want cuddly anymore, not Xav's fault, people outgrow each other. Hopefully April will keep her word and not 'see' Dex until she has broken up with Xav properly. Is there something in the Walker genes on the male side?

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Is there something in the Walker genes on the male side?

Are you implying Dex will turn into Sid fairly soon? :o:wink:

I think Sid must have looked just like Dex when he was young, I think that is good casting.

Oh I hope not.

Talking about people looking like others, it may be just me, but I think Cheryl looks a lot like Roo.

Was there a scene missing from tonight's episode, only it was mentioned in a TV mag, that Elijah begs Bishops Watts for his job back, if that happened it must have been off screen. :unsure: I notice Morag suddenly disappeared from the diner, what happened there? :huh:

I'm disliking Cheryl she was so horrid to Casey, although he has Brax, Ruby and Gina on his side, it must hurt knowing his mum won't support him staying at school. Also we are finding out more about the Braxton's history, doesn't sound like they had it all that good growing up. May explain why Brax feels like he had to to turn to crime to earn a living and why he wants Casey to do better for himself. Can't see Charlie letting him stay at Leah's, perhaps he'll move into Miles'. Gina's news that he wasn't bottom of the class certainly made him feel better and she was right he has to want to do it for himself no-one else.

The conversation between Charlie and Brax was just as like I thought it would be, he was right though when he said she would have acted as a cop when as it turned out Heath and Bianca sorted it out between themselves.

Going by the trailers for last week, it seems April won't have to tell Xav about her and Dex. :o I'm guessing that blonde girl is Tegan so isn't the one I was thinking of.

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