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Talking about people looking like others, it may be just me, but I think Cheryl looks a lot like Roo.

H&Alover, it isn't just you, I thought so too and at one point she sounded like Roo as well!

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I have to admit as much as I don’t like the criminal Brax, I do adore the brotherly side of him, I have said this before but that is the only thing about him that I think he is genuine about. I think that despite the bad things that he has done and deserves to be pay for, don’t get me wrong, I do think that his brotherly side (sort of) makes up a little bit for what he has done but above all, I love the way that Casey looks up to him. He can see that Brax is just doing the best he can for him.

& when Casey said that his mother said that Gina had made him out to be dumb, I literally threw something at the screen, what kind of woman does that?! Cheryl has to be one stupid annoying selfish woman! The way she treat Casey was beyond a joke. Casey doesn’t deserve to be talked to like that; I am feeling sorrier for him as time goes by, he doesn’t deserve to be chewed up like that, what kind of woman is she to be actually physically and no doubt emotionally hurting him. <_< <_< & re yesterday’s episode, I just have to mention, wow. It must have taken Heath a lot of restraint not to slap his own mother; I wanted to slap her myself. I think all the 3 brothers have their boundaries and for me Heath showed that yesterday.

Laura & Elijah, I am not sure what to think about Laura but with time I have grown to like Elijah, when he first came back, I was wary because I didn’t think that there was any point to him and my opinion has not necessarily changed but I like the way he is, he is no angel and he doesn’t proclaim to have all the answers but he won’t let others change him, its admirable in my eyes.

The rest of the episode didn’t really do much for me but I did like Ruby, she cares for Casey & I like that. She is maturing I think and pretty soon if she carries on as she is, she will become one of my favourite teens.

& for next week. I will cry when Xavier sees April with Dex. I really want to hit the writers for doing this to him, poor guy!

So no more Xapril :( they have ruined one of my fav couples in a long time :(

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Episode counts this week:Colleen, John and Elijah only appeared in one each.(Guess their fees went on the flight to Hawaii...)

Wow, Brax actually behaved like a human being in that episode.He was actually trying to help Casey without any real agenda other than wanting what was best for him.I don't think there's anything wrong with leaving school and getting an honest job per se, in fact it's what Brax and Heath should probably have done instead of heading down the path they're on now.But it should have been Casey's choice.I think Cheryl's been belligerent in the past(remember the fuss she caused over Casey having dyslexia?)but she tumbled over the bad parent line by throwing Casey out of the house.Ruby was brilliant here, being a perfect supportive girlfriend, and it was nice to see Gina put aside the rules and help Casey as well.(I thought Xavier's punch did connect, by the way?)I'm actually really liking Casey and Ruby at the moment:I can't see it lasting long term but I think they're good for each other.Although that last scene...I dunno, Casey seemed a bit...clingy?As if he's pinning everything on Ruby now his family have kicked him out?I can understand why Ruby didn't turn him away when he's that upset but she really should ask Charlie and Leah about having him over.

Colleen seeing it as her mission in life to help Elijah was amusing.Morag's brief appearance falls in the "Remind us she exists" category.It's a shame that the shelter's still closing, although the "ongoing issue" line might mean there's still hope.I'd rather see that stay open than Elijah back in black.I think there were a few scenes cut from that storyline:Bishop Pitt was listed on the closing credits but didn't appear.

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Poor old Casey, I dunno. I think he was all over Ruby cos he was just really upset and thinks she's the only one on his side at the moment. That's more or less what Romeo did that time: turn to Ruby to look after him. They seem to see her as the one to save them sometimes :blink: Upsetness often leads to amorousness, we all know that.

Cheryl. Hm. What a damaged, badly treated, exhausted woman. She can't take any more, I reckon. She shouldn't have thrown Casey out but she's been mistreated herself so that's the only way she knows to communicate with people e.g. her sons. That family should have had a lot more support than it has had, but so many families are like that: dad leaves mum to deal with everything and mum is too inadequate and exhausted to cope.

Dex/ April... hm again is all I can say. I thought I'd like them but I don't. Poor Xavier. I hope he punches Dex tbh. Oh god, maybe he will turn to Ruby in his hour of need too, argh! :lol:

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So no more Xapril :( they have ruined one of my fav couples in a long time :(

Although it’s inevitable which way the relationship is headed do you not think certain tags would be appropriate here?

This whole situation with Dexter, Xavier and April was precisely one of the reasons why I was rooting for Xavier and Miranda and why I was really disappointed when she finished with him. April had already hurt Xavier before so at the start of their reunion I was slightly sceptical because I thought there was a possibility it could happen again. TBH although I can see where Dexter is coming from I couldn’t give a stuff if he and April get together. The only person I’m concerned about here is Xavier and if April doesn’t want to go out with him anymore I can’t really slate her for that. I suppose she can’t help the way she feels but she really should be up front and honest with him and tell him that she likes Dexter now and wants to go out with him. Thinking back when she first declared that she liked him too notice how she said “Just possibly, only slightly, a really little bit, I might capital L like you too”. How can you only slightly capital L like someone?

With regards to Romeo and Indy although I think they are both out of their minds for getting married at least it just goes to show with respect to Romeo that cheaters prosper. And that’s game set and match Todd. :D

Anyway although I still think Heath’s a pr*ck I did quite like the chat with him and Bianca and it did feel as though they reached an understanding. I’m still not keen on Brax but at times I’ve liked him during the last couple of episodes. I liked the way he looked out for Bianca on Thursday (even though I didn’t like the fact that he kept the whole thing from Charlie but I suppose he felt as though he had no choice). And I liked the way he looked out for Casey regarding Cheryl who I found utterly repugnant if I’m being honest. I guess pushing people around and psychological bullying are probably a trademark of hers as was indicated with Heath in the previous episode and the way she was with Brax.

If I’m being honest at times I find it hard to like Casey. I think the guy has some serious anger management issues. He’s decked Romeo twice, gets aggressive then he starts a fight with Xavier.

So although I thought the way Cheryl behaved towards him was disgusting, I have to admit I didn’t have much sympathy for him when he ran off.

I’ve been unsure about Gina over the last couple of episodes. I’m going to give her the benefit of the doubt and say she was professional with Casey on Thursday. That was her son he hit so she was a lot calmer than I thought she would have been but I didn’t like the remark she made inferring that all the Braxton’s were the same. At the start of Friday’s episode her attitude quite annoyed me when Ruby told her Casey was leaving school. It really seemed like she didn’t care and reinforced the remark she made about the Braxton’s on Thursday but I do think she kind of redeemed herself later on.

Quite liked the stuff with Elijah, Laura, Morag, Miles, Leah etc although I wish Colleen wasn’t in those scenes.

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So no more Xapril :( they have ruined one of my fav couples in a long time :(

Although it’s inevitable which way the relationship is headed do you not think certain tags would be appropriate here?

I didnt think it was necessary especially since the next time bit clearly shows that Xavier finds out but maybe in hindsight, I should have. Thanks for letting me know :)

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So no more Xapril :( they have ruined one of my fav couples in a long time :(

Although it’s inevitable which way the relationship is headed do you not think certain tags would be appropriate here?

I didnt think it was necessary especially since the next time bit clearly shows that Xavier finds out but maybe in hindsight, I should have. Thanks for letting me know :)

From what I have read (and it could be wrong) that kiss comes after April dumps Xavier and he sees them (obviously she doesn't tell him why)!

And it was mentioned in the trailer for next week so no real big secret.

Thanks Merlin, you sometimes find your eyesight is playing tricks on you.

Nothing wrong with leaving school and getting a job but the thing is Red, Brax (and Ruby) both know Casey is worth a lot more than that, because he is a lot brighter than himself, Heath or even Cheryl come to that. It's only his dyslexia that is a stumbling block. I should imagine in a job like that would soon drive him mad and that's how he could drift into crime through the sheer boredom of it. Cheryl's probably thinking of the money Casey could bring home. Btw wasn't the last time we saw that place was when the people smuggling and the rest started to take off, also where Ross killed Grant? :unsure:

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From what I have read (and it could be wrong) that kiss comes after April dumps Xavier and he sees them (obviously she doesn't tell him why)!

And it was mentioned in the trailer for next week so no real big secret.

I don’t usually reply to posts which have spoiler tags as I don’t like to read spoilers but as it’s already revealed in the thread what happens next week I don’t think it matters in this case. Sorry H&Alover but Zetti was clearly referring to the demise of Xavier and April in the past tense and there was nothing in the trailer on Friday for me to suggest 100% that they were actually breaking up (Not trying to single you out here Zetti just trying to put across my point to H&Alover so I hope no offense is caused). Indeed on Thursday’s episode April decided to back out of telling Xavier because he was injured in the fight he had with Casey. Granted in the trailer Xavier catches them kissing and as I mentioned before you would expect the demise to be pretty soon

but how do you know it would have actually happened next week? How do you know Xavier wouldn’t have automatically gone into denial, beg April for another chance and out of guilt she decided to go along with it?

So I personally think it’s worth pointing out especially for the people such as myself who do like to follow at UK pace and don’t normally read spoilers or go into the Australian discussion.

I have to say I’m a little surprised you’ve responded H&Alover as in the past you’ve normally been the first person to raise the point whenever anyone posts right after the first broadcast of the UK showing on Five in the afternoon even though that isn’t even spoiler.

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