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I have been avoiding commenting because I hate April and Dex too much right now. I think April is the only one who has wound me up the most. She is clearly in the wrong and I am glad that Irene pulled her up on it because Xavier doesn't deserve any of the treatment that he is being subjected to. Xavier has been trying to get in touch with and she has been avoiding him! If you are going to break up with him then do it, don’t prolong the pain and then kissing Dex in broad daylight where he saw them. <_< I wasn’t happy at all. I really hope people turn against them even if it’s just for a little while.

Romeo and Indi, for once I didn’t mind them and I think they are doing the right thing moving out of the farm but if its just going to be Sid and Dex then I can see a lot of awkwardness but I liked Dex slightly, he is trying to make April see that hurting Xavier isn’t fair but then he is still kissing her and being intimate so he is still to blame.

& Marilyn and Miles were funny! For once :lol:

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I've been wondering about this myself. As much as I love them as a couple (and I realise I'm in the minority there!), I'm not sure where the writers are going with Charlie and Brax. I read an interview with Cameron Walsh this week and he said that there's plenty of mileage in them yet, but long-term I'm not sure how they can possibly stay together. I would like them to though, as I'm such a sucker for forbidden romances! Ideally I'd like redemption for Brax - maybe he could do some sort of deal with the police when he inevitably gets caught, which would mean he avoids prison?

I’m all for redemption as much as the next person (I was a massive Kane fan after all) but I’m not so sure about Brax. Granted he has gone out of his way to help people but I’m really not sure if he’s sorry about some of the things he’s done. I said this before but I find him to be quite controlling, manipulative and selfish. I have kind of toned down with him a bit. About a month ago I really wanted to see the police catch him, especially after what happened with Angelo but he hasn’t been that bad as of late. Although that’s only because we haven’t seen or heard about any of his indiscretions.

I can accept that Dexter and April are in love or think they are in love or are infatuated with each other. I’m not even that bothered that April and Xavier are no more (they NEVER should have gotten back together). If anything I’m glad they are over but I think what bothered me about April and Dexter yesterday was I felt the writers were trying to portray them (especially April) as overly sympathetic. It annoyed me the way she went into her room refusing to face Bianca and then when she tried to make it all about her. I thought Dexter came across slightly better than April as already mentioned wanting to come clean. I actually think when he was pursuing Marilyn (i.e. his father’s girlfriend) that was far worse than seeing his mate’s girlfriend behind his back. I was a bit worried Xavier was going to hit Dexter but I’m glad he walked away. That must of been pretty hard considering he threw the first punch in his fight with Casey last week.

Morag’s sour faced expression, periodic rolling of the eyes and cynicism I’m finding hilarious. I actually found it really funny when Marilyn was mouthing off after getting drunk then Miles, Leah and Elijah found her antics funny too. I especially liked the way Miles was trying to give her more alcohol for his own amusement.

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Both April and Dex were avoiding Xav, which is understandable in a way. How do you tell your ex and best friend you have fallen in love? Snogging in public was a bad idea, if it hadn't been Xav that saw them it could have been Gina, John or someone else they knew. Have noticed though Bianca still hasn't told Liam about her and Heath who she slept with! I thought John hadn't put two and two together when he saw the confrontation between Dex and Xav, but I guess he did and that is why we saw Gina comforting Xav. The best thing April and Dex can do now is to stay out of Xav's way as much as possible. I must be in the minority that I don't think Dex and April are the lowest of the low.

I loved seeing Marilyn drunk, covering up her sadness with her funny stories. Miles was hardly in a position to stop her he was just as bad. I think Morag was the only one to see through her and that's why she asked her about Sid. Didn't actually see the real logic behind Sid meeting Roo in Hawaii, she knew Roo was there and why. Morag wouldn't just jump to conclusions she knows what Roo used to be like and wanted to check it out for herself. Roo repeated what she told Marilyn a long time ago she wouldn't cheat with someone else's man, and apart from a slight succumbing to that kiss, she's kept her word.

Perhaps Marilyn starting up a mobile hairdresser will be just what she needs, whatever happened to her fortune telling room she had at the bait shop? I had to smile when she tucked into the breakfast Miles couldn't face. :D Noticed how Leah tried to get to Colleen before she overheard what Maz was telling Miles about Sid and Roo, but failed, let's hope her 'threat' sunk in.

There's been some discussion about when Sid and Roo get together (as they will) that it will be awkward him living at Roo's what with Romeo and Indi being there, well there is another solution! :wink:

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I both did and didn't like that episode.I actually thought Elijah did want to get married when he made that comment about how it wouldn't matter if she was his wife, not really sure why he thought she wanted to get married.I thought it was way too soon so I'm glad they did too and I rather liked the scene where they both realised they wanted the same thing.Roo's bemused "Congratulations?" when she heard and following sarcasm were great.

Colleen was at her nastiest today, I really wanted to strangle her.I thought she was getting better at one point this year but it's obvious she'll never change and anything that anyone says to her will just flow over her or at best be forgotten about within a few episodes.I was expecting to enjoy the Sid/Dexter stuff but I didn't, mainly because I don't like Dexter at the moment and I find the way he and April have suddenly started throwing the L-word about five minutes after they were just friends very annoying.I guess what Sid and Dexter did was the same, although Roo's and April's response were markedly different.So Sid couldn't really condemn him and gave the only advice he could.I suspect the fact I dislike Dexter for what he's done and don't mind what Sid did basically comes down to liking Xavier more than Marilyn(and, it has to be said, she brought it upon herself a lot more than he did:If Marilyn hadn't started up the whole private adoption thing, she and Sid would probably have been solid and he wouldn't have looked at Roo).I was expecting them to sleep together today and probably wouldn't have minded if they did but I'm glad they didn't, it shows maturity, although after that kiss I think they're well and truly over the friendship line.

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I’m all for redemption as much as the next person (I was a massive Kane fan after all) but I’m not so sure about Brax. Granted he has gone out of his way to help people but I’m really not sure if he’s sorry about some of the things he’s done. I said this before but I find him to be quite controlling, manipulative and selfish. I have kind of toned down with him a bit.

I can understand where you're coming from. I've definitely felt like that about him myself at times, especially at the beginning. But I think overall there's more good than bad in him, as there was with Kane (and, let's face it, most of the 'bad boy' characters the show has ever had, if they turn out to be permanent). Which begs the question, are the River Boys supposed to be permanent? It would give a much better indication of where their characters are going if we knew for sure.

I must be in the minority that I don't think Dex and April are the lowest of the low.

I'm with you in the minority! Whilst I don't think they've handled the situation well (for two highly intelligent kids, they really should have known better than to start snogging in public), it's clear that they couldn't help their feelings and did at least try to do the right thing by Xavier. I did think that Dex would have felt worse about betraying his friend, but then he obviously fell for April a long time ago and has been struggling with it ever since. April and Xavier should never have got back together - I'm not sure why they did, actually? Dex and April are much better suited anyway. It seems like Xavier is lost without a girlfriend to mope after so I hope they do something different with him now.

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Yes talk about crossed wires. :rolleyes: Thank goodness Laura had her talk with Roo and Elijah had his talk with Leah, there is one example of a man and woman having just a friendship. Funnily enough weren't Elijah and Leah only going out for four weeks before they decided to marry? At least the air is now cleared between Laura and Elijah and they can carry on as they were, although now he is back in the church he will have to be discreet in public. I liked Roo's 'contratulations?' as well. :D

I kind of liked Sid and Dex's chat, they are both in the same situation after all, both wanting to follow their heart yet don't want to cause the other innocent person (Xavier, Marilyn) any more upset if they can avoid it. In Dex's case of course Xav already knows whereas, so far, Marilyn doesn't. Though if Colleen has her way it won't be that long before she does. I agree she was back to her old self telling people off without knowing without all (or any) of the facts. Anyway how come she is so defensive of Marilyn all of a sudden, where did that come from?

Laura's talk with Roo regarding Sid and then later with Sid certainly got things moving between them, even if so far it was just a kiss. :wub:

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well I'm pissed off. Demand 5 isn't showing todays episode for some reason :angry:

That's unusual, don't know if it'll get put up later.If you've got digital, there's the omnibus tomorrow afternoon.

Few other thoughts I had:Nice that Elijah mentioned Grace, I wasn't entirely clear what the fundraiser for and it's good that they're still in contact and it sounds like she's picked herself up and is doing something with her life.Dexter's "That chair's been there for two years" was another one of those moments where the audience scream "You haven't been living there two years!!!"It's like the current writers have no idea who any of the characters actually are.

It's hardly a surprise Bianca hasn't told Liam about Heath yet, as far as I can tell they're not in contact and she's waiting until when(if?)he comes back to town before telling him.Probably in the minority but I feel the question isn't why Xavier and April got back together so much as why they broke up in the first place:She was a lot happier with him than in her perpetually angsty "relationship" with Dexter.

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Haha! Demand 5 delivers!

Loved Elijah suspecting Laura of matchmaking! And I loved Dex and Roo's scenes, she was trying to fix his life too. And how tall is he now? He towers over everyone except Romeo these days :lol: Also Sid's advice to Dex, when they were talking about April/Roo. Sid seems to be turning back into Nice Sid, now the Marilyn situation has resolved.

I have to agree about Colleen's behaviour. What business is it of hers? Sid was right to bite her head off, but I think she has her own reasons i.e. protecting Marilyn and Roo. Even though she shouldn't get involved.

Elijah being a numpty about marriage again :lol: A nice chat between him and Leah tho, if a bit weird.

And Roo/ Sid avoiding the classic 'oh doctor I sprained my ankle, let me fall into bed with you to make it better' scenario. However, I liked their chat later when he said he didn't care what people thought if he got together with Roo :wub:

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And Roo/ Sid avoiding the classic 'oh doctor I sprained my ankle, let me fall into bed with you to make it better' scenario.

Love it, love it!!!! :lol:

Red, didn't April break up with Xav because of the chemicals incident and she blamed herself (rightly) for him ending up in hospital? Then her OCD kicked in and she was all over the place.

Not sure Colleen was protecting Roo, she has been having a dig about her past behaviour every since she got back.

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