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Probably in the minority but I feel the question isn't why Xavier and April got back together so much as why they broke up in the first place:She was a lot happier with him than in her perpetually angsty "relationship" with Dexter.

I agree with you to a point - when they broke up I always expected them to reunite sooner rather than later, as their split was really just down to April being too hard on herself and not because either of them actually wanted to break up. But a lot has happened to April since then and it's obvious that she moved away from Xavier whilst getting closer to Dex. When they did eventually get back together it was too late and the chemistry had gone. I've never liked Xavier much if I'm honest - so far he's only been tolerable when they've paired him with an interesting female character (first Ruby and then April), so I hope they do something to change this and give him a decent storyline of his own now.

Elijah being a numpty about marriage again :lol: A nice chat between him and Leah tho, if a bit weird.

I wish Elijah and Leah were still together and found their 'friendly' chat really weird. It's only a few weeks since he was on the verge of punching Miles for getting together with her! As much as I like both Leah and Miles individually, I find them such an obvious and boring pairing. They've been best friends for too long now and lack the romantic spark needed for an interesting couple. I also really dislike Laura and think she and Elijah are totally unsuited! The sooner she leaves the better. Which reminds me, did we ever find out why Roo was so reluctant to get back in touch with Laura in the first place? What actually happened in New York?

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well I'm pissed off. Demand 5 isn't showing today's episode for some reason :angry:

I’m actually pretty dependent on Demand 5 as by the time I get home from work it’s usually about 19:00 hours and my Freeview recorder broke a while back, I had to buy a much cheaper Freeview player and so am unable to record any TV. There’s been a couple of times where either the episode hasn’t been on the site after it has been broadcast (usually it’s immediately available after the first showing in the afternoon) or I’ve had real problems streaming it. Not sure if you are aware but Five actually have a YouTube channel so if the episode isn’t on Demand 5 you can always check here

It has worked for me before but this time the episode wasn’t there on Friday when I checked however it was there on Saturday shortly after Five uploaded it to Demand 5. Watching the omnibus as already mentioned is a possibility. The thing you need to be aware is that it actually runs at 5* pace so they broadcast the episodes that would be shown on Five from Tuesday to the following Monday. So just be aware that there might be a crossover in case you don’t want to see Monday’s episode until Monday.

OK Friday:

I agree with the sentiments expressed about Coleen. This was one of the reasons why I was hoping that the bolt of lightning had hit her and put her out of commission permanently.

Sid’s line to Dex, “We haven’t had a decent meal in a while.” – I thought Marilyn could cook.

Is there something in the water which makes people fall in love after a couple of dates – April/Dexter, Elijah/Laura.

I’m a bit surprised Elijah feels as though he needs to discuss his current love life with his ex. Isn’t that the second time? I think it would be more plausible if he actually spoke to Miles.

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Probably in the minority but I feel the question isn't why Xavier and April got back together so much as why they broke up in the first place:She was a lot happier with him than in her perpetually angsty "relationship" with Dexter.

I agree with you to a point - when they broke up I always expected them to reunite sooner rather than later, as their split was really just down to April being too hard on herself and not because either of them actually wanted to break up. But a lot has happened to April since then and it's obvious that she moved away from Xavier whilst getting closer to Dex. When they did eventually get back together it was too late and the chemistry had gone. I've never liked Xavier much if I'm honest - so far he's only been tolerable when they've paired him with an interesting female character (first Ruby and then April), so I hope they do something to change this and give him a decent storyline of his own now.

I agree that April spent a lot of time with Dexter when she and Xavier were apart but I didn't see any real sign she saw him as anything more than a friend, bar the odd moment.When she and Xavier got together, it was clear that they never wanted to break up in the first place and it seemed to be the chemistry was still there and they were happy together.Then she got together with Dexter anyway.I think your comments on Leah and Miles, which I agree with wholeheartedly, also apply to April and Dexter:I like them both(or did until this happened)but I don't see any romantic spark between them and don't find them a believable couple.

And for all of you having trouble with Freeview and Demand 5:Do what I do and stick to good old VCR...

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Could be totally off the wall here, but I feel maybe April got back with Xavier because of the feelings she had started to have for Dex and that by getting back with Xav she could convince herself she still felt the same about him and could forget about Dex. If that was the case it certainly didn't work.

Red good to know I'm not the only one still using good old VCR!!! All this new technology is all fine and dandy when it is working but one glitch in the system and down it goes. :D

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Looking at it reasonably objectively, I think what happened was that when April found out Xavier wanted to get back with her, she remembered that she was happy with him and didn't really want to break up with him so decided to give it a shot.I don't think she had conscious feelings for Dexter at that point although she almost certainly had them subconsciously, she probably started to realise she liked him round about the time he started seeing Kate.The first real sign she and Xavier were drifting apart, in my opinion, was when she bailed on a date with him to comfort Dexter over Nicole taking George back.

Anyway...today's ep.And much as I don't like Colleen's attitude towards Sid, I'm glad she's not happy with April and Dexter either and it's a shame she didn't say anything to them instead of just griping about it to Irene.Dexter was massively annoying in that episode, having him clowning around as if the whole thing's a big joke while Xavier's in pieces really made me hate him.I was cheering when Xavier finally punched him, he was asking for it in just about every way imagineable.Although my sympathies lie with Xavier, I do think, as Romeo(who actually talked a surprising amount of sense in this episode, even if he did look like he was wearing a dress half the time)sort of indicated, he needs to let go of the anger for his own good.I'm glad he didn't go in for April's rather lame attempt at self-justification-did she really expect him to pat her on the head and say it was all right?-but it was a slightly over the top reaction and I'd like to see him get to the point where he doesn't exactly forgive or like Dexter and April but where he can put it behind him and be happy.I'm glad they let him use the L word as well anyway.Glad Indigo was angry with them, I was half expecting her to take Dexter's side and say he wouldn't do that when Xavier turned up at the house.Hope she does tackle him about it and doesn't get sidetracked by her new obsession with Sid and Roo, I was expecting him to still be at the house when she came home(actually felt sorry for Romeo having to deal with Dexter's self pity).At least she got to have a go at April.

I'm rather glad that Roo's being mature about this relationship with Sid and taking things slowly, it makes a nice change from people hopping into bed straightaway.It's a shame this has blown up just as Sid and Indi were starting to get on okay.I had high hopes at first when Indi's initial reaction just seemed to be a bit flustered but then she starts harassing Roo, who hasn't really done anything wrong, when she really should have been having the conversation with Sid.I actually found myself seeing both Romeo and Indigo's point of view over their financial troubles:Indi's got a point that moving in with Sid is an option if they can't afford anything else but Romeo's also right that they're married and need to be independent.Again, the logical conclusion is that they should have made sure they could cope before they got married.

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Oh my god Xavier was so annoying in this episode. I get that he is heartbroken but he really irritates me!

And what happened to Romeo? He gave three really good pieces of advise on a row! Marriage obviously suits him! Lol

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I agree with some of what you said Red Ranger. I think Coleen’s quite a spiteful person with very few redeeming qualities but the one time I wanted her to speak her mind she didn’t. Under normal circumstances I wouldn’t but I think Irene and Bianca have been way too lenient with April and Dex although with Bianca it’s more understandable as she doesn’t want to come across as a hypocrite even though her sleeping with Heath IMO is completely different. I was actually quite disappointed with Xavier yesterday. I thought he did really well to walk away from Dexter last week and proved he was the better person but when he hit Dexter it made me wonder if he’s just as bad as Casey. And that’s two times he’s thrown the first punch in as many weeks. Indy’s attitude was pretty understandable. Part of me wanted her to be the bigger sister and try and stick up for him but that was always unlikely. She won’t be mad at him for long though considering she forgave Romeo and Ruby. I suppose I can’t really fault Roo for taking things slowly with Sid. Sid’s probably the one in the wrong for making the first move on Roo whilst he was still officially seeing Marilyn.

Although you’ve mentioned why you have such a downer on Dexter Red Ranger, I’m struggling to understand if I’m being honest. When Ruby slept with Romeo behind Indy’s back although I don’t think you necessarily agreed with her behaviour I specifically recall you defending her, even sympathising with her and saying that you didn’t hate her (but I can’t remember if you felt sorry for Indy). Is there any difference between what Ruby did before and what Dexter did with April? Ruby slept with someone else’s partner whilst Dexter only kissed them so I actually think what Ruby did was far worse. As I mentioned last week I also think when Dexter was pursuing Marilyn that was worse than when he coped off with April as that was his father’s girlfriend. Admittedly he didn’t do anything but that was only because Marilyn wasn’t interested. You say above that Dexter was asking to be smacked in the face which brings me back to my previous point regarding Ruby. Although Dexter has no regrets about kissing April behind Xavier’s back I do think he’s genuinely sorry that things had to turn out like this but I recall Ruby going right up to Indy’s face and taunting her “I had him first!” – Who could forget that line?

I always though April and Xavier never should have gotten back together but what I thought what was very telling is even yesterday April said that too.

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Although you’ve mentioned why you have such a downer on Dexter Red Ranger, I’m struggling to understand if I’m being honest. When Ruby slept with Romeo behind Indy’s back although I don’t think you necessarily agreed with her behaviour I specifically recall you defending her, even sympathising with her and saying that you didn’t hate her (but I can’t remember if you felt sorry for Indy). Is there any difference between what Ruby did before and what Dexter did with April? Ruby slept with someone else’s partner whilst Dexter only kissed them so I actually think what Ruby did was far worse. You say above that Dexter was asking to be smacked in the face which brings me back to my previous point regarding Ruby. Although Dexter has no regrets about kissing April behind Xavier’s back I do think he’s genuinely sorry that things had to turn out like this but I recall Ruby going right up to Indy’s face and taunting her “I had him first!” – Who could forget that line?

Well...You could argue that Ruby sleeping with someone else's boyfriend is worse than Dexter kissing someone else's girlfriend but frankly I think the intent is the same, to break up someone else's relationship for their own benefit.If Dexter was more experienced, he'd probably have slept with April.So I don't think what he's done is somehow not as bad.As to why I seem to be on more of a downer with him than I was with her, I could come up with reasons(and it does seem as though Ruby suffered more as a result than Dexter has, physical violence notwithstanding)but I think it probably just boils down to liking some characters and relationships more than others, much as I don't really care that Sid kissed Roo when he was with Marilyn even though it's as bad as what Dexter did. Ironically, the show did a much better job of convincing me that Romeo and Ruby were right for each other and better suited than him and Indi than it did with April, Dexter and Xavier...and that's the one they treated like just a fling.As for whether Dexter feels remorse or not, he does come out with lines like "I did a bad thing" but his main concern does seem to be how it's affected him and April and how they're being treated because of it, not any particular guilt over Xavier being upset.Anyway, that's what we've seen:When he went up to Xavier, I don't think he apologised or showed any remorse, he was just all "Hey, let's forget about it and shake hands."Then, even though it was obvious Xavier wasn't laughing, he just carried on acting as though the whole thing was a big joke, becoming more and more annoying and obnoxious by the second.Finally, he actually invited Xavier to hit him, not out of any remorse or feeling that he needed to be punish but because he though it was funny.You'd have to show some pretty big restraint not to hit someone who's acting like that.

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Ahem! The reason I use Demand 5 is because my VCR stopped working and kept sabotaging my watching.

OMG I've got TWO episodes to catch up on :blush: what is happening to me?

Sid being Mr Smoooth chatting up Roo. He's certainly better in that role than hen pecked husband and father to Marilyn and George. I thought he and Roo were sweet and romantic, I like them as a couple :wub: Sid and Marilyn definitely brought out the worst in each other. Wasn't he exaggerating though when saying what they had, went long before Roo came back to town?

I must admit I laughed to see Indi and Romeo trying to figure out bills and budgets. Welcome to the real world of marriage, guys! Its not all hearts and flowers! And what was that top Romeo was wearing?! Could he look anymore slobby and weird? That sort of thing suits Heath so much better :lol:

haha, I totally agree with Dex about the ocean: why do people find it romantic?

I laughed again at Dex and Xavier's showdown, how corny but apt, with the long shot with them framed against the ocean. And Dex calling him dude? Has he been hanging round with Romeo too much? :lol: I feel like Dex is appearing better than April in this farcical situation. April just seems to me to be smug, controlling and selfish tbh.

I didn't understand why Dex was upset at Xavier punching him. Didn't he want to be 'normal' and have a girlfriend? He couldn't be more normal now, getting into a fight over a girl.

Romeo was a bit unsympathetic to Dex, considering his behaviour with Ruby a few months ago! But I did see signs of Dex and Romeo being quite a funny duo in future :)

Xavier was very irritating as a pizza deliverer, Brax was completely right- you can't let personal life affect your job. It was nice that Casey more or less apologised to Xavier tho.

Laura was so good telling Indi to butt out of Roo and Sid's relationship! Indi is acting like a spoilt princess and ungrateful for Roo's hospitality.

I think that bike accident was totally unrealistic. Xavier is FAR more likely to be injured as he didn't have a crash helmet on.

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