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I did think Xavier was a jerk when he lost his temper with Marilyn like that but he apologised when he came back round and was actually quite sweet about it so I don't mind.I'm glad he and Casey made things up as well.In two minds about his going off like that:He did get Casey to cover for him at work but he shouldn't have taken the scooter.It did seem like Summer pressured him a bit, nice continuity that she knew Dexter liked April ages ago.Glad Casey stood up to Brax about covering for Xavier:As he pointed out, Brax goes around covering up a lot worse than "borrowing" the company scooter to go to a party.The cliffhanger was a bit random:How exactly did they crash?I'd understand if Xavier had been in a bad mood and going too fast but he actually seemed fairly relaxed when they drove off.The whole thing was oddly reminiscent of Axel dying in a motorbike accident that Jai emerged from completely unscathed, although at least they had the sense to give Xavier some visible injuries this time round.I hope Summer isn't too badly hurt, partly because I like her and partly because it would mess Xavier up even more if he was responsible for her being killed or disabled.

Indi was a pain in that episode, especially with her rudeness towards Roo, I was glad when Laura told her to butt out.Romeo actually came across pretty well, it seems they're following the same pattern as last year with them taking it in turns to be childish and reasonable.Indi's sudden desire to move back in with Sid seems somewhat illogical, given that not only would Roo be round there but she's presumably down on Sid as well.It did seem everyone messed the obvious solution:Romeo and Indi moving back into Miles' fairly empty place, where they were before they went to Hawaii.Instead Roo's been forced out of her home.Wonder if, given her stated desire to take things slowly, she'll be in Indi's old room or...elsewhere.I have to say I was pretty impressed with Marilyn in that episode. Given how bitter she seemed towards Sid and Roo last week, I was expecting her to lose it at the news, but instead she refused to let Indi stir things and was actually pretty dignified when Sid told her.Although Sid's "I didn't cheat" is a bit rose-tinted, I do think he and Marilyn would have split up whether Roo was around or not.Miles and Morag's little chat about Miles never getting his hair cut raised a smile.

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Slade and Red, both of what you say about the similarities between Dex, April, Ruby and Romeo is true, but Ruby set out deliberately to sabotage Indi's romantic night and you're right Slade she did taunt Indi with what had happened. April and Dex on the other hand have tried to keep it quite until she had broken up with Xavier. They have both tried to apologise to Xav as well, though fair enough Dex could have been a bit more serious about it. What is with all this 'dude' stuff btw, I HATE it!!!! :angry: I have a sneaky suspicion that Dex did feel better after Xav hit him, we know Xav did as he admitted as much to Casey last night. Just as well Indi got distracted by the Sid/Roo/Marilyn thing as she would have clumped him too. I can understand her being upset and maybe questioning if anything happened in Hawaii seeing as Sid did break up with Maz more or less as soon as he got back. Though not too sure why she seemed so shocked to hear it was Dex that April dumped Xav for, does she really think he is that undatable and no girl in her right mind would want to go out with him?

I'm more inclined to think Roo refusing to be 'the other woman' made him decide to make the break. I thought Indi liked Roo and her attitude was off. I liked Romeo trying to keep the peace, Laura should have kept her nose out though it's nothing to do with her. It looks like Roo has sorted the problem out herself.

You're right Red, why don't they move back to the Caravan Park house? :unsure:

I was wondering that as well Miranda, about Sid and Marilyn's problems starting before Roo came back. I seem to remember him maybe liking her and comparing her with Marilyn, who did pick up on it herself, remember the dinner party?

I'm glad Sid decided to tell Marilyn himself and was able to do so before anyone else did, though I had the feeling Indi was going to. Maz may have been calm when Sid told her, but her poor lady customer suffered when Maz burnt her hair!!!

Xav does seem to be going off on one of his wild phases again. He had agreed to do more shifts, to pay for the now (I guess) aborted schoolies trip, so why was he trying to get out of it? Brax has indeed managed to keep his private and business life separate, but Xav is only 18 and so can't handle it in the same way.

It was good that Casey and Xav made up and that Casey stood up for him by covering for him and as you said Red, Brax has done enough of that in the past. It was wrong of Xav to take the scooter, I'm guessing the restaurant/Brax wouldn't be covered for it, insurance wise, as it is only meant to be used by the person making the delivery. The accident did seem odd, though I guess we will see what actually happened tonight. :unsure: Xav did the right thing though by giving Summer the helmet and may have saved her life.

As we saw by the trailer Xav is back in hospital again!!!! Has he got his own bed, he's been there enough times in the past few months? :wink:

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Slade and Red, both of what you say about the similarities between Dex, April, Ruby and Romeo is true, but Ruby set out deliberately to sabotage Indi's romantic night and you're right Slade she did taunt Indi with what had happened. April and Dex on the other hand have tried to keep it quite until she had broken up with Xavier. They have both tried to apologise to Xav as well, though fair enough Dex could have been a bit more serious about it. What is with all this 'dude' stuff btw, I HATE it!!!! :angry: I have a sneaky suspicion that Dex did feel better after Xav hit him, we know Xav did as he admitted as much to Casey last night. Just as well Indi got distracted by the Sid/Roo/Marilyn thing as she would have clumped him too. I can understand her being upset and maybe questioning if anything happened in Hawaii seeing as Sid did break up with Maz more or less as soon as he got back. Though not too sure why she seemed so shocked to hear it was Dex that April dumped Xav for, does she really think he is that undatable and no girl in her right mind would want to go out with him?

I'm more inclined to think Roo refusing to be 'the other woman' made him decide to make the break. I thought Indi liked Roo and her attitude was off. I liked Romeo trying to keep the peace, Laura should have kept her nose out though it's nothing to do with her. It looks like Roo has sorted the problem out herself.

You're right Red, why don't they move back to the Caravan Park house? :unsure:

I was wondering that as well Miranda, about Sid and Marilyn's problems starting before Roo came back. I seem to remember him maybe liking her and comparing her with Marilyn, who did pick up on it herself, remember the dinner party?

I'm glad Sid decided to tell Marilyn himself and was able to do so before anyone else did, though I had the feeling Indi was going to. Maz may have been calm when Sid told her, but her poor lady customer suffered when Maz burnt her hair!!!

Xav does seem to be going off on one of his wild phases again. He had agreed to do more shifts, to pay for the now (I guess) aborted schoolies trip, so why was he trying to get out of it? Brax has indeed managed to keep his private and business life separate, but Xav is only 18 and so can't handle it in the same way.

It was good that Casey and Xav made up and that Casey stood up for him by covering for him and as you said Red, Brax has done enough of that in the past. It was wrong of Xav to take the scooter, I'm guessing the restaurant/Brax wouldn't be covered for it, insurance wise, as it is only meant to be used by the person making the delivery. The accident did seem odd, though I guess we will see what actually happened tonight. :unsure: Xav did the right thing though by giving Summer the helmet and may have saved her life.

As we saw by the trailer Xav is back in hospital again!!!! Has he got his own bed, he's been there enough times in the past few months? :wink:

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Really good scenes today that did not concentrate on teenage romances.

Xavier and John were brilliant with the father/ son thing. They obviously think of each other as father and son and I'm glad they sorted it out between them :D

Also good scenes between Brax and my aunty Morag. An adult discussion between two people who don't usually interact.

I think Heath challenging Brax is realistic but I found those scenes a bit uncomfortable, like seeing my parents arguing :huh:

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I don’t agree that the intent makes Dexter just as bad in that particular situation but for arguments sake to reiterate what I mentioned before about Dex pursuing Marilyn you could argue his intention was to break up his dad’s relationship with her. Even after that Red Ranger I still recall that you quite liked Dex and I think you even mentioned how funny he was at times so in that sense similarly there’s no real reason to dislike him as much as what happened with April. Thinking about it again, Dexter’s always been an odd ball and I think when he was trying to apologise to Xavier he was being tactless without even thinking about it. For me (thinking about it once more) what indicated that he was sorry wasn’t so much the way he was with Xavier but more the way he was with April. He wanted to do the right thing, come clean and was feeling bad. She wanted to delay it because she didn’t want to face him. I still think that he wanted to get together with April more than he was concerned about hurting Xavier though. I think we can all be partial with characters we like and don’t like (myself included) and that does influence how we perceive them in different situations but I do wonder had it not been Xavier and April Dexter had a hand in breaking up whether you might have gone a bit easier on him.

I thought John was great today. The way he pulled Summer’s dad off Xavier and talked him into having a civilised discussion about what happened, the way he went with Xavier to see Brax and his made up story of forgiveness to try and get Xavier to move on from April and Dex. I really liked the way Gina smiled at him after he said that.

Xavier really annoyed me the way he was with John at the hospital. I thought Palmer was spot on and Xavier definitely deserved some sort of serve for being so reckless and irresponsible but at least he apologised afterwards. As an aside I found it hard to believe that Summer who was wearing a crash helmet had concussion whilst Xavier who wasn’t wearing a helmet had no head injuries whatsoever. I liked that Summer didn’t blame Xavier for the accident. Perhaps those two could spend a bit more time together.

I’m really glad that Xavier and Casey have moved on from their fight a couple of weeks ago and purely from a friends perspective it was good seeing Casey stick up for him however although I’m disappointed Xavier lost his job I can’t really blame Brax. Irrespective of his personal life, the way Xavier’s acted over the last couple of days he deserved to be fired. I’m going to assume Brax’s remark to Casey in that ‘he’ was the only reason Xavier simply lost his job rather than being beaten up was an attempt to intimidate his younger brother and keep him on track.

I’m glad Morag’s onto Charlie and Brax and they both know she’s onto them. I really liked the way she was questioning Brax as if to say I know your game so back off and the way she was questioning Charlie as if to say you’re making a big mistake getting involved with a guy like that and it could cost you your whole career. I hope she keeps up the pressure. It won’t make any difference with Brax but it could with Charlie. I was disappointed there was no Tegan to shake things up as I really liked her appearance last week and I hope we get see her again soon.

It seems as though Heath sees Brax’s devotion to the restaurant a sign of weakness and is obviously going to try and capitalise on it.

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Well, to drag this argument out a bit longer, Ruby didn't deliberately sabotage Indi's romantic night, she simply took advantage of the opportunity when Romeo came to her.Dexter on the other hand chose to go round to April's house and kiss her, knowing full well she was in a relationship with Xavier, deliberately sabotaging his friend's relationship.I don't think Dexter going after Sid's girlfriend is worse than him going after Xavier's girlfriend but I do think his behaviour during that storyline, being rather manipulative and underhand and refusing to take no for an answer(whereas, using Kate to make her jealous aside, he was fairly straight with April), was a lot worse.I didn't particularly like him during that storyline but I did forgive him pretty quickly and go back to liking him once he got over it and accepted he'd behaved wrongly.Whilst he apologised to Xavier when he first saw them together, I don't recall him beating particularly apologetic on the beach when Xavier hit him.And yes, I accept that if Dexter had broken up a couple I didn't like I probably wouldn't mind.

Today's ep:I found Xavier and Summer's injuries pretty believable.Despite what was implied before, Summer's injuries were realistically minor and it was a nice touch that Xavier had facial injuries whilst she'd been protected by the helmet.The chat between them afterwards was rather sweet.I actually found John going off at Xavier worryingly reminiscent of the way he was with Trey:Xavier was in the wrong but he knew that and had acknowledged it, he didn't need John twisting the knife. For once, Gina's approach was actually the correct one.So while Xavier's response was harsh, it was understandable.I'm glad John stuck up for Xavier with Summer's father, calling him his son was probably an important moment for both of them.And his advice had merit, although letting down their tyres would be more fun.Or would if they owned anything that had tyres.Shame Xavier lost his job but understandable, especially if he'd lost his license.

Brax gets more and more sinister, when he says he'd do anything to protect the people he cares about you get the feeling he really means anything.He might be well intentioned but his attitude towards Casey mostly comes across as a bully and it's pretty obvious his drug growing has been going on for some time.The fact that he apparently contemplated putting Xavier in hospital and apparently thinks it's to his credit that he didn't is deeply disturbing:Given that we know he's done that sort of thing in the past, I'm far from convinced he was bluffing.Whilst Brax is probably right that Heath wouldn't have a clue about running things, I'd quite like to see him take Brax down a peg or two and rather liked his sarcastic asides when Brax was bossing Casey about.Nice to see some follow up to Morag drawing conclusions about Charlie and Brax, shame neither of them paid much attention to her.Is that the first time she's been called Ruby's grandma?

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The telling off of Xav by John was reminiscent of John and Trey, but Xav does keep getting himself in strife and expecting people just to shrug it off as a teenage boy thing and getting away with it. Technically he stole the scooter and was lucky Brax didn't press charges. Xav's response of 'you're not my dad/mum' is typical of any step child to being told off by their step parent. Especially in Xav's case, because he knew what John was saying was true. Glad that John calmed down enough that he later told Summer's dad to lay off 'his son' (gulp). It certainly surprised Xav and Gina too. I can understand why Summer's dad reacted the way he did, if it had been the other way round Gina would have behaved the same way. I guess we won't be finding out what happened, burst tyre maybe. I think if he had been doing something stupid like speeding Summer wouldn't have been so understanding and not blaming him.

Loved John's advice (although he was lying :wink: ) to Xav about not letting Dex and April get to him, but to be friendly and be 'the bigger man', eventually he will be able to do it for real. Lovely gesture for John to go with Xav to see Brax and offer to pay for the damage to the scooter, as I don't suppose it would be covered by the insurance, plus while it is out of action Brax is losing money. Quite rightly Brax fired Xav, didn't have much of a choice really, though he could have used him in another capacity so he can pay back a share of the cost of the repair.

You certainly can't get much past Morag, OK Charlie was asking Brax what he knew about the scooter, but that little hand touch is I'm sure not part of police procedure. The more Charlie tried to be evasive the more Morag was convinced there was something going on. Are we to believe Charlie's claim that she is working undercover to catch him out? Morag then moving onto Brax and giving him the subtle message that she knows what is going on. Can't believe that no-one in the River Boys hasn't sussed before that Morag is Ruby's grandmother, Brax must have known surely? They already know Charlie, a cop, is her mum and so far that hasn't phased them.

Definitely trouble brewing between Heath and Brax and Casey looks to be stuck in the middle. Heath may have put up with being shoved around by Brax before now, he does have the brains after all, but now it looks like he has finally had enough. Casey has warned Brax that he and the others are getting fed up. Brax told Heath, and it must be agreed, Heath doesn't have the know how to actually run the business. Did I hear something about getting a new batch of marijuana would take around nine months before they could harvest it and Heath asking what are the guys supposed to do in the meantime? Well, they can hardly grow it over night and that is another thing Heath doesn't have that Brax does, patience.

Picking up your point Red, about Dex going round to April's and kissing her when he knew she was with Xav, well she didn't have to return the kiss and could have easily to told him to sling his hook (or whatever the Australian equivalent is) if she really was still in love with Xav. That would have been enough for Dex to realise he was mistaken and back off.


What's happened to Morag leaving the bay, did her job offer fall through after the debacle with the supposed trip round the bay?

Only today and tomorrow to go before the big break. :cryingsmiley:

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I think re: 'Ruby's grandma' gate, its because its Casey talking. He was new to the bay and only knew Charlie as 'Ruby's mum' and Morag as 'Ruby's gran'. He didnt' know about all the shenanigans beforehand.

Re: Brax/Heath. Its interesting how Heath is bossing Casey around less and taking more notice of him more now.

I'll have to return on this, cos my Demand 5 is being idiotic again....

Ahem! Jolly old Youtube saves the day.

That was riveting between Brax and Heath at the end! Now Heath's in charge, watch the RBs all go downhill from here... I liked the way Heath was in his normal clothes adn Brax was dressed more respectably.

So what happened to his ex, Tegan? She disappeared quickly without really doing anything :blink:

But funny how Casey didn't bat an eyelid when he saw off duty Charlie talking to Brax in the restaurant.

I really thought Leah's hair was going to be a mess when Maz took the towel off :lol:

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So Brax has finally made the decision to walk away from the River Boys!!! It'll certainly be interesting to see who will take over, is it going to be taken for granted it will be Heath just because he is Brax's brother? Part of the power struggle, seemed to be as much about Casey as everything else going on, poor guy being used a pawn between them. Did I hear Brax mention something about a grey haired man? If Brax is supposed to be well off enough, relatively speaking, why he is having such a problem finding a place for him and Casey? Once again and I know others have asked this why doesn't he move in with Miles and co? This is probably just me but I can't shake the feeling that the actor who plays Brax always reminds me of a young Roger Daltry.

Good exchange between Roo and Marilyn and well done Maz for being so mature and putting her personal feelings to one side.

What exactly was wrong with Leah's hair, had Marilyn cut it rather lop sidedly?

It looks like from what we have seen from tomorrows episode Bianca is going to go seriously off the rails at the B&S party. Where has Liam gone?

Lovely little talk between Miles and VJ, though Miles did pick the wrong time to ask Casey to give VJ a pep talk. Miles being a teacher would give a rather unbiased opinion wouldn't he?

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