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Picking up your point Red, about Dex going round to April's and kissing her when he knew she was with Xav, well she didn't have to return the kiss and could have easily to told him to sling his hook (or whatever the Australian equivalent is) if she really was still in love with Xav. That would have been enough for Dex to realise he was mistaken and back off.

Well, that is kinda what she did, she just changed her mind later, but that's hardly the point.Romeo didn't have to return the kiss when Ruby kissed him.The point is Ruby only made a move on Romeo when he came round her house and announced he was breaking up with his girlfriend, whilst Dexter went round April's house to make a move on her even after she'd shut down his previous attempt.

Today's ep!And wow.Not sure what to make of Brax, I think he's walking away from the River Boys for Casey's sake and deciding he has to put him first but I don't think that's going to result in him being a responsible citizen.I found the characterisation of Heath very interesting, that last scene made my opinion of him flip completely.It suddenly seemed to me, when he was asking Brax if he'd remembered where he'd belonged at the end, that this isn't about him being ambitious and wanting to be in charge, it's about him wanting his brother back.He doesn't understand why Brax is hanging out at the restaurant and being respectable instead of going surfing with them and sorting out, ahem, extra legal money making schemes and this whole thing was about forcing Brax to come back and run things again.Except instead he's driven Brax away.I think he thinks the same about Casey, which is why he's trying to involve him in the River Boys.

As I mentioned on another thread, Ruby's suddenly back to being my favourite of the girls, partly because I don't like Indi and April much at the moment but mainly because she's suddenly pretty cool.Nice to see a scene between her and April and I loved that bit with Miles and VJ on the beach where she awkwardly apologises for Casey and then tells VJ "Go to school!"And she does seem to be very comfortable with calling Charlie "my mum" now, at least with Casey.

Miles was smart to take VJ out and stop Leah fussing over him, it was obviously making Marilyn nervous.My fashion expertise isn't enough to tell if Leah's hair was meant to be all right or not but she wasn't bald and it wasn't green so that's something.Whilst Marilyn is handling things a lot better than I expected, I'm not entirely happy with the way everyone seems to view her as the victim and Roo as the villain of the piece.Irene annoyed me a bit with the way she pushed her, even though she was probably trying to be supportive in a heavy-handed way.When Marilyn said "I don't pretend to understand what you did", I was left wondering what exactly Roo's done.Get together with Marilyn's ex, basically.

I think Brax probably did know Morag was Ruby's gran, if he didn't know before Charlie's birthday party he must have known afterwards.Heath apparently didn't but then he only comes to Summer Bay for the surf.I think we're meant to assume Tegan left the area after Brax threatened her

but she'll be back after the break


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I'm not entirely happy with the way everyone seems to view her as the victim and Roo as the villain of the piece.Irene annoyed me a bit with the way she pushed her, even though she was probably trying to be supportive in a heavy-handed way.When Marilyn said "I don't pretend to understand what you did", I was left wondering what exactly Roo's done.Get together with Marilyn's ex, basically.

Marilyn really believes that something happened in Hawaii and nothing Sid or Roo say to the contrary will convince her otherwise, or anyone else for that matter. Roo and Sid have got together rather quickly which does rather add fuel to the fire, however wrong it may be. Plus coming on top of Marilyn 'losing' George didn't help matters. We know Roo hasn't done anything, but then we are not the wronged partner and weren't in Hawaii. Even Indi thought something had happened and she was there!!

Perhaps that is what Brax is looking to become, respectable, especially in the eyes of a certain police sergeant. :wink: If he can distance himself from the River Boys and their not so legal activities, he may be able to persuade her to make their relationship public which will also be a bombshell RB wise!!!

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So when did Roo move in with Sid then? Have I missed an episode? :blink:

Dex was lucky to get cash off that bloke. Why did the girl with him look so familiar :unsure: She moved in on Xavier pretty quickly but she seemed nice.

Wasn't Elijah nice to dance with Marilyn and make her feel better, aw...

An interesting type of party, rather like a hoe down :lol: yee haw! So what was the criteria? Didn't people have to be single to attend? So why were Dex and April there?

Loved Heath 'chatting up' Colleen :lol:

From the 'next time on Home and Away' bit

I can't believe it would be Heath who attacked Bianca. Far, far too obvious.

Anyway, now we're onto the 'summer break.' So have a nice time everyone and see you in September :D

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I don't think Roo moved in but just had her change of clothes there. I thought that Laura had changed there too.

I just knew that Marilyn would walk in as soon as Sid started smooching! She should have knocked now that she doesn't live there any more.

I was surprised to see Xav at the party. You would think he would be grounded for at least one night! Did take him long to get over his heart break then?

I hate that we have to wait 5 weeks to see the next episode.

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Miranda, I think Roo went to stay with Sid for a few days because Indy had a downer on her for being in a relationship with him – Indy was obviously siding with Marilyn. So Roo being the kind soul that she is moved out of her own house and home to spare Indy the trauma of actually seeing her.

Now that April and Xavier are resigned to the history books (and a good thing too) it will be interesting to see how things actually pan out with April and Dexter. I was actually really glad Xavier was talking to Kelly and I really hope he wasn’t doing that for April and Dexter’s benefit although April was so focused on Bianca I don’t think she noticed anyway. Whilst I’m not expecting him to completely follow John’s advice i.e. forgiving them anytime soon, I think he would be best advised to steer clear of them and leave April and Dexter to their own devices.

Dexter really should have checked with Sid first before taking the money from Dean (twice). Also why should he care who Xavier talks to? He’s got his own girlfriend now (OK he stole her but he’s still has her).

The amazing Roo – Add Dexter to the list of people she plays agony aunt to. She managed to get everything done in time and was sooooooo worried about Marilyn catching her and Sid having a moment she sent Laura to check up on her and then went to apologise to Marilyn herself and clear the air. Marilyn should be eternally grateful notwithstanding the fact that Roo singlehandedly kept her out of jail.

I've found Marilyn extremely annoying for the most part since her return from the UK but I haven’t minded her lately. Anyway good on her for not letting Sid and Roo keep her indoors.

I was surprised that Irene wasn’t bothered at all by the River Boys. I wasn’t expecting her to adopt the same stance as Coleen but she actually seemed to be smiling at their antics. Conversely considering how well Elijah got on with Brax I wasn’t expecting him to completely side with Palmer although it was understandable.

Bianca was completely falling apart. I didn’t realise she was that much into Liam. I have to admit when Roo and Sid found her for a split second I thought that was Tegan. Why oh why do they

have to do yet another sexual assault storyline?

Oh and a major shock in the preview

after Bianca and April certain that Liam left for good, surprise, surprise he suddenly turns up

:o (Never saw that coming).

Five weeks? Man just when things were actually starting to get interesting.

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Roo's episode count this week:Four.Xavier was also in four, Elijah was in one.

So, into the summer break and a pretty dark note to go out on.It's probably not going to be a case of "with one bound they were free" this time.Looking ahead, I'm torn between Heath being too obvious and there not really being any other suspects, it's unlikely to be one of the non-speaking River Boys or one of the main characters.Then again, always beware the guest character who turns up in the same episode...

Not really sure what the criteria for the "ball" was, it just seemed to be anyone who wanted to come. I suppose Dexter lives there but what about John and Gina?Laura was probably right to get John to back off from the River Boys rather than kicking off.I seem to remember Elijah did say they shouldn't come so his reaction isn't that surprising.

Roo going to chat to Marilyn was excruciatingly painful, I just kept thinking "Roo, stop talking."I'm glad Dexter seems to have accepted her.Although Dexter and April didn't anger me as much in that episode, I thought there was a thudding lack of sexual chemistry between them, I actually had to keep reminding myself they're supposed to be a couple now.I wouldn't be surprised if they realised they'd made a mistake and went back to being friends, although I equally wouldn't be surprised if the writers persevered with the relationship.Dexter should have asked Sid about Dean and Kelly staying, he showed an oddly capitalist leaning in letting Dean pay him off.Twice.

As someone who thinks it's a huge shame that Xapril are apparently no more, I couldn't help thinking April seemed a bit jealous/disappointed at him moving on.There didn't seem to be much of a spark between Xavier and Kelly, especially at first, but he did seem to relax a bit and she seemed nice enough.But there've been so many girls messing Xavier about I can't help thinking she'll end up being another one.Nice continuity with regards him still having the facial injuries.

So when did Roo move in with Sid then? Have I missed an episode? :blink:

Why did the girl with him look so familiar :unsure: She moved in on Xavier pretty quickly but she seemed nice.

Er, probably.She moved in on Tuesday, as Slade described.Good memory with regards Kelly:I didn't recognise her at all but when I looked the name up I realised she'd been a love interest for Xavier before!She played Rosie, one of the two friends he somehow ended up dating simultaneously after breaking up with Ruby back in 2009.

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Roo has supposedly only moved in for a few days, until I suppose Indi calms down, what's the betting though it becomes permanent!! That though is going to be awkward if Indy wants to visit Sid, no neat solution who ever moves where.

Actually as no-one is married to anyone else, apart from, as you say Red, John and Gina they are all single, if not technically all bachelors and spinsters, were Romeo and Indi there, I don't remember seeing them? Everyone looked amazing.

My eyes may have been playing tricks on me but it looked like Marilyn appeared from the other side of the set to where the door is, because I'm sure I saw Laura leave through it and Marilyn appeared to go off in the direction from whence she came??? :unsure:

She (Marilyn) has been very dignified about the whole thing, despite Morag trying to dissuade her from going, it was a big party and avoiding the pair of them would have been very easy. I think Roo had the best intentions, but she did labour the point, a simple thank you for coming would have been enough.

It seemed that Xavier was just enjoying having a chat with a girl, who could turn out just ti be a friend, nothing more. I didn't realise Dex was a closet capitalist either, good for him though, though I see Sid's point, $100 wouldn't cover a compensation suit if anything happened to Dean and Kelly. Dean wasn't going to be out off and was determined to camp in the paddock.

Colleen is going to be thinking she managed to persuade the RB's to leave, when we know Heath saw the flyer for the Ball. :D Quite wise of Laura to admit them, they might not be able to keep any eye on them all night, but not as risky as barring them. They weren't causing that much bother at the Diner, just being noisy, though I suppose Colleen (and Irene) had had a long day and Colleen thought it was time to shut the place.

Poor Bianca, she really did take the news about Liam badly, thank goodness she has April to support her. I suppose the fact Liam had left the photos of Ash should have been a clue he would be back. :wink:

Ah, the cliffhanger (well our cliffhanger)!!!!!! One thing I suppose Charlie did actually say it was a sexual assault and not the usual soap cop out of it being an 'attack'.

I have two or three theories:

1. It was Heath, obvious I know, but although Bianca said to Roo and Sid she didn't see his face (rather quickly I thought), he could have threatened to hurt April if she dobbed him in.

2. It was one of the other RB's, they would know by now Heath and Bianca had a fling, so may have thought they would be in with a chance, especially as she was drunk and wouldn't be strong enough to fight them off.

3. It was Dean, you did say Red, beware the guest character, we know nothing about him, expect he likes flashing his money about.

Great to see Liam again, just a shame it wasn't sooner.

A whole five weeks to find out the aftermath, though of course it will be longer to discover the truth.

See you all in September, have a lovely August everyone. :lol:

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Oh my heart goes to Bianca. Hope whoever did it gets their comeuppance. Stupid jerk :angry:

I think Marilyn was pretty good in the episode, she tried not to let it get to her which is a good thing.

Kelly? I am wary but I can see Xavier liking her so lets just see what happens there...

& 5 weeks off! :( I am gonna miss HAA but luckily Neighbours is still around.

See you all in September... dont get too drunk :P

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