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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Probably good that Xavier and Kelly decided to stay friends, given the promise he made, although I also like the idea of them as a couple so I'm kind of in two minds about it.Kind of in two minds about John's reaction as well:I liked his amusement at Xavier not being able to last a day but his advice to him felt a bit forced.I really didn't want Xavier to forgive April that quickly but dammit, maybe it was because Dexter was nowhere to be seen and I could pretend the whole thing never happened but I ended up grinning through all their scenes together and thinking how cute they were again.They bounce off each other so well, it's a shame we probably won't see as much of them now.

Good job we did have some cute platonic Xapril scenes, because as soon as April was out of Xavier's company I wanted to slap her.She was completely out of line with what she said to Liam; as with Roo having a go at Laura earlier, it felt like a massive case of guilt transference.Let's face it, if she hadn't stuck her nose in and gone looking for Liam, Bianca would never have thought he'd abandoned her, and I really wish she'd had more than a brief moment of anger from Bianca in response.Similarly, Liam was out of line at the end:He wrecked their relationship with his drug habit and actually told her not to wait for him, so, despite his history with Heath, he didn't have any right to try and make Bianca feel guilty about sleeping with him, especially after what she's just been through.It's a shame, because until April opened her big mouth they seemed to be getting on well. Nice that the writers remembered Liam's got a son, most viewers have probably forgotten.

Don't really know what to say about Marilyn and Roo's latest spat, it just felt like more of the same really.Miles really does feel like a bundle of one-liners rather than a character involved in the storylines.

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To continue - was just about to mention Alf's 'great' idea of having a lunch and inviting Roo and Marilyn!!! :rolleyes: I suppose he meant well, but too soon. Maz did try (bless her) by pretending to not be bothered, then her little white lie about having an appointment. Nice chat between Elijah and Maz, interesting to see he isn't completely over Leah. By God that atmosphere was chilly around that end of the table wasn't it. That scrapping (sorry) over the scraps was so obviously just an excuse for Maz to vent her feelings. Nice to see Miles, I thought he had done his disappearing act again, what is it with him and food!!!!

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Miles really does feel like a bundle of one-liners rather than a character involved in the storylines.

Totally agree, RR1. I watched some of the 2008 episodes during the summer break and Miles' scenes with Jai showed what a good character he is when he is given some decent lines. At the moment he is a pale shadow of himself and I watch every episode hoping he is going to get a decent storyline. Hopefully now Alf is back they can get some repartee going.

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So Heath has been cleared of Bianca's rape, will they be testing any of the other RB's? It makes sense that the police would concentrate on locals first then widen their search. Charlie when will you learn not to tell Brax of what you (or the police are planning to do) :rolleyes: He may not be their leader any more but of course he is going to warn Heath. Inspector Joyce did jump to the wrong conclusion why Heath was no. 1 suspect, the drugs had nothing to do with it as we know.

Brax showed his other caring side again with that talk he had with Casey and by asking Roo if he could stay at hers, even though she should have checked with Romeo and Indi seeing as she is not living there herself. He's not been any trouble himself though so I hope they don't tar him with the same brush as the other RB's.

Good that Bianca was able to tell Liam why her and Heath happened, how would she know that he was Liam's dealer? Did Liam think that Heath did it on purpose?

I think I know why Alf is so grumpy with everyone at the moment, He's come back and everything has gone on perfectly well without him and he's feeling a little lost and unneeded. Hope he and Romeo can make things work, true Alf can be a stick in the mud, but if Romeo plays things the right way, they can both do what they want with the business. Good advice from Brax btw. Miles seemed to get more involved tonight as well.

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Well, even though he was wrong about the rape, I'm instantly liking Inspector Joyce:About time someone called Charlie to count for her pretty rubbish performance this year.Which isn't particularly surprising when her chief source of information is the leader of the bad guys.(Well, okay, ex-leader.)Did she really expect Brax to tell her everything he knows about Heath just because she fluttered her eyelashes at him?I actually find I like Heath more than Charlie and Brax: At least he's not pretending to be something he's not.So I loved it when he made a fool of Charlie and when he stood up to Brax's patronising behaviour.

I forgot to mention yesterday that the living arrangements at Roo's place are utterly bonkers.We know there's four bedrooms, they were all occupied not too long ago(Roo, Angelo, Liam and Nicole). If they were keeping a room for Liam while Laura was living there and Casey's taken her room, it should still be there.Instead he's sleeping on the couch when there seemed to be three rooms unoccupied and being told there's no room for him.Casey moving in seems a downright weird idea that no-one but Brax was pleased about:Even Casey didn't seem keen on it.I think Liam's attitude towards Bianca is somewhat out of order, with what she's just been through he's no right to try and guilt trip her over sleeping with someone else while she was single.

Found Miles and especially Morag's attitude towards Alf extremely irritating, he's deserving of more respect than that.Fair enough, he muscled in on Romeo's idea but do they seriously think he should have just let Romeo have free rein on his boat?It's not so long ago Morag was refusing to let Romeo use it without Roo looking over his shoulder, so her attitude was pretty hypocritical. Especially when Romeo's pitch seemed to consist solely of enthusiasm and a few half-baked, impractical ideas.(Bungee jumping?!With a tug boat?!)He really does need someone keeping an eye on him.By the way, forgot to mention yesterday...who exactly does Alf know in Italy?

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By the way, forgot to mention yesterday...who exactly does Alf know in Italy?

No-one as far as I can remember, perhaps it was just a family he met up with, to me it sounded like a cooking course he went on.

Didn't Roo tell Liam she had let his room, presumably to Laura, which would mean technically it's now free again. Romeo and Indi would be in one room, Roo has her own (keeping her options open), Casey has one so there is one room going spare.

Miles seemed more on Alf's side than Morag did, true Roo was appointed unofficial watchdog, but she didn't have the same vested interest as Alf does, it is his boat.

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Hope everyone is well, so glad it's back!! It's been a cracking week so far, thanks largely to Alf's return. Didn't realise how much I missed him until I saw him storming into the Diner and demanding to know what was going on! The lunch on Wednesday was classic too - brilliant to have so many characters in the one place -Alf really brings everyone together - even Elijah didn't seem like such a random character!

The stuff between John and Xavier was fantastic too - they are brilliant together and John's face as he watched Kelly and Xavier at the dinner table was priceless :D

Lisa Gormley's performance has been excellent and I was really touched by Liam's reaction the news.

I have to confess I've been finding some of the non Charlie and Brax scenes boring of late so am really glad that I enjoyed so much of what was going on this week.

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Found Miles and especially Morag's attitude towards Alf extremely irritating, he's deserving of more respect than that.Fair enough, he muscled in on Romeo's idea but do they seriously think he should have just let Romeo have free rein on his boat?It's not so long ago Morag was refusing to let Romeo use it without Roo looking over his shoulder, so her attitude was pretty hypocritical. Especially when Romeo's pitch seemed to consist solely of enthusiasm and a few half-baked, impractical ideas.(Bungee jumping?!With a tug boat?!)He really does need someone keeping an eye on him.By the way, forgot to mention yesterday...who exactly does Alf know in Italy?

Shame on you RR. Have you no faith in Romeo - the lad who was going to work hos butt off to give his wife what she deserved. Give the boy a chance!!!!!

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So Heath has been cleared of Bianca's rape, will they be testing any of the other RB's? It makes sense that the police would concentrate on locals first then widen their search.

I think it's pretty obvious who did it...isn't it? (I haven't been reading spoilers, just jumping to my own conclusions!)

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