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Alf's episode count this week:Five.The man is back.Roo was also in five, while non-regular Heath managed four.Colleen and Ruby were only in one each.

Found parts of that episode deeply frustrating.Roo's plan to win Indi over with a few nick nacks seemed a bit dumb and Sid would have been better sticking to his guns instead of going along with it.Ironically though, it did seem to be going well until Marilyn turned up, at which point Sid would have been better off cutting his losses and getting out of there rather than letting Indi blackmail him into playing happy families.(It'd take a lot to make me stay in a room with Marilyn that long...) So Indi's left being a brat, Sid's left looking like the bad guy and Marilyn's left playing the victim and acting as though she played no part in the break-up of her relationship.I really thought we'd move past people in general and Alf in particular thinking the worst of Roo and thinking the best of Marilyn. Apparently not.

Equally frustrating, Alf lets the golden boy's fan club talk him into handing over his boat to the guy who uses it for drug deals.I really didn't like the way Miles was needling him and disrespecting him, which is a shame because he used to be my favourite.I'm fast coming to the realisation there's a lot of characters on the show at the moment I don't really like.And the ones I do like tend to be portrayed as in the wrong or losing out.

Loved seeing Tegan again, she really is stirring up a set-up which was in danger of getting too cosy. Despite her now dating a guy that looks like a pitbull, she obviously still feels something for Brax and/or Heath to try and warn them.Even though he'd have been better off listening, I'm finding Heath's dwindling respect for Brax rather entertaining.Guessing Brax gave Charlie the tip-off, the throw forward basically confirms it.But seriously, doesn't Charlie have a brain?She knows/suspects that Brax is tipping Heath off so what does she do?Ring him up and tells him she's working.If they hadn't been on the same page for once, he'd have been straight on the phone for Heath telling him to pull out.(Lucky for her as well that she's listed Brax as something innocuous like DB on her phone, although you'd expect Ruby to twig anyway.)Given the police's performance so far, I doubt even this will be enough to put the River Boys away, since they hadn't started harvesting the drugs and it was the other lot that had the guns.And yes, that was the new doctor from Neighbours playing one of the River Boys.

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So Heath has been cleared of Bianca's rape, will they be testing any of the other RB's? It makes sense that the police would concentrate on locals first then widen their search.

I think it's pretty obvious who did it...isn't it? (I haven't been reading spoilers, just jumping to my own conclusions!)

Really? I honestly don't have a clue. I never thought it was Heath as that would have been too obvious and for some reason I just couldn't see him risking everything like that. He doesn't strike me as the type either. I know there isn't a type as such but he seems like the sort of person that doesn't have a problem getting a date. Even with Bianca previously I thought they had a thing, he almost got obsessed but then after they had their talk he moved on. Presumably it's not a regular.

Am I missing something. Unless Heath was armed what are the police actually arresting him for? Trespassing?

I was disappointed with Liam's reaction to Bianca sleeping with Heath but at least he made a point of saying it wasn't the sleeping as such but because Heath was his dealer.

Wait a minute Morag. So after labelling Romeo as amateurish you are now fighting his corner. I thought at first the Alf/Romeo storyline was reminiscent of the Lou/Kylie business partnership in Neighbours. But at least Alf came good. Speaking of Neighbours, looks like Dr Rhys is a River Boy during his spare time.

I kind of agree with an earlier comment about Xavier being unable hang onto any girl. He sure as hell can pull them though and they've ALL been attractive.

Now that's Alf's back does Roo really have to be in every friggin episode?

I'm really glad Tiegan's back. And she put her leg across the table again. I thought Brax did well to maintain eye contact for the most part.

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Wonder if claire_louise is thinking of the same person as I am?

I thought Heath also had a gun? He may not be all that bright, but even he could work out it was Brax who tipped off the cops. Wonder if 'pitbull' will figure out Teigan passed on the info that got him nicked? Teigan must still have feelings for Heath/Brax for warning him/them about him being armed.

Ruby follows Charlie this week and discovers just who her mystery man is!!!!

As I said on an earlier post Alf is feeling unneeded, he's resigned from the committee at the surf club and it's all going on fine without him, even his own daughter seems to have taken his place. All he had is the bait shop which wasn't doing that well before he left. He may have stepped back from actually working with Romeo, but hopefully he will get Alf involved in some way. It was only the once that the boat was used for a drugs deal and he didn't realise until they started chucking the stuff overboard. Loved how nice Alf was with Marilyn.

Roo's idea nearly worked until Marilyn revealed she had bought the teaset. Shame on Sid for not realising Marilyn had bought it for them, true it was stuck away in a cupboard, but if Marilyn had told him and he had forgot he was just being a typical bloke.

True Alison there is the annexe which has been conveniently forgotten about, be perfect for Indi and Romeo.

Btw I know a secret about Alf (or to be more accurate) Ralph Meagher. :wink:

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I didn't think Heath had a gun, but I guess they'd be arresting him because he was found at the scene of a major drug crop. They probably won't have any evidence he was involved though, so might not be able to charge him again.

I was glad to see Tegan again too (though probably not for the same reasons at Slade!). I think she's a really interesting character who is unlucky enough to care about someone who doesn't care about her in the same way (I think Brax does care a wee bit though as he didn't seem to be happy at her dating Jake). I'd like to find out a bit more about her and her motivations rather than just have her as the 'other woman'.

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Wonder if claire_louise is thinking of the same person as I am?

I'll put it in spoilers just because I can't think who else it could be - it seems really obvious that it's...

Kelly's brother?

I was glad to see Tegan again too (though probably not for the same reasons at Slade!). I think she's a really interesting character who is unlucky enough to care about someone who doesn't care about her in the same way (I think Brax does care a wee bit though as he didn't seem to be happy at her dating Jake).

I didn't think he seemed that bothered about her dating Jake - if anything he was just a bit exasperated with her for getting involved with someone who's obviously a nasty character. He kind of seemed like he expected it of her though, but I'm not sure what it says about him if she only dates idiots! I don't get the impression he has any feelings for her (other than trying not to look up her skirt when it was shoved in his face!). I think he's genuinely fallen for Charlie - although he probably wishes he hadn't now.

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When's Xavier coming back?Having sat through three episodes about Charlie and Brax, the River Boys and poor 'ickle Marilyn, I'm rapidly losing the will to live.No, that's not fair.I do care, just.I just don't like many of the people involved.It'll be a shame if Georgie Watson is the one to get it in the neck over all this, since she's still the most professional officer in the show.While she was a bit quick to reach for the taser, she was mostly responding to a situation that her two superior officers had caused:Trying to lock Heath in a cell with a bunch of guys who were about to kill him a few hours earlier is pretty much indirect police brutality and it's no wonder he objected.By the way, how long is the transfer time from Reefton Lakes to Yabbie Creek Police Station?It's broad daylight when Charlie brings the prisoners in, even though it didn't seem to be later than about midnight when the arrest was made.(And...wasn't Watson one of the arresting officers, despite being back at the station here, or did I remember that wrong?)

And seriously, what does Brax have to do for Charlie to see his true colours?I don't think that loyal- brother-out-for-blood behaviour was an act or at least no more than the caring gentlemanly boyfriend he behaves like around Charlie.While I think he does care about Charlie, Heath and Casey, I think his main priority is protecting himself;his visit to Heath seemed to be at least partly about making sure his name was kept out of it.While Charlie seems to be willing to go easy on Heath if it'll stop Brax being mad with her.Seriously, the woman is deserving of no respect whatsoever, especially at the end where she's emotionally blackmailing Ruby into keeping quiet about her affair, yet she'll calmly go on sleeping with Brax when she seemingly realises she's putting her family at risk doing so.

So, we finally meet Tegan's daughter.At first, I thought that was just some random girl chatting to Brax.I am really loving having Tegan back, given she's stirring up trouble for people I don't like. Why exactly was Brax contacted as Heath's next of kin?(Personal preference on Charlie's part?)Where's his mother while all this was going on?

I really wasn't keen on Alf and especially Colleen in that episode.Despite his claims to the contrary, it really does seem like Alf is taking Marilyn's side:He's quite happy to let her cry on his shoulder and blame everything on Roo and Sid but he won't allow himself to sympathise with Roo.It's a shame, I thought before the break I was starting to warm towards Marilyn, who seemed to be picking herself up and not holding any grudges.But now she seems to be carrying on being bitter and refusing to show the forgiveness that Nicole gave her when she had a lot more reason not to and having everyone feel sorry for her.If the teapot is her property, as everyone seems to imply even though she bought it for the farm, why didn't she take it with her?Why exactly would she resent Sid giving it to his daughter, who she's supposed to care about? I'm sorry but it just comes across as petty and self-centred

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I have a theory as to why Tegan told Brax what Jake was up to, she wanted him out of the way and knew if she told him what was going down he'd tell the police via Charlie. That way she could get him out of her life without any danger (hopefully) to herself. Clever of him though to do it anonymously (didn't realise she didn't know it was from him) and it was Georgie who handed it to her. With the tasering it has kind of blown up in everyone's faces, it was Inspector Joyce's decision to put Heath in with Jake though whether he would have gone through with it we'll never know now. I guess Georgie just grabbed the taser by reflex and unfortunate Heath happened to be one if those people who do have a bad reaction to it. She did call out a warning. Can't answer as to why Cheryl wasn't called, but what's the betting she would have turned up anyway!! It does appear from what he said that Heath has never done time, but their dad has. I think you could be right Red about Georgie being at the arrest and as for night suddenly turning into day it's a soap thing, happens a lot I've found.

Ruby's promises don't mean much do they? :angry::rolleyes: As we saw she tells Casey who then has it out with Brax. Did I miss something, how did Leah guess it was Brax Charlie was seeing?

There is definitely something bothering Alf and you're right Red, Marilyn does seem to have done a u-turn on her feelings about the break up, though it can't be easy when they are living on the same town. Could be she just forgot to take the tea sset with her when she left.

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Well, we find out what happened to Cheryl.Guess they couldn't afford her last episode.I don't know, I am seriously worried about where this show I'm going and I hope I'm wrong.Ruby shouldn't have broken her promise to Charlie but I really can't bring myself to care that she did.She and Casey are the innocent parties in all this yet they seem to be the ones suffering because of the actions of their families.I really hated the way Charlie put pressure on Ruby and acted as though it would be her fault if the River Boys did anything to them, instead of Charlie's fault for giving her something to tell in the first place.And as a result, Ruby ends up manipulating Casey.Frankly, Charlie should be more worried about her own boyfriend than her daughter's.Brax is far more involved with the River Boys than Casey is.The way Casey's behaving at the moment though, firmly on side with his family and being ridiculously naive about the whole thing, I have a hard time seeing the relationship lasting.

And as for Brax...If, as is strongly implied, he was the one that ordered Liam beaten up, then he is surely so far over the line there's no chance of redemption.Once upon a time, I'd be safe in the knowledge he'd be brought to justice.Now I'm not and I think that's a big shame and a damning indictment of the show.When Charlie told him she still wanted to be with him, I felt like screaming at her, she needs to get right away from him and stop fooling herself he's one of the good guys. Despite his claim to Casey, I don't see much evidence that Brax is trying to get out of this life.Or rather, if he is, he's slowly easing his way out rather than drawing a line under it and turning his back on that world.And Charlie's fallen for his softly spoken act so badly, she's letting his mother off just to keep him happy.

I wish there was something else to say about this episode but the ordinary, decent people that should be the main characters in this show are few and far between.There were moments in that episode that I actually forgot Bianca has been raped recently, as she's been turned into just another character to be moved back and forth in this private game of chess between Charlie and Brax, who don't even seem to realise they're supposed to be on opposite sides as mostly innocent people like Ruby, Casey, April, Bianca and Liam suffer because of them.

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You could be right Red about Brax giving the order for Liam being beaten up, I thought maybe Michael had acted on his own, then remembered he did call round and speak to Brax beforehand. So far Brax has managed to keep Casey out of it as much as he could, but now Ruby has spilled the beans both of them of have been dragged into it. Ruby was subtle about getting Casey to keep quiet, but I did wonder whether he will be able to keep his promise.

Cheryl didn't do anybody any favours by going to the police station and jabbing Charlie, which does count as assault, and threatening Ruby wasn't clever either. Going by her past behaviour towards Heath made me wonder if it's just the loss of any income he brings in bothers her more.

Was Brax also behind Micheal threatening Bianca, if so it had just the opposite effect. If Heath does go to prison, does Michael think he will be top dog?

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