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I think the problem viewers might have is that Brax seems to have had someone we know and like beaten up:To Brax, Liam's a casual acquaintance at best.

I think it's partly that it's someone we know, but also that it is someone who's completely innocent. Ordering beatings of fellow gang members, beating up his brother who he thought had raped someone and even dealing with the aftermath of Angelo's beating was kind of explainable/understandable somehow - this just isn't.

So Charlie finally knows for sure that Brax is a drug dealer laundering money through the restaurant - thank goodness. I think Brax is the stupid one though. If he seriously thought that the revelation was not going to matter to Charlie and that 'I love ya' was going to make it ok - he's clearly on a different planet. It's such a shame that it's come to this especially now as there are clearly real feelings on both sides of the relationship. I don't think there is any way back for them now - especially from the looks of next week. I'm annoyed about what they've done to Brax - one of my favourite couples on the show and i have to feel bad about liking them :angry:

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I think the reason Casey broke up with Ruby was because he wants to keep her out of any trouble which he knows is coming.

Charlie may have had her doubts about how much Brax is/was involved with the RB's, but now it's been confirmed (OK alleged) money was being laundered through Angelos (which we knew ages ago) it does put a new perspective on it. It's certainly shattered any trust she had in him. She got one thing right though, he shouldn't have had to ask if it was Charlie, his girlfriend asking or Charlie the cop, it should have just been no!!! If he was innocent that is. Wonder which RB rolled over, certainly wouldn't want to be him!!! Joyce did jump the gun rather, he ought to have made further inquiries rather than just act on the word of a RB, now Brax has been alerted he can make sure any money going through the restaurant is squeaky clean.

Ruby of all people convinces Charlie to try again with Brax and we all saw what happens then!!!

Loved those scenes with Marilyn and Roo trying to be ultra friendly, don't think Alf really knows just what he has let himself in for there. :wink::lol: I'll miss Morag, come back soon please. Roo got it right, her and Sid haven't been out on an actual date, they met, got together, then she moved in. Even Marilyn and Sid managed dates, a few stay overs before she actually moved in.

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But then there's Charlie and Brax.I haven't been this thankful of the three episode rule since the dark days of late 2008/early 2009, when my enjoyment of an episode was inversely proportional to how much of Aden and Belle there was in it.And this is far worse.Go back just two or three years and a character like Brax would have been a visitor to the show, someone there to cause trouble and get his comeuppance.That scene at the end where he basically confesses his crimes to Charlie would have seen her slap the handcuffs on him and pack him off to jail.Instead, she doesn't even seem to notice.Brax has to be the biggest scumbag ever to have been made a main character.And Charlie really is just too stupid to live.On past experience, she'll be back in bed with him within a couple of weeks.

What Roo and Romeo feared has come true, there home has become a base of operations for the River Boys, like someone lost the set for the restaurant.

Yes yes yes! The voice of reason.

Yep! What you said!

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Well since the show returned, my interest has disappeared. I cannot believe how dumb Charlie is. I mean he basically told her he is a liar & a criminal & yet she is still letting him get away with it. Brax is worse. At least Heath doesn't pretend to be someone he isn't.

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So Charlie finally knows for sure that Brax is a drug dealer laundering money through the restaurant - thank goodness. I think Brax is the stupid one though. If he seriously thought that the revelation was not going to matter to Charlie and that 'I love ya' was going to make it ok - he's clearly on a different planet. It's such a shame that it's come to this especially now as there are clearly real feelings on both sides of the relationship. I don't think there is any way back for them now - especially from the looks of next week. I'm annoyed about what they've done to Brax - one of my favourite couples on the show and i have to feel bad about liking them :angry:

I think it will be interesting to see if there is a get out of jail card for Brax. I remember a while back when Hugo was in a similar situation with the people smuggling thing (torn between wanting to be a better person for Martha and his family or renewing the partnership with his wife Suzy), then when Charlie was onto him he hit her across the back off the head. And you can argue what Hugo did was far worse than Brax trafficking drugs, intimidating the odd person and having them bashed. You could argue there could have been (or perhaps should have been) no way back for Hugo. But guess what? He was given a second chance, redemption and he and Martha rode off into the sunset. Not necessarily saying that Charlie and Brax are going to ride off into the sunset but even though he is the main architect behind everything perhaps like Hugo he is a middleman for a higher pecking order.

People have mentioned how compromised Charlie is and I agree that she's been unbelievably stupid but even if she turned a blind eye, what she did to Grant was far worse than anything that has happened with Brax. Personally I don't think Brax should get away Scott free and I think it sets a very dangerous precedence too. But if Brax is a main character and the writers plan to keep him around they have to come up with something. The revelation will probably matter to Charlie but I still think she would forgive him given that Angelo killed someone whilst conducting an illegal investigation and she had no qualms about jumping back into bed with him despite being vehemently against him when he turned up from area command.

I said this before but assuming this comes out you would expect both of them to be finished. Brax has committed the cardinal sin so he's bound to face some revolt and perhaps a lot worse. You would expect Charlie to lose her job and face criminal charges so there is a possibility she will go to jail.

BTW - Could someone please remind me when Leah found out about Charlie and Brax? Thanks.

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It seemed to be glossed over in the space of about one line when Ruby found out and Leah was like "oh yeah I guessed that" even though I couldn't recall a single incident where Leah had been particularly suspicious. Evidently they couldn't think of a proper scenario for her to find out.

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BTW - Could someone please remind me when Leah found out about Charlie and Brax? Thanks.

My post from 13th of this month - Did I miss something, how did Leah guess it was Brax Charlie was seeing?

OK, I know Leah guessed and yes perhaps I should have phrased that better but I recall seeing a scene with Leah in the Diner a while back. Can't remember if she suspected Charlie and Brax were seeing each other or whether she knew. Perhaps I got it wrong, anyone?

I actually really enjoyed the scenes with Marilyn and Roo and quite liked them subtlety making digs about each other. Marilyn isn't half as annoying as the first time she was living with Miles and Alf. I found Miles's reaction funny when Marilyn was going out of her way to be nice to Roo and the conversation that ensued with Alf. I knew when Alf ask Miles if he preferred if they were arguing he would say yes. I did think when Marilyn stopped the reading without revealing Roo's future it was because there were good things for Sid and Roo and she didn't want to have to be the one to tell her. I'm going to give Marilyn the benefit of the doubt and say she believed she was being truthful and genuinely concerned for Roo about her and Sid having serious problems.

I have to admit when Charlie was getting teary about Brax I was rolling my eyes and shaking my head. I was in full agreement with Leah in that it was a good thing them breaking up and didn't want Ruby trying to talk Charlie into following her heart. I'm actually glad Charlie caught Brax and Tegan so hopefully she will see sense and disassociate herself from Brax but we all know how blind and deluded Charlie can get over a bloke. Strictly speaking did Brax actually cheat on her? Aren't they on a break? For the first time I thought Heath was the more compassionate one risking his neck to help Tegan and her kid whilst Brax was the callous one in comparison. That look in his eyes when he confronted Tegan, there was just something about that made me think despite the fact that for the most part his is extremely calm and controlled you just wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of him. I was really annoyed Heath and Tegan involved Casey and his housemates by stashing the drugs then Brax wouldn't let Casey get rid of them afterwards.

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I think it will be interesting to see if there is a get out of jail card for Brax. I remember a while back when Hugo was in a similar situation with the people smuggling thing (torn between wanting to be a better person for Martha and his family or renewing the partnership with his wife Suzy), then when Charlie was onto him he hit her across the back off the head. And you can argue what Hugo did was far worse than Brax trafficking drugs, intimidating the odd person and having them bashed. You could argue there could have been (or perhaps should have been) no way back for Hugo. But guess what? He was given a second chance, redemption and he and Martha rode off into the sunset. Not necessarily saying that Charlie and Brax are going to ride off into the sunset but even though he is the main architect behind everything perhaps like Hugo he is a middleman for a higher pecking order.

People have mentioned how compromised Charlie is and I agree that she's been unbelievably stupid but even if she turned a blind eye, what she did to Grant was far worse than anything that has happened with Brax. Personally I don't think Brax should get away Scott free and I think it sets a very dangerous precedence too. But if Brax is a main character and the writers plan to keep him around they have to come up with something.

Totally agree with everything you said. Hugo's crimes were far worse than Brax's, yet he got a happy ending - and let's not forget this is the show that successfully redeemed a rapist (Kane). Does anyone actually know whether Brax is a permanent character? That would pretty much tell us whether he's heading for jail or not! I agree he needs to be given some sort of punishment (as was Hugo when he had to go into witness protection, and Kane when he went to prison for a crime he didn't actually commit) but I don't think that necessarily means he has to leave the show. I think he will probably have to spend some time in jail, but I can see him maybe doing something heroic and being given a pardon, or giving the police information to reduce his sentence.

I think I must be one of the few on here that loves Charlie and Brax together. :blush: It does annoy me how stupid she's been (did I miss something today when she and Ruby were trying to remember what Brax has actually done wrong? Er, hello, he just told you he's a drug trafficker!!), but ultimately I'm just a sucker for a forbidden love story. I think they have fantastic chemistry and can bring out the best in each other, so I hope there's a happy ending for them at some stage.

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