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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if there's no real punishment for Brax and they expect the viewers to just forget about what he is and think it's all right for Charlie to be sleeping with him.It's what they seem to have been doing for the last few months.The precedent was already set with Hugo, although despite getting the girl, escaping justice and being rewarded for his crimes, he did at least have to go on the run rather than being allowed to stick around.In my opinion, Brax is just as bad as him and the comparison with Angelo is flimsy at best;whatever Angelo did, he was basically a decent guy who did a few illegal things whilst with Brax it's a way of life and I doubt he'll ever change.Leah was spot on when she pointed out Charlie's been letting a dangerous criminal into their house for months.And I think there's been a lot of evidence of Heath being the more compassionate of the brothers, he was the one who had a problem with Brax setting Brodie up to take the rap for them after all.It's not quite "One has all the goodness and the other all the appearance of it" but it comes close.It's disappointing that Ruby's suddenly in favour of Charlie and Brax, although I suspect there's a bit of transference in her case and she thinks if they work out then she and Casey will.Difference is, while Casey's a decent if slightly aggressive kid who just happens to be related to the Kray twins, Brax is a ruthless drug trafficker who's going to bring Charlie nothing but grief if she stays with him.Even more bewildering that Casey, who broke up with Ruby because he was scared what would happen if it all came out, is suddenly sympathetic towards him.It does seem like he's beginning to be disillusioned about Brax though, as he finds he can't solve all his problems.Loving Tegan, who takes as much delight in seeing Charlie and Brax messed up as I do:I love the ending where Charlie gets a well-deserved metaphorical slap in the face and Brax messes up worming his way back into her affections.As Charlie said near the start, how exactly did he expect this to end? Did he really think he could play both sides of the law indefinitely?Odd how we're supposed to see Brax sleeping with his on-off girlfriend when he and Charlie are apart as evidence he's a cad though, as though that's somehow worse that cultivating drugs and putting people in hospital.

Did actually enjoy the Marilyn/Roo stuff and their overly polite behaviour.I didn't actually mind Marilyn in that episode and I'm inclined to believe she broke off the reading because she didn't want to appear vindictive.I do wonder if she was putting her own interpretation on it though:What she said to Roo seemed a bit more slanted towards relationship troubles than what she told Elijah.

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Though as you say Slade Brax and Charlie had broken up, even if he had tried to keep their relationship going, to her it must have appeared he didn't waste anytime in getting together with someone else and his ex at that!!! Tegan seemed to take delight in the fact she had caught them. Like to see if he can talk his way out of that. As for what Leah said about them, she said something last night about him coming round to the house and she had not exactly caught them but seen him there and put two and two together. She does have VJ to think about.

How dumb was Heath stashing those drugs at Roo's, (I did wonder at first where they were, not having seen the front of the place for ages, not since Tony lived there at least). That is another difference between the older brothers Brax would have thought of somewhere else rather than risk get Casey involved and by extension Indi and Romeo. That's not to mention risking getting Jake on their case.

The Marilyn and Roo scenes were great, she certainly got a few things right about Roo's history, particularly Laura going off with Roo's money. :wink: I think she was telling the truth when she told Elijah is she had told Roo what she had seen (the rocky patch ahead for them) it would have sounded like sour grapes. I have a feeling it could mean something altogether different

(something related to a cruise they take).

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I think the problem with how Brax is viewed is the fact that they have toned down his actions to suit the fact that H&A is a family tea time show.

I always view him more on the fact that he is a leader of this gang and assume that there is a lot of menace and wrong doing implied rather than show. I know that in the last number of years a lot of the beech resorts around Sydney have been over run with these gangs and the race riots at the diner was based on the real life riots at Cronulla (sp?) s a few years ago. These riots were blamed on a local gang who had terrorised the area.

I look at the river boys in the same light as a gang like this.

The fact that Brax quite easily permitted the beating of Liam shows a very casual violence.

Perhaps he gets some credit for trying to keep Casey out of all this but to me it emphasises the fact that they are not a gang of lovable rogues but serious villans because otherwise he wouldn't worry so much about Casey's involvement.

I have stated on the River Boys thread in the spoiler section that it is ridiculous that Charlie and Bianca would even talk to these guys never mind sleep with them.

And my last point on this - we have to imagine they are in the same league as Johnny and Rocco a few years ago - Not so lovable when you think of them like that are they?

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Well, I think Romeo would have been better off sticking to his guns rather than going along with Alf's plan.Despite Alf's insistence it was tried and tested, sticking Indi and Roo on a boat together was a recipe for disaster.While Indi's not as hostile as she was at the start, it does seem like she's taken a bit of a step backward, she seemed to be softening towards Roo last week.I don't blame Sid for being annoyed that Romeo turned his romantic getaway into some sort of amateur intervention, although it's a shame he gets all the blame when it was Alf's idea.I do think Indi spilling the champagne over Roo was an accident though.

Like Brax said, Charlie doesn't really have the right to break up with him and then tell him he can't see anyone else.Mind you, by the same token, he can't sleep with someone else a day later and expect her to just take him back.Kind of ironic that immediately after she gets away from Brax, Charlie manages to do her job and catch Heath red-handed.Not much security in leaving him in the reception area of the station with only one officer watching him after the fuss he caused last time he was there, although I guess they had only just arrived.I guess Casey phoned Brax straightaway which would explain why he turned up so quickly.So, is that the end of Heath?His farewell to Brax seemed pretty final but then so did his farewell to Casey last week.Not that he doesn't deserve it but it's a shame he goes down while the guy that's really behind it all is still sitting pretty.Shame Brax has ended his association with Tegan, she was a better match for him than Charlie.

As for how bad Brax really is...I don't think they've toned down his behaviour because of the time slot but because they don't want to make him too unsympathetic.After all, Johnny Cooper got up to a lot worse in the same time slot.He is the leader of a criminal gang but I don't think that means he's regularly out doing robberies or beating people up in the street.He seems to disagree with indiscriminate violence and do his best to keep the other River Boys on a leash:"disciplining" Brodie for giving Colleen a scare, breaking up the mini-riot after the surf carnival, seemingly disapproving of two of the Boys dumping Dexter in the bush for a laugh.On the other hand, he obviously has no qualms against using violence to achieve his ends, seemingly having Liam beaten to try and stop him testifying against Heath.(Conversely, he was willing to pay Angelo off rather than having him beaten or killed and use emotional blackmail to get Miles to drop the charges, as well as trying to blackmail Charlie into dropping the case over Casey breaking into that guy's place.)I doubt he's ever killed anyone, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't do it without hesitation as a last resort. Further to the comparison with Hugo, I suspect people are more inclined to think his actions were worse because people died, if not as a direct result of his actions then certainly the operation he was a part of, and he was a party to others' suffering.But how many people have died or suffered because of the drugs Brax has been selling?The victims are there, even if we don't see them.

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Oh Brian, you crack me up! I didn't realise you could only be a nurse if you were under a certain height :P Like an inverse to the rule about police officers.

I advise you not to watch Neighbours for a while, you might not like what Nurse Drew gets up to in future...!

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It's funny isn't it how although quite correctly Brax's illegal activities, (drug trafficking, intimidation, assaulting people/having people assaulted etc) are quite correctly put in the spotlight and he's shown to be the selfish, manipulative person that he is, excuses seem to be made for Hugo. It's OK he left the show for a bit so that makes everything alright. So trafficking drugs, having people beaten up etc is the same as being directly responsible for the deaths of over a dozen people. What about those conditions those people were kept in? Their death's couldn't have been quick. I'm sure Hugo thinks about this every time he and Martha spend the money he pocketed from their suffering. Those people that Brax had beaten up and Brodie for the matter will always have another chance. The boat people will NEVER have another chance. What evidence is there that Brax's activities have resulted in anybody dying? This makes me wonder whether this is about what Brax has done or more a case of disliking Brax and Charlie as a couple. This is supported by the fact that it's perfectly OK for Tegan to stuff any Charlie/Brax reconciliation by sleeping with him, exposing it to Charlie and taking great pleasure. I wonder if for arguments sake whether Xavier had been in Charlie's position and that had been April and Dexter in the hotel room whether that would have been OK.

The comparison with Angelo is subjective. I used that because of posts I'd read at the time when he killed Jack. I think he was/is a decent guy but noted quite a few people in various threads who thought otherwise. And there was the attitude of some of his colleagues (e.g. Watson) who viewed him with contempt. In some respects some people would actually see what Angelo did as being worse than Brax because he was a police officer, one of the good guys whereas Brax is/always has been a criminal. Ironically at first Charlie was one of those people who viewed Angelo with disdain but if this comes out she will probably be in a similar situation.

For a split second yesterday when Brax came into the police station to speak to Heath before he was carted off, I thought he was going to blackmail Charlie but then realised he's too selfish to take the rap for someone else. I do wonder though if Casey got caught with drugs what Brax would do considering that he's tried so hard to keep him out of that life. When Charlie was confiding in Ruby it reeked of desperation. And to reinforce the point I made about Ruby basically telling Charlie to follow her heart (instead of her brain) she was consoling her almost to suggest that whilst Brax shouldn't of cheated on her she'd done nothing wrong for falling for him. And this is the problem with Charlie whenever she's infatuated with someone this very often renders her completely incapable of using any degree of common sense or logic.

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Marilyn & Elijiah..I have no idea if it is a good thing that they seem to be partnered up..I don't dislike either of them but pairing them up might not be a good choice either. I think that maybe the writers are struggling to find either of them storylines so they decide to put them together..

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I think I must be one of the few on here that loves Charlie and Brax together. :blush:

I think I'm the other one claire_louise!

Really good points being made about Hugo - he was way worse than Brax :lol: People trafficking would definitely be crossing Brax's 'moral line' and Hugo also enjoyed the benefits of a loving/supportive mother and a comfortable upbringing which Brax didn't. Even though Hugo was kind of forgiven by the show and given his happy ending, I never did feel the same about him once the truth was out - but I'm hoping there is a better redemption for Brax.

I was so confused by Heath running off with the drugs yesterday, that was so random after he acted so calmly and rationally the previous day to help Tegan hide them. Stupid pills indeed Miranda!

Couldn't believe how irritating Indi was being - certainly not acting like a grown-up married woman. Just off to watch today's episode now....

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