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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Gosh, Romeo being angry and putting his foot down with his wife :lol: How funny to think those two are married, it still seems so unlikely. I reckon cos Luke is 25 in real life, the writers decided to make him married to fit in with his age. And Indi is already wondering what she's done getting married and being with one person for the rest of her life. What's that saying? Marry in haste....

Marilyn giving Elijah some 'guidance' :lol: And in the Diner, hardly a good venue.

I noticed also that the wardrobe department has decided that Sid's colour is blue, he wears it all the time.

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I don't recall ever saying that what Hugo did was all right or making excuses for him.I'm just saying that Brax is just as bad as him.They're both basically criminals who have good in them and were portrayed in far too positive a light by the show at times.That said, Hugo was not directly responsible for any deaths, he never even met any of the people that died, it was a result of Derrick's poor navigation, it's just guilt by association.I can't prove people have died because of Brax's actions but we've seen recently with Liam how much suffering is inflicted on individuals because of selfish people like Brax and Heath who are only interested in the profit they make handing out drugs like sweets.Do we think Brax's conscience is pricked as he lives off the money he's made from them any more than Hugo's?You could argue people like Liam had a choice to get involved in drug culture but then people had a choice to get involved in people trafficking as well. And, at the risk of making excuses, as I said on another thread at the time the exact nature of Hugo and the others' crimes was never really gone into and it's possible, if by no means certain, that in the long run some of their "customers" actually benefited and were allowed to live a better life in a richer country.I doubt if anyone's better off because of Brax's actions, except fellow criminals.And maybe his family.And no, I don't have any problem with Tegan showing Charlie what Brax is like.She didn't force Brax to sleep with her.Maybe there's a comparison to be made with Dexter and maybe it is all subjective, I guess as ever it depends on how much you like the character/relationship.I think I've said all I have to say on Angelo, I can't really see any logic in the argument that a respected member of the community commiting a crime(which he actually confessed to, albeit a few weeks later)is somehow worse than a lowlife committing crimes on a regular basis and in my opinion he's nothing like in Brax's league and nowhere near as unsuitable a partner for Charlie.

Anyway...Today's episode.As I mentioned before, Indi actually seemed to be a few shades less irritating than she has been recently so I actually thought Sid and Romeo were overreacting a bit.At least Alf held his hands up to his dumb idea and apologised to Romeo and Roo.Wasn't too happy about Roo's "I don't want to get involved" when, as Sid said, she was already involved.Subjective again, but I did find it annoying Indi was obsessing about Roo getting together with Sid soon after he'd broken up with Marilyn when she's apparently forgotten about Dexter fooling around with someone else's girlfriend.Wasn't too happy about Sid pressuring Romeo into talking to Indi, especially when it was obviously going to go badly and just get Indi's back up.Liked Roo's "It's for you!" when Indi turned up at the house and it's understandable Indi would be panicking as reality hits and she realises just what she's got herself into.Hope we see more of it.I did actually forget Romeo and Indi are supposed to be the same age for a moment, he looked a lot older than her towards the end.He still comes across as far too immature to be married though.

I'm not sure if they're actually going to get Marilyn and Elijah together or not, at the moment it feels like a bit of a comedy storyline with Marilyn getting the wrong end of the stick.Nice use of Biblical mythology there, I did think "Oh yeah, that was Elijah, wasn't it?" just before Marilyn spelled it out.

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Oh Brian, you crack me up! I didn't realise you could only be a nurse if you were under a certain height :P Like an inverse to the rule about police officers.

I advise you not to watch Neighbours for a while, you might not like what Nurse Drew gets up to in future...!

Exactly, I can see how you can be too small, might have problems lifting patients, but too tall!!!

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Been away for a while watching the other side :ph34r:

Hmm, Elijah and Marilyn, what a combination that would be. TBH I'm surprised at Elijah's tolerance of her tarot cards being as he is a man of the cloth. But then he doesn't appear to take the church very seriously in any other matters so maybe I shouldn't be that surprised!

Can't help feeling Sid and Roo are not very well matched, she seems wary of any commitment and he has a roving eye not a great combo. Anyway, I wish someone would dress her in something other than a big sheet. I hope she stays as a regular cast member.

As has been pointed out Brax is as much a crim as Hugo. Ok, Brax is trying to leave it behind and go straight but as a gang member he's probably been involved in burglary, supplying drugs, running doors etc. I think Charley will lose her job when it all comes out, being a cop she must know he's involved she's just blanking it out by wanting what she knows she ultimately can't have. Should have stuck with Angelo.

I think if Romeo's 25 it's still young to be married, and Indy is way too young emotionally to be married so it won't last... I'm just waiting for the pregnancy storyline now, we're about due for one.

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In both of Brax's and Hugo's cases there will likely be the argument, if 'they' weren't doing someone else would be. Hugo may not have known the conditions the people being smuggled were in, but it was hardly likely to be a luxury cruise was it? It's not as if it had been going before he got involved so must have some idea of how they were treated. We may not see on screen how drugs affect the people Brax and Heath sell them to, but we have seen what it has done to Liam, Bianca and April. How about the people who weren't strong enough to break the habit and get into rehab (or be able to afford to).

As for Angelo, he didn't know who he was firing at at the time (how come no-one's mentioned Jack was doing what Jack did best, poking around on his own again)!!! I think the difference between Johnny Cooper and Brax is Johnny Cooper didn't give a damn about anyone including his brother.

Given how clever Brax thinks he is, he certainly didn't appear to be when he dumped Tegan like that, BIG mistake mate! :o Don't tell me he hasn't heard the quote 'Hell hath no fury'. :rolleyes: Heath snatching those drugs did seem to come out of nowhere, I got the sense that when he saw Casey up ahead of him he decided to get 'caught', so obviously it's not just Brax who wants to protect him. Charlie may have seen him, but so, he was walking along the beach. It certainly does look like there is nothing Brax can do to get him out of it this time. It's certainly got Casey thinking about his big brother in a whole new light.

Indi, Roo, Sid and Romeo mmm. Alf may have thought he was trying to help out, maybe if it hadn't been on the Braxland yes, but all of them is such a small place where there was no place to escape to no. Romeo should have backed off when Indi was so adamant she didn't want to do it, he did kind of bully her into it (and make her feel guilty) by saying it would harm his business (and their future) if she didn't. She appeared to be doing well at first, Sid didn't help by having a snipe at her. Do agree Red, the champagne was an accident.

I liked the talk Dex had with her, he was really trying to help. Her apology to Roo didn't start off well - 'Romeo told me to come and apologise to you'. That was certainly a quick switch in her feelings, I had the horrible feeling she was going to say she didn't love Romeo anymore. I also started to wonder if it was Roo herself she had a problem with or if it had been any woman? Roo was dishing out good advice (without coming across too interfering) when it struck me, didn't she treat Alsa exactly the same way??? Alf was hardly a lothario like Sid has been in the past, and at least he is down to one woman at a time now.

Sid's ex turns up next week, that will ruffle a few feathers.

It was good Indi and Romeo had that talk at the end and to know he is feeling the same.

Loved Marilyn and her card readings, poor Elijah looked panic stricken!!! I just knew when Marilyn finally 'worked out' where her future lay - with Elijah, that Miles was going to choke on his beer. :lol: :lol:

So Kelly wants to invite Dean to stay, doesn't he have a farm to run and which he was so keen to return to?

The farm which btw has horses which ketamin is used on.

Completely understand Xav's reluctance to have him stay at Gina's, after the way he saw him treat Kelly.

Strangely enough his return also coincides with Bianca coming face-to-face with her attacker, coincidence, I don't think so.

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Been away for a while watching the other side :ph34r:

I think if Romeo's 25 it's still young to be married, and Indy is way too young emotionally to be married so it won't last... I'm just waiting for the pregnancy storyline now, we're about due for one.

The other side???

To clarify before anyone corrects me, I didn't mean Romeo was 25, isn't he meant to be 19? I meant Luke Mitchell is 25, and looks 25, so maybe they thought a more grown up storyline would fit in with him better.

I'm really not sure about Irene's hair, doesn't look flattering. And could anyone see any difference between Kelly's before and after hair cuts? Looked the same to me.

I loved Miles and Leah's devious plots about Elijah and Marilyn- 'everything he says or does in future she will think is a sign' :lol: I think if Elijah and Marilyn get together, they will be such a funny couple, a force to be reckoned with....

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I'm not sure whether we're meant to take this Marilyn/Elijah thing seriously or not.There are times when it feels like a comedy plotline but there are other times when I'm left wondering if it's just Miles playing it for comedy;that scene of Marilyn picking out the card again almost felt like we were meant to take it seriously.Anyway, I did like that scene of Miles telling Elijah, especially when he gives him both beers.

It's hardly surprising that Gina rejected Liam's suggestion, she didn't really have any other choice and he should have known that.Whilst it's a shame it took a back burner for so long, it's understandable and in character that Bianca would try and soldier on as if nothing had happened while slowly breaking inside.Nice to see Irene getting a bit more to do lately.Has she done something to her hair?It seemed a lot darker and messier in that episode.

Surprised to hear you say you couldn't tell the difference in Kelly's hair, Miranda.I know absolutely nothing about the subject but my reaction was much the same as Xavier's, going from "What's wrong with the hair you've got?" to "Oh, that's actually pretty good."It seemed to be more layered and maybe even a few highlights.(Her dress sense seemed a bit more sophisticated too.)Surprised at how inept the usually confident April was during the pool game and now combing it for subtext. Although John and Gina dismissed it as jealousy, I think Xavier's spot on about Dean, especially given he must be prime suspect for Bianca's rape.(If it's not Heath, it's got to be him, a regular or an extra.Plus (not exactly a spoiler but I'll put it in tags anyway)

did you see the end credits of that episode

?)I'm actually surprised Kelly seems that excited about it.It's cute how smitten with Xav she seems.

Re:Heath and his stupid pills(in more ways than one).While it was a dumb move and a bit abrupt, it did seem like he realised he had no chance in court with facing drug dealing charges so he decided to make a run for it.Ironically, if he hadn't had the drugs with him he might have got away with it. Didn't think he saw Casey was following him until after he was caught.

Hadn't thought about Roo's attitude towards Ailsa, that's a good point.

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What has Irene done to her hair, looks awful!!! The only difference I saw in Kelly's hair that it had a side parting and a slight wave to it.

I would watch the end credits but here in London, they squish them up so you can't read them. :angry: Plus they are really small so not easy to read.

Maybe if Xavier had told John how Dean treated Kelly instead of just saying he didn't like him it may have had more impact.

Gina was absolutely right to say no to Liam's suggestion, they would still be her pupils so would still be responsible for them. even if it was after school. Would he be able to do private lessons given he had been on drugs but was now clean? If not children than adults.

I know there has been some comments about Bianca's rape being forgotten, but it looks like it hasn't, just been bubbling away under the surface. She hasn't wanted to discuss it and no-one can force her to until she is ready, but the mind is a strange thing and now she is having these dreams it is perhaps now time for her to talk about it. As we saw whoever it was had a white shirt, not something a RB would wear methinks, can't remember what


was wearing, we didn't see a lot of him. As an aside we actually saw one of the lesser spotted bedrooms.

Leah was right in saying Elijah ought to be told what Marilyn had decided. He was very gentle in letting her down, neither of them are ready for another relationship. She looked like she was convinced he was right then when she turned up the empress and chariot cards again, seemed to have had second thoughts. Elijah may be a man of the cloth, but seems more open minded about it, refreshing he is not as closed minded as others may be, Colleen included.

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Oh Brian, you crack me up! I didn't realise you could only be a nurse if you were under a certain height :P Like an inverse to the rule about police officers.

I advise you not to watch Neighbours for a while, you might not like what Nurse Drew gets up to in future...!

Oh dear. can't do that until Lent comes! Do tell what "Drew" gets up to - I can hardly wait!!!!!

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