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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I think if Romeo's 25 it's still young to be married, and Indy is way too young emotionally to be married so it won't last... I'm just waiting for the pregnancy storyline now, we're about due for one.

Romeo isn't meant to be 25 - the actor is 25 in real life, but in the show I think he's about 19. Obviously he and Indi are extremely young to be married, but that's nothing unusual for H&A - as the show is predominantly based on young characters there's always been a tendency to give them 'adult' storylines once they're around school-leaving age. Loads of couples on the show have married at a similar age and a lot of the relationships have lasted (although the characters have a habit of dying young anyway!). That said, I'm not sure Romeo and Indi are built to last. It's not their age that worries me but the way they rushed into marriage. I think they'll split at some point and then if Luke and Samara eventually want to leave the show at the same time they'll probably reunite and head off into the sunset together.

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Alf's episode count this week:Three.(He was also in the recap on Thursday but not in the actual episode.)Roo was in four.

Loving this protective side to Xavier.Could this be a case of Xavier being right and John being wrong about who the dodgy one is?Starting to look that way.Not sure about Dean's plan, I can sympathise about him needing to keep the farm going but is there any reason why he can't mortgage the part of the farm he does own or maybe get a joint loan with Kelly?Guess it makes sense for Dean to remember April, she and Dexter were probably the people he had most to do with on his last visit, even more so than Xavier.Wasn't sure about Xavier talking to Dean, thought it might backfire, but he did manage to get him to be less aggressive towards Kelly, even if he still talked her into doing something she didn't want to do.

I agree with H&Alover, it is in character for Bianca to push the rape to the back of her mind and try and get on with her life only for it to catch up with her.Although I do think it's a shame it was pushed to the back burner for so long.Not sure if Liam's attempts to help out helped or not, she seemed a bit up and down.And yes, nice to get a rare look at the upstairs bedroom, I think we've seen more of it since Bianca's been in there than in the previous ten years.

On the subject of end credits:They tend to squeeze them down in the evening here but show them full screen at lunchtime(although both of them vary a bit).Or you could just watch them online. Anyway, not really a spoiler but

Dean was credited on Thursday, so either it was a mistake or that was him in Bianca's dreams


On the Neighbours discussion that seems to have ended up in here, it does occur to me that Bob Morley is only the second HA regular to get cast in Neighbours, after Roger Oakley a few years ago. Quite a few HA guests end up there and quite a few Neighbours regulars/guests have gone the other way but that's pretty rare.

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Neighbours, whilst H&A had a rest :unsure:

The other side???

Ah, I see. You can be our Neighbours spy for the time being.

I hope you got the fact that Romeo is meant to be 19 not 25, now you've been told by me AND Clare Louise :lol:

Brian Nurse Drew, as he will probably be called now forever by me

is Aiden Foster, a love interest for Chris Pappas, apparently they will be the first gay male couple in the show ever. I don't know for sure as I don't watch it but that's what I've heard.

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Can't imagine where I got the figure of 25 from, anyway as far as I'm concerned at 19 they're way too young to be married neither have even lived with anyone before, they just kids.

Thought Bianca looked gorgeous in the last episode, I wonder if she ever got that school work done. And what about Chuck having to checkout all those male tatooes on the beach, life can sure be tough for a femail cop in Summer Bay lol.

Actually the Neighbours storyline hasn't been too bad over the summer but it doesn't feature the beach so it's no competition!

Neighbours, whilst H&A had a rest :unsure:

The other side???

Ah, I see. You can be our Neighbours spy for the time being.

I hope you got the fact that Romeo is meant to be 19 not 25, now you've been told by me AND Clare Louise :lol:

Brian Nurse Drew, as he will probably be called now forever by me

is Aiden Foster, a love interest for Chris Pappas, apparently they will be the first gay male couple in the show ever. I don't know for sure as I don't watch it but that's what I've heard.

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Neighbours, whilst H&A had a rest :unsure:

The other side???

Ah, I see. You can be our Neighbours spy for the time being.

I hope you got the fact that Romeo is meant to be 19 not 25, now you've been told by me AND Clare Louise :lol:

Brian Nurse Drew, as he will probably be called now forever by me

is Aiden Foster, a love interest for Chris Pappas, apparently they will be the first gay male couple in the show ever. I don't know for sure as I don't watch it but that's what I've heard.

What have you done, Catherine/Miranda? I did "quote, reply" to find out why you blanked out the interesting bit and here it is, unblanked, with all the gory details!!!!!!!!! How does that happen?????? I know Neighbours had a lesbian couple (well, not really, 2 girls kissed), but this must be a first for the lads, as you say. How will "nurse Drew" cope, after all his sexy scenes with Belle and Amanda? Do you want me to give you a running commentary, if you don't watch it? Has Home & Away ever had a gay couple, anyone?

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Neighbours, whilst H&A had a rest :unsure:

The other side???

Ah, I see. You can be our Neighbours spy for the time being.

I hope you got the fact that Romeo is meant to be 19 not 25, now you've been told by me AND Clare Louise :lol:

Brian Nurse Drew, as he will probably be called now forever by me

is Aiden Foster, a love interest for Chris Pappas, apparently they will be the first gay male couple in the show ever. I don't know for sure as I don't watch it but that's what I've heard.

What have you done, Catherine/Miranda? I did "quote, reply" to find out why you blanked out the interesting bit and here it is, unblanked, with all the gory details!!!!!!!!! How does that happen?????? I know Neighbours had a lesbian couple (well, not really, 2 girls kissed), but this must be a first for the lads, as you say. How will "nurse Drew" cope, after all his sexy scenes with Belle and Amanda? Do you want me to give you a running commentary, if you don't watch it? Has Home & Away ever had a gay couple, anyone?

No, which is completely ridiculous given the number of rather homoerotic male "friendships" this show has had. Lance and Martin, Nick and Seb, Robbie and Kim, even Xavier and Romeo could have easily been made gay without many adjustments to what was shown on TV. There was a plan to make Seb gay with Sally's brother Chris and Mitch Firth (Seb) didn't have a problem with it, but the producers / censorship team nixed it.

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Well we know why it was pushed to the back burner Bianca didn't want to pursue it, but thanks to Irene (or not depending how you want to look at it) she is now willing for Charlie to carry on. Must admit a tattoo is rather vague, but now she has remembered exactly what kind and where it is is going to be a great help. Whoever it was Bianca saw on the beach with that tattoo was definitely young, (

and next week she comes face to face with him) maybe she is introduced to him by Xav or Kelly. The bulls head tattoo would fit in with him having a cattle ranch.

Rather cleverly the TV mags I have read haven't mentioned any names, just that Bianca comes face to face with her attacker and Liam hunts him down. I think we can agree Dean is a nasty piece of work regarding women, bet he played the guilt card to get Kelly to change her mind. I think Red he said he could only get a mortgage on all the land and only if it was in his name, not sure if he is being economical with the truth there. He was rather scathing about Kelly's new hairstyle, he seems the type to keep the women in his life under his thumb. He can certainly be charming when he wants to be, Gina and John have been taken in by him. Agree well done Xav for standing up for Kelly.

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Er, didn't Bianca come face to face with her attacker on Friday when she saw him showering near the beach? It was a guy with a bull head tattoo...now who would have a bulls head tattoo...someone who....well, no points for guessing who it is.

Why can't Kelly and her brother get a joint mortgage on the farm?

You got to remember Xavier isn't the sharpest tool in the box, probably why April dumped him, Kelly is definately more his league compared to his other girlfriends -hope they go out for a while longer :wub:

Well we know why it was pushed to the back burner Bianca didn't want to pursue it, but thanks to Irene (or not depending how you want to look at it) she is now willing for Charlie to carry on. Must admit a tattoo is rather vague, but now she has remembered exactly what kind and where it is is going to be a great help. Whoever it was Bianca saw on the beach with that tattoo was definitely young, (

and next week she comes face to face with him) maybe she is introduced to him by Xav or Kelly. The bulls head tattoo would fit in with him having a cattle ranch.

Rather cleverly the TV mags I have read haven't mentioned any names, just that Bianca comes face to face with her attacker and Liam hunts him down. I think we can agree Dean is a nasty piece of work regarding women, bet he played the guilt card to get Kelly to change her mind. I think Red he said he could only get a mortgage on all the land and only if it was in his name, not sure if he is being economical with the truth there. He was rather scathing about Kelly's new hairstyle, he seems the type to keep the women in his life under his thumb. He can certainly be charming when he wants to be, Gina and John have been taken in by him. Agree well done Xav for standing up for Kelly.

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Can't imagine where I got the figure of 25 from, anyway as far as I'm concerned at 19 they're way too young to be married neither have even lived with anyone before, they just kids.

[quote name='Psychic Wombat' post='1233513'


Disagree. I married my wife when she was 19 and we're still together. Noone has to have lived with anyone before they are married to know what they are doing. Too many "living togethers" break up with much sorrow.

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Right, to clarify. Pay attention everyone!

Luke Mitchell (who plays Romeo) is in real life 25 (probably 26 by now after all our discussions).

Romeo Smith, the character, is 18 or 19 in the show.

I am always making fun of the fact that Luke, who is obviously a grown up man, plays a teenage character. That's how we got in this muddle, it was all my joking about.

Brian, I don't mind what you do about Nurse Drew's actions,

but I would be interested to see how Neighbours handles a gay relationship. They have already implied it won't be too obvious that they are a couple


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