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Liam is being an awesome boyfriend at the moment, he's being so supportive and even tracked down the rapist. It's really nice to see, although it's a shame Bianca is too traumatised to realise - I hope she decides to have counselling.

I like Kelly and Xavier so much more than April and Xavier. They're such a great team and I agree that kelly really has been a great influence on Xavier.

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Wonder if Liam will get charged with assault? I don't think I'd use that helmet again with washing the blood off it.

I wish Marilyn would get a new sell by date, now she has no storyline she grates, she really grates. I often forget who's house they're living in and think it's a backpackers!

Unfortunately I think Kelly will go back to the farm unless her mother can hire help which seems unlikely given their financial circumstances.

@Miranda + Slade. I think H&A are putting their own spoilers in at the end of the episode these days, ok, give us a taster scene of the next episode but not multiple scenes please! I watch the next episode thinking haven't I seen this bit before? ahhh it was in the preview!

Don't worry about it Miranda. I don't normally read spoilers as often like the element of surprise in soaps. TBH I'm probably not as bothered about being spoiled with Neighbours as I am Home and Away.

As I mentioned before it wasn't obvious to me that Dean was the one who raped Bianca but now it's been revealed I can see how other people thought it was trivial. I didn't really like Liam's attitude towards Kelly but given that his girlfriend had been assaulted and he'd just seen her run over I could understand why he was like that. Again putting my objectivity cap on, April's reaction to Kelly on the beach was understandable but I actually thought she was worse than Liam and she really annoyed me. But I have been finding April annoying as of late generally anyway. I'm glad Kelly came good (assuming that she's going to make a statement against Dean) and I really liked the way Xavier, Gina and John were there for her. I'm hoping Kelly will not want to go back to the farm to help her mum and she'll stick around.

I actually quite liked the scenes with Marilyn and Roo. I liked the way Alf set them up as some attempt to get them to bond, although I didn't like the idea of them wasting food (even though it's not real). I also liked the way Alf quickly left to go with Romeo to avoid having to be stuck in the middle again.

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I have a feeling Kelly will feel she has to go back to the farm, even if just to let her mum know what has happened with Dean, before their local plod turn up. I think it was when John mentioned the ketamin that she realised Dean was in fact guilty, understandable she wouldn't want to believe it, even if he had had previous, but did have the sense to finally admit his failings. I did keep shouting at the TV for John to to contact the police, even if was for them just to 'eliminate him from their enquiries' and Gina wasn't being that helpful. But well done Gina, John and Xav for sticking by Kelly. If I was a psychologist I would have Dean done down as a problem just by his car alone, talk about overtly macho and yet he seems to have problems with the opposite sex, wonder what his relationship with his dad was?

Good job Liam stopped short of beating Dean to a pulp and he did manage to fight back so I doubt any assault charge would stick. I'm glad that Bianca is thinking about conselling, it's no good everyone pushing her into it, she has to want it. Not sure if Liam telling her 'it's all over' was wise, true she won't have to keep looking after her shoulder when she goes out, but she will have the trial to come, assuming TPTB don't forget all about having one. It seems odd we have two soaps that both have strong women in them that have been raped, though slightly different on Corrie as the victim, Carla, knew her rapist.

Can certainly understand both Liam and April's reaction towards Kelly, they can't have a go at Dean (well Liam did) so she is the next best thing, poor lass.

I liked Alf's 'cunning plan', what a good job it worked!! Roo and Maz will never be bosum buddies, but at least Alf and Miles won't have to creep around them both. Similar to Roo and Indi really, shame then that just as Indi is accepting Roo, Dex has to put a giant spanner in the works by revealing Jody is coming to visit. I can see both sides there Dex wants to see his mum, but it is Sid's home first and foremost and he's got to think of Indi as well, seeing as it was Indi's boyfriend she cheated with. Why can't Jody stay at the caravan park and just see Dex at the farm while Sid is working? :unsure:

I thought Romeo was being a bit daft leaving that dinner table set up unattended like that....

My thoughts exactly Miranda and just how long did it take for him to find Alf, when he left it was the afternoon but they didn't arrive back until it was dark!!!!!! :huh: More time warps in the Bay. It was pretty obvious that something would have happened. Once again we have a character that has been 'around for ages' suddenly popping up out of the blue. It was a natural conclusion for Romeo to jump to, though his accusation of Harvey 'stealing' his clients the next day was way off, he had rung them and cancelled the trip. Alfie, Alfie, very remiss of you to let things go on that long.

Well, well Leah is pregnant, but see my earlier post about that shock news.

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Hmph! The Demand Five did not work today, the video kept stopping and starting. Wah! I'll have to wait til tomorrow.

Finally got to see it:

I thought Ruby and Casey had split up? When did they get back together, cos she said 'my boyfriend' about him. I bet Casey can't wait til he's bigger and stronger and able to fight off Jake Pirovich.

Poor Leah, I really felt for her. What woman hasn't thought that when finding she's pregnant? Its not all hearts and flowers. I felt sorry for Miles too, he obviously wants another baby.

I liked Dex and Indi's scenes, shouting at each other for once. And I loved Dex's lists and his way of working things out :lol:

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I thought Ruby and Casey had split up?

Poor Leah, I really felt for her. What woman hasn't thought that when finding she's pregnant? Its not all hearts and flowers. I felt sorry for Miles too, he obviously wants another baby.

I thought that too Miranda, did we all blink and miss them getting back together? :huh: Ruby may have thrown a strop over Charlie coming over to pick her up, but she did the right thing, she wants to keep her safe as much as she can, knowing what Jake is like and as we saw he was hanging around Roo's (should we still call it that seeing as she doesn't live there anymore)? I suppose Charlie was duty bound to inform Brax that Jake was out on bail, how did his lawyer manage to pull that one off? So where has Brax hidden the drugs, Angelo's maybe? Certainly wasn't willing to tell Tegan, not that I can blame him. So why didn't he meet Jake the first time, it was never explained. :unsure: Loved Casey standing up and trying to protect Ruby, though he didn't stand a chance against Jake. Tonight's looks pretty good and whose body is it in the boot??

Has Brax taken that final step?

I'm glad Leah took Roo's advice, though I didn't think they were that close, and told Miles the truth. He was certainly stunned, but came round pretty quick. As mentioned before I thought she wasn't able to get pregnant anymore, due to the op she had? I think if she hadn't had that other miscarriage she may have been more willing to carry on with the pregnancy. They haven't been together that long and although Miles has been a dad so it's not as if he doesn't know what to expect, he can't know what will happen to them in the future. Rather funny before when he was talking to Alf, trying to get advice and Alf was only half listening because he was going through his files, and just giving vague answers.

I felt for Dex, he really wants to see his mum, but can understand how Indi would be against it. I liked that April said she couldn't tell him what he should or not do, it was up to him but she would stick by him whatever he decided. :wub:

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I'm finding at the moment that episodes without the RBs are a little slow, but those with the RBs can be a little overblown. Yesterday's episode seemed a good balance though.

One moment I really enjoyed was Leah confiding in Roo that she didn't think she could have another baby after last time, even though we've rarely seen these two speak so far. I hate it when a new-ish character has interaction with established cast members, and is magically abreast of all of their personal history. So it was refreshing in this episode when Roo assumes Leah means she had trouble when pregnant with VJ (rather than her miscarriage of Dan's baby) because of course Roo wouldn't know about that.

Roo has quickly become one of my favourite characters, and feels to me like the long-awaited replacement for Sally. I also must say that I also really enjoy Leah and Miles' relationship, and think this latest development is great

it's such a shame they've decided to resort to another miscarriage just to give Elijiah a second shot with her, poor Miles.

On the RBs front this episode Tegan seemed to organise a time for the pickup between Daryl and Jake, which he missed. I'm not quite sure why. Perhaps she gave one of them the wrong time, accidentally or deliberately for some reason. I do like these characters, and they have provided an injection of drama this year, however it does wear off when done this often. There seems to be some bust up with another gang every week.

The other strange thing is Jody Walker's imminent return. The last time we saw her in 2009, she was the loyal mother who had stood by her children throughout Sid's various infidelities, taking them away to live with her after Indi's glass coffee table accident. So I found it very difficult last year to see how that same character could run away on a cruise with her daughters boyfriend, and leave both children. It appears that the bad parent role reversal continues this year, as Indi screams "You honestly want to see that freak?!", and "If she comes here, she is just going to hurt everyone." Hmm that seems a little over-dramatic, but we'll see what other terrible things she'll do when she returns.

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One moment I really enjoyed was Leah confiding in Roo that she didn't think she could have another baby after last time, even though we've rarely seen these two speak so far. I hate it when a new-ish character has interaction with established cast members, and is magically abreast of all of their personal history. So it was refreshing in this episode when Roo assumes Leah means she had trouble when pregnant with VJ (rather than her miscarriage of Dan's baby) because of course Roo wouldn't know about that.

I thought it was weird that Leah confided in Roo, she would have been much more likely to tell Irene, who was actually in that scene.

It also seems to have been forgotten that Leah carried baby Pippa for Sally and Flynn.

Still anything that doesn't involve the RB's is fine by me.

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Alf's episode count this week:Five.Roo was in four.

Back from holiday and caught up.Spent most of Tuesday's episode wanting to strangle both Gina and April.If you think a guy might be a rapist, you don't call Liam, you call the police, and Gina stuck to her "we have to be sure" line for way too long.And April was her usual annoying self, from the smug way she got Bianca worked up to the out of line way she had a go at Kelly(at least Liam was doing it for a productive reason, to find out the way Dean was going, April just wanted someone to shout at).Liked the way Xavier quietly stepped in and defended Kelly without attacking April.Annoying, but hardly unusual, that we cliffhanger out on Dean being dragged off to the cells, Kelly preparing to give evidence against him and Bianca having nightmares, then the whole thing's forgotten for the rest of the week.Especially since Xavier and Kelly are among the few characters I'm really interested in at the moment, so she probably will be packed off to the farm while the River Boys stick around.

In two minds about Romeo reporting Harvey.He did seem to jump to conclusions a bit too quickly but on the other hand, his boat had been vandalised and Harvey did seem the obvious suspect.My biggest surprise was Elijah casually mentioning the drop-in centre's still around, although I'm glad it is.Alf not having a permit is a bit hard to figure but I guess it is in character for him to do things on an ad hoc basis.

Leah being pregnant is utterly ridiculous:They bother to mention the miscarriage but it appears the producers have forgotten, or expect us to have forgotten, she was only pregnant in the first place, or second place...third place..., because she had IVF, since her tubes were damaged by an infection and she's not supposed to be able to conceive naturally.Much as with April and Dexter, I'm kind of waiting for Leah and Miles to realise they've made a mistake and are better off as friends.(As an aside, given that April's great with Xavier and annoying with everyone else, splitting them up really wasn't the best move for her...)The baby seems to push them closer together, although I did wonder, with all the hints about Elijah still liking her lately, if they were going to get back together. Not sure how I'd feel about that:I think Leah works better with Miles than Elijah but Miles works better single than with Leah.(I'm still annoyed that their relationship seemed to get in the way of him being there for Nicole.)

Dexter has got a right to see his mother, although I can kind of see Indi's point of view.I liked her having a go at him, although that's probably got more to do with lingering resentment than her actually being in the right.It did seem at one point that Dexter actually wanted Jody to stay with him and Sid, but I think I got the wrong end of the stick there.I wasn't too impressed with Jody in 2009, dumping the kids on Sid just to teach him a lesson and then dragging them off to live with her when Dexter was happy and settled just because Indi threw a tantrum over something Sid didn't even do, but her running off with Indi's boyfriend did seem out of character.Nice to get a very belated follow up to that e-mail Indi sent her last year.

Charlie was being sensible getting Ruby away from the Braxtons, although she handled it typically badly and was a bit hypocritical.Wonder if she bothered to warn Romeo and Indi, who actually live there?I'm not sure why Brax didn't meet Jake:Was it because Charlie waylaid him or did Tegan mess up the arrangements?Oddly, I found I didn't really care what happened to Ruby and Casey even though I like them both, guess it's the effect of the storyline.(Having a throw forward that basically goes "Yeah, they're gonna be all right, but hey, something might happen to Brax, are you bothered?" kind of diffused the tension as well.)Not really bothered about Brax being stabbed.Ruby seems to share her mother's rose-tinted specs;okay, he gets points for trying to protect them but her "It wasn't his fault" when he was the reason they were in danger in the first place is a bit generous.Annoying that Charlie rightly throws the book at Jake but just sits giving Brax simpering looks when he's just as guilty.Despite her "My daughter was involved so I want the truth" stance, I can't see her giving him as thorough a grilling as to why he was there, what it was about and why he's hiding things from the police.Not sure what to make of that end and the throw forward revealing that Brax apparently didn't know undercut a lot of the tension and mystery again. Given that Tegan was saying it while Darcy was right there and fully aware of it, she surely wouldn't be that twisted as to mess with her daughter's head just to needle Charlie?Keeping it from Brax is even more of a head scratcher.

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There have been three instances this week where we've seen Miles stuffing his face. That's one thing but what really annoys me is each time he talks with his mouth full. Does he have to do that? Anyway regarding him and Leah firstly I completely agree with Merlin. I'm not sure why Leah felt she had to confide in Roo. Notwithstanding the fact that most of Summer Bay feel they can confide in Roo wouldn't have been more plausible to talk to Irene (and I'm not just saying that because I don't like her). Anyway I'm not happy about the pregnancy. I don't mind Miles and Leah as a couple but don't think they are meant to be and don't really expect them to last that long. With regards to Leah wanting to have a termination I'm going to reserve judgement for now. I understand both hers and Miles's points of view so we'll see what happens.

Although I wouldn't wish for anyone to get stabbed as that must have been particularly unpleasant I don't really have much sympathy for Brax. He beat Brody up, I'm almost certain that he had Liam bashed so I guess what goes around comes around. I will say this Tegan really annoyed me. This whole thing is her fault. She and Heath wanted to rip off Jake and they put Casey and Ruby at risk. Charlie clearly still cares deeply for him and is probably still head over heels. Shame Tegan had to spoil the moment Charlie was having with Brax alone. And she brought along Brax's child.

In spite of what Jody did, can't really blame Dexter for wanting to get in touch with his mum but I'm not sure I agree with her coming to the house to see him.

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