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Just how dumb was Charlie, sitting there in Brax's hospital room holding his hand!!! :huh::rolleyes: Anyone could have walked in!! I get a police officer should be there to both guard him and get a statement when he wakes up, but not a sergeant.

How civilised of Tegan to knock. Wasn't it mentioned sometime ago, when Tegan first came back, about who (and who might not) be Darcy'd dad? Don't be sure that all of what you have heard is the truth. :wink:

To be fair to Ruby she didn't know about the drugs being stashed at 'Roo's' which is why she was defending Brax. Btw what happened to Casey after he and Ruby fled, he didn't show up at the cop shop?

I said much the same thing about Leah being pregnant as well Red. I even checked out her profile page just to make sure and sure enough she is supposed to be infertile. Anyways, Alf was back to being his wise old self by advising Miles to tell Leah exactly how he felt about her wanting an abortion, even though the ultimate decision would be hers.

I thought the drop in centre had closed down, unless Elijah did manage to persuade the church to reopen it?

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I will say this Tegan really annoyed me. This whole thing is her fault. She and Heath wanted to rip off Jake and they put Casey and Ruby at risk.

While Tegan does have to shoulder some of the blame, since she dragged Brax and Casey into helping to hide Jake's drugs, she didn't play any part in Heath running off with some of them:She tried to stop him, precisely because she knew Jake would go mad if he found some missing, and even sent Casey after him to try and get them back.If they'd stuck to her plan, presumably Brax would have just handed all the drugs back and no-one would have been stabbed.(Although, given the rather bonkers set up with Jake not finding out they were missing until he and Brax met, there's a fair chance Casey and Ruby would still have been held hostage.)H&Alover, the timescale and plotting on Friday did seem a lot messed up, with Casey disappearing for a lengthy period and Charlie taking an age to check out Ruby's story, but if you pay real close attention it did seem that Brax caught up with Casey and Ruby after being stabbed and presumably took them both to safety.

Kind of glad Brax didn't tell Charlie the whole story about the drugs, her interrogation seemed pretty half-hearted but knowing her she wouldn't have done anything even if he confessed, so at least she's being incompetent rather than corrupt.She actually seemed more bothered about him having a daughter than about him being involved in a drug exchange.It did seem like Ruby was close enough to see what Brax and Jake were doing so I'm guessing she isn't telling Charlie the whole story.(Which is in character, she helped cover for Hugo when she was dating Xavier.)Leah's sudden turnaround annoyed me:I think we're supposed to see a connection between Leah taking a chance on Miles and the baby and Charlie taking a chance on Brax but the parallel is tenuous at best.It's all right Ruby insisting love's the only important thing but I'd expect Leah to be more realistic.Short of them grabbing Ruby and Casey and running off to somewhere where no-one knows them, it's hard to see how Charlie and Brax can work out.Not sure what to make of Tegan's revelation:Her story seems plausible but her reluctance to do a DNA test sets alarm bells ringing.I'll reserve judgement on her actions until we get confirmation either way.

I liked that scene of Alf and Roo trying to work out if the other knew about Leah's pregnancy, shame Colleen happened to wander into someone else's house at the wrong moment.She really isn't good at keeping secrets, even when she's trying.VJ's lukewarm reaction to the news is intriguing:Maybe he's remembering that this sort of thing never ends well although he seemed oddly keen for Miles to move in.

Not much to say about Jody's return but I'm glad they got the same actress back after a two year break, I wasn't sure they would.Although a couple of episodes of her ambiguous accent and I might change my mind.

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I will say this Tegan really annoyed me. This whole thing is her fault. She and Heath wanted to rip off Jake and they put Casey and Ruby at risk.

While Tegan does have to shoulder some of the blame, since she dragged Brax and Casey into helping to hide Jake's drugs, she didn't play any part in Heath running off with some of them:She tried to stop him, precisely because she knew Jake would go mad if he found some missing, and even sent Casey after him to try and get them back.If they'd stuck to her plan, presumably Brax would have just handed all the drugs back and no-one would have been stabbed.(Although, given the rather bonkers set up with Jake not finding out they were missing until he and Brax met, there's a fair chance Casey and Ruby would still have been held hostage.)H&Alover, the timescale and plotting on Friday did seem a lot messed up, with Casey disappearing for a lengthy period and Charlie taking an age to check out Ruby's story, but if you pay real close attention it did seem that Brax caught up with Casey and Ruby after being stabbed and presumably took them both to safety.

Kind of glad Brax didn't tell Charlie the whole story about the drugs, her interrogation seemed pretty half-hearted but knowing her she wouldn't have done anything even if he confessed, so at least she's being incompetent rather than corrupt.She actually seemed more bothered about him having a daughter than about him being involved in a drug exchange.It did seem like Ruby was close enough to see what Brax and Jake were doing so I'm guessing she isn't telling Charlie the whole story.(Which is in character, she helped cover for Hugo when she was dating Xavier.)Leah's sudden turnaround annoyed me:I think we're supposed to see a connection between Leah taking a chance on Miles and the baby and Charlie taking a chance on Brax but the parallel is tenuous at best.It's all right Ruby insisting love's the only important thing but I'd expect Leah to be more realistic.Short of them grabbing Ruby and Casey and running off to somewhere where no-one knows them, it's hard to see how Charlie and Brax can work out.Not sure what to make of Tegan's revelation:Her story seems plausible but her reluctance to do a DNA test sets alarm bells ringing.I'll reserve judgement on her actions until we get confirmation either way.

I liked that scene of Alf and Roo trying to work out if the other knew about Leah's pregnancy, shame Colleen happened to wander into someone else's house at the wrong moment.She really isn't good at keeping secrets, even when she's trying.VJ's lukewarm reaction to the news is intriguing:Maybe he's remembering that this sort of thing never ends well although he seemed oddly keen for Miles to move in.

Not much to say about Jody's return but I'm glad they got the same actress back after a two year break, I wasn't sure they would.Although a couple of episodes of her ambiguous accent and I might change my mind.

Who's Jody?

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There has got to be something behind Tegan telling Brax he is Darcy's dad and her reaction to the DNA test is odd (wise of Brax to suggest it) obviously he wasn't the only one she was um, seeing at the time. :wink: Something she said made me wonder if

it was Heath

? If it is a con, how cruel is that for Darcy. Charlie was right Brax doesn't have anything to feel guilty about for not being there for Darcy, he was told he wasn't her dad, but he has helped as much as he could in other ways. Guess Jake wouldn't know about the drugs being short until he set eyes on them, hardly likely to be told Heath had them on him when he was nicked.

You're right Red Leah's sudden switch was odd, even allowing for her taking a chance on her pregnancy and Miles. Dare I put it down to her hormones. :lol: Loved the chat between Roo and Alf, Roo nearly congratulating Miles, remembering she mustn't tell anyone, not knowing of course Alf already knew and ditto for him. Colleen to give her her due, was trying to be subtle (in her own odd way) with Leah without coming out with it in public. To be picky I suppose she didn't actually 'tell' Marilyn and Elijah, Marilyn guessed, Elijah, after his initial shock was very good about it. Thought Leah and Miles' confessions about how they had told Roo and Alf rather sweet. I guess VJ's would be the same as any 10/11 year old boys, he did seem more keen for Miles to move in rather than becoming a big brother.

Not sure if Jody just turning up like that was her taking a liberty, after Dex had told her not to come, or if she thought if she had phoned Sid would have told her to stay away and took the chance anyway. Yes, her accent where does that originate from, anyone any idea? I keep thinking European, French, Belgian or further afield. I have just found out the actress who plays Jody - Victoria Haralabidou - was born in Leningrad, so the further afield bit was right!

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Maybe I'm showing my ignorance but Miles still being on anti-depressants seem more strange to me than Alf not having a boating permit or Sid still being married after being separated for two years.Is he really going to be on them the rest of his life, as Leah seemed to imply?Liked the chat between Miles and VJ, I did wonder if VJ was old enough to remember Leah's previous pregnancy.(Ignoring the fact he's somehow 12 these days, by his original age he'd have been about four at the time.)

So, Jody's accent is Russian?I tend to veer between French and Greek.Although I sympathised with Indi last week, I found her a bit too...shrill in this episode.She didn't even apologise to Dexter when she discovered she'd got it wrong.It's easy to forget that Indi was initially quite fond of Jody when they first appeared and it was only after she'd left that things went sour so I am wondering if Indi is perhaps being a bit too hardline, it's gonna be hard for her to ignore Jody for the rest of her life when the rest of the family are in contact with her.Shame it happens right when the Walkers are getting on well.Romeo's decision to prioritise Indi over his business, while creditible, is a bit naive:If he's serious about this marriage, he needs to make sure there's money coming in to provide for them rather than just holding her hand.Jody staying with Sid and Dexter is a bit silly, could Sid really not point her in the direction of the caravan park or a motel?Roo found somewhere to stay easily enough when she walked out without any plans.The ending was a bit weird and again the trailer kind of undercut it.It does seem that Dexter is jumping to some rather extreme conclusions.

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Okay.. I officially hate Tegan and yes H&A lover, I agree with what you said

I too think Heath is her father and if that is true then please somone make it right because I think Heath would have to grow up and be a beter person than he is being right now

& because I have a soft spot when it comes to Heath..but that isn't relevant.

Jody and Sid are still married? That is bordering on weird, I mean, why would you seperate for so long & then not get a divorce...but having said that I think Dex really does need his mother but she was wrong to turn up and expect Sid to let her stay...I am so not impressed with that.

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While Tegan does have to shoulder some of the blame, since she dragged Brax and Casey into helping to hide Jake's drugs, she didn't play any part in Heath running off with some of them:She tried to stop him, precisely because she knew Jake would go mad if he found some missing, and even sent Casey after him to try and get them back.If they'd stuck to her plan, presumably Brax would have just handed all the drugs back and no-one would have been stabbed.

It's funny although a different program, different scenario and off topic, within the Neighbours thread you basically said that Jade was responsible for stuff with Michael and Tasha. So applying the same logic here (i.e. bypassing some of the other events that happened), my question is if Tegan hadn't of taken the drugs would Brax have gotten stabbed?

When I looked up the actress who plays Jodie, it says she is Greek, despite being born in Leningrad.

Yeah I noticed in the credits the actress had a Greek surname but she doesn't sound Russian. Interestingly she was referred to 'Jody' and not 'Jody Walker' as I would expect. She wasn't half as bad as I expected and she did appear to be genuinely sorry although I would imagine that if Indy does decide to forgive her she wouldn't want Jody anywhere near Romeo for the foreseeable future...

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