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Not much to say about Jody's return but I'm glad they got the same actress back after a two year break, I wasn't sure they would.Although a couple of episodes of her ambiguous accent and I might change my mind.

Who's Jody?

Jody is Sid's (ex) wife; mother of Dex and Indi.

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When I looked up the actress who plays Jodie, it says she is Greek, despite being born in Leningrad.

Yeah I noticed in the credits the actress had a Greek surname but she doesn't sound Russian.

Yes, that's what I meant. I don't know many Russians but they sure don't sound like her.

if Indy does decide to forgive her she wouldn't want Jody anywhere near Romeo for the foreseeable future...

God! What a thought. And Romeo's such a numpty he'd be bound to fall for it <_<

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While Tegan does have to shoulder some of the blame, since she dragged Brax and Casey into helping to hide Jake's drugs, she didn't play any part in Heath running off with some of them:She tried to stop him, precisely because she knew Jake would go mad if he found some missing, and even sent Casey after him to try and get them back.If they'd stuck to her plan, presumably Brax would have just handed all the drugs back and no-one would have been stabbed.

It's funny although a different program, different scenario and off topic, within the Neighbours thread you basically said that Jade was responsible for stuff with Michael and Tasha. So applying the same logic here (i.e. bypassing some of the other events that happened), my question is if Tegan hadn't of taken the drugs would Brax have gotten stabbed?

Well, that depends what you mean by "taking the drugs".I was answering your point about Tegan "wanting to rip Jake off", which isn't what happened.Jake asked Tegan to hide the drugs for him because the police were looking for them and she roped Brax into helping, fully intending to return them, only for Heath to run off with some of them.So yes, Tegan set in motion, or at the very least pushed along, the chain of events that led to Brax being stabbed.But that was because things went wrong rather than because her plan was flawed from the beginning.

So, glad that Dexter thinking Sid and Jody slept together didn't last long, that'll teach me to pay attention to previews.Forgot to mention yesterday that Dexter hugging Jody was about as physically affectionate as he's ever got.Guess it's good that Indi and Jody talked and found a way to move forward, whilst not being able to get back to normal straightaway.And at least the divorce is definitely sorted now.

Shame Roo ended things with Sid for a fairly arbritrary reason thouh.Be annoying if it lasts because there's a few other couples I'd rather see break up before then.Wasn't impressed with some of Roo's actions like ignoring Sid's phone call, which is a shame since her plan to help Alf is actually quite good and Colleen was actually useful for once.

Good that we're seeing some difficulties in Liam and Bianca's relationship after recent events.As a bit of confusion in Australian Discussion when these were shown demonstrates, they do seem to have just fallen back into being a couple since he's been back without really addressing anything. Liam did a good job reassuring her but Bianca made a big mistake trying to force things, it was obviously going to end in tears and they could have difficulty coming back from it.

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I had the same thought Slade about Indi keeping Jody well away from Romeo. :wink: Although I can fully understand Indi's feelings towards her mum, isn't she forgetting one little thing, that it takes two to have an affair, never mind who came onto who first!! She did seem to have calmed down a lot since Jody first made her reappearance, the talk with Dex and then Romeo helped a lot. Nice to hear the reference from Romeo about the problems he had had with his mum, wondered if that would happen. Glad they made some sort of reconcillation, although they will never be as close as they may have once been at least they are talking. Like Dex's line about there being a body in Jody's case. As for her accent, perhaps she is indeed Greek, but born and brought up in Leningrad for a while which may explain her rather strange accent. I thought it was only last year her and Sid actually parted and I don't think it is that odd for a couple to not yet have signed the divorce papers. Dex didn't seem sure if he did want her and his dad getting back together or not and the way he came straight out and asked her if they had slept together made me laugh. Shame that now Sid will soon now be a free man, Roo finishes with him, I wasn't sure why she did that either Red, unless it is as she said she will always be third in his list of priorities.

Like Roo's plan to take the story to the papers, and yes Colleen did come up trumps with her scrapbook and most of this would have been put together before she found out she was a Stewart. I agree with you Red, yes Romeo was right to want to support Indi, but wouldn't him losing his business put a strain on their finances and she wouldn't want him to risk everything just for her. Maybe now everything has been sorted he can go back to helping Alf.

I feel sorry for both Liam and Bianca, I can see why she would want to end it as she can't know how long it would take before she could feel able to resume their sexual relationship, she didn't think she could ask him to wait because it would put a strain on them both. I thought it was too soon for her to think she was ready.

I can't see how Miles thought his anti-depressant drugs would affect the baby, but then I'm not medical. I know Leah was shocked, but Miles was also right, when was he supposed to bring it up and I dare say he doesn't make a big deal about it and having to take drugs for it, just something he has to do. Same as Ruby and her injecting her insulin.

I did notice VJ being 12 got mentioned twice, he has always been a bright kid, so who knows what he may have picked up on back then. I'm not sure Miles should have promised never to leave, no-one knows what will happen.

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So let me get this straight, just because Roo can't have Sid all to herself she decides to finish with him....OK. :unsure:

It's a shame Jody's gone. I actually quite liked her scenes and I think it would have been interesting if she'd hung around for a little while longer. I would have liked to see her try to rebuild her relationship with Indy and the interaction with some of the other characters.

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I'm surprised Jody's gone so quickly too, I thought we'd get to see a lot more than that, but I like how they managed to wrap everything up quite neatly in such a short time frame.

I'm also really surprised that the Brax paternity storyline is wrapped up so quickly too. Tegan really has hit a new low with lieing about that one - how could you use and play withh your 8 year old daughter's emotions like that?! I get that she's angry with Brax for rejecting her again, but bringing Darcy into it is really terrible!

The actress that plays Darcy is just so cute!

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I'm surprised Jody's gone so quickly too, I thought we'd get to see a lot more than that, but I like how they managed to wrap everything up quite neatly in such a short time frame.

I'm also really surprised that the Brax paternity storyline is wrapped up so quickly too. Tegan really has hit a new low with lieing about that one - how could you use and play withh your 8 year old daughter's emotions like that?! I get that she's angry with Brax for rejecting her again, but bringing Darcy into it is really terrible!

The actress that plays Darcy is just so cute!

Darcy is one my current favourite characters within H&A at the moment and we've only had a few scenes with her, there unfortunately missing out on younger actors/actresses as they've spent so much time focusing on the older one's. I'm loving everything about Alea, I have a feeling that she's going to be someone for us viewers to look out for.

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H&Alover, Sid and Jody did actually split up two years ago, when he first came to the Bay.It's a fairly long time to not get around to a divorce but not exactly unprecedented.

It's a shame that Kelly feels everyone hates her because of Dean and I don't think Xavier and John really handled it well with pressuring her to leave the house;I get that Xavier had school but it would have been better if Kelly could have gone out with him so he could support her rather than wanting her to toddle off on her own.I thought it was a bit unwise of his to go to April for help as well, although in the end she was pretty good about it.Kelly trying to apologise to Bianca was well-meaning but perhaps a bit too soon and it's a shame it seems to have set Kelly back so much, I don't want her to leave.Ironically, the encounter does actually seem to have helped Bianca by persuading her to see a counsellor.

Well, I guess it's nice to get a Brax-centric episode that doesn't involve drugs, criminal gangs or Charlie, I tried to put those to the back of my mind.Is he staying at Casey's place now?He was already walking in and out as if he owned the place, I suppose.I agree with the comments that it seems rather strange to raise the idea of Brax being Darcy's father only to reveal it's not true straightaway.(Assuming it isn't true;Tegan said "he might be" but she was probably lying.)I'd actually rather he was, it seems rather pointless otherwise.I'm guessing Tegan's meant to have told Darcy Brax was her father shortly before she took her to the hospital, since she didn't seem to know before, and I agree it is out of line to lie to her like that.Guess Tegan's doing it because she wants Brax, not sure what Cheryl's up to:She seemed angry with Tegan for lying but also happy to go along with it.I wonder if she hopes by pushing Brax towards Tegan and Darcy(did she invite them round?), she hopes to bring him back towards his old life.Even though Cheryl was as affable as she gets, she still seemed to have a bit of an agenda:I suspect she's not after money for a water heater.

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It may have been unwise for Xavier to ask April to talk to Kelly, but in a way she was the best one to approach because of her being Bianca's sister and if anyone could assure her no-one hated or blamed her who better. It was very premature for Kelly to try and speak to Bianca, even though she had the best intentions. It probably wasn't Kelly herself that Bianca didn't want near her, but the fact she is Dean's sister and too much of a reminder. At least as you said Red it has made her see she needs outside help.

I guess once Jody had spoken to Indi and given Sid the divorce papers there wasn't much point in her hanging around.

Besides Sid will have more than enough to think about next week,

:wink: I'll say no more than that one of his chickens comes home to roost.

Very interesting all that with Brax, Tegan and Darcy. I guess Brax may be staying with Casey and co at least until he is back on his feet and can look after himself. Perhaps it was a condition of leaving hospital that he had to stay where there were people to look after him. I liked the quip Casey made about being more scared of Sid than he was of Brax. :D

I think Casey said at first he had asked Tegan to come there, but Brax said no, to meet at their mums. Cheryl and Tegan look like they may have had some history between them judging by the way Brax was telling her about Tegan and Darcy and their showdown after. Tegan challenged Cheryl to tell Brax the truth, but then as she said if she didn't say anything at least she (Cheryl) would see more of her boys. How does she know btw that Tegan is lying? Casey was certainly put in a very inenviable position, but as we saw makes the right decision. Did you see how nice it looked out back at the Braxton's place, have we been given the wrong impression about where they live?


According to H&A's own website VJ was born in 2001 which surely only makes him 10, am I missing something or have

H&A got their own time span? :unsure:

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A reminder to all to please try not to include any form of spoilers in UK discussion, this includes dropping not too subtle hints about upcoming storylines, as we've received a couple of reports over the past few days. Thanks! :)

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