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A reminder to all to please try not to include any form of spoilers in UK discussion, this includes dropping not too subtle hints about upcoming storylines, as we've received a couple of reports over the past few days. Thanks! :)

I wasn't aware I was giving anything away!!!

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Alf's episode count this week:Four.

I think it was Cheryl that was meant to be coming round Casey's until Brax decided to go to her instead.Things I forgot to mention yesterday:Loved Darcy being scared of Cheryl and if Tegan and Brax went to primary school together, how come Colleen knew Tegan as a teenager when she didn't seem to know the Braxtons?Did they go to different high schools or something?Anyway, after the surprise of the paternity being resolved that quickly, I was surprised that, instead of a few episodes of people agonising over whether to tell the truth, by the end of this episode Casey has told Brax and Brax has told Darcy.I'm not sure how Tegan knows it isn't Brax either, H&Alover, it sounds as though she was with him around that time.The whole thing seems a bit pointless really, especially if Brax is still going to be playing a parental role:They might as well have either made Brax really her father or said it was Heath from the start.I guess the idea was to make the audience hate Tegan, realise Brax is a reformed character because he, um, didn't hit her and gush over him telling Charlie Tegan isn't in her league.(Apologies to Charlie/Brax fans who probably found that sweet but I don't find Brax particularly likeable, not even now they've given him a moppet to be cute with.)

Leah seemed a bit abrupt turning down Miles' proposal and I was actually expecting her to say yes: Not that I necessarily think she should have done but that seemed to be the way it was heading. Seems Elijah has forgotten his resolution not to talk to Miles about Leah, since he volunteers to be a sounding board here.You'd have thought Miles would learn, he did exactly the same with Kirsty. Leah's suggestion they move in together seems like a no-brainer frankly, especially when VJ asked some pertinent questions earlier in the week.Ironic that after an episode where they kept saying VJ was twelve, Miles suddenly calls him a teenager.Has he had a birthday in the last couple of days?

I didn't want Kelly to go but at least she left on a positive note rather than being scared off by Bianca, going to do what she's always wanted and run the farm.And I think she's benefited from knowing Xavier, her telling him he was the first person she's loved was really sweet.You could see the cogs whirring when John told Xavier she was only a bus ride away.I kind of want it to work out but it's hard to see how unless Xavier leaves the show.Maybe the farm could go bust and Kelly can come back with Xav?

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You're right Red, about Cheryl wanting to come round and Brax not wanting her at 'Roo's'. I think your thought about Tegan and Brax going to different high schools could be right. I'm glad that Casey decided to tell Brax the truth, much better now than further down the line. Why did Tegan think Brax would hit her, don't remember him having a rep for hitting women? It must have taken a lot, whatever we may think of Brax, to tell Darcy he wasn't her dad. She's already been lied to once so keeping the truth (well part of it) from her would have been worse. Is Heath going to be told he's a dad, he has the right to know, whatever Tegan thinks? When Brax said he would be her uncle, was that a slip or did he mean an 'uncle'?

I'm not sure that I was that surprised when she turned Miles down, like her and Elijah they haven't been together that long, moving in together seems a better idea, though isn't is going to be a bit crowded at Leah's? Also don't forget Leah doesn't have a very good track record with husbands. :wink: As mentioned in my last post, from 10 to a teenager in a

couple of days, not bad going eh?

Umm Xav dashing off to be with Kelly and he's gone for good!!! I spotted that Red, you could practically hear the cogs whirring. Are both John and Gina going to be dashing off to get him to come home, not that they can force him to as he is 17? TObvious he hasn't thought it through, in true Xavier fashion,

from what I have read he's not exactly made to feel welcome by Kelly's mum.

Wow what a shock for Sid, can't wait for him to break that little bit of news to Dex and especially Indi!!!!!

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Poor Xavier. Why do the writers keep doing this to him? Always unlucky in love. He had a really good setup with Kelly, she brought out the best in him, he wholeheartedly had support from Gina and John and now she's gone. I did mention before I was afraid this would happen and it has.

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Umm Xav dashing off to be with Kelly and he's gone for good!!! I spotted that Red, you could practically hear the cogs whirring. Are both John and Gina going to be dashing off to get him to come home, not that they can force him to as he is 17? TObvious he hasn't thought it through, in true Xavier fashion,

from what I have read he's not exactly made to feel welcome by Kelly's mum.


Wake up H&Alover. Xav had his 18th birthday recently. He is an adult now and can do what he likes. Hope he stays there awhile and learns to love country life... and Kelly. Wonder if he took any school books with him.....

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You really would think Charlie and Brax would be facing reality by now.At least Charlie seems to have opened her eyes a bit, recognising that whatever her feelings for him their being together would cause far too much trouble.Shame that, to use her words to Romeo, she's too weak and spineless to resist him.Brax, on the other hand, is clearly completely deluded:His "No-one will find out" speech after their latest, ahem, gym session was absurd.Assuming he sees this as a long term thing(and to be fair, he's never said he does), how long does he think they can see each other in secret?Months?Years?Decades?Assuming Charlie tells Joyce the whole story, at least she is trying to sort the mess out.I really hopes there's some sort of punishment for her:She should be demoted at least and probably lose her job.But given how quickly Leah went from "I'm not comfortable having him here" to "Go for it, girl!", Joyce will probably be annoyed for a couple of episodes then forget about it.Ruby's obsession with them being together...isn't as annoying as it could be, with the adults in her life behaving the same way she doesn't really have a hope.Charlie kicking Casey out of the house whenever she's down on Brax is annoying though.

Tegan's characterisation does seem at first glance all over the place:At times, she just seems to be a plot device who causes random trouble.If you sit down and think about it though, her behaviour does make sense.She seems to think she needs a tough guy to look after her and Darcy;she'd rather it was Brax but she'll settle for Heath or Jake.The plot makes more sense if we assume she went to see Heath and told him Darcy was his daughter and Brax reported him before she tried to pass Darcy off as Brax's(since all this seems to have happened on the same day Brax found out she wasn't).Her getting back with Jake when he's in jail is quite a feat.Heath's return... Well, the explanation is plausible and at least it isn't down to police incompetence.(I wonder if they'll end up using something similar to let Brax off the hook?)It does seem to have resulted in yet more dull gang stuff though.Presumably the likes of Jake and Hammer(was he christened that or does his mum call him Harvey?)are there to show us the Braxtons aren't so bad in comparison, but when the rest of the cast are still better than them it falls a bit flat.When the three brothers were scuffling with the rival gang, I found it hard to care about anyone involved although I do feel a bit sorry for Heath getting beaten up, whatever he's done he didn't deserve that.

Gina made some good points about Xavier but her manner was so arrogant and her attitude towards him so dismissive that I found myself disliking her anyway.She was definitely the wrong person to try and talk to Xavier;John did a much better job than she would have done, even though it didn't make much difference anyway.Perhaps Gina should accept that, while getting his HSC is a good idea, Xavier's never gonna be the academic type.Xavier being dropped at the end of the longest drive in history made me smile and his reunion with Kelly was really sweet, I wish we'd seen more of them and less of the Charlie/Brax/gangs stuff.Still, I can't see this working out unless Xavier leaves the show or Kelly goes back to the Bay with him, they're not going to keep doing "Meanwhile on the farm" stuff with them indefinitely.

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Well done Brian, you spotted my deliberate error. :wink: Gina's in a tricky spot, not only is she Xav's mum, but also his headteacher so wants him to do his HSC on two levels. I was very impressed with John and the way he tried to convince Xavier to come home, he has certainly had a big turn around regarding his attitude towards teenage boys. I had to smile too at the size of Kelly's home, hardly a little homestead is it?

Charlie and Brax, on-off-on-off again. :rolleyes: Now someone else knows about them as in Heath. Finally she has decided to do the right thing by admitting she may (?) have comprised herself in an ongoing investigation. I may be dim but I thought Heath was hauled to jail because he was caught red handed with those drugs and Brax had nothing to do with it, or am I missing something? The way I thought it happened was Regan told Heath about him being Darcy's dad after Brax found she had lied to him, she had been so adamant about him not knowing. Which would explain why he said he would give evidence so he could get out and be with them, why Tegan has decided to go back to Jake mystifies me, out of the two I would say Heath was the better bet. Not as smart as Brax, but not as violent as Jake seems to be. On the subject of Brax, Heath and Casey facing up to Hammer (agree Red he can't really have been christened that can he) Brax seems to have made one of those miraculous soap recoveries, only a few hours before he was still in pain from being stabbed yet there he was getting stuck in with no ill effects. :blink: Hammer only seems about the same age as Casey. Liked the way Brax was worried about Casey and both he and Charlie wanting Ruby kept away as far as possible.

Is it gang policy to have four to one in a show down, I thought there was some kind of code about that? I did think it was strange to do it in broad daylight in a public place, but then who is going to testify against them.

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What sort of reaction was that from Charlie's boss when she told him about seeing Brax? 'Carry on the fine work you've been doing and forget we had this conversation.' Does he also fancy Charlie? Does he not know who Darryl Braxton is? Has he not noticed Charlie's mistakes? That was ridiculous, she should get disciplined for that, surely!

And is Hammer trying to do a fake Noo York accent, it sounds so false!

Not sure what to think of what Gina said to Casey. She could have been more sympathetic but then again Casey needed to hear it.

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I was really surprised and annoyed by Joyce's reaction! How can he just pretend he doesn't know? It seems a bit suspicious to me, maybe he does fancy her Miranda! :lol: At the very least he should have taken her off any investigations involving the Braxton's but no he wants her to keep doing those too! Weird....

So frustrated about Charlie and Brax again - a couple of really sweet and pretty amazing couply moments (especially the intense stare on the bench RedRanger1! :lol:) and then Brax is back to being an idiot again today by pretty much demanding that Charlie quit her job. I mean really if that was an option for Charlie, she would have done it months ago and it's not fair of him to ask that of her.

I think Tegan's reasons for being with Jake are actually quite sound. She knows that Heath would never hurt her or Darcy no matter who she is with, but with Jake she can only be sure they are safe if she is with him. Being with Heath makes them both targets of Jake/Hammer too.

I know Hammer is meant to be a real baddy, but really with those trousers I don't think he could look less scary if he tried - he looks about 10!

At least we have Kelly and Xavier. The scenes on the farm are really entertaining, bless Xavier trying his best with the fence thing and hose but having no luck at all. I'm not sure how I want it to play out either - defeinitely hope Xavier doesn't leave, but would love him and Kelly to make a go of things. Guess I'll just enjoy the farm stuff while it lasts....

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