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Well I wasn't sure if we were going to see Kelly again and I really liked Xavier going after her but I fear this will be short lived, especially with Kelly's mother's patience running thin. Xavier's going to get fed up eventually. I will say that I really loved their reunion scene where Kelly was working on the farm, spotted Xavier from a distance, called him, they ran towards each other then embraced. Perhaps they could have done it in slow motion and used a different tune but I really liked it nonetheless.

I find it funny Heath has been given another chance. I did mention something similar about Brax a while back but I would expect him to be taken down at some point.

Part of me though "What?!" initially to Joyce's reaction but then I was expecting him to use that to his advantage i.e. let Charlie carry on the relationship and effectively operate undercover.

Can't be bothered to comment on the Charlie and Brax scenes. Same old and they're both still as bad as each other although at least Charlie came clean.

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Guess I gave Joyce too much credit.He was angry with Charlie for about two seconds before brushing it under the carpet.Not sure why Brax is worried about the River Boys finding out, on current evidence they'd probably shake his hand and ask if they can come to the wedding.How can Joyce possibly think Charlie's a good cop?She's been adequate with the occasional flash of brilliance and the last time she seemed particularly competent was about six months ago when she solved Penn's murder while Robertson was on his "Alf done it" crusade.She couldn't even catch Dean who didn't have Brax and Heath's plot-related immunity, she had to rely on Liam, Watson and John Palmer.I actually agree with Brax for different reasons:Charlie should quit her job, not because Brax is worth throwing away her career for but because she's incapable of doing it.She can't have her cake and eat it(or maybe she can, given Joyce's reaction):Either she's a police officer, in which case it's her job to bring Brax and his friends to justice, or she's Brax's girlfriend, in which case she won't be able to do her job and needs to stand aside and let someone who can uphold the law do the job.Guess Brax is getting involved with the Hammer thing because he knows Heath will go ahead anyway and probably get himself killed without Brax to steer him right.Not sure how old Hammer is:He looks younger than Brax and Heath but older than Casey, probably in his early 20s.

Tegan's plan does make more sense in that episode now Brax has spelt it out, I agree the River Boys wouldn't harm her or Darcy with Brax and Heath running things but Jake and Hammer might if she was one of them.My thought on Heath finding out was that he seemed to be out of jail only a couple of hours after Brax found out Darcy wasn't his, which didn't seem enough time to do a deal with prosecution.My take was that Tegan went to see Heath, told him about Darcy and about Brax reporting him and encouraged him to look after them, he refused, then she basically told Brax the same.It's possible the deal was already on the table and Heath took it when Tegan went to see him that day, but why would she want Heath out if she was already throwing her lot in with Jake?In case anyone's forgotten, Heath was initially arrested and charged with possession because Brax tipped off Charlie about his raid on Jake's crop, although he was then rearrested because he tried to do a runner with Jake's pills.At least Romeo's finally objecting to his home being a River Boy hangout. Does Tony still own the place?Wonder how he feels about Roo turning it over to the local criminal fraternity.

Share the thoughts of many that I'm enjoying Xavier and Kelly's scenes on the farm but worried about how long it will last and how it will end.Xavier's showing willing but he does need to tone down the horse play with Kelly if it's going to mean breaking eggs.Kelly's mother seems stronger than I expected, the way Kelly talked about her she seemed less independent, instead she does seem like someone who could run a farm.At least she appreciates Xavier's a nice kid even if he's not cut out for farm work.Really didn't like Gina yelling at Casey because she couldn't yell at Xavier, even if she did feel bad once she got the full story.(Surprised Romeo was so keen to back her up given he's not shown much interest in finishing school, however hard he's finding it.Maybe he's just scared of Gina.)Like Todd Lasance before her, Sonia Todd seems to play scenes where her character's being unpleasant straight rather than softening them and trying to retain viewer sympathy, with the effect that you never quite know where you are with Gina.

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I will say that I really loved their reunion scene where Kelly was working on the farm, spotted Xavier from a distance, called him, they ran towards each other then embraced. Perhaps they could have done it in slow motion and used a different tune but I really liked it nonetheless.

Oh Slade, you old romantic! The only time I've done that, with a male friend, he had a bottle of vodka under his coat, which left a bruise on my ribs for days afterwards :angry:

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One thing I wondered last episode:How did Charlie know about Heath being attacked when she spoke to Joyce?Only explanation I can think of is Ruby told her.At least it would explain where she disappeared to after they found Heath.

Wow, Sid having another daughter.Be interesting to see how Indi and Dex react to that one;I can see Indi having a fit and Dex being pretty okay with it.Wasn't expecting Sid to get slaughtered as a result.My initial thought is it's a shame that Sasha and her brother being split up seems inevitable, I'd kind of like to see Sid take Felix in as well but that didn't seem to be presented as an option. Wasn't expecting Dexter to call Roo at the end, I assumed that was Indi on the other end of the phone.Romeo and Indi moving back in...I am very much in two minds about this.It's good that no-one's pretending they could cope on their own but it just underlines why they should never have got married, they're just not grown-up enough to look after themselves.The two of them getting married and then living in Sid's spare room like they're still the children was kind of what I feared would happen and I hope they're going to show the difficulties of that sort of set-up rather than it becoming too cosy.

Miles moving out of his own house to live with Leah felt a bit strange, although it is her own house as well.(Well, technically it's VJ's but the writers have probably forgotten that if they can't remember Leah doesn't have any fallopian tubes.)

Why was Gina in that episode?Every time there was a scene with her in I winced and it's not even as though the storyline went anywhere.She's just determined to control Xavier's life, even when he's a hundred miles away.She always insists she knows what's best for her sons and she never does.Don't know what to make of her refusing to listen to John until Leah made an offhand comment, she really doesn't deserve him.I'd love it if Gina disappeared and John and Xavier were left on their own, they'd be better off.

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One thing I wondered last episode:How did Charlie know about Heath being attacked when she spoke to Joyce?Only explanation I can think of is Ruby told her.At least it would explain where she disappeared to after they found Heath.

Wow, Sid having another daughter.Be interesting to see how Indi and Dex react to that one;I can see Indi having a fit and Dex being pretty okay with it.Wasn't expecting Sid to get slaughtered as a result.My initial thought is it's a shame that Sasha and her brother being split up seems inevitable, I'd kind of like to see Sid take Felix in as well but that didn't seem to be presented as an option. Wasn't expecting Dexter to call Roo at the end, I assumed that was Indi on the other end of the phone.Romeo and Indi moving back in...I am very much in two minds about this.It's good that no-one's pretending they could cope on their own but it just underlines why they should never have got married, they're just not grown-up enough to look after themselves.The two of them getting married and then living in Sid's spare room like they're still the children was kind of what I feared would happen and I hope they're going to show the difficulties of that sort of set-up rather than it becoming too cosy.

Miles moving out of his own house to live with Leah felt a bit strange, although it is her own house as well.(Well, technically it's VJ's but the writers have probably forgotten that if they can't remember Leah doesn't have any fallopian tubes.)

Why was Gina in that episode?Every time there was a scene with her in I winced and it's not even as though the storyline went anywhere.She's just determined to control Xavier's life, even when he's a hundred miles away.She always insists she knows what's best for her sons and she never does.Don't know what to make of her refusing to listen to John until Leah made an offhand comment, she really doesn't deserve him.I'd love it if Gina disappeared and John and Xavier were left on their own, they'd be better off.

Gina is just being a mother and concerned for her son's future.

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I think Joyce has his own agenda regarding Charlie's admission, I thought his comment 'this conversation never happened' was very telling. I can see him using that to his advantage at a later date. She did offer it stand down from the RB's investigation, but he has instructed her to keep on it. I guess that means Charlie and Brax are off again. :rolleyes: Did like the showdown on the beach with Heath's heavy hints about blowing the gaff and she shut him down, by revealing it was already known. So has Brax managed to divert a showdown between Hammer's gang and the RB's?

Roo did mention it was her name on the lease, but then that could mean the place is being rented out rather being resold to someone. This will mean Roo will have to pay for the damage done by Heath, why isn't he back home with Cheryl btw instead of bunking down at Roo's? If Romeo and Indi move out that will mean Casey, Brax and Heath are now Roo's tenants, lucky her.

As Brax has made his miraculous recovery he can move back to his motel room, Heath can go back home and Casey can move to the caravan park, simples!!! I understand Indi was upset about Romeo asking Sid for a loan, he should have asked Sid to be more discreet maybe. Nice that Romeo wasn't too proud to admit he needed help and didn't expect or want Indi to take on more hours. Sasha is Sid's daughter whereas Felix was Regina's exes son although it seemed he was only grudgingly taking him in! As she is only 15, I guess that makes her younger than Dex? I wonder what, if anything, Sasha has been told about Sid?

I felt sorry for John when Gina insisted she knew Xavier better than him, he looked really hurt. Let's not forget she didn't know Hugo as well as she thought she did did she? Lucky she had that talk with Leah when she said you can be too close and be perhaps blinded by that fact. Similar to Kelly's mum refusing to believe Dean could be capable of rape, especially when you consider it wasn't the first time. She certainly was different to how I imagined her to be as well, though seeing how she is having to run the place nearly single handed it's not really too surprising. You would have thought with a place that big they would have had some casual labour.

I saw Ralph Meagher on OK! TV by accident last night and he revealed some very interesting facts about Alf and another character on H&A. :wink:

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I like that they seem to be emphasising how Romeo and Indi's situation is far from ideal and hope they keep it up.Romeo looked distinctly unhappy when he realised they were gonna be sleeping in Indi's old room with all her stuff while his stuff was relegated to the shed and he seemed very much the odd one out at the end, sitting in the background while Sid, Indi and Dexter talked things over. Sid didn't do too bad a job once he'd sobered up.I'm glad that, while Indi was predictably upset at first, she was quickly able to move on from that and they've decided to meet Sasha.

Bianca's counselling session was okay, although they seemed to spend very little time discussing the rape/"attack" and more time going "So, are you all right apart from that?"Her decision to want time apart from Liam is a shame but understandable in the circumstances.

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Just caught up with this week's episodes.

Not sure about Miles moving to Leah's, the Caravan Park house is a Tardis like Irene's and I recall that in 2008 when Miles asked Kirsty and Ollie to move in (before he was in a relationship with her), he had Alf, Jai and Melody living there as well. It seems that the link with the Fletchers has been broken without much thought, although Miles and Sally do own the house. I'm not sure about Miles and Leah's relationship now, I liked it at the start but there doesn't seem to be much chemistry there, there was more with Kirsty, although she was always a bit young for him.

P.S. Did any other long-time viewer notice that the actor playing Bianca's counsellor, Patrick Dickson, was the same one who played Ian Routledge, the man Pippa left the Bay with when she finished being a permanent character?

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^I didn't realise it at the time but I thought he looked familiar so I looked him up and went "Really? That guy?"It surprised me because I don't remember him looking like that at all, I'll have to have a closer look at him in today's episode.

Yeah, I thought Miles worked better with Kirsty as well, it's just a shame they met at a time when they wanted different things out of life.I agree about the link with the Fletchers being broken although I think the blow is softened by the fact it's Alf, Roo and Marilyn living there, rather than a bunch of newbies who've never met Pippa or even Sally.It kind of feels akin to when the Nashes took over as Pippa's handpicked replacements rather than when the Sutherlands took over and it felt like the end of an era.(Temporarily, as it turned out...)It does, though, feel as though the whole fostering angle for the house has vanished, with Nicole gone and Romeo moved out and now Miles not living there, and it's hard to see it being restored in the near future.

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