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Bianca's counselling session was okay, although they seemed to spend very little time discussing the rape/"attack" and more time going "So, are you all right apart from that?"Her decision to want time apart from Liam is a shame but understandable in the circumstances.

I remember my first counselling session..and its a chance to build a relationship up with the cousellor, you rarely start talking about the issues until trust has been established so in that sense H&A did a good job, the counsellor wasn't pushing Bianca and that is in my opinion due to personal experience, is a good thing and very realisitic. This is not a dig at you, just making a point of how it was similar to my experience and why I dont see it as a bad thing, as to how they potrayed that particular scene

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Although I see your point Red about Romeo seeming the odd one out in the discussion about Sasha, it really was a family thing (as in Dex, Indi and Sid), it's not going to affect Romeo in quite the same way. I thought Dex and Indi took the news very well and she didn't rip his head off as he told Elijah he thought she might, perhaps being married has been good for her. Wondered how long it would be before someone asked how old Sasha was. Have a feeling it's not going to be all plain sailing.

I spotted that as well Red about Romeo and his belongings, it is good to show that not everything is rosy when you marry that long, but also you don't have to be too proud to accept help. As an aside, sort of, should Sid really have been driving considering he was still hungover?? I've had an idea, as Miles is moving in with Leah, wouldn't it be a good idea if Charlie and Ruby moved into Roo's, and she could now move back as Indi's moved out, simples!!!

Loved the way Elijah got out of having his hair done by Marilyn by escaping with Sid. :D What did he think he was planning to do?? Great idea of his later for her to branch out by doing weddings.

It must have been a good few years since Pippa left with Ian, so naturally he would have aged since then and not everyone ages that well. I thought the counsellor would have least called a spade a spade and referred to it as rape, instead of the usual 'attack'. It did make Bianca admit she, well not blamed Liam exactly for not being there, but that she was angry/hurt with him for disappearing after his rehab. Though in a way if he had been there it may not have happened. So she is right for wanting to put a hold on their relationship until she has finally worked it through.

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One thing I wondered last episode:How did Charlie know about Heath being attacked when she spoke to Joyce?Only

Miles moving out of his own house to live with Leah felt a bit strange, although it is her own house as well.(Well, technically it's VJ's but the writers have probably forgotten that if they can't remember Leah doesn't have any fallopian tubes.)

Just had a read through Leah's profile page, Leah has been pregnant before (but miscarried) BUT only after IVF so now she is suddenly able to get pregnant naturally???

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Alf's episode count this week:Four.Roo was also in four, Miles and Ruby were only in one each.

Man, someone shoot April already.She had absolutely no right having a go at Bianca the way she did.Okay, she apologised afterwards but it would be nice if she thought about other people in the first place.She really is as bad as Ruby used to be.Liam didn't do himself any favours by having a go at Pierson(I can see it's the guy that played Ian now).And, even though Irene's got other things on her mind, he was being a bit melodramatic with her anyway.Loving the relationship between Irene and Bianca, thought Irene would confide in her for a moment but I guess she's got enough on her plate.

Was expecting more to be made of Marilyn wrecking that girl's wedding.She did, after all, basically say "If he doesn't like what I've done with your hair, dump him."The way Roo stepped in when Leah and Elijah were confronting her, it felt like we were supposed to think what Marilyn did was right. Sid's right to not involve Roo in his family difficulties, she did, after all, walk out on them for arbitrary and fairly selfish reasons.

Even more than Gina earlier in the week, why was Colleen in the episode?All she did was spout nastiness that was nonsensical even by her standards."If you and Miles were married, he wouldn't take so long in the bathroom!"Huh?!Given how many men Leah's cohabited with over the years (Jesse, Elijah, Dan to start with), you wonder why Colleen's being so mean-spirited about this one.

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why was Colleen in the episode?All she did was spout nastiness that was nonsensical even by her standards."If you and Miles were married, he wouldn't take so long in the bathroom!"Huh?!Given how many men Leah's cohabited with over the years (Jesse, Elijah, Dan to start with), you wonder why Colleen's being so mean-spirited about this one.

It's a real pet hate of mine, when there's no actual reason for Colleen to be around and they give her some awful line like that which makes her sound like an old witch.

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That guy Jessica was going to marry did sound like a right mummy's boy, he still lived with her, she did all his laundry, so perhaps Marilyn did do her a favour. I know a lot of guys like women to wear their hair down, but she made him sound as if she couldn't wear it up for their wedding.

Although it was Roo who walked out of the relationship, Sid didn't have to be quite so rude to her, has that been how he treated all the other women that broke up with him? But you're right she doesn't need to know about Sasha, unless Indi or Dex tells her.

Poor Irene, what a shock for her (for once the bathroom door was locked). I had a feeling she was about to tell Bianca but stopped herself, but like you said Red, she probably feels she got enough to think about. This could be a shot in the dark, but when she phoned the hospital I had the feeling they first suggested she see Dr. Walker, which is why she said she'd rather see someone else. On that point wouldn't she normally see her own doctor first, unless (as been mentioned on here before) there isn't one in the bay.

The counsellor did make Liam look rather foolish, then of course he had to face Bianca's wrath, didn't do his case much good.

Next weeks looks like it's going to be action-packed!!!

Btw how is being married to Miles going to make him be quicker in the bathroom?????? :rolleyes:

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I thought that too, H&Alover, about Irene being offered Sid at first.I take it we're meant to assume she's got cancer, even though we didn't actually hear Derek say so.Colleen was being pretty unco-operative even if Irene hadn't been ill, acting as though it would be easier for Irene to lift the crate on her own rather than give her a hand, so her grumbling was particularly annoying.I did like that little bit with Elijah though, although isn't Irene meant to be a lapsed Catholic rather than a lapsed Anglican?

Guess it was inevitable the Braxtons would move to the Bay eventually and I find I don't really mind now they're not taking over Romeo and Indi's home.Brax and Casey were a bit naive thinking Hammer would leave them alone just because he got to beat up Heath but Heath's way of dealing with things is only going to exacerbate the situation, he's lucky it's only his car that got torched. Whatever his faults, at least Brax has a brain and is less likely to do something that'll get them all killed.New River Boy Stu makes his proper debut after an uncredited one line cameo last week. Given that he's a Summer Bay High student and seemed pretty friendly and rather naive, I suspect he's joined up with them because he thinks they're cool, much like VJ does, and could be in for a rude awakening.

Liam really isn't doing himself any favours by constantly storming round to Bianca's to have it out with her and it felt like another episode where new viewers wouldn't know she'd been raped.If he wants her back, he needs to give her the space she wants and hope she comes back to him, not keep harrassing her and driving her away.

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When Dr. Young suggested telling a friend about her (definitely cancer) my first thought was Colleen. Before everyone's eyebrows hit the ceiling, Colleen has been there and she does know how to keep a secret when asked to, remember Flynn?

Instead she tells April, will have to wait until tonight to find out why her.

I must have blinked and missed the new boy Stu, where did he suddenly come from, another Mango River transferee?

Did I hear Brax say he had got the OK from Roo to move Heath in? Him moving in I can understand, Casey shouldn't be there on his own, but as Casey said Heath moving in is only going to bring Hammers gang down on them. Now they are trying to spook Casey by making noises outside and driving up close to him. Stupid move getting that flick knife, that is only going to cause more bother, I know Brax took it off him, but (well wait and see). :wink:

Looks like it's going to be the clash of the Titans tonight, not condoning violence, but a good ruck between evenly matched guys is better than all that tit for tat stuff.

Although I can see how Liam would get the wrong idea about seeing Bianca and Heath on the beach, he did overreact, though Heath didn't help by winding him up. How long has it been since Liam had a car, last we saw he had the motorbike. :huh:

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April's a pretty surprising choice as the first person to know about Irene's cancer but I like it, it kind of shows the bond between them and, in a way, reverses Irene's usual maternal role.Even though April was being a bit sneaky going through Irene's stuff, I didn't mind because I could tell she only did it because she was worried.I certainly liked her better in that episode than I often have lately so I hope they keep it up.

At first I thought Bianca was just worried about Liam working for the Braxtons.Being worried about him being around alcohol is kind of understandable but frankly, for all her paranoia about it in the past, it's never really been a problem with him.It is kind of none of her business.I was glad that April's still on friendly terms with him despite everything.He's probably right to take the job, he needs the money and it is the legitimate sight of Brax's activities.

While Heath's tit for tat attitude with Hammer didn't help, Brax's "Ignore them and maybe they'll go away" plan obviously wasn't going to work either.In truth, there's probably no easy solution.Nice that Brax still wants to keep Casey out of it and annoying that Casey still doesn't seem to appreciate it;given how much he's been living in fear, you'd think he'd be less keen to throw himself into the crossfire.Miles handled things as best he could.Ruby's reaction was fairly spot on and again she seems a pretty good candidate for the one who told Charlie.Although I get she has a duty to keep order, I'm not sure Charlie acted for the best in stopping the fight, particularly when there didn't seem to be anyone else around to get hurt.It might have been best to let them sort it out themselves and then mop up afterwards.Instead, Hammer goes back to being sneaky and Stu suffers as a result.

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