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I thought that too, H&Alover, about Irene being offered Sid at first.I take it we're meant to assume she's got cancer, even though we didn't actually hear Derek say so.Colleen was being pretty unco-operative even if Irene hadn't been ill, acting as though it would be easier for Irene to lift the crate on her own rather than give her a hand, so her grumbling was particularly annoying.I did like that little bit with Elijah though, although isn't Irene meant to be a lapsed Catholic rather than a lapsed Anglican?

Guess it was inevitable the Braxtons would move to the Bay eventually and I find I don't really mind now they're not taking over Romeo and Indi's home.Brax and Casey were a bit naive thinking Hammer would leave them alone just because he got to beat up Heath but Heath's way of dealing with things is only going to exacerbate the situation, he's lucky it's only his car that got torched. Whatever his faults, at least Brax has a brain and is less likely to do something that'll get them all killed.New River Boy Stu makes his proper debut after an uncredited one line cameo last week. Given that he's a Summer Bay High student and seemed pretty friendly and rather naive, I suspect he's joined up with them because he thinks they're cool, much like VJ does, and could be in for a rude awakening.

Liam really isn't doing himself any favours by constantly storming round to Bianca's to have it out with her and it felt like another episode where new viewers wouldn't know she'd been raped.If he wants her back, he needs to give her the space she wants and hope she comes back to him, not keep harrassing her and driving her away.

Agreed. It isnt helping him or Bianca, she obviously needs space and time, and Liam is in danger of losing her if he doesnt back off and let her come to terms with everything in her own way because it will be harder for him if he doesnt back off.

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What was that fight like? They meet up in a public place in front of everyone and expect no one to do anything. And as for Hammer. Brax, Heath or probably even Casey could knock him over with one push! Not a scary opponent.

Poor Irene and poor Leah, neither of them are happy at the moment. Why couldn't Miles shut up about sickness, he just made Leah feel worse.

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Poor Irene - I'm finding this storyline so emotional already. The scene where Dr Young told her the bad news and the camera panned away was really well done.

I found the gang fight today pretty ridiculous. I don't get why Brax suddenly agreed to take part when he was dead against Heath doing anything. Grown men squaring up to each other on the middle of the public beach seemed so stupid - actually now I think about it maybe Brax did realise how stupid it was and knew that the police would obviously stop it before anyone got hurt?

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I know Leah was reluctant to have the baby at first because of her miscarriage in the past but I'm surprised nothing was mentioned about Kirsty's miscarriage when she was pregnant with Miles's child. Sod's law I guess that she wants to take time off when Irene needs be absent from the Diner to fight the cancer. It will only be a matter of time before she tells Leah. She won't have any choice.

Sasha seems like an interesting character and she's kind of cute. I can see her being irritating though but I'm looking forward to seeing the dynamic with her Sid, Dex, Indy etc.

I was really surprised Brax was stupid enough to fight Jake's crew in a public place again after nearly coming to blows on the beach a couple of days ago and almost getting arrested. As much as I think Brax deserves some sort of comeuppance he did appear to me to be genuinely concerned for John.

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Brax and Heath did actually have a point that it's no use Charlie expecting them to call a truce if Hammer's gang are going to carry on sneaking around and mutilating their "boys".Charlie in the wrong place at the wrong time again.Didn't notice at first but it's a bit odd Heath didn't turn up for the fight.Brax did seem pretty dumb arranging to meet the other gang at the surf club;if he wanted them to fight outside, why not say so to start with?The fight was even more lame than the one in the previous episode, the only person that anyone actually seemed to try and hurt was John, the rest were just involved in rather camp wrestling.I agree Brax did seem genuinely upset John was hurt, whatever his faults.

Again, rather liked the Irene/April interaction and April working at the Diner seems like a pretty good idea, especially if both Irene and Leah are out of action.(I think there was an oblique reference to both Leah and Miles knowing what it's like to lose a child, although it wasn't clear if it referred to Amber, the baby with Kirsty or both.)Irene going to see her children to tell them about the cancer was a nice continuity touch and not a way of getting rid of her now she's had her three episodes, no sirree.(I'm guessing she'll phone Nathan if he's still in Ireland...)

First impression of Sasha is she's quite a character and should be a good addition.Sid inviting her to move in was a bit abrupt but understandable in the circumstances.Seeing as how all the current teens will have left school next year(assuming no-one repeats, which is all too likely on this show), they need some younger characters.

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The fight (or non-fight) on the beach does now seem to have been the best option seeing what has happened at the surf club. As Red said there were only the two gangs there and the only people they would have hurt was themselves. I suppose it's too much of a coincidence that Charlie and co just happened to be passing when it almost kicked off? Casey obviously didn't tell her and I'm not sure Ruby would have known. Ruby was showing sense for once by telling Charlie she would be staying away from Casey's place while all the trouble is going on.

Poor Stu he's only been in the gang for five minutes and he's the one that gets maimed. It did have to get sorted once and for all, but yes why the surf club???? John was right when he told them to take it outside and Brax did try, then one of Jake's gang said something and Heath threw the first punch, then all hell broke loose. Now an innocent bystander (John) has been hurt, which Brax at least tries to avoid. He really did look shocked and upset when that happened, there were no sarky comments when Charlie nicked him. Heath will be back inside having breached his bail conditions. Hammer will be most upset they started without him and got themselves nicked, btw since when has having a set of scales in your car suspicious?

As you say Slade sods law that both Leah and Irene want time off at the same time, though Irene knows why Leah does. So that's how April knew, she certainly seemed more aware of Irene's mood than Bianca did, who just dismissed it as her being busy at work. It is unfair though of Irene to expect April to keep such an enormous secret to herself for any length of time. Do you think they have the same message regarding help lines we do at the end of soaps when dealing with serious illness, rape etc?

So Sid didn't get a glowing reference from Sasha's mum judging by her treatment of him. She's going to fit right in with Dex and Indi. :whistling::wink: Nice of them to volunteer to meet her with Sid, but I can understand why he wanted it to be just him on the first meeting. Nice little line that they have taken all this time to get used to being let down at Christmas' and birthdays' because of Sid having to work. All academic now though with her not so subtle hints about staying with her brother and his dad and not being wanted.

Know what you mean Miranda, hardly going to foster sisterly love is it?

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Although I suspect some people worked it out at least we know why Kelly's mum had such a downer on Xavier. She seemed to resent Kelly for shopping him to the police and took it out on Xavier but ultimately she blamed herself. For what exactly? Keeping him on the farm for all his life so he wasn't able to go out and find himself a woman. I'm glad she realised after Kelly called her out on it and I really liked the chat with Xavier. Presumably Xavier's going to come back to Summer Bay. If that's the case then it's a shame things haven't worked out as I really like them together and even though I really like Xavier, Kelly makes him even better and treats him much better than April did. Not sure whether that scene was supposed to signify that they have been sleeping together or whether sleeping together is going to be some sort of goodbye.

I'm glad John's going to be OK and I think Gina did the right thing following his advice with regards to Xavier.

Like Miranda, I was surprised at Sasha when I saw the preview yesterday but I don't think it was as bad as the preview made out. Granted Romeo told Sasha she was married when she came onto him and she wanted him to disregard that anyway but if we look at the situation she's just lost her mother, been separated from her brother, her step dad's family don't want her, it seems to Sasha as though Sid is avoiding her, her step dad split with her mother, her birth father cheated on his wife so it's understandable about her attitude towards marriage. And when she realised who Romeo was you could see she felt ashamed which does suggest at least she wouldn't have done the dirty on her sister. Fair play to Romeo for not saying anything. No need to unless she tries anything again. I quite liked the stuff with Sasha and Dex (with any luck she'll be laughing at his jokes in no time). I do admit I felt quite sorry for her at the end. She obviously felt so alone.

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I liked Xavier turning on the charm with Kelly's mum, that was quite funny and sweet and they sorted out their differences. I wish Xavier and Kelly would stay together, they are such a good couple.

Dex and Sasha were so funny with the drinks and biscuits, the two actors look so alike anyway. I think Sasha looks like a cross between Dex and Indi- dark colouring like him and slightly cartoon rabbit-ish like her.

I hope Sasha doesn't chat up Romeo again, that would be awful.

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Oh yes, I forgot about Hammer's scales.Surely he wasn't going to bash someone over the head with them?Are we meant to assume they were for weighing drugs or something?

Whilst I'd prefer it if Kelly went back to the Bay with him, I'd kind of resigned myself to Xavier coming back alone.He did actually seem to be shaping up to be a pretty good farm hand after his poor start and Rhonda(as we can now call her after she's been listed on the hit and miss end credits)seemed to gain a bit of respect for him by the end.Shame we got a bit more of the show's snobbery towards people leaving school and finding honest jobs:There are a lot worse things to be than a farm hand and several of them are in Summer Bay.I'm glad Xavier and Kelly ended things on a positive note:They both tried to fit into each other's worlds and I think they'll look back on the time they had in a happy light.I think they probably had slept together before, although I'm not sure how frequently, but it's nice they had one last night together.(Have to say though, with Xavier one of the longest serving characters now-third longest serving male and second longest serving teen-if he does leave in the near future, not that I want him to, it'd be nice for him and Kelly to reunite.)

I guess if Sid had to go he had to go, although I thought he was just helping out with an emergency, not working a whole shift.It is nice to see some more interaction between Indi and Dexter now they're living together again.I doubt anything will come of Sasha flirting with Romeo, she probably did fancy him but I think she recognises he's off limits now.I think it just demonstrated that she gives off a confident air, which the end scene suggests is partly an act, and has a bit of a cynical attitude towards marriage/relationships.Again, I think it's a shame she and her brother have been split up;I know his father didn't want her but it's odd the possibility of him staying with the Walkers hasn't even been mooted.Nice of them to remember houses have a finite number of rooms, although it's probably meant to be symbolic.Can't see things staying that way for long though which makes me think someone's gonna have to move out.Overall, I'm liking Sasha so far and it'll be nice to see how she fits in with the Walkers.The bit of her and Dexter eating and drinking in unison and him suddenly looking very scared was great.

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