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Shame it didn't work out for Xav at the farm, but assuming he and Kelly stay as a long distance couple he can always go back there in the holidays. John got it right again about Gina not putting pressure on him to come home because of his accident and I think Xav's decision to come home on his own accord show how much he has grown up. He did pick up on the fact she was worried though which was quite astute of him. I think the turning point with Rhonda came when he stood up for Kelly and himself. I guess she got it right when she said you really have to have farming in your blood and although he liked it OK, it wasn't for him. Maybe she meant she blamed herself for Dean because of the previous girl he attacked and didn't do anything. As an aside what was that about not having calls until after sundown, how would Gina know that??

Apart from her spiky side, I'm liking Sasha. I agree Miranda she does resemble both of them, especially Indi and her mouth. It was spooky the way her and Dex were eating their biscuits the same way. Had to laugh at Indi's attempt at cooking (obviously Romeo did the cooking before) and the diplomatic way they commented on it when it was finally served up. :lol: Apart from Romeo being married she is under age so definitely a no-no. Now she knows he is her brother-in-law hopefully she'll back off. The way she has been shunted around is bound to have coloured her judgment about marriage and relationships. Did I hear her say she didn't know Sid was her dad until after her mum died? How many people have said they are only sticking around for a while (in her case six months) and end up staying a lot longer. I wondered that as well Red about Sid going back to work, unless it was because of the fight. Perhaps he's just nervous of actually sitting down and talking to her. They did say to her it was nothing unusual for him to cancel things at the last moment. We did find out Indi's and Dex's ages (19 and 17 respectively). Sweet of Dex to offer her his room, but it seems she's used to sleeping on a sofa.

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Yes, I wondered what the scales were for :blink: Maybe they were suggesting Hammer has a secret hobby of cooking and he's not such a bad boy :lol:

I don't know what the writers are playing at with Xavier. They give him the perfect girl, then whisk her away from him. Are they thinking he will get back together with April?

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I could understand Gina's point of view regarding the school's zero tolerance attitude towards knives but, I really didn't like the way she was with Casey. Regarding his expulsion at first, I thought she could have at least done it in a way to be sympathetic. I guess there are arguments for and against Miles telling Gina but I can't really criticise him for saying something. You could argue that the expulsion was harsh and possibly unnecessary but once Gina expelled him, giving Casey a second chance completely went against everything she said at the start and possibly sets a dangerous precedence. In saying that I was shaking my head and rolling my eyes when Casey told her to stick it. I never particularly liked him and doing that shows what an idiot he can be sometimes. What does he have to lose by at least attempting the HSC? If he fails then fine but at least he will have the peace of mind of knowing that he tried.

I'm a big fan of motherly love so regardless of they way Gina was with Casey I really enjoyed he reaction and the stuff with Xavier when she saw him on her porch.

Although I think Alf and Romeo did the wrong thing, I was actually quite pleased they got Harvey back because I really didn't like the underhand way he went to the council and they lost the mooring (even though Alf had it for 40 years) so another shake the head moment when Roo wrote the article about how its history and how much Alf had actually put into it.

I really didn't like the way Sasha referred to Sid as a loser but for the second day running again I think it's understandable. Sid didn't want to go to Marilyn initially because he didn't want to tell her about Sasha and he himself admitted to Marilyn when he did tell her that he told Sasha to keep quiet about him being her father. I really hope that in time her attitude towards him will change.

So Roo to the rescue again. Just happened to be there when Marilyn couldn't offer Sasha a job and just happened to have gone through the same thing Sasha did when she was younger when she was playing agony aunt. Sid's face at realising Roo knew about Sasha was interesting and I as much as I want things to work out with Sasha and Sid I fully expect Roo to talk Sasha into giving him another chance.

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Alf's episode count this week:One.(Although he was credited on Wednesday and Thursday.)Roo was in all of them.

There are times when I really find it hard to think of anything nice to say about Gina.I've no doubt she was within her rights to expel Casey but she's been giving him a hard time for a while mainly for personal reasons:She suspended him for a fight Xavier started because her son came off worse and has since been hassling and now expelling him just because she's in a bad mood about Xavier and because she blames his brothers for John being injured.Unless it was because she thought she put him off, her lack of concern about him apparently being missing was rather cold too:Given that Stu was attacked and hospitalised for being involved with the Braxtons only a few days ago, something happening to him seemed a distinct possibility.I was annoyed with Leah for pressuring Miles into telling her about it too, although he'd probably have done so anyway:Seriously, what good would have come of it?I really wish Miles hadn't backed off when calling Gina out over her behaviour.Fine, she eventually went to Casey and admitted she'd overreacted but too little, too late. She's one of many characters who needs to think of other people in the first place rather than apologising afterwards.And yet we're meant to be happy that she got her own way and has Xavier back under her control?I actually found it quite sickening watching her happy when she's just wrecked a young man's education.(Unless he changes his mind next week again but still...)

Given that Harvey had lopped all his hair off since his last appearance, it took me a second or two to recognise him.I enjoyed Alf and Romeo getting one over on him.Ironic that Colleen's attempt to help seems to have backfired but I'm not sure what the issue is:It sounds like the mooring was Alf's personal property, so in theory he's within his rights to remove it.In fact, it sounds like it was effectively there illegally, so maybe he even has to take it down.

Forgot to comment on the Walkers' ages:Nice to get confirmation Indi's nineteen but I think Dex has been seventeen for over a year now or at least must turn eighteen very soon.Sid's doing his best but he made a mess of things again, he should have explained his history with Marilyn to Sasha from the off rather than fobbing her off.Nice to see Elijah getting a bit of use, I was expecting him to twig who Sasha was a lot earlier, did Sid not tell him her name?I'm really hoping Roo doesn't make a fuss, I get it would be embarrassing for her to find out like that but she made the decision that she didn't want a boyfriend with a career and family and, despite "all she's done for that family", she needs to accept she's not at the top of Sid's mailing list.Not an expert on the Australian education system by any means but if Sasha's only fifteen, surely she should be in school?

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I want to like Gina, I really do. She has moments of coolness but sometimes is so heavy handed and controlling. I think she should have said to Casey- knowing what his life is like- that he must hand in the knife and that was his warning. If he brings a knife to school again, he would be punished. You can't just hand out the harshest punishment for the first offence, you have to have graduated punishments.

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I think her heart is in the right place but she's doing Xavier no favours in not cutting the apron strings. But then I think he'll always be nice but simple :-)

I want to like Gina, I really do. She has moments of coolness but sometimes is so heavy handed and controlling. I think she should have said to Casey- knowing what his life is like- that he must hand in the knife and that was his warning. If he brings a knife to school again, he would be punished. You can't just hand out the harshest punishment for the first offence, you have to have graduated punishments.

I guess Sasha will tone down her act as the episides go by, I certainly hope so as she's coming across as a bit of a pain where Sid's concerned. I actually feel sorry for him surrounded by cranky females like Marilyn, Roo and Indi and now Sasha! It's enough to drive a doctor to have an affair with a nurse.

Sorry to hear Irene is the lastest cancer victim, she really doesn't deservee it (are you listening H&A script writers). Summer Bay is a real cancer hotspot...surprised we haven't had skin cancer yet since most of the young cast spend loads of time on the beach!

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surprised we haven't had skin cancer yet since most of the young cast spend loads of time on the beach!

Flynn died from skin cancer

Ahh, yes. What cancer did Colleen have?

She had breast cancer.

I think Miles hit the nail on the head when he accused Gina taking out her frustration at Xavier being away on Casey, plus blaming him for his brothers actions. Xav did make her rethink when he said everyone deserved a second chance. Zero tolerance does mean zero tolerance and Miles should have kept his mouth shut, whatever Leah thought. Casey had handed over the knife to Brax so wasn't even in possession of it anymore. I can understand Casey's reaction what with everything else happening in his life, I guess he is on his own again at the moment if Heath and Brax are both banged up. I think (and hope) Ruby will be able to persuade him to change his mind, as you said Slade even if he does fail his HSC he knows he has then given it his best shot. It'll be no good Brax practically bullying him into doing it. Xav did come back on his own accord and for once it was nice it was a mutual break up and he hadn't been dumped again.

I was wondering the same Red as to why Sid just didn't tell Sasha he and Marilyn had been a couple and had only recently broken up. Very awkward that when Sid came along when Sasha was moaning about her useless dad, but as been said Roo didn't want to be involved with the family and one more would make her even further down on his list of priorities. Yes Sasha ought to be in school.

Oops that was bad timing that article appeared (complete with photo of the mooring) just after Alf and Romeo had got rid of it. If as Harvey said he would have been top of the list to get it, didn't we see his boat moored next door to the Braxland? Good point Red about it being Alf's property, albeit maybe illegally, would he have to had planning permission or whatever is needed? It had been there x number of years and it seems the rest of the marina was built round it.

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