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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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feel so sorry for Xavier and he seemed to be getting on so well with Kelly. How many more luscious ladies will be hook up with until he gets one that lasts? Mind you, he didn't seem too depressed today getting stuck into his bookwork. Sasha now ? about the only one available. Not getting back with April perlease!!!

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I actually rather liked April in that episode and was disappointed we didn't see more of her.This storyline with Irene is bringing out a side of her we don't see very often.Good that Irene's told Leah and Marilyn and is getting some support, although continuity seemed a bit odd:Marilyn's breast cancer was only about four years ago but her comment suggested it was a lot longer.Miles didn't seem to have much reason to be in that episode;why exactly was he at the caravan park house, other than to get his face on screen?The photos on Irene's fridge seem to have multiplied suddenly: I think I recognised the Geoff/Annie one that's been there years, one of Irene with Will and Lily, one of Kirsty and Ollie and, bizarrely, looked like two of Belle(she seemed to be with someone in the second one, probably Aden, but I didn't get a clear look at it).

Nice to see the Xavier/John double act up and running, I loved the way John was randomly slapping his cheeks while Xavier was trying to study and the way they both realised it was Gina on the phone. Ouch at that cliffhanger though.

Seemed to be some more tension between Romeo and Indi, as the strain of having to rely on his father-in-law begins to get to him.At first I thought it might be going somewhere but it probably means one of them is going to be injured/missing during the storm and the other one's gonna feel guilty.I'd forgotten about the development storyline, nice that the writers haven't.Alf was sensible stopping Romeo going out in the storm.Thought at first that Sasha ducked out of joining her new family because she was expecting the call from Felix but it seemed to come as a surprise to her. Didn't realise he was that young and again hope there's a way for him to stick around and him and Sasha to stay together.I saw someone on Australian Discussion assuming Xavier would end up with Sasha and it crossed my mind that little scene between them might be to set that up but she seems a bit young for him.

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I'd forgotten Maz had had breast cancer, I thought it was longer as well, hasn't she been gone ten years and she didn't she have it while she was away? It must be a relief to April that Irene has told other people, she can stop pretending everything is OK. I hope Bianca feels suitably ashamed as she was so sure there was nothing wrong with Irene.

Those scenes of John and Xav were great, they were so relaxed in each others company. Do we feel it may be a blood clot that has moved up into John's lung? Of course Xav is going to be busy at the beach, will probably try and ring John, won't be able to get hold of him because the lines will be down and won't worry that much. Is it that time of the year for a clearout/up on the set of H&A so they have a storm? :wink:

Glad it seems Romeo took Alf's advice, it wouldn't do business any good if you lost the client overboard! Though you would have thought Roo would have had more sense, plus Harvey is supposed to be an experienced sailor. :rolleyes:

I thought it looked like Felix had rung Sasha earlier that day, perhaps to tell her he was on his way? You would have thought he would be OK being at his dads, but it seems he is not a very nice guy. Obviously he is not going home, so where is Sasha going to hide him? He looks to be about eight or nine to me. I agree Red, it did go through my mind about Xav and Sasha pairing up, but she is only 15 and he is three years older, so maybe not a good idea.

Liked Romeo's rather shamefaced confession he and Alf got rid of the mooring and I feel Indi was right to be annoyed about it, though calling Romeo stupid was a bit OTT.

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Special effects alert! A couple of those scenes from the Surf Club could have done without showing the storm at all looking at it from the inside.

That episode felt quite long for me even though it was the usual 20 minutes. Maybe because there was so much happening.

The way John collapsed at first I wasn't sure about his injuries. I thought for a split second his heart problems had resurfaced but I'm glad it was a ruptured spleen which has now been repaired. OK so Sasha totally did the wrong thing helping herself to food from Xavier's fridge but I do believe she only wanted food for her and her brother - nothing else. At least she called for help before doing anything else. I quite liked the way Sid was with her on the phone and it did seem as though the prospect of John dying reminded her of her mother. I did actually think when I saw their brief scene yesterday that the writers were trying to suggest something with Xavier and Sasha. Especially now that Kelly's gone they would have to pair Xavier with someone. Quite a few times in soaps when two people get together they don't get off to the best of starts. Again I thought something when Xavier tried to stop her from making off with their food. I'm not sure the age difference will be a problem if any relationship were to occur. When Kane started dating Kirsty she was only 15 and he was 18. I quite liked Dexter's concern for Sasha and the way he described her to April (the Aliens vs Predator reference). It will be interesting to see her and April's first meeting. Sid did seem disgusted when he heard about what Sasha did but when he meets her brother I'm sure he'll understand why, not that I agree with it of course.

BTW - I thought most of the Summer Bay cancer sufferers were attributed to the waste disposal site back in 2009.

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Yes, another cancer storyline despite the thing that caused them all supposedly being gone.So much for Belle's sacrifice, hey?At least Irene was already living there then so it could have been dormant already.Marilyn's breast cancer was around the time of Donald's last return so 2007.

Pretty involved episode.Roo was incredibly dumb going out in a dangerous storm, Harvey arguably even dumber if he's supposed to be an experienced seaman.So the inevitable "Indi feels guilty that she argued with Romeo and now he's missing" scene came along.Not sure how many people were supposed to be with Alf and Romeo but it seems a bit odd that they couldn't spare anyone to stay behind with Romeo.(Also seemed slightly odd, if understandable, that Alf seemed willing to leave Harvey out there once Roo was found.)

Sasha did show a vulnerable side when she called for help for John and it was nice that Sid was the first person she turned to.I really wish she'd tell him about Felix, although I suspect she's right and his first instinct would be to send Felix back to his father.Incidentally, they were obviously just playing any old thing on the radio while John was lying on his own:There was a snatch of a news report about something that happened to British footballer Dennis Wise in 1995.And the subtitles highlighted it(even if they did get his name wrong), just to underline the mistake.Kind of wondering what happened to Felix, Sasha just seemed to leave him behind when she fled the house. I was expecting Xavier to find him hidden there but instead he just turned up at the hospital. Which is a bit odd in itself since how did he know?Sid calling John's mobile seems the most likely explanation but still a bit strange.I agree the age gap isn't a complete barrier to Xavier and Sasha getting together(and I think the actors are the same age anyway), depends on how they handle it.

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I agree the age gap isn't a complete barrier to Xavier and Sasha getting together(and I think the actors are the same age anyway), depends on how they handle it.

Give Xavier a break, will you. He's just come back with a probable broken heart, thrown himself into his studies and with John to look after. He doesn't need another rebound relationship immediately. I thought that he acted very mature helping out with the storm arrangements as far as he could - definitely doesn't want a young girl hanging around him - one who thinks there are no faithful men.

Great storm scene there today, with all the atmospherics. How come Romeo didn't need his hood on, when everyone else was in stormproof jackets?

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Oh, yeah, one other thing I forgot to mention:Found it surprising that people still don't know about Sasha and that Sid still seems to be oddly cagey about her.April apparently didn't know she was in town, so either she and Dexter haven't spoken for about a week or he's just been very disgreet, and Xavier managed to speak to both Sid and Dexter about her without finding out who she is.

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Caring and sensitive RTE in Ireland aired the great storm just after a news bulletin announcing deaths after a storm and flood in Dublin!

Oh for god's sake!!! Wake up RTE.

Brian, yes I thought that about Romeo and his hood, too. Maybe no one can understand what he says with his hood up!

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