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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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A good episode today, the best of the storm episodes so far in my opinion. The special effects have been great so far, and I'm not surprised to learn this set of episodes is the most expensive stunt they've ever attempted.

I had already seen the scene with Romeo and Harvey in the car together teetering over the cliff in countless promo's, however it didn't really look quite as spectacular as I had hoped. It felt a little rushed and I think it would have been more suspenseful as a cliff-hanger (literally) and had been spread over two episodes. Instead, Romeo pulls the car onto solid ground using the winch without any trouble and next scene they're both at the hospital! It was a little bit too fast-paced for me, but perhaps Romeo's episode count for the week is up already.

It was sad to see Leah potentially losing the baby after everything that's happened, and with VJ being so excited at the prospect of a younger brother. I hate that Elijiah was there to confide in about her worries when Miles should have been there. We already had the longing looks from him today, so he obviously still loves Leah. To me it feels a little slimy him moving in while Miles isn't around. She's having a baby with his best mate, a guy who both she and VJ love. However he feels, he should back off.

Colleen was really annoying me towards the end, I wish she'd been smashed by the roof :rolleyes: . The school is probably one of the oldest sets (1996), apart from SBH and the Beach House so we'll probably get a new one soon. It's a shame because the school set has so many memories for me, I think it would be a real shame to lose it.

Another thing I was wondering; does anyone else feel as though the sound quality of this week of episodes (so far) is a bit off? To me the audio sounds quite detached from the visuals when a character is talking, as though it isn't properly dubbed. Although I think it's the original audio (not re-recorded and used over the original visuals) it doesn't look quite right :huh: .

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I couldn't really get into Romeo and Harvey's storyline:Not only was virtually everything of interest in the trailer at the end of the previous episode but I don't really find either character particularly interesting, they badly needed a decent character like Alf in there to add a bit of colour.And the inevitable Romeo/Indi "I'm so sorry we argued" reunion.Roo was a bit of a cow towards Sid frankly. Annoying that there's absolutely no follow up on what's happened to Sasha(last seen running out into the storm)and Felix(last seen being shoved into a back room at the Palmer house), other than one line from Sid.

Didn't really mind the Leah and Elijah stuff.It is obvious that Elijah's still got feelings for her but he does seem to know to keep his distance and didn't cross the friendship line.VJ running out into the storm to find Leah was pretty suicidal and I'm surprised Leah just seemed to brush it aside the way she did, I expected her to be more angry.

I did badly want someone to shoot Colleen and put us out of our misery near the end.Did Bianca and Ruby really expect Casey not to react to the digs at his family?We're used to important stuff happening off screen but now it seems like characters are being put in stasis when they're not in the episode, with no-one knowing Casey quit school.While Heath was wrong to take Darcy without telling anyone, Tegan was dumb to drag her back out into the storm and put them both in danger rather than staying in the, um, safety of the school that falls down whenever there's a natural disaster around.Bianca seemed to lose a few brain cells as well:At the end she just seemed to be standing on her own in an unsafe area and not trying to move.We might not get any opening titles these days but some decisions still beggar belief:We get a cliffhanger which tries to make it look like Heath might be dead, followed by end credits which reveal he's now main cast...(Oh-and a trailer which reveals that, at the very least, it's not an immediate death.)

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Roo was a bit of a cow towards Sid frankly.

Can't say I blame her after the way Sid treated her when she went round to the farm to help rouse him from his drunken stupor ("Dex, can you tell her to leave?").

It's a shame, though, because she's one of the few people that Sacha can relate to and she could be a great help in mending the bridge between Sacha and her father.

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We might not get any opening titles these days but some decisions still beggar belief:We get a cliffhanger which tries to make it look like Heath might be dead, followed by end credits which reveal he's now main cast...(Oh-and a trailer which reveals that, at the very least, it's not an immediate death.)

Yeah I noticed that. They did a similar thing in yesterday's episode in which the cliffhanger was Romeo finding Harvey lying down unconscious. He checks his pulse and then drops his head like Harvey is dead... "Next time on Home and Away" and Harvey is back to life!

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I knew I was right about TPTB using the 'storm' to clear up the set. Talking of the school, have you noticed we haven't had any scenes of the school grounds for yonks now. I guess Gina and Miles were already at the school when the storm broke and there wasn't anything Gina could do to help John. How did Colleen get to the school managing to leave Leah on her own at the Diner? You would think after the number of storms Colleen has seen over the years she would be used to them, but no she was causing mayhem, why didn't someone just slap her!!!!

So are we to assume poor Felix is trapped all alone in a strange house in the middle of a torrential storm, poor kid. How handy it was John's house they decided to shelter in, she did do the right thing by ringing Sid, she hasn't been there long enough to know anyone else to call and he is a doctor. As for not everyone being aware who she is, neither Sid, Indie or Dex don't seem to have had much time to tell many people. He could have told Colleen, that would have saved a lot of time. :lol: So now Dex and April are out looking for her without having a clue where to start. :rolleyes: Amazing how many people go back out on the storm to look for people.

I don't think Leah was all that fussed it was Elijah that was with her, as long as she wasn't on her own.

Bianca did see Heath in a while new light when he turned up with Darcy, that is until it was discovered he had taken from her school without letting Tegan know. I understand she was angry about it but then to take her out again just because she didn't want to be told what to do was just plain stupid. Ruby was another one who needed a slap for going on and on at Casey about quitting his HSC, even Bianca told her to lay off. I was wondering where Liam was, then we saw him at the caravan park.

Special effects were pretty amazing, though being dark didn't help us viewers see what was going on. Did seem strange Romeo being left on his own to find Harvey, but equally odd the rest of rescue crew leaving him alone to begin with. He's certainly a lot stronger than he looks, picking up Harvey twice to get him in the car, then carrying him into the hospital.

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With all the 4x4 vehicles driving through a national park in a dark rain storm, I couldn't help thinking of Jurassic Park and expecting dinosaurs to appear any minute.

Now that would of been good :lol:

Yes wouldn't it? 'Mind that T-Rex behind you Romeo, aaaiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeee!'

I thought Heath was really immature in that last episode. He was brilliant saving Darcy but then we realised he'd just taken her without telling anyone, duh! You never take a child without telling its parent/guardian! Tegan must have been worried sick. Then on top of that, Heath threw a childish strop when he was told this information and acted like a spoilt brat. Grow up Heath, you're a dad now.

Having said that, I didn't agree with Tegan taking Darcy out of the school back into the storm, why didn't she just stay there in safety til it ended?

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I think Heath was a bit dumb to take Darcy without permission but he was clearly just thinking about her safety and that in my eyes is admirable especially since he doesn't come across as a father type figure. The scene when he was trying to make Darcy feel safe was so adorable. I did wonder why tegan didn't just stay there.That would have made more sense than just going back into the storm.

As for Colleen. Why didn't someone slap her. They say best way to stop hysteria is a slap...

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Bit of a letdown frankly, I was wondering about the wisdom of Gina apparently sending everyone outside into the storm but suddenly the storm wasn't there anymore.The Heath/Bianca, Leah/Miles and especially Colleen scenarios were given so little screen time I almost forgot they were supposed to be in danger and didn't really think any of them wouldn't be all right.I did laugh when Heath suggested something he and Bianca could do in an space and Bianca's response was to call out for the rescuers but it all ends with Liam being an idiot again and doing his best to alienate her;I understand it was awkward for him seeing her friendly with Heath but where is his brain?!

Oh-and still no indication as to what's happened to Sasha and Felix.And couldn't they have killed Colleen?Please?

Instead, they kill Tegan.I am very disappointed by that.The show seemed determined that we shouldn't like her but in spite of that, I did.It feels like she's been killed purely to remove an obstacle to Brax and Charlie being together and to allow Darcy to move in with the Braxtons, so they have lots of sweet moments with the cute moppet and make us forget what they've done. (Actually, I hear Heath getting out of jail was a last minute change of plan, which makes me wonder if Brax was meant to be Darcy's father originally.It would explain why the idea was raised and then dropped so quickly.)Tegan's death was eminently avoidable if she'd just stayed at the evacuation centre instead of going off in a strop.And even though we get a rare glimpse of her softer side in the scenes with Charlie and her last chat to Brax, she still manages to go out committing a random act to cause trouble.I found her a somewhat tragic figure, dreaming of her happy ever after with Brax while he only ever saw her as something casual, unaware of her feelings and of how much she was being screwed up by the whole arrangement.Don't really care if Hammer's after Charlie and Brax, so long as no innocents get caught in the crossfire.

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