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I think Tegan took Darcy back out into the storm with her to make a point. She wanted Brax to be the father, obviously more than she does Heath.

Then after worrying her sick by taking her child away without her knowledge, he acts like it's no big deal. Although it was stupid of her, Tegan was worrying about her pride and wanted to show she can look after her without the help of Heath or anyone else. She's had to live that way ever since Darcy was born.

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Not much to say about this episode, apart from that I'm surprised the storm is already over.

Bianca and Heath trapped under the roof was another cliff-hanger resolved in one episode that I thought could have been spread out to heighten the drama, but what do I know. I really don't know why they're wrapping all of this up so quickly. Why weren't there 3-4 episodes showing the destruction to the town, leading into next week in which people are slowly found and rescued. What are they going to talk about next week? :blink:

After being so distraught I was also surprised to see such little in the way of relief from Casey when he saw Heath rescued. The same goes for Brax when he saw Tegan, and Heath after their accidents.

I also thought it was an odd situation to trap Heath and Bianca together, as they begin to plot the development of their relationship. Bianca seems to have all but forgotten about her recent attack, and I would have been far more convinced if she had been seriously panicing about being trapped under the rubble. Not only could she not move, but she was pinned down by a man.

Tegan's crash was quite disturbing, but again very rushed. It was very strange that Charlie was able to get into the car alongside her and have quite a normal chat. If Tegan had been more visibly trapped in the car, with Charlie only able to comfort her through the window I would have been far more engaged. It also wasn't entirely clear what happened to her in the end, the details were all glossed over - with the 'toxins' being trapped due to the steering wheel :huh: . There was also no detail of Darcy's injuries. Perhaps she had a head injury and when able to leave the car wondered off, dazed. At least that's what I assume!

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I'm guessing, since the passenger side was undamaged enough for Charlie to get in, that Darcy wasn't really injured.I assume she wandered off to get help, although it wasn't really clear.I agree about Bianca and her reaction to Heath, it does seem like the rape's been forgotten about again.

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I think it just shows how young and silly Heath and Tegan are. Taking her child out into a dangerous storm to 'make a point'? You don't use a child to make a point, you put your own embarrassment or whatever aside and think of the child's safety. Not saying I'm a perfect parent or anything, I'm just older than they are.

It was more Heath's reaction afterwards that was immature- he was good with Darcy- but when Bianca told him how thoughtless he'd been he just had a strop instead of realising his mistake. He made it all about himself and his hurt feelings- how dare anyone question his judgement? Rather than saying 'oops, I didn't think, did I? Sorry Tegan.'

Oh well, they'll learn, I'm presuming they are only in their early 20s, I'd probably have done the same back then <_<

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Oh-and still no indication as to what's happened to Sasha and Felix.

Or Dex and April for that matter!! Neither Sid, Indie or Bianca have mentioned them once.

For such a ferocious storm it did seem to be over pretty quickly. So is that it, just one death, not that I'm morbid at all. All those buildings being battered and folk wandering around the only one to die was Tegan when her car was crushed by a falling tree. I'm with Red, if Darcy was in the passenger seat, it is likely her small size that saved her from being hurt. She didn't appear to be hurt, probably dazed and shocked. Of course it had to be Brax who just happened to be driving along that particular part of road and saw her. :rolleyes: I liked her talk with Charlie and why she acted the way she did. I hope Heath never finds out (which is unlikely now) that he was second best because she couldn't have Brax.

Did I hear right, did Tegan say to Brax she knew it was him that tipped off Charlie (anonymously) about the fight on the beach?

Liam certainly did overreact when he saw Heath and Bianca walk out together, I suppose it was because of what had happened between them. I guess it was because it was Heath that Bianca didn't freak out as much as she may have if it had been someone she didn't know. He may have been an idiot concerning Darcy, but he did redeem himself by keeping Bianca calm. Will Heath want to be more involved in Darcy's life now her mum has died, I guess legally Tegan's mum is now Darcy's guardian.

One bit of good news was Leah hasn't lost the baby. Did have to laugh when it was revealed Colleen had been on 'the throne' when the roof collapsed. :lol:

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Although Bianca and Heath have been getting on a bit better lately, it doesn't seem that long since she thought she was demanding Charlie lock him up before he ruined any more lives.Either way, given that she's had trouble with Liam, who she supposedly loves, touching her and she woke up to find someone lying on her, I was expecting a stronger reaction than basically "Oh, hi, Heath."Did anyone bother to tell April and Irene that Bianca was trapped?There didn't seem to be anyone worrying about her other than Liam.

Alf's episode count this week:Five.Roo was in every episode, for the second week running.

Today's episode:It's typical that, after years of Will coming back and going "Gypsy has a cold and can't come", they finally get Kimberley Cooper back right after they split them up.But still, I was grinning from ear to ear when I realised who those legs belonged to and convincing a bemused Liam they'd slept together was a brilliant Gypsy entrance.I hope they're not going to make a mess of it like they did with Will;as with him, she did seem a bit too flighty at times for someone who's been a mother of two for the last decade plus continuity errors.And Lily's subdued mood doesn't bode well.Don't blame her for putting her foot in it with Bianca, Irene should have told her before that.Roo taking over the Diner did annoy me slightly-seriously, who made her Queen of the Castle?-but at least it gives her something to do.

Heath does seem to be stepping up to the plate in his own Heath way and actually came over as the sensible one with Brax as the hot head on a couple of occasions.Bianca becomes the latest person not to be bothered about Charlie dating a criminal, although she has had leanings that way herself. Don't know what to make of Brax beating up Hammer, it's the first time we've seen him being that brutal rather than relying on threats or off screen violence.I suppose it was a case of him defending someone he cares about and if that was a character I liked it wouldn't make me dislike him but I would him the behaviour equally uncomfortable.Not sure what to make of the cliffhanger, it felt like we were meant to be worried Charlie and/or Brax had been shot but the shot obviously missed them.

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Why are the River Boys so sacred of Hammer? He didn't seem to be able to fight back when Brax had him pinned down and was punching him. it seemed a very easy take down for Brax. :lol: plus Hammer looks about 16 and rather skinny he just doesn't have this hard man image for me that we are meant to believe.

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Oh My God, when Charlie and Bianca were walking along the beach talking about Brax, I have got the same top as Bianca! That must mean I'm Fashionable. :blink::o

I definitely agree that Hammer is not scary at all. Brax could easily have killed him before Heath stopped him, he's half the size of both of them. He's got mad eyes but that's about it, I've yet to see him do anything threatening.

I agreed with April. Liam and Bianca are toxic. All Liam's relationships turn toxic, don't know what he does.

Nice to see Gypsy and Lily again.

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I'm disappointed that they killed Tegan off. Aside from the fact that I will no longer get to see those nice legs of hers I thought she was quite a good character, had potential and would have liked to see how she developed. In saying that I did really like the stuff with Charlie and when she asked Tegan to hold her hand whilst Tegan was trapped in the car. I actually really liked Tegan's honesty regarding Brax and thought she and Charlie (if not necessarily liked each other) came to an understanding.

I wasn't sure what to make when I heard Gypsy was returning (my fault for going to the Five Home and Away website when I wanted to watch an episode one day) as I usually feel that if writers need more characters they should focus on new ones rather than bringing back old ones. Anyway in saying that I did quite like the scenes with Liam and funny how they seemed to be getting on quite well, as April told Liam to back off Bianca. Also Bianca is getting on with Heath now.

And yes it's good to see Lilly again.

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