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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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First of all may I say I find the colour of Hammer's car is YUCK!!!!!!!!!!vomit-4.gif

Considering April and Dex were out in the storm looking for Sasha, it's not surprising she didn't know about Bianca.

Agree Red such a true Gypsy entrance!!! Her flirting with Liam was so her as well. There has to be more to her returning to support Irene, judging by Lily's behaviour. Did you notice she introduced herself to Liam as Gypsy Nash? Wonder if we will find out what was in that letter that Liam gave her to give to Bianca? April may have been interfering again, but what she said had the desired effect, although by the look on Bianca's face it wasn't what she wanted to read.

No, it wasn't Gypsy's fault she dropped Irene in it, it was her that kept putting it off so as not to distress Bianca any further. So Irene has decided to have the full mastectomy then, do you think she will have the reconstruction done as well? They certainly move quick in Australia to get breast ops done.

Apparently Irene is home in a coupe of days after having it done!!!

Liked that girlie talk with Charlie and Bianca and their penchant for falling for bad boys. The look on Bianca's face when Charlie admitted she had been seeing Brax was priceless. :lol:

So funny seeing Colleen milking her ordeal for all it was worth. May have seemed strange for Roo being put in charge, but she does have good organisation skills, and very sneaky of Colleen to tell her she had already told Leah and Irene she was taking over. :wink:

Heath initially seemed quite happy for Brax hitting Hammer, but once he was on the ground and Brax was really pummelling him he realised he could have done real damage and pulled him off. Not that long ago it would have been the other way round. He does only look about 16 and not that scary, though with a brother like Jake, I guess it could be just that that puts the frighteners on people. Glad Brax gave Charlie the warning about Hammer threatening her, even if they aren't together. Pretty tense at the end, we could see she couldn't hear him as she was wearing a headset. Considering the colour of Hammer's car (see above) it's hardly inconspicuous is it for a drive by shooting?

:offtopic: I always find it oddly exciting when I see someone wearing something I have got (or even have something in their house that I have) on TV.

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Think this week has been brilliant. A really good balance of all the characters being involved in exciting and varied storylines. Favourite moments: John and Xavier's banter; Sasha and Felix's reunion (heartbreaking that they have been separated by their mother's death); Heath rushing to Bianca's rescue; Leah and Miles hearing the baby's heartbeat; Charlie and Tegan's talk in the car; Gypsy's entrance; Charlie confessing all to Bianca and seeing/hearing that the River Boys were helping out during the storm/clearup.

I agree that I'd have like to see the cliffhangers lasting a bit longer - the storm and aftermath could easily have taken up 2 weeks.

I was quite shocked at Brax's beating of Hammer - not surprised that he did it - but just surprised at the level of violence that was shown. It was quite gruesome. I think the only reason Heath stopped him was because people (ie potential witnesses) were watching. Had they been in a dark lonely place - I think he would have let him continue with who knows what consequences.

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:offtopic: I always find it oddly exciting when I see someone wearing something I have got (or even have something in their house that I have) on TV.

Re: Bianca's top. That's the first time I've EVER seen a young pretty girl with the same item of clothing as me. Maybe I'm not such an old granny after all!

Re: Hammer. I think it would have been better if he had been put in jail for something and Jake was the one hassling the River Boys. It would be far more realistic if he was fighting them not Hammer.

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I'm having some difficulty understanding the room situation at Irene's. Before Gypsy and Lily arrived we had Irene, Bianca and April living there. Irene and Bianca had the two rooms upstairs, April was in the room near the bathroom, no-one was in the other room (door between the bottom of the stairs and the front door). So why does April suddenly have to move out of her room? Why can't Gypsy and Lily take the spare one?

And, given that April offered to move out of her room, why did Gypsy move so quickly towards it? In a normal situation she would at least wait until April had moved her personal stuff.

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Agree, fantastic storm scenes. And it would have been nice to have Colleen bumped off!

Changing the subject completely, has anyone got any news about when "Nurse Drew" is coming back in Neighbours, Apart from 2 short hospital scenes about a month ago, nothing. Did he really play them so badlY?

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Aha Brian! A question I can answer. I asked the Neighbours people on Facebook and they said (and I quote):

'ok so here goes. so far Aidan has only been on twice. first time was when Susan Kennedy was seeing Jim while he was in hospital. The second time (about 6weeks later) was just a few days ago at Dr Lawson bbq.

The full interview where James talks about Chris and Aidan has been posted on the news feed ( he talk about Chris, Aidan and alittle about the cliffhanger). but it basically says Chris meets Aidan during the cliff-hanger. then some time early in 2012 we will see Aidan more regularly as his relationship with Chris develops more and more.'


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My thoughts on the current room situation in the beach house:Irene is in her usual room, April's sharing Bianca's room, Gypsy's in the room near the bathroom where April usually sleeps and Lily's in the other downstairs room.Might be right, might not.

Not quite sure why they bothered having Charlie get shot when the wound seemed to have completely disappeared by the following day.(She was wearing a short-sleeved shirt with no sign of a scar or bandage.)Brax seems to be showing a darker side every episode.Any hope that he and Heath might see murder as a line they don't cross seems to have gone out the window;even if they don't go through with it, they obviously view it as an option and Heath seemed positively eager.I can't see Brax ever going legit whatever his claims, he's obviously a part of that world and always will be.Charlie's so incompetent I was actually cheering Hammer on when he failed to be fazed by her intimidation attempt.Loved Avery in that episode, he usually comes across as a bit of a dullard but he obviously realised that Brax and Charlie weren't telling him the full story.Brax gets violent with Casey for the first time, although it didn't go too far.Still, if he disobeys him again he could end up slapping him about the way he does Heath.

Nice to see Gloria, who hasn't appeared in ages;so long, in fact, she had to introduce herself to Irene.It feels as though Irene's storyline is almost over already, which is a bit disappointing.Maybe I'm being unfair but her operation just got glossed over.So, seems Liam's letter said he and Bianca should make a clean break.I was half expecting Bianca to take Heath and Darcy to Angelo's where Liam was working;it was inevitable he'd see them together and I hope he keeps his thoughts to himself rather than going off at her again.Liked Roo in that episode, stepping in and giving Darcy what she wanted.Not sure if Colleen's refusal to serve them spaghetti was because there wasn't any or because it was Heath;if the latter, that's a bit unkind since it was Darcy who would have suffered.

CURS:Why did they give such emphasis to Gypsy being back when she wasn't seen or mentioned in the episode?Again, it seemed like a recap for the recap rather than the episode.

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Aha Brian! A question I can answer. I asked the Neighbours people on Facebook and they said (and I quote):

'ok so here goes. so far Aidan has only been on twice. first time was when Susan Kennedy was seeing Jim while he was in hospital. The second time (about 6weeks later) was just a few days ago at Dr Lawson bbq.

The full interview where James talks about Chris and Aidan has been posted on the news feed ( he talk about Chris, Aidan and alittle about the cliffhanger). but it basically says Chris meets Aidan during the cliff-hanger. then some time early in 2012 we will see Aidan more regularly as his relationship with Chris develops more and more.'


thanks Miranda. I can wait for that.

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Following on from Rosy's question re rooms, how did Gypsy know which room was April's?

I spotted that about Charlie's wound, one the day it happened she had a bandage on that covered all her upper arm, next day as you said Red, voile it had gone. :rolleyes: They certainly have amazing healing powers in the bay. So far Irene's post op looks convincing and as she has her lymph nodes removed too recovery time should be longer.

Pretty civilised chat between Bianca and Liam if indeed that letter did say he was calling it a day. When he walked into the Diner and saw Bianca with Heath and Darcy I did hold my breath, but he just turned round and walked away.

It can't be easy for Heath suddenly having to look after a seven year old girl, especially one who has just lost her mum. It's understandable he doesn't have a clue. But full marks for him to stepping up to the plate. I would imagine Brax looked after Casey when he was that age and Heath kept out of it.

Perhaps Bianca felt the Diner would be more comfortable for Darcy, and yes good for Roo stepping in. Was Colleen just being awkward as Heath was there, he did say to Darcy she had better get used it. Her excuse that Leah wasn't there to cook it seemed very feeble.

Hammer isn't as dumb as he comes across by getting himself an alibi with the cops!!! The news that Casey had dropped out of school certainly came as a surprise to Brax, where has he been since then? Charlie might not have seen the car, but considering the chat she had with Hammer the say before (and with Georgie as a witness) it was easy to put two and two together. Avery did indeed seem unconvinced by Charlie and Brax's story.

It does seem the line has been crossed by Brax buying that gun and is it wise involving Heath after what he said to him earlier about going back inside? Next few episodes should prove interesting.

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My room theory seems to be on rather shaky territory with the implication that Lily is sharing with Gypsy(she twice came from/disappeared to that direction)so just who is using that other downstairs room?

Intrigued about where everything's going to go between Gypsy, Lily and April, seems to be some tension there.I think I forgot in all the excitement of Gypsy's return that it's good to have Lily back as well.Inevitable Gypsy and Colleen would clash and good that Gypsy gave as good as she got, although we then had to listen to Colleen sniping behind her back.Someone should have paid attention to the continuity again:Although Roo wouldn't know Gypsy personally, she should be familiar with the Nash family since Joel, Natalie and Travis all grew up in the area and Alf already knew Joel when the family turned up:In fact, what's now Leah's place was Joel and Travis' childhood home.(It's just about possible, considering the timescale, that Roo was a very young child when Joel and Natalie moved away but she should definitely have known Travis.Especially when he's married to her cousin...)

Surprised that Cheryl actually proves to be the smartest of the Braxtons by going to the police instead of doing something that's going to get them all in trouble.I'm guessing Casey wanted Ruby to stay away to try and protect her.Kudos to them for actually trying to cover the error over Charlie's injury by showing her with a bandage under her shirt, although it went a lot lower down before.Assuming that was Tegan's mum standing next to Elijah.Wonder why Charlie was so cagey when Georgie asked about Darcy's father, surely it's no secret that it's Heath?Given that Heath's assessment of the police is pretty accurate, it's stretching credibility a bit to think they could pin the shooting on that guy on the basis of an off the record tip-off.(Did they find the gun?Might be forensics evidence if so.)Sadly, Charlie and Georgie are soon back on form with their rather inept interrogation of Brax.("Answer the question!"Er, what question?)By the way, Charlie mentions Hammer's real name is Harman.Asking for trouble really.So, was Casey responsible for the fire?No point guessing because the promo takes away the mystery and suspense by basically saying that yes he was.Sigh.

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