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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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While I'm still glad to have Gypsy around and enjoying most of her scenes, it is slightly annoying that, as with Will, they're acting as though someone's just given her teenage self a pre-teen daughter, rather than her having been a mother for 10-13 years.If Lily's been putting up with those two snapping at her for the past decade, it's a wonder she's so cheerful.I was hoping for more between her and VJ as well.Odd that she seems to spend so much time flirting with Liam given that she's meant to have a boyfriend.(Actually, what am I saying, she is Gypsy.)Are they meant to live in the city now, rather than Queensland?The whole thing with that guy was basically Gypsy's fault for encouraging him and getting them both out of their depth, I'm surprised more wasn't made of that.Although it was mostly subtext, Bianca's recent rape did add an interesting extra layer to the encounter.I did get the feeling Heath would have kissed her if Gypsy hadn't turned up.Have to say, Bianca and apparently Gypsy walking home alone was a bit dumb in the first place.

Loved that little bit of John helping Xavier revise and critiqueing the exam questions while he was doing it.Miles and Elijah's brief little double act when telling Gina about the church hall made me smile and did there seem to be an even briefer moment of flirting between Xavier and Ruby at the start of the meeting?I really wish Gina announcing the school was closing had been the cliffhanger, instead of more Braxton drama being tacked on the end.

There was a real chance for drama in Brax's realisation that his example has dragged Casey into his world despite his wishes and the irony that, however misguided, Casey's actions prevented him making a very bad decision and I loved Casey standing up to him, shame Heath doesn't do that more often.It kind of seemed to fizzle out though, with Casey saying Brax was right while Brax refused to change and "jokingly" threatened him.(He might have said it in a light-hearted manner but does anyone think he wouldn't do it?)Only Charlie showing a modicum of professionalism by identifying Casey as a suspect and keeping her distance from Brax raised a bit of interest.

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I gave Gypsy the benefit of the doubt last week because I liked her scenes with Liam but she appears to be the same Gypsy I recall from all those years back. An annoying pain in the backside who thinks she's the bees knees. She wanted Lilly to clean the kitchen up because she couldn't be bothered or should I say was too good to do it herself. Never mind that Lily who has been miserable since she returned had a chance have one day of enjoyment on the beach with VJ. I don't particularly like April but after she told Gypsy to give Lily a break I didn't want her to stop there. I wanted April to tell Gypsy what she really thought. Gypsy was blatantly flirting with Liam knowing full well there was history between Bianca and ignoring the fact she has a boyfriend. So she met an older guy that has his own business and provides stability. Probably gold-digging notwithstanding the fact that she doesn't particularly care that Lily doesn't get on with him. The way she was prying about Liam and Bianca's history and the way she came across in that conversation again reiterates that I think she feels the sun shines out of her backside. She's appears completely oblivious as to why April would have a problem with her. Almost as if nobody could possibly have anything against her. April finds her just as annoying as I do.

So Summer Bay High is being closed down. Does that mean Gina is out of the job at least as a headmistress? Then there's all the other teachers and members of staff. Presumably the students will be relocated to Yabbie Creak assuming there are enough places.

I thought Heath was very much a gentleman too Miranda but the ulterior motive was clear. Not that I blame him of course and Bianca didn't seem to mind.

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I thought Heath was very much a gentleman too Miranda but the ulterior motive was clear. Not that I blame him of course and Bianca didn't seem to mind.

I think she can handle Heath, he was much less scary than that weird bloke. And Heath didn't carry out his wanton desires did he? :wink:

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My room theory seems to be on rather shaky territory with the implication that Lily is sharing with Gypsy(she twice came from/disappeared to that direction)so just who is using that other downstairs room?

Gypsy did walk out of the bedroom by the front door then went into the bedroom by the loo, so yes what is going on there??? Wouldn't it make more sense for Gypsy and Lily to share??? If Gypsy's new man has never been married, makes sense he doesn't know how to be around young children. I did think when Lily said he was old, she may have meant he was maybe in his 40's (which is old to someone her age), but from what Gypsy said he could be in his late 50's/early 60's. What's the odds he will be turning up in the bay any time soon? She certainly doesn't seem to have changed much considering she is a mum of two and she must be what in her 30's? Forgotten about VJ and Lily's previous 'romance' when she was last in the bay, nice if that could be revived.

Personally I wouldn't say she was flirting with Liam in the usual sense of the word. I had to smile at Colleen telling Roo that Gypsy used to be a wild child, isn't that what she said to people about Roo when she first came back? Strange that that guy took no notice of Liam telling him to leave when he was bothering Bianca and Gypsy but just one word from Heath and he went! I know Gypsy had no idea of what Bianca had been through, but odd Bianca went home first and alone. Heath to the rescue again, he really is turning out to be a better person than he was when we first saw him. Bianca obviously felt comfortable enough with him to let him walk her home and in arm in arm. Could there be there be the start of something there if Gypsy hadn't interrupted them?

Just how dumb was it for the shooter to turn up at the funeral driving the 'stolen' car!!!! :rolleyes: I guess he had come to tell the rest of the gang about their place being set fire to, but honestly! I'm not even going to start to guess how Cheryl knew who had taken that shot at Charlie, but yes well done her for going to Charlie. I'm assuming Brax got rid of the gun the second time Charlie came round. It would make sense that Charlie and Georgie would think Brax was behind the burning of Jake's headquarters, but surely even they would be able to see he knew nothing about it. Charlie did seem to believe Casey's story he was home sick very quickly. Was it necessary to burn Casey's clothes, wouldn't have washing them have been enough? The whole episode did show Casey he isn't destined to be a River Boy and Brax was right he shouldn't feel a failure because of it, perhaps it took him doing what he did to prove it to himself. Brax and Heath have had years of fighting with other gangs and they don't know any different so probably too late for them.

Real lightbulb moment of Miles'. The board did say it would be too costly to rebuild due to falling attendances, but they should still let the HSC pupils take their exams as proposed by Gina. There always seems to be enough pupils wandering about in the halls. Dream on VJ just because there is no actual school doesn't mean you will be able to get out of lessons.

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I absolutely loved that episode, it's good to have a break from all the gang war stuff and get back to the community spirit.The cast banding together to keep the school open is the sort of traditional HA storyline we've been missing lately.Not too sure about them keeping Gina on as principal, you only have to go back a couple of weeks to see evidence she's not that good at the job, but I guess better the devil you know.Having Xavier organising the campaign is a surprising but brilliant idea and should hopefully see some good material for him.I loved the scene where he convinces Dexter to help out, we haven't seen that sort of interaction between them since Dexter got together with April.

It's annoying that it's taken so long for us to catch up with Sasha and Felix but there's just about enough information for us to work out what they've been doing since we last saw them, aside from the question of how Felix has managed to stay hidden in a building that's been thoroughly inspected. Sasha's plan is pretty crazy but she means well.Given the way they're emphasising the bad feelings between her and Xavier, it's got to be building up to them realising that the other isn't as bad as they first thought.Dexter enjoying having a little sister to spar with was a nice moment too.VJ and his twerp of a mate throwing a rock through the window felt a bit random but at least VJ did the right thing in the end.I did think when VJ was rooting through that first aid box in the kitchen that he'd stand less chance of being sprung if he took it outside and hid with Felix.

Roo's treatment of Sid continues to annoy me:I get he was a bit rude to her when he first found out about Sasha but she's run out of credit on that one.She breaks up with him because he puts his work and family before her, then contradicts herself by lecturing him over not putting his family first.It seems at times as though the sole purpose of their five minute relationship was to give her an excuse to make snide comments, even though she broke up with him and he treated her fine while they were together.

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It's annoying that it's taken so long for us to catch up with Sasha and Felix but there's just about enough information for us to work out what they've been doing since we last saw them, aside from the question of how Felix has managed to stay hidden in a building that's been thoroughly inspected.

They probably left the building alone once they knew it was contaminated with asbestos.

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The asbestos thing is a bit weird when you stop and think about it.If the building had been there intact for fifty years, maybe.But given that it was extensively rebuilt after an earthquake back in the '90s and they had a fire then only about five years ago, you'd think they would have noticed it before now.

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The asbestos thing is a bit weird when you stop and think about it.If the building had been there intact for fifty years, maybe.But given that it was extensively rebuilt after an earthquake back in the '90s and they had a fire then only about five years ago, you'd think they would have noticed it before now.

I suppose it depends what type of asbestos is was. If it really had been the dangerous type, the building would been sealed off more securely.

Has Felix really been in the school all that time, and when did Sasha smuggle him out of Gina's place? Odd that she and Xavier hadn't come across each other again till their meeting in the Diner and Dex explaining who she was. Personally if Dex had been clicking his fingers at me (half brother or not) he would have got more than he ordered!!! :angry: Cunning plan of Sasha's to suggest to Colleen they split the tips so she could get a bigger share. I'm glad she decided not to steal from Sid's wallet, must have some feeling for him after all. Not that excuses her stealing from the Diner at all, but in order to carry out her promise to Felix that they would be moving on, there was no way she would have made enough in tips. Mind that is all academic now Felix has been found.

VJ and his anonymous mate were just doing what any lads their age would do, there was no way they could know anyone was inside. VJ is a decent lad and you just knew he would go back to check it out. Didn't take long for Felix to change his mind about not telling VJ his name, bless him. Was pretty numb of him to be going through the First Aid box in the kitchen, he was lucky it was Miles who who came in, who I think was a lot more understanding than Leah might have. Did smile at VJ's excuse about needing needle and thread for his torn jeans. :D

What John and Alf said finally sunk in with Xavier and I liked his not so subtle recruitment of Dex, by saying if Bianca had to move away then so would April, then adding when Dex seemed reluctant to go the meeting that April liked guys who got involved (well he would know wouldn't he) :wink:

Poor Gina did seem to be fighting it all alone until they presented her with an united front, no wonder she was so frazzled. Be quite a return to the old days of H&A to see a good demo. The Diner will be providing the food and drink, Alf will get everyone sorted out according to their strengths. Bring it on!!!

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