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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Alf's episode count this week:Five, for the second week running.Roo was also in five, for the third week running.Romeo was only in one, although he was credited on Thursday for no appearance.

Well, Sid could have done with listening to Dexter's advice and cutting down the angry dad act;while what Sasha did was wrong, it's easy to forget how young she is and she was only trying to do what was best for Felix.Although a lot of Roo's attitude towards him continued to annoy me, she was right to give Sasha a second chance at the Diner;Sid would do well to remember Irene gave Indi a second chance when she was caught selling alcohol illegally.I love that Sid was willing to let Felix live with them and disappointed it didn't come off.I'm torn between thinking he did all he could and thinking he should have tried harder, given how Felix was obviously upset to be taken away, but legally there was probably nothing he could do.Where's Morag when you need her?Not impressed with Felix's dad, who seemed to take him out of a sense of pride rather than because it was the best thing for him.Hoping we see Felix back in the Bay before too long.Shame it's resulted in Sasha being angry with Sid again just when they were bonding.

Not quite sure why Alf, Romeo and Roo seemed so friendly towards Harvey, given the recent antagonism and the fact he put all their lives at risk.It does make sense for them to go into business with him, since it solves the mooring problem for a start.(Guess Alf and Romeo will have to put it back now...)But I'm not entirely sure I trust him and they could use Morag as well to look over his contract before they sign anything.

CURS:What was that bit of the Save the School committee doing in there?It never came up in the episode.

Oh yes, one thing I forgot in the last episode:When Gina said she'd spoken to the council representative, my first thought was "Um, isn't that John?"Has there been an election and we weren't told?

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I thought Sid was absolutely spot on when he told Sasha off in the hospital. She allowed Felix to stay at the school in not so great conditions, without a thought for his father, lies to Sid about it and steals over $1000 from the Diner. I know she was trying to help Felix but I still thought there was an element of selfishness there as she only seemed to think about Felix and nobody else.

I very often find Roo slightly annoying at the best of times but she was particularly annoying in that episode. Undermining Sid when he gave Sasha a serve and then doing the same thing again when he brought her round to the Diner to apologise. When Leah understandably had doubts about giving Sasha another chance Roo waded in, fighting Sasha's corner as if she owned the joint. Even Marilyn could see where Sid was coming from. So what if Sasha reminded Roo of herself when she was younger she needs to learn right from wrong. Sid was trying to teach her a very valuable lesson - Actions have consequences! The most annoying thing is that Sid is now shown to be a total jerk for simply trying to do the right thing by his daughter and yet again, yet again Roo comes up smelling of roses.

I certainly see potential for Sasha's character but at the moment she's a brat. Pure and simple. She treats Sid like cr*p when she doesn't get what she wants and the way she was towards Xavier makes her quite unlikeable (although I'm sure Sasha and Xavier will end up liking each other). But I have to try and keep my objectivity cap on. I feel her portrayal is accurate and I have to remember that she's recently lost her mother, her brother is the only thing she has left and she has to stay with someone who didn't help to bring her up. If I was her age, I would probably be acting the same, arguable even worse. I felt sorry for Sid when Sasha told him she hated him. He tried he best to convince Felix's dad that he was prepared to look after Felix so Sasha and Felix could stay together, even asked if Sasha could go back to the city with them. What more could he do? Perhaps he could of arranged for Sasha to visit him on weekends or maybe Felix staying over occasionally but anything other than Felix's dad not wanting to take Felix would have implied a bad parent or an unrealistic part of the storyline.

In spite of how annoying Roo was regrding the stuff with Sasha and Sid and claiming to not understand what she saw in Sid simply because she didn't get her own way (although not as extreme but the same kind of thinking when Sasha told Sid she hated him after Felix had to go back to the city), I did find myself smiling through all the scenes with her and Harvey. Still it feels like it will be a protest date though.

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As Leah, reluctantly. decided to give Sasha another chance it wasn't any business of Sid's to put a block on it. As Red said Irene gave Indi a job after her getting fired from Angelo's. Sasha did give the money back before Roo even had a chance to accuse her. She obviously loves Felix very much and was only trying to do the best for both of them, though considering she is only 15 may have thrown a spanner in the works.

It was certainly an amazing set of coincidences that got Sasha and Felic reunited. When Sasha hugged Sid when he said he would speak to Felix's dad I thought at last she's accepted him. He did try and convince Felix's dad to let him stay, but he is his father and the fact the police had been called when he went missing showed he cared for him. He did seem genuinely worried and relieved when he came to the farm. Is it known if Regina had an affair with him as well and didn't tell him she was pregnant the same as she did with Sid and Sasha? From what he said about his wife having only just got her head around Felix being his son made me wonder. It would be a lot for her to take someone else's daughter. Hopefully Felix will be allowed to come down in the holidays. I'm sure I spotted a continuity error, Miles said to Sid he'd found out Felix's name eventually, but the night before when VJ was sprung with the First Aid kit he called out to Felix by name so he already knew his name. :unsure:

Harvey does appear to be genuine about going into business with Romeo and Alf and on the face of it it does make sense. He already has customers, knows how to sail a boat and has a mooring. The business deal makes sense as well, any joint customers they split the takings, any of Romeo's Romeo keeps and gives Harvey a wage. Liked that Romeo talked it over with Indi, although she said it was his decision, she was probably glad he had discussed it with her. I thought it was a good idea Harvey wanted it in writing, hope Romeo and Alf do get a lawyer to go over it though just in case there are any hidden clauses.

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I was kind of expecting the whole Charlie/Brax/Hammer thing to last a while not be over and done with in ten minutes.I'm tempted to say Charlie shot the wrong one or at least shot the right one a bit too early.Cruel, I know, but I'm not too happy with the way the show seems to have handed the villain hat to Hammer and tried to make out that because the Pirovic gang are even worse we should think the River Boys are all right.Didn't help that Hammer's death was mainly the result of extreme stupidity on his part.There was no reason for him to untie Charlie just so she could tie up Brax;he already had Brax right where he wanted him so could have killed him there and then and still pulled the trigger on Charlie with his finger.(Indeed, for his story to work, he'd have had to untie Brax again anyway so it served no purpose other than to humiliate him.)Having done that, turning his back on Charlie was literally suicidal.And I'm a bit confused about where Charlie got that gun from:Was it the gun Brax threw down earlier?If so, why didn't Hammer retrieve it instead of leaving it lying around for his captives to use on him?Aargh!

Although her attitude towards Lily bothers me at times, I do still like Gypsy and I don't think she should automatically break up with her boyfriend just because Lily throws a tantrum.If we ever get to meet Mark, it'll be interesting to see if Lily's actually got a reason to dislike him or just objects to him because he's not Will.The "I'm sorry you couldn't go away with VJ" thing did come out of nowhere and I'm really hoping it'll mean we'll see some decent VJ/Lily, Miles/Leah/Gypsy interaction.As opposed to them disappearing for two or three episodes until they come back.

Roo looked positively bored on her date with Harvey.I'm not sure whether to view his promise to keep asking her out as romantic or borderline stalkerish.

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Charlie being her mad self again. Brax warns her she is in danger so she goes jogging in the middle of nowhere without any company :blink:

Its funny, I couldn't help liking Hammer in that scene and thinking it served Charlie right compromising her position as a police officer by having an affair with a criminal.

Yes, Harvey seems stalkerish...! Perhaps Roo will have to be saved from him, in true H&A fashion.

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Harvey does appear to be genuine about going into business with Romeo and Alf and on the face of it it does make sense. He already has customers, knows how to sail a boat and has a mooring. The business deal makes sense as well, any joint customers they split the takings, any of Romeo's Romeo keeps and gives Harvey a wage. Liked that Romeo talked it over with Indi, although she said it was his decision, she was probably glad he had discussed it with her. I thought it was a good idea Harvey wanted it in writing, hope Romeo and Alf do get a lawyer to go over it though just in case there are any hidden clauses.

Harvey has already proved himself untrustworthy through his behaviour prior to the storm. The only reason he wants to go into business with Alf and Romeo is because he messed up and he'll betray them just as soon as an opportunity arises and he thinks he can get away with it.

Alf and Romeo don't need Harvey. They should get the mooring back as a goodwill gesture from the council after their service to the community during the storm and if Harvey's customers can't deal with Harvey anymore they'll come to Romeo anyway.

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I don't often find myself feeling so strongly about TV characters but Harvey REALLY makes my skin crawl. Stay away, Roo!

Although they're trying to make her seem like a completely useless mother I'm still clinging on to an old love for Gypsy - since they've ruined Will a bit I'm determined not to go off the family altogether.

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As Leah, reluctantly. decided to give Sasha another chance it wasn't any business of Sid's to put a block on it. As Red said Irene gave Indi a job after her getting fired from Angelo's. Sasha did give the money back before Roo even had a chance to accuse her. She obviously loves Felix very much and was only trying to do the best for both of them, though considering she is only 15 may have thrown a spanner in the works.

Um, he's her father, her legal guardian and she's fifteen. He's well within his rights to stop that if he feels fit. Yes Irene did give Indy a job but she didn't go back to Angelo's. So she still received the punishment of losing her job, realised she was wrong to get the alcohol for Ruby and moved on. I personally feel that giving Sasha the job back says that it was OK to steal or rather no consequences for stealing.

Harvey has already proved himself untrustworthy through his behaviour prior to the storm. The only reason he wants to go into business with Alf and Romeo is because he messed up and he'll betray them just as soon as an opportunity arises and he thinks he can get away with it.

Alf and Romeo don't need Harvey. They should get the mooring back as a goodwill gesture from the council after their service to the community during the storm and if Harvey's customers can't deal with Harvey anymore they'll come to Romeo anyway.

Absolutely. I really don't think there's much to gain by going into a partnership with Harvey TBH. However if Romeo had declined his offer it may have reflected badly on him.

Gypsy is so annoying. Selfish and extremely self-centred too. It's all about her isn't it? How long do we have to put up with her for? I loved Lily's outburst. I hate the way Gypsy acts all bubbly like that. It annoyed me back in the day and it annoys me now!

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My personal take on the Roo/Sasha/Sid issue.Yes, Sid is Sasha's father, she's fifteen, she's in his care and it's up to him to decide to punish him.And if he wants to punish her by stopping her working at the Diner, then that's fine, even though I don't necessarily think it was the best option. But the problem, as Sid said when he complained "I have to be the bad guy again", was that he wanted Roo to dish out the punishment for him.Whilst I don't entirely agree with Roo's attitude towards Sid, if she, as Sasha's effective employer, wants to give her a second chance, that's up to her.And if Sid, as Sasha's father, wants to teach her the consequences of her actions by taking her job away from her, that's up to him.Sasha even said, while they were getting on well, that she wouldn't work there if Sid didn't want her to.But Sid shouldn't have dodged his responsibility by trying to get Roo to play bad cop.

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The whole Charlie/Brax/Hammer saga did seem to be over pretty quickly. After her being shot at you really would have thought Charlie should have been more careful, especially after Brax warned her again!! Just how did Hammer manage to overpower her, she's a cop so knows how to defend herself? As for the tying up, she was right there would be marks on her wrists so unless Hammer was thinking the police would think Brax kidnapped her and tied her up then shot her them himself I don't see the reasoning behind it. It was Brax's gun and yes you would have thought he would have pocketed instead of leaving lying on the ground. :rolleyes:

Quite a turnaround on her bosses part when only a few weeks ago he more or less told her to carry on working on the case.

Considering how Lily feels about Mark I felt it was wrong of Gypsy to try and force her to go to the dinner with Mark. I understand Gypsy wants to move on with her life, but Lily is only 10 and still missing Will. I have an feeling when we do meet Mark he is going to take a fancy to Irene, not a spoiler, just my opinion.

Harvey, yes, definitely turning into a stalker. You could tell by the date Roo went on with him, she wasn't keen at all. If he supposed to be broke, how did he afford those flowers?

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